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Week 12 (08.06-14.06) World peace

World peace - if it weren't for the recent events on the soil of our eastern neighbor, it would seem the world is finally calming down. Less than two years ago, it seemed that people finally came to their senses and stopped the madness called war.

Peace operations in Iraq and Afghanistan were about to end, Balkan slaughters were a thing of the past. There was a civil war in Syria, but evening news rarely covered the subject, so it wasn't hard to omit that information. We can hear about four conflicts areas – it seems to be quite a good situation. Unfortunately, it's far from the truth.
A very short search reveals that there are almost 50 ongoing armed conflicts, which have claimed over 5 million victims for over 60 years. These are only the deaths from direct acts of violence that are still ongoing. Who knows how much would this number grow if we added hunger and disease casualties that always follow the steps of war? 

Looking at the map, we could come to a terrifying realization that almost half of the humanity is involved in war. This is of course misinterpretation, as most of the conflicts are minor, happening on borders - not affecting societies. It still  gives us an impression the world has changed not much in the matter of conflict solving.

In the past two years, wars that have taken highest tolls in human life were Afghanistan, Syrian, Iraqi conflicts and the insurgency of Boko Haram in Africa. First three being a consequence of American invasion in 2001. With Afghanistan being a war torn country since the Russian military operation in 1978. The country has lost almost 2 million citizens in violent deaths in the past 37 years. The most violent conflict is the Syrian war which claimed 220.000 casualties so far.

Even in countries which we wouldn't consider a war zone, inner confusions and crime are of such magnitude that casualties reach thousands of people. Mexico, a member of G20, is a place, where drug cartels kill people every day. In the United States there are 14,000 murders committed annually, 2,400 are related to gangs. Numbers are really terrifying, but we are looking at conflicts that haven’t finished yet. To truly understand the seriousness of the situation, we need to have an insight into wars that already ended and took place in the last couple of decades.
The link below describes the number of combatant deaths in conflicts post World War II.
You can see that there are no civilian casualties included.

So, are we going into the direction of total chaos and world full of violence?
Actually the numbers are descending and compared to the general growth of world population a smaller percentage of people is involved in violence.

This paradox is explained by an animated info graphic above, which may seem overoptimistic, but still helps to understand what is actually happening with our civilization. In my opinion the author omitted one important fact in counting the reasons, why fewer countries are involved in acts of war. It is expensive like nothing before. Military equipment has become so sophisticated that a full scale war would tremble if not crash most countries’ economies.



Unknown said…
The animation is pretty and you can learn a lot from it. :D
Anyway we shoud be happy that wars nowadays are not as big as they were 50 years ago. We try to stop some wars but it is not really easy. Nobody can't say if if we can say stop to wars. We don't know what will future bring for us.
World peace is important and, unfortunately threat to it are the people who over the good of humanity are putting their good, in particular, tangible. Recently hearing about immigrants from Africa it is hard not to expect problems. At the same time being aware of how populations used are from China and Africa to produce clothes who in inhuman conditions they have to work the whole day for 1 dollar.

I think the main problem is greed. Some people are not able to satisfy a very high level of life and want to grab everything. They do not heed the good of other people and treat them inhumanly. Sooner or later, it will revolt of which will be another military conflict.
Unknown said…
I really liked the video at the end. I checked out this channel on youtube and they make really cool videos.

I truly hope that humanity will be able to rise over military conflicts. It costs people's lives and enormous amounts of money. I wish we could spend all that money on medical and scientific research. The US government spends more than other countries on military and the amount spent on science and outer space research is just ridicules.

Interesting links:
World peace... it sounds unreal. Unfortunately many governments and countries have their econominc intrests in wars. Untill thay can get richer beacuse of war, regions rich in natural resources will always be a victims of violence and war. It is sad, but true. We are lucky we live in Europe, however recent events in Ukraine shows that we are not as safe as we thought we are.
Unknown said…
Exactly, that YouTube channel is brilliant. The subjects are catched in brief and clear graphics makes them more accessible. Thanks for the links. Admittedly, the money spended on defence by Americans are extremely high. In this regard, U.S. is in the lead. For comparision, the military budget of China, which is on second position is 3 times less than American.
Unknown said…
Yes, I must say, we're lucky ones living these days in that place. Our generation should never repeat the accidents from the past.
I found the other nice animation, it's about World War II. In this one I like the way how numbers are visualized.
Unknown said…
Probably it will happen someday. We might say that greed and money rules the world. What is the worst, polarization of society still remains.
Unknown said…
Your topic is very interesting and video in the end is brilliant. I really know what happens in the world because I am interested (and I have got friend who serves in a polish Army) this topic but according to me the direction for moving the world is fearsome. People are insensitive and hard-hearted in relative to other people. Otherwise this I heard a lot about the new point of view to religious topics and the worldwide idea to unite all religions to one - New Age. It is one of the ideas to take over the world and control people.
Michal Kulesza said…
This whole YouTube channel is awesome, I subscribed! I agree that we live mainly in peace - and it's cool. We can travel almost all over the world

I can't agree with your last thought:
>In my opinion the author omitted one important fact in counting the reasons, why >fewer countries are involved in acts of war. It is expensive like nothing before. >Military equipment has become so sophisticated that a full scale war would tremble if not crash most countries’ economies.

War is money. Please remember that after WWII, Germany, even if it lost, had already big factories and people trained to work there, they were able to pay tribute and focus on their own economy and that's why they are one of the best economies in EU.
Unknown said…
It's great that war is "getting out of fashion". We live in XXI century and we should definitely solve our problems in more civilised manner. However, I don't think we will ever stop wars. I think war is part of human nature and unfortunately we can't get completely get rid of it.
Mateusz Frycie said…
The video at the end of the article is brilliant. I really enjoyed it! War and world peace is a very difficult and sensitive subject. I wish we could stop all the wars, however, I know that this is just wishful thinking. War is money and many, many people take advantage of this fact, so for them peace means poverty, loss of nice income in really round amounts. Those people will do everything it takes for the war to continue.
Unknown said…
Wow, what a fantastic animation! :) I've subscribed to their Youtube channel as well. It seems they have tons of great videos there!

As for the subject I agree, that we should be happy that we live in a more or less peaceful times. I'm not sure if the world peace is possible, but I hope it is. There are a lot of other, more important things, we can spend our money and lives on.
I really like the animation you posted (like the rest of the people here, I see), not only informative, but pretty as well!

As the rest of the people, I agree living in the peaceful world would be idyllic. I really hope that the number of conflicts will decrease over the years, especially that human race is getting more and more intelligent, and science agrees that the smarter the race, the more peaceful it is. It's ridiculous and really sad that some people are greedy enough to kill other human beings by hundreds and thousands.
Unknown said…
I'm still pretty surprised that people haven't learnt anything from the mistakes that society has done in the history, of course I mean from wars. It doesn't cause anything positive, only a great disaster. I'd love to live in the world where people would be able to live in peace. I think that every conflict could be solved without any force and I can't understand the violence that still surround us from every side. It's ridiculous that people still fight with each other just in order to temporarily be a winner (as we know that history tends to make circles and the winner can quickly become a great looser).
Unknown said…
I found apt quote: "To carry on war, three things are necessary: money, money, and yet more money".
You should take into consideration the factor of inflation looking at this:
Abrams Main battle tank:
Unit cost US$6.21 million (M1A2 / FY99)[3] Estimated in 2012 as US$8.58 million (with inflation adjustment)
Lighting 2, newest generation fighter:
Program cost US$59.2B for development, $261B for procurement, $590B for operations & sustainment in 2012
Unit cost:
F-35A: $98M
F-35B: US$104M (low rate initial production)
F-35C: US$116M (low rate initial production)
Unknown said…
There was a huge discussion in the USA about ending the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. Voices of concern were risen, about closing military equipment factories, which generated billion-dollar incomes and provided tens of thousands job places. There were many, who wanted to prolong the war for good of the war industry.
Unknown said…
In many Sci-fi movies and books uniting the world under one rule or faith was the beginning of brighter future for mankind. In my opinion we are not that far from fulfilling this scenario. Maybe if EU, USA, Russia and China were to come to accommodating terms on how their foreign policies should work, they could tame other countries.
When I notice the title, I though: "Oh no, miss universe usual bu.. stuff.", but the animation was awesome and optimistic. It's nice that war is going out of fashion, we don't need it anymore, it should be forgoten forever. Democracy is irritating, but it seems to work in that department. The problem lies between non-islamic and islamic countries, democracy softened the European governments and they are inefective in defending our culture.
I was going to wirte the same thing, I tottaly thought about miss beauty:P
Unknown said…
I realize that we live in the most peacfull moment in human history and i hope it stays this way. Maybe because war costs a lot of money - benefits from waging war are smaller than waging war itself. Cheaper is economic destabilization but still its much better than actual war
Marcin Lyzwa said…
Closing video is very interesting, but as you mentioned, I'm afraid it is overoptimistic. Today World is much more complex then even 50 year ago where economic profit and higher income is more valuable than even a human life. Unfortunately war is money, war is development, war erase debts... I hope war is still less profitable than peace and development in pretty calm conditions. Today I'm more afraid of other type of war tan this typical one where enemy is not clearly defined - I mean terrorism. Reading text reminded me beautiful song by John Lennon - Imagine, I'm a dreamer as he was and I dream, one day we would live in peace.
Unknown said…
Posted animation is interesting and giving a lot of information. The message of the video is positive, according to me too positive. Perhaps the present times are the most peacfull moment in human history, however we can also observe that countries spent more and more money on the military. I hope that this peace isn't merely the calm before the storm.
Unknown said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said…
War scares me. I can not imagine how life look during the war. I hope that the third world war will never take place. That's why word peace is very important.
Included animation is cool. I like so much this way to derive knowledge. Moreover this infographics is very nice designed.
It's sad how people die on everyday basis without anything even being said. They die like flies and no one even says a word, which is so cruel. The question is: what for? For someone's enrichment? Sounds like abstract but this is how it goes, there is a conflict because someone wasn't able to communicate with another one and everything happens because possession of a man A is better than a man B and that's why they argue about that. I wonder why world isn't a peaceful, full of compassion place where everyone is so good and full of smile that we shouldn't have to bother anymore and feel safe finally...
Unknown said…
I believe that world peace is very important. Unfortunately, we have stupid war for reasons of greed, fight for religions. Unfortunately, at this most innocent people suffer.
I think we should be happy that we live in a calm part of Europe. In our country it is hardly to meets the holy wars.
Unknown said…
World peace is a term that has numerous meanings. Probably the one that could be explained as the total peace without any conflicts sounds crazy and unreal, while the world without wars, well it sounds more realistic. If to take it from the legal norms (and recognition by the intergovernmental bodies) the war should be recognized in all other cases you can call it whatever you want but it will not be a war. I know that situation in Ukraine is difficult and called as war, however, we have to agree - none of the sides did not recognized that armed conflict as a war. Russia because, well, it will have even more problems with its economy than it has now and necessity to play by the rules of the US (lets be honest, Russians can declare as much as they want about their hegemony, but we know in what currency their leaders keep their wealthy). Ukraine - the state that engaged in war is forbidden to get money from other states and how the hell do you think Ukrainian politicians are going to get money from the EU to ride luxurious cars and tell to people that they are working hard on working hard when there is war in the state?
And this is only Europe. While in Africa we can see such conflicts every year. One state with glorious revolution appears, the new leader says that finally the previous dictator is gone and now he can bring the wealth and prosperity to his state, then there appears another state, who thinks that it is pretty good idea to expand their territories. So there is another armed conflict, which goes on until both sides will get rid of all bullets or soldiers (usually bullets are ending much faster as they cost more than life of the average guy in the failed African state) and they declare peace. And until the next time.
So yeah, the world peace is pretty interesting question.
Unknown said…
I think that I could say about as much on the subject of world peace and political situation as all these Miss Polonia/Miss World/Miss Whatever - it would be nice to finally live in a peaceful world without any wars or intense situations. But thanks for the article, it helped me get the general idea. It is indeed terrifying that almost half of the world is in a state of war. And the worst thing of all is that most of the wars are not fought by the ones that have interest in it, but by some soldiers that would rather be home with their families. Some time ago I've heard that the leaders that choose a path of war should walk it without protecting themselves with a shield made of thousands of soldiers and solve their problems personally. Physically or during a more civilised way of fighting - by talking and negotiating.
Unknown said…
And thanks for the animation, it is really pretty and very informative!
Unknown said…
I think that world peace is just an utopia. Even if there are no wars, nations are highly likely to feel some animosities towards each other. Our history is full of deep-rooted conflicts and I don't think they can simply vanish.
Peace is very fragile and it can disappear very quickly as pictured by recent events in Ukraine. We should remember that peace is not everyone's goal, just look at the recent Islamic State actions, the terrorism and Affrican in-wars which are horrifying yet swept under the rug by most of the media. We should be happy that we live in peace, but we also shouldn't take it for granted and keep our eyes open at all times.

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