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James Webb Young was a very talented American advertising executive and a world curious philosopher. He influenced the development and history of advertising. During the World War II, he created the War Advertising Council whose objective was to support government programs. (1) Young received many honors and awards including the Advertising Man of the Year Award in 1946. (2).
            I would like to present to you his very interesting  5-Step Technique for Producing Ideas  from his book “A Technique for Producing Ideas” published in 1939. I find this program fascinating and easy at the same time. I hope it will be helpful for your further work :).  
But before we start, we have to define what an idea is. Young believes, and I truly agree with him, that an idea is “nothing more nor less than a new combination of old elements. So producing an idea is simply a process in which the mind uses a special working technique of combining. We can learn and control this technique to be very effective. It means that we can train our mind to produce ideas. In my opinion, what is essential in this process is the ability to see relationships and similarities between facts and things. So now when we established the basics, we can learn Young’s program. 

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Firstly, we can all agree that knowledge is basic to good creative thinking. Gathering raw material means collecting knowledge, memories and things. We have to be open to new possibilities and to be curious. We should be interested in what is happening around us. We should listen to people, read books and watch movies. This way we gather raw material that can be later transformed into a fresh idea. It is not an easy task because we should amass experiences of our whole life. 
            Creative people are excited to learn everything, nothing is absolutely boring to them and in every field they can find something interesting. They instantly search for something new. They are able to find extraordinary features in the simplest activities like peeling apples. You never know what will inspire you until it does.


Digesting the material is similar to composing puzzles. We have to study one element from every perspective to understand its meaning. And when we realize it, we have to add another puzzle and analyze the relationship between them. You search for elements, which fit and make new alluring composition together.


Unconscious processing is simply leaving your problem for a while. Allow your sub-consciousness to consider it by itself, because usually then the best ideas float in your mind. Go away from your desk, walk in a park or take a nap. Search for inspiration – watch a movie, see an exhibition or meet with a friend. Like Hagrid in Harry Potter said “What's comin' will come, an' we'll meet it when it does.


And then magic will happen.

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And now the hard work begins. You have to transform your idea into tangible things. Many great ideas did not survive this process because it is the hardest part. You have to work every single day to make it real and be patient. You also have to realistically assess probabilities to revive this idea. If your dream is to travel to Jupiter, you should know that it is not likely to happen… Also talk about your concept with people you trust, teachers or friends. Be open for support from them and do not worry about criticism, but take it to your heart and learn from it because maybe there is a grain of truth in it. If you need help, simply ask for it. Many people are willing to help you solve your problem, if not in your surrounding  you can always search for them on the Internet. And never ever give up because dreams do come true if you work hard to make them happen.

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­Based on a article from Brain Pickings:



Unknown said…
Thank you for this interesting article! I agree with you and Young about definition of an idea, it is true.
These techniques are definitely what I was looking for, because I forgot how to produce ideas. I found something new for me and will use them in my future life.
Unknown said…
That's a pretty nice article.

Anyway I often have a lot of ideas but I lack the motivation to make them corporeal. So I would say that's the biggest problem for me.
Unknown said…
I really like this article, honestly it's one of the best this semester :) I've always thought that I'm a totally not creative person, although I live in accordance with the first rule of Young. I always try to participate in every possible event that is being held in Warsaw with the hope that one of these will bring something new and important into my life. When I stay home instead of going to the museum/gallery exhibition/cinema etc. I've got huge pangs of conscience. It may sound ridiculous but I always feel then that I've missed something important, something that could have changed my life... so it happens very rarely that I spend my free time at home :) Anyway I think that I couldn't open my own businness (I mean opening something like unusual cafe etc.) or be an astist as I've already mentioned I suffer from the lack of creativity, and the 'raw material' that I'm gathering during my life only helps me with understanding world and people. I'm more like philosopher that artist haha :)
Unknown said…
Thanks for your interesting article! It may come really handy as the finals are coming...
I've heard this definition od idea before but referring to creativity. I almost completely agree with it - it doesn't apply to inventions;)
Some people think that it is shameful that only after having been inspired are they able to create something. In my opinion everybody gets inspired this way or another and it is no big deal. Unless of course we get "too" inspired and steal somebody's work, that's not cool.
Regarding the first step - I highly recommend carrying a small notebook around with you. I do that mostly for cooking inspirations - when I travel I often get some new ideas from restaurants' menus, marketplaces, even the look at two products lying next to each other. It is very useful. I do that for graphic design and illustration too, I take notes and make some drawings. The other thing is my great love for Pinterest - the online pinboard system. You may create digital boards and pin pictures that you like there. I have more than 30 boards for different subjects and it is really helpful when I lack inspiration.
Creative process should be spread in time, but due to my lack of time organisation skills I often leave everything for the last possible moment and there is no time for unconcious processing, so this makes step 3 almost impossible. However I would love to walk through the entire creative process doing it conciously:)
And when it comes to the "a-ha moment" - I just love when this happens and it gives me so much power and motivation for working. Just until the moment of step 5 comes and I confront my ideas with my boss or something. I find online support really helpful - I have never participated in it myself but I follow some support groups for retouch artists and web designers. Even reading the comments that evaluate somebody else's work might be really helpful.
Dominika Suszek said…
Thank you :) I am really happy that it will be useful to you!
Dominika Suszek said…
Thank you :) Motivation is a very important part of our work. If you have problems with finding it, I highly recommend watching Mateusz Grzesiak’s videos about it. Here is a very good one:
Dominika Suszek said…
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Dominika Suszek said…
Thank you :) I really wanted to present something helpful to you :) I think that there is something beautiful with constant world curiosity. And being a philosopher is also a very interesting path of life.
Dominika Suszek said…
I have never thought about it before but a cooking diary is something amazing! I have to create one because I love to cook :).
I am addicted to Pinterest. Everyday I have to check it before I go to bed. It is a great source of inspiration. I also like the website Fubiz ( ). You can find wonderful and creative pieces of art there.
Unknown said…
I find your presentation very useful and great to plan my work. The hardest thing to do is to push your work through and be concentrated all the time on what we are doing. Only hard work will be really effective in the future.
Dominika Suszek said…
Thank you :) Exactly, work hard and dream big!
Unknown said…
Very interesting article. The third step is really hard to achieve. You never know if your unconscious processing operates on desired issue.
I found this article as very interesting. I do not have extremely creative soul but those easy steps show me the short recipe for new ideas. From my personal point of view I see that gathering all memories and experience is crucial. Nonetheless I like learning very much and many fields seems to me very interesting. The most problematic is step number 5. Too often at this point ideas went dead. It occurs that we missed in consideration some important factors or something went wrong.

Despite from above steps we should focus also about research of existing solution and if we consider selling the product about business plan and financial calculations.
Dominika Suszek said…
In my opinion that is the essence of the unconscious process. You never fully know what you think of and what result it will bring :)
Dominika Suszek said…
I see that many of you enjoy and find useful this topic so I decide to extend it a bit :).

As far as my opinion is concerned, I think that we have to remember that creativity and splendid ideas come not from the passive waiting to an enlightenment but from the active application of work ethic and discipline. As a writer Ursula Le Guin said: “All makers must leave room for the acts of the spirit. But they have to work hard and carefully, and wait patiently, to deserve them.”

Here is also a magnificent interview with a film director David Lynch in which he answers the question “Where do ideas come from?”: It last only 2 minuets and I highly recommend watching it to everyone. Without a doubt, David Lynch is one of the most ingenious film directors nowadays. It is always worth to listen to such clever and unconventional persons.
MartaSB said…
Thanks for posting this interesting article! At work, during studies or just in everyday life we are facing tasks that require creativity and these steps described in the article can for sure help us tackle this challenge. I think many of us have really nice ideas when it comes to e.g. planning our future but sometimes the execution of some plan is postponed for forever. It's good to have ideas but it is still more important to put them into effect! :)
Unknown said…
That's very inspiring article, thank you! :) First of all I totally agree with your statement – you can achieve whatever you want, but only if you really want it and you work hard to do so.
There was one thing that made me curious - "Unconscious process" and "a-ha moment". I wonder how it is about you, because I know people who really can wake up in the morning and just have an answer in theirs minds to the question that was bothering them a day or few days ago. But I don't feel like I have ever did anything like that :D I don't feel like I am even having 'unconscious' process – when I have some time to consider how to solve the problem I get very focused, sit by my desk and I am writing, drawing, thinking, but it never happens "just like that", that it's popping to my mind without any effort. I think it might be connected with a fact, that I rather put aside things that I am not into at the moment, I can't "passively think" about a problem when doing something else - like driving, taking a shower etc.
How about you guys? How does it work for you? Does solutions just popping to your mind in the morning or when you are taking a shower? :D
Unknown said…
Thanks for the interesting presentation. I really like the definition of an idea you mentioned. It reminds me of how mind maps work. Writing down connections and associations between certain things helps to find some new and original combinations. I like to use this method in my own creative work.

I found out it's best to always have a notebook (or even a single paper sheet) and pencil/pen with myself because an idea can strike me anytime. I've recently had such situation while on a train going back to Warsaw. But fortunately I had a few paper sheets and my pencil case with me so I wrote down and sketched everything that came to my mind immediately.
Dominika Suszek said…
Thank you :)
Last year I had a baffling problem with my animation. I worked hard for a few days and I could not fix it. One night the resolution showed up in my dream! The next morning I woke up and I solved my problem :) That was “unconscious process” and “a-ha moment” combined.
I do not know how can you learn to think subconsciously. Maybe you just have to let your ideas and problems float in your mind instead of thinking about them only when it is time to work…
Dominika Suszek said…
Mind maps are amazing! They are also a very good thing to show in your portfolio :)
Unknown said…
Haha maybe :D Sometimes when I really am struggling with a big problem I also dream about it, but rather in a bad than "productive" way – no solutions, rather unpleasant thoughts :D I wonder how to learn to think subsonciously; because it is not like you are thinking about it, it's just somewhere in your mind and you don't even think about it, but it is developing somewhere there and unexpectedly comes with a solution, isn't it?
I wish I could do this, it will save so much of my time when the problems were solving by themselves in the "background" haha :D
Unknown said…
That's why I always make notes on my phone – I don't need to take anything additional like notebook, and I always have my phone with me :)

Fubiz is great website, I love the ideas they are posting there! :)
Unknown said…
I see that I'm not the only one who really likes your presentation, the perfect topic before exams :)

When it comes to particular steps, I found that the most pleasurable is the first one. I'm always very curious of world and I love exploring new things. That's this part of the life I love the most. The 3 step, in turn, is what I really don't like - it's taking place unconcious so we can't influence on that. We can't speed this processing up or something and it can ruin the chance to make the idea come true. Nevertheless I think that most of the great ideas go bad at the last stage. That's pretty sad that people still can't adjust their dreams to their strenghts or if the particular person is so determined, opposite way.
Julia Osiak said…
This article is so inspiring. Recently I noticed that I'm not as creative as I used to be and sometimes it feels like there's a big empty space to be filled. Young's program sounds like a good starting point to bring back the creative process into my everyday life. His definition of an idea is simple yet thought provoking. Hopefully, keeping in mind the steps I'll be able to bring some freshness into my thinking.
rf. said…
The article inspires to action but... I can't really agree that idea is a combination of existing elements. Breakthrough ideas needs something else, something unexpected, something new :)
I usually don't have problems with first four steps. I have a lot of ideas and try to write them down as soon as possible. I have a folder on my PC where I store inspirations for my projects and group them to make a visual counterpart to a mind map, I find it really useful.

However, the fifth step... that's a challenge for me! :) If only I had time and resources to realize all the ideas.
I had that overnight 'subconscious process' of creativity all the time when I was in a high school. Whenever I had some particularly hard math problem, I would go to sleep. In the morning, I would already have an idea how to solve it. :)
IzabelaSzumen said…
Thank you for this great article! I agree with Young about the way which is probably simple but you can forget about how it works especially when you work too much.
It is really important to recall these techniques from time to time. Just because tired man start to behave like a robot and forget how to produce good ideas.
IzabelaSzumen said…
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Everything seems so simple. Maybe it really is, but I don’t have motivation to start first step. On the other hand such inventing something at any price, it’s not good. In my opinion the best way is knowledge and searching for knowledge. If you have enough information and a little lucky, the idea will be a surprise.
Michal Kulesza said…
For me ideas are the easiest part of everything.

Hardest is last step when IDEA MEETS REALITY.

I'm too lazy to implement my ideas, and I just collect them in my Evernote note book and there they are waiting when I will have some spare time :)
Unknown said…
Making notes on your phone may be useful and quick, but in my opinion having a real paper diary is irreplaceable, because it has this special atmosphere of creativity. no phone will ever have it
Unknown said…
Oh, and thanks for introducing me to Fubiz, I will most certainly make use of it!
Dominika Suszek said…
In my opinion, combination of ordinary ingredients into something unexpected is something new. It is like with baking a pie, you just add common products together but how you add them and which ingredients do you choose is the key :)
Dominika Suszek said…

I keep my fingers for you! I also recommend you watching some TED’s videos about creativity or motivation. They really can encourage you to think and work more innovative :)
Dominika Suszek said…
You can always find time but you have to reorganize your priority. Discipline is simply everything…
I agree that the last step (turning an idea into something real) is the hardest.
I've stumbled on an article that gives you pretty good advice regarding this topic, although it's more centered on business ideas, I think that they are pretty universal if you think about it.

Take a look!
Thank you for this interesting presentation. I agree with most of it - just not that about creative people finding every activity interesting. I consider myself a more or less creative person and there are some very repetitive things that bore me. Maybe I just took this paragraph a little bit too literally.
I agree that creating new ideas is combining old elements. Sometimes the only thing that stands between people and finding a solution to a difficult problem is that their minds are not open to those elements from outside their domain.
Unknown said…
Thanks for the topic of your presentation. I really like presentation about time management. I think that’s very necessary knowledge. “Nothing more nor less than a new combination of old elements.” Is truly real. I totally agree with it. First step is totally obvious. Step one is also obvious, but I totally agree with Young. In my opinion digesting is one of the most important action in this scheme. Every point of Young’s scheme is of course really important but the last one contain quintessence.
I’m glad of your presentation. Thanks once again. I must read this position necessarily.
Unknown said…
A nice article. I produce a lot of ideas, but I have problems with their realization. So I work really hard on it. It's hard to come up with ideas that are easy to realize.
Unknown said…
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Unknown said…
I have a bad habit of being unhappy with how my work proceeds and giving up because of that.
This guide is still up-to-date. Those steps describe path an idea goes through in my head. The perspective part is the most important.
One suppose to leave the idea to mature. After few weeks or months you get perspective and sometimes "genius" ideas seem to be ridiculous,
some evolve into something new.
It is interesting how could the paraller reality look like if the ingredients were mixed in other proportions.
Marcin Lyzwa said…
Thank you for this article! Tomorrow at work I'm gonna to carry out Young’s program. I hope many of our ideas will be implemented.
For me very interesting are third and fourth steps. It's really awesome when you wake up in the middle of night and you know how to solve a some problem that you are working on.
Unknown said…
Recently, I realized that my creativity definitely is a crisis. I am very hard to come up with a cool idea. I do not know what it is due. Therefore, this article may be very useful for me. I must as soon as possible to choose a thesis topic ;) A few simple steps may bring effect. The first of these steps is executed. Now I have to combine together my raw material.
Unknown said…
Producing ideas doesn't sound like a good idea. Yeah, pun intended. Have you heard about Dr. NakaMats or Yoshiro Nakamatsu ( the inventor of floppy disk, self defense wigs, toilet seat lifters, condoms with embedded magnets and over 4,000 other patented ideas? He is probably the most productive ideas producer. To get something he dives in a swimming pool. Dives and tries to stay under water as long as he can as he claims he benefits from lack of oxygen and makes inventions 0.5 seconds before death. Most of his ideas are garbage ones and only a few are or at least could be useful. But hey, he got thousands of ideas in his life, isn't that great?
Unknown said…
It's interesting article, i always thought that to produce idea you have.. get idea! I would never think of "producing idea" like about a process, something that you are able to prepare and then get some results. But its an interesting options and i will give it a try, thanks for interesting article! :-)
Unknown said…
This presentation is very useful for me. I always have problems with the planning work. Some of these things already used before. I think I still have a lot of work ahead of me to use it all.
Meditation is really vital for producing any idea. When u keep your mind solid, thoughtless, it's the perfect mind state for an idea to come to your mind. No obstacles between your mind and the universe, which replies to your thoughts.
Unknown said…
Every step is very important to achieve our objective. For me, Unconcious Processing is something what I know well from my own experience. When I'm working on something, I must keep a distance at some point. Our minds needs some space and different point of view. I agree with most of us, step 5 is most difficult :) By the way, great ideas are the most exciting at the beginning. Over time, unfortunately we're fed up of it sometimes.

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