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Week 2 (16-22.03) Long Night of Museums

Long Night of Museums

In less than 2 months will be held one of the biggest events in Warsaw called Long Night of Museums. It is a great opportunity to visit museums and cultural institutions without paying a fee. It is a great occasion for all visitors to see some really rare places which can't normally be seen for free.

The history

The first Long Night of Museums was organized in Berlin in 1997. The idea of this event brought so many people that a lot of countries wanted to organize it as well. In Poland the first Long Night of Museums was held in 2003 at the National Museum in Poznan.

Attractions on a Long Night of Museums

The Long Night of Museums is a good opportunity to ride an old tram which was used 45 years ago. If you want to see even more amazing places that you can only visit once a year you can go to Warsaw Filters.  Of course many museums like the National Museum or the Polish Army Museum are open all night. If you like doing science experiments you can visit the Copernicus Science Center. Our school is also preparing for this day and will be showing an artistic installation. It is really worth coming because you can learn something interesting by looking at other students' projects. Year by year more people are interested in this kind of an event.  You can see it by looking at queues that get longer every year. It is such a shame that you can  visit those incredible places  only until midnight.  It is good to plan were you want to go and be so that you have the opportunity to visit more places in a shorter time. 


Are you going this year to the Long Night of Museums?
What kind of place do you want to visit and which do you recommend ?



Unknown said…
This event is very popular in Poland and even some people abroad have heared about it too. I like this kind of initiatives. I would love a possibility to create other similar events, for example a "Long Night of Theatres" :-) I would definitely come!

I have never participated in the "Long Night of Museums" yet, for different reasons. Mostly because I have no company to go with and there are no particularly interesting things for me to see... museums are about very old or even ancient stuff and I am more into the newest or even futuristing things, like technology for example.

I didn't think about where would I want to go if I decided that this year I would be attending this event. I would probably rely on recommendations and choose something from what prople would suggest me to see.
Unknown said…
I really like the Long Night of Museums and I try to go every year. I've always thought this project was great and I've been attending for years. I think that the great thing about it is that everybody can find something for themselves. I don't know where I will go this year yet but I would recommend places that are not open every day or are a one night event created for this specific evening. I don't think it's worth it to stand a few hours in line to, for example National Museum. I would much rather go there every other day and pay (it's not that much). Of course the museum is very much worth seeing but I don't think they do anything special for the night. Every year there is a huge line to water filters next to our school or to Wedel factory and I think that they're very rarely open for visitors (maybe just once a year?). Anyway I highly recommend going anywhere because it's a very cool night :) My only regret is that everything closes pretty fast (Around 2 a.m) so it's not really a "long" night of museums ;)
Unknown said…
It's a shame that you've never been to the "Long Night of Museums". Even though it's called night of "Museums" there are a lot of things going on in the whole city, not only in the museums. As I wrote in post below I don't think it's worth it to stand in a huge line to the National Museum because you can go there every day for a small fee. And if you don't like classical stuff you can always go to a modern museum ;) Anyway I go to the "Long Night of Museums" every year and I think that I was in a museum only once and not for an exhibition but for a showing of a movie ;) There are a lot of performances, outside theatre, exhibitions and concerts in pubs and cool artistic installations everywhere. So you are really not limited to only museums ;)
Unknown said…
The Long Night of Museums is one of my favorite events in Warsaw. I like this special atmosphere and the way the city alters. There are always so many people on the streets and Warsaw becomes alive and it glitters with lights.
Last year I also had an amazing opportunity to take part in the Long Night of Museums at our university. My videomapping was screened on the main building. It was one of the proudest moments in my life. This year, I hope I will also participate in this spectacular venture, however not as an animator but as a game designer.
Unknown said…
I've never taken part in Long Night of Museums and I don't think it's going to change. The reason is obvious - long queues. I'm allergic to them. What is more, entrance fees are cheap in most places. For example you have to spend only 8zł to see great exhibitions at Museum of Technology. I assume there must be another reason why people like this event. Probably there is a some kind of magical atmosphere during Long Night of Museums ;]
Unknown said…
Nowadays the high pace of living doesn't let us visit cultural places, like museums, on daily basis. I usually spend at least one day of every weekend entertaining myself in this way. It's for sure not enough for the amount of such places in our city, but it reduces the number of choices for the Long Night of Museums - I can focus on the places that are rarely open, not on the ones that are the most popular and full of the queues that steal our time, which could be spent visiting another place worth seeing (that's a great black mark for the organizators - the places are being closed much too early!).
Anyway I think that such events are necessary for our society - people doesn't care that much about art any more. It's really important not to forget about our aesthetic sensitivity and boost it at least once a year.
MartaSB said…
Just like Paulina, I really like Long Night of Museums and I try to participate in it every year. I would love to go this year too :) I attended few of them on our university and I can definitely recommend taking part in this intiative - interesting stands, friendly people, cool atmosphere (thanks to Japanese motifs) and, my favourite (since it happens in the evening) beautiful lights.

Unknown said…
Maybe you will try going to Long Night of Museum this year ? I think it is a fantastic oportunity to get your friends and go out. It is not only about "old" staff but you can also visit places with the newest and futuristic things.
Unknown said…
I definitely agree with you. It's such a shame that Long Night of Museum are ends pretty fast but you can go to every museum and see a lot of great staff. I think that normally people don't have time to go to such places like museums because they stay till late hours in work.
People prefer going to cinema at the weekend or shopping. Every year the line for the Warsaw pump station next to our school is getting longer and longer with every year. :D
Unknown said…
I love to see these glitters with lights on the street. This view is amazing when lot of people are on the streets and they are all happy about that evening.
Unknown said…
Well this event is pretty similar to going normally to the museum to see an exhibitions but at this night you can see more than usually. Those queues can be a really big problem but if you plan your trip you can avoid them. You can check interesting places and use our public transport for free or hop in on veturilo :)
There is a magical atmosphere during Long Night of Museum and you don't have to pay that much to see it :)
Unknown said…
I think that It would be great if The Long Night of Museum was twice a year. It is such a shame to wait a year to see some rare objects. I agree with your way of thinking about places worth seeing. It is better to focus on places that are rarely open.
Unknown said…
Are you going to participate in Long Night of Museums in our school this year ? In previous years I really liked how our school was decorated. A lot of Japanese lamps and an groups of student dress up in kimono. The most amazing for me in our school was videomapping.
Unknown said…
Mine was too:D And two other projects....I was really excited about this videomapping opportunity. Great moment, I am just about to make "making of" form it:D

I agree, atmosphere is super cool, I was really suprised how many people turned up last yeat in our school...

Besides our school, where would you like to go nest year girls?
Unknown said…
Queues are horrible, I don't get it when people go to the average musem during that night...It is all about those super cool one night atractions in my oppinion.....
Unknown said…
This year I will be again at PJATK at Long Night of Musuem. Our jugglery club will be performing ones again at the stage with led poi. If I am lucky enough and have more time I will prepare another game for this event 
Unknown said…
Nobody likes queues but they are not as long as those at the Intel Extreme Katowice.
I really like Long Night of Museums. I think it's a great opportunity to promote cultural places to the strangers that wouldn't normally go there. People nowadays tend to go to cinemas or shopping malls, not to museums; I think it's worth to show them fun side of places like that, to break the stereotype that museums are boring. Personally, I attend Night of Museums every year.

However, as you mentioned in the article, the queues are really long - and each year they become longer, as the Night of Museums gains popularity. Like Paulina said, sometimes it's better to pay a small fee and access the Museum on a normal day. Besides, it's good to make some research - various museums have one day in a week free of charge, like Zachęta or Pałac w Wilanowie.
Unknown said…
Every year I’m going to the Long Night of Mueseums! It’s perfect time to see a lot of things which in ordinary days are paid. In this year I’m going to Filtry near our school PJWSTK. I heard that it’s beautiful place which is worth to visit. We can see there one of three warsaw waterworks which were finished in 1886 and built according to Wiliam Lindley’s design. Actually Warsaw Filters are on the anitiquities list!
More information you can find here:
Unknown said…
I love Long Night of Museums in Warsaw and I try to take part in it every year. The queues are troublesome indeed, not once I had to give up my plans because of that, but I think it's worth trying. I love the atmosphere of this event, night streets bustling with people, everyone is going somewhere, discussing and
simply doing something out of the ordinary.

Like Marta, I'd like to visit Warsaw Filters, but I know it's going to be a challenge because a lot of people are interested so naturally the queue is going to be gigantic. I remember it from last year and it looked really intimidating. I wish myself (and Marta) luck.
Unknown said…
I've never haerd about it, what is there so special that people want to wait for so long?
Unknown said…
Oh yes, your club does nice job every year;) I'm not sure if this year I will be so into our Long Night of Museum so I will have more time to visit some other places, Museum of Neons perhaps....
Unknown said…
What are your favourite museums in Warsaw guys?:)
Unknown said…
It looks intimidating every single year:P.....People start to stand in the queue around 4 pm...
I don't think I will go, just not my favourite way of spending time, especially in the night.
I don't really understand why people who don't visit museums during the year suddenly decide to do it on the Long Night of Museums.
I mean tickets to most museums are not that expensive...
Maybe there are some very entertaining additional attractions or something, but all the crowd...
Maybe it's just because I don't like 'mass events' that much, but I just don't get it.
Unknown said…
I hope I will go to the Long Night of Museums. It’s good chance to visit a lot of museums for free and to broaden horizons. I will see Senate, the palace of President of Poland, the Chancellery of the Prime . I am curious how these buildings look inside. I quite like the policy so it will be interesting for me. Moreover I have plans to go to the Museum of the history of Polish Jews. this building is beautifully designed, I saw the pictures of it so I should see this for myself. I will go also to the Museum of Legia Warszawa history because I'm a fan of this football club.
Anonymous said…
Are you going this year to the Long Night of Museums?

Yes, sure. This year I'll try to visit as many museums and exhibition as possible. I think the the Long Night of Museums is a great idea to promote art, history, science etc. to regular people.
I don't care that most of the night people spend in the queues and when they finally get into the museums there are horrendous crowds inside.

What kind of place do you want to visit and which do you recommend ?

Every possible museum in my reach.
Unknown said…
Are you going this year to the Long Night of Museums?
Well, It will be my first Long Night of Museums ever, I hope I will be able to go to this event, I'd really like to. It's a very interesting kind of activity.
What kind of place do you want to visit and which do you recommend ?
I'd like to see an artistic installation of our school,to visit the Copernicus Science Center and also to ride an old tram.
I think that that kind of event is really positive, because can help people who are participating in it expand their horizons. In that night everyone can find something interesting, because there is a lot of different places open. It might be really interesting event, because people can present some nice exhibitions or promote something like for example people from my specialization(computer games) were showing our projects created by us. Personally I have never participated in that kind of event, because like Marcin I also hate wasting time in waiting in queues and in that kind of events queues are really huge, but maybe I will go this year.
Unknown said…
After all these positive comments I decided to go on the Long Night of Museums this year. I really want to feel that special atmosphere which you describe, and see the way the city alters. But I'm really afraid of queues. Firstly, I'm going to participate in the Long Night of Museums in our school. Students said that last year it was great, there was lot of Japanese stuff, for example Japanese lamps and people dressed up in kimono.
Unknown said…
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Unknown said…
I've never taken part in Long Night of Museums. This year I also didn't plan to take part in this event, despite many positive comments.
Queues at the event are certainly something burdensome. But the idea of the organization of the event is a great. Anyone can see interesting exhibitions free of charge. Some of the exhibitions are specially prepared for Long Night Museums.
Unknown said…
I've never been to any of the Long Night od Museums editions because I hate crowds and I'm scared when surrounded by lots of people. It's a shame, because I've heard that the museums and other facilities always prepare something special for this night and everything is so exciting. Last year my friends told me that Wedel factory was very interesting. However the queues are enormous and it is hard to get anywhere without waiting for hours. I prefer spending time differently:) But maybe one day...
Unknown said…
You mentioned the exceptional atmosphere of this event in Warsaw. In my opinion Warsaw lacks night life's atmosphere that other big cities have, but maybe this kind of events will help create it?
Unknown said…
I really like Long Night of Museums. I`m not visit museums this night because I do not like to watch images in a crowd of people. I like this event but visiting museums for me is pointless.
Interesting places? I think that you can go to the museums in less besieged time. For me interesting place is in the centrer. Old buses trams - every day we do not see it.
Unknown said…
Omg, the queues really start to build up this early?! It sounds intimidating and discouraging...
I was at the Long Night of Museum twice. The first time I was in National Museum in Warsaw and the second time in PAST (Polish Telephone Joint-stock Company) building. People could go to the viewing terrace and moreover you could talk with veterans of war. The whole initiative is great and gives the opportunity to visit places which are normally closed to people, like PAST building or Warsaw Water filters. During the Long Night of Museum I don’t like one thing – a lot of drunk people, which is for me a bit of art profanation.
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Unknown said…
I am sorry to say that but I am not a big fan of this event. Really, I would rather pay an entrance fee than stay million hours in a queue just to get to the museum for free.. I think it's not only about money, but more about spreading the trend of going to museums and getting interested in cultural events itself :) I personally don't gave a problem with it so I don't need additional trigger ;)
Julia Osiak said…
I really like the idea of the Long Night of Museums. It encourages people do go to new places, see exhibitions that they normally would miss because very often we simply can't find the time. I attended these events a couple of times and while I did enjoy them, the more they grow the less attractive they are. The galleries and museums get too crowded and too noisy and the experience is not as enjoyable as I would want it to be.
Unknown said…
I like that initiative, so I'm going to share this year. It will be my third visit. Two last times I was around our school - It's pretty spectacular, cause we present many attractions connected with our faculties. Generally I like May evenings, so this is great proposition to spend warm weekend in a different manner.
I want to visit right side of Warsaw this year, I think about Neon Museum or maybe Wedel's fabric. Unfortunately, I must agree with some of us: these queues are horrible. It is great to see many people participating in cultural event, but big crowd is not cool.
Michal Kulesza said…
I like the idea of the Long Night of Museums - I've participated once not even knowing about it;)

However since that I couldn't find enough time to join and probably this year I won't join it also.

Usually when I want to visit museum I'm just going there paying some ticket - and because i'm a student i can receive various discounts - so the entrance fee is not that high, usually.

The place I want to visit now is the "Invisible Exhibition" in Milenium Plaza - so close to our school but unfortunately I'm still not able to find enough time to go there.
Unknown said…
This event is very popular in Warsaw and other cities in Poland. It’s great time for everyone who can know more and more and watch more and more. This is very good institution because many places, which everyday are closed for usual people, are open at this night.

I’ve participated in "Long Night of Museums". I’ve been in many museums. I have never had enough patience to wait for entrance to „Filtry”. I hope I will have more patience in the future :D
I hope that I will have a free time and I will participate in „Long Night of Museum” this year. I really like event like that.
Unknown said…
Yes, and when they were borded standing in this queue they would come to see what was going on in our school:P I mean I used to be like that, last year we had such a crowd...
rf. said…
I can't say for sure that I'll go, but surely I'll try to. I really like the event, provided the weather is good.
Obviously I'll recommend going for PJATK exhibitions if you can.
Here is a little teaser:
Unknown said…
Long Night of Museums is a great initiative. It invited many people to museums, galleries and other art centers. Many people who would not go there without a special occasion. And hey, it's not that often when you can go and visit Charlie's Chocolate Factory... ugh. Wedel's I mean.
Mateusz Frycie said…
. Night of Museums is not a very interesting event. The only thing that you can be sure of is that you are going to get stuck in a long queue and you won't have time to see the museums that interest you. I don't get this idea, especially that each and every museum can be vistited free of charge once a week (the museum decides what day it is: Monday, Sunday...). I prefer to go to museums when they are not crowded and I have enough time to see all the exhibits.
Unfortunately, because of lack of time I don't think I'll be able to attend it this year.

I have attended previous iterations though, and once I've even participated in organising an event on our University.
My "Game Programming" specialization and I were showing our diploma projects - video games. It was a pretty big hit, especially with the younger visitors!

Overall, I think that this kind of event is a great way to introduce people to a broader meaning of culture - because culture is not only about watching movies in the cinema.
P.S. One thing to keep in mind is that A LOT of people attend this "Museum Night". When visiting more popular venues you should be expecting major queues!
Unknown said…
Not every day you can see old buses at night ones that you can ride and fell thise special atmopshere.
Unknown said…
Well in Katowice you can see a lot of famous people from the gaming world and talk to them There are many other reason but this is for another topic.
Unknown said…
You can try to go to places to which you are never been. I would recommend going to places with open space or which are not as famous as The National Museum.
Unknown said…
You have to prepare for a long queue to get there. People start coming 4 p.m
Unknown said…
Katarzyna - I would like to go there too but I don’t think I would have a chance because of big queues and work in PJATK.
Unknown said…
I wish I could go to Copernicus Science Center one day or Wedel .
Unknown said…
Maybe because they don’t find motivation to go alone and at the Long Night of Museum you can go with your friends.
Unknown said…
I wish you good luck with visiting all these places in one night :)
Unknown said…
Great to hear about your positive attitude! :)
Unknown said…
Last year there was a lot of people at our school but it is worth the wait to get inside. I hope you will have a great time with your first Long of Museum Night :)
Unknown said…
This year the New Media Art will also prepare computer games as well for the Long of the Museum Night. I can’t wait to see it.
Unknown said…
If you prepare a plan with all places that you want to see you can avoid those queues. In our school there is such amazing atmosphere and if you are going to work in our school you will have a lot to do at that night
Unknown said…
Well you can change your mind. Maybe there will be a reason in the future that will conviece you to go to Long Night of Musuem.
Unknown said…
You can always try to come earlier to avoid the queues. Maybe this year try going somewhere :)
Unknown said…
Could you make your point more clear? It has hard to say if you like it or not
Unknown said…
Sorry to hear that you met drunk people. I never saw any of them :<
Unknown said…
Some of the museums prepare special exhibitions only for that night that you can’t normally see it.
Unknown said…
Wedel fabric sounds great and tasty :D I wish I could go there too.
Unknown said…
I promise myself that I would go to the “Invisible Exhibition” in Milenium Plaza too. I’m so curies about how it looks but I have never found enough time to go there.
Unknown said…
I wish I could go to Wedel someday :< !
Unknown said…
People start coming to "Filtry" 4 p.m. I heard that is worth to wait.
Unknown said…
oh so you are the autor of this video :D I was wondering who made it ;)
Unknown said…
When I was young I have never been to a such event w but I glad that parents come there with their children. Maybe you will try places which are not so popular? They are not as crowded as for example The National Musuem.
Unknown said…
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Unknown said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said…
To bad that you don't like this event. Those queues can be a really big problem but if you plan your time and go earlier to some place you can avoid queue.
Unknown said…
I wonder if in other cities there also are long queues.

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