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Week 2 (16-22.03) Capital Punishment in the Light of Global Justice

Capital Punishment in the Light of Global Justice

 Choose the way you like… or not

Today we are going to touch an important topic that is rather controversial in our society. As you can see in the pictures above, today we are going to speak about the capital punishment.

 Death Penalty in the World

  u  A majority of countries in the world have now abandoned the use of the death penalty. But the world has not yet formed a consensus against its use. China executes thousands of people every year and the United States uses it regularly. 

Death Penalty in the USA

     The US is one of the states which still uses the death penalty. According to the current statistics, there are only 21 states which do not have the death penalty statute. According to the current data from the Death Penalty Information Center, on December 2014 there were 11 sentences, still 8 of them were delayed. In the light of the European Practice it could be defined as torture. 

Prohibition of torture

In Europe on 10th of December 1984 was signed the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment.  For the purposes of this Convention, the term "torture"  was defined. 

From my point of view it is a controversial topic. On the one hand, I think that capital punishment is a proper punishment for mass murderers, serial killers, dirty politicians (yes, they are on the same line with those guys) and other human trash that is not able to live in the society without making everyone’s life a total hell. On the other hand, I try not to forget that the legal system is pretty lame in every society and even in the most objective and democratic society mistakes could be made during the decision-making process and someone who was not guilty could  go right to the death row. Well anyway, the capital punishment is impossible in Europe due to the Human Rights Act, but it works in the US, so… what do you think, guys? Should death penalty exist or it is a relic of the past?

Some history of the death penalty you will find at:



Unknown said…
Life is full of choises. Life by itself is a choice. If you choose to be criminal you also choose to take all the responsibilities of your actions.

Currently there are different forms of punishment. Death sentence is a form of punishment. We also have isolation in a form of prison. It's a form of protection from bad guys. Sometimes it is sufficient just to pay a fine or do some obligatory work. I understand it. We are trying to make this world balanced by adjusting the form of punishment to the size of the crime.

Depending on the size of the crime we select appropriate size of the punishment. I do think this is logical in terms of death sentence too. If someone murdered with premeditation then he should be treated accordingly.

There is also a case of accidental crime. What should be the size of the punishment for accidentally breaking the law?

First we should analyze who's fault was that. If you accidentally kill someone but it's his fault then you are innocent. But what should be the size of the punishment if you are found guilty? Of course, depending on the circumstances it should be different. There are many factors to be taken into account, though I believe our current law of justice have never been as good as it is now. There are many professionals who analyse each case independently and to it together to obtain the best possible decision about the form of punishment.

So, to anwer your question in one sentence, I think death sentence is the last possible and biggest form of punishment, though it some cases it is equivalent to the crime so I agree that it should be legal to use it.
Unknown said…
I was never in favor of death penalty. Firstly I think there are way too many cases of wrongfully convicted people. You can release someone out of prison but you can't take back killing somebody after new evidence/or a mistake in the proceedings is found.

Secondly in my opinion death penalty isn't that "harsh". Of course nobody wants to die but life in prison to the end of your days is often much worse. When you die, your consciousness dies so you can't feel "punished". You just don't exist. I don't believe in after life (which is pretty obvious) and wasting your whole life in prison is a worse concept for me that getting an injection an dying.
Unknown said…

As far as my opinion is concerned I think that capital punishment should exist. I do believe some people will never change and reclamation will never be possible. But before we plead someone guilty and sentence them to death, we have to be one million percent sure and have a definite link he or she is responsible for the charges. There is one life and this kind of decision cannot be changed. Also I think that the prison system in Poland should be reformed.
Unknown said…
I am definitely against death penalty. I would say that everyone has a chance to live no matter how bad their crime was. My religion also doesn’t allow me to kill someone as a punishment. Everyone can make mistakes. It is hard to forgive a murder. What if someone judged wrong and will kill someone for something that he or she didn’t do.
I know that my opinion will be criticized but this topic is really controversial and it is hard to just pick one side.
I agree with Paulina Stanek. Spending your whole life in prison is worse than dying.
Unknown said…
I think capital punishment should be brought back, but under several conditions:
1) There must be a murder
2) Murderers must be caught red handed or evidences of the crime must be completely clear e.g. Anders Breivik or muslims who decapitated soldier in London.
3) Murderers should be eliminated by headshot. I’ve seen videos from different kind of executions (by beheading, hanging, stoning, shooting, …) and in my opinion the most humanitarian death is by headshot. It’s instant and of course the bigger caliber the better.

I don’t believe in any kind of resocialization when it comes to people who killed someone intentionally.
Unknown said…
Firstly I think that the value of human life is the most important value. I am not definitely against death penalty, but it should be used only in specific situations. I don’t endorse law of Hammurabi which says – eye for eye, tooth for tooth. Any person doesn’t have a law to judge someone for his actions. According to me it should be personal assessment lies in morality of criminal. But in exceptional situations e.g. when the murderer with exceptional cruelty kill a lot of people and he makes a danger, penalty death can be use because of life-threatening of many people. But it’s not a rule, we should remember about reclamation.
Death penalty is a controversial and complex subject. I think people should thoroughly consider all the pros and cons, do some research and take account of different point of views.

Death penalty has many aspects: financial, deterring, resocialising... and all of them have to be taken into account. To be honest, I don't think "normal", uninvolved people's ethical views are the most important factor, and that's what people tend to overrate - their longing for justice.

Meanwhile, scientific research shows that death penalty isn't a bigger threat to potential murderers than life sentence. We must remember that mass murderers' minds aren't alike ours; therefore I think psychiatrists' and criminologist's opinion should be more valued.

To be honest, I don't have a strong opinion for or against death penalty; I tend to be careful when talking about such matters.
Unknown said…
There are some siutations when I'm convinced that capital punishement is needen but on the other hand there are many cases when after many years it turns out that this person was actually innocent, it's really hard to play God...
Death penalty is a very hard topic. On one hand, it is the only punishment some criminals really fear. Especially in Europe, where in some prisons criminals, even mass murderers have better life conditions than many regular people.

However, there are many things you have to consider before taking a persons life.
The legal system is not very efficient and it can be very difficult to find out if a person is guilty or not - it should never be used if there is any doubt.

Another very important thing which is not always mentioned during discussions on this topic is that death penalty leaves a person without any way of redemption.
Dead people can never redeem themselves by doing good deeds. They sometimes don't have enough time to consider what they have done and to really regret it.

Capital punishment has been also often overused by the government/rulers in the history to get rid of inconvenient people.

I think that a very uncomfortable prison with hard labour for life without any way of release unless found innocent in further investigation is a better alternative. Also, I think that any profit from that labour should be used to pay for prisoners food and accommodation and the rest should be given to the victim or victims family, depending on the crime.
The 'unconfortable prison' part is not the way of vengeance, it's to scare off people who in modern world are not that afraid of going to prison because of not-so-bad living conditions in some prisons.
Unknown said…
I think I will always have second thoughts about capital punishement, but I totally agree about prison system. What would you like to change in it?
I'm for introduction death penalty in our country, because it's cheap form of punishment for serious crime in opposite to detain those people until the end of their life. Our country is spending around 2k zł for maintaining 1 prisoner for month and spending those money for person who committed so serious crime for their whole life is only waste of money. Here you can learn more about cost of maintaining prisoners in Poland. I think also that death penalty could be really big bugbear for those who want to commit a serious crime and thanks to crime rate would decrease. This form of punishment should be used only where there is 100% certainty that this specific person is guilty, otherwise innocent people could be sentenced to death.
Anonymous said…
I am against death penalty under any cirmustances. The main reason is that judges as any other person make mistakes and may wrongly convict innocent person.
One can't compensate the capital punishment. When it's done, it's done, one can't ease the damage. Another con is that "The Capital Punishment" is just
fancy phrase for murder, that's all.
Anonymous said…
I would like to answer this question. In my opinion prisoners should be put to work in rural areas(where there is hard to escape) or in factories under strict and constant surveillance. Also prison-guards should be constantly trained in handling weapons and to shoot precisely in case the escaping prisoner.
Unknown said…
The death penalty is a very controversial topic. There are many pros and cons of the introduction of this form of punishment of criminals. Personally, however, I believe that under certain restrictions of the death penalty should be introduced.

The death penalty should be convicted only people who deliberately murdered someone. Of course, the evidence in a particular case should clearly indicate guilty of a crime.

The introduction of the death penalty would help to reduce the number of serious crimes and certainly such actions will reduce the cost of running prisons.
Unknown said…
I agree with all other comments sayimg that capital punishment is a very controversial penalty. If we want to judge it, we shoudl explore all advantages, disadvantages and statistics, for example how it impacts others prisoners. Is their rehabilitation much faster? Did you know that Capital punishment was also used in Poland? Last execution was in 1988! If you want to know more,here is a link:

Ray's Story: A Death Penalty Mistake:
Unknown said…
in my opinion (maybe it’s crazy) the death penalty should be allowed in our country. Of course I mean in undisputed situations, when crime is really inhumane and criminal was exceptionally savage. I think also that judicature isn’t perfect but in some question everyone are acquiescent for this kind of administer justice by judge or generally by the country. people are at risk of terrorist attacks and cruel crimes
these days. Maybe when we have the death penalty it will decrease because of decreasing number of madmen.
Unknown said…
And what steps, do you think, the EU government should take to bring the capital punishment back? It is a really complecated process as there a lot of talks about Human Rights, human and personal dignity and etc.
Unknown said…
You are right, but from the other side, that trash lives on money of the law-obedient people for years - three times meal, electricity, sometimes internet and gym. I think there are a lot of other directions where those money could go.
Unknown said…
I know not so much about Polish jails, but Western European jails seem like a vacation - Anders Braivik and his cell looks like a legit proof. Any way, why should law-obedient citizents pay for some criminals? Especially in case when they do not regret.
Unknown said…
But only in case, if government allows lifetime imprisonment, in some states there are only 21 year of imprisonment.
Unknown said…
In 2013 president Bronisław Komorowski signed a law about ratification of regulations abolishing death penalty in all circumstances. So now it's even banned during a war.
Unknown said…
I agree, intentional murder is good enough reason - eye for an eye. Maybe even executed in the same way of how the murderer did it to his/her victim.
Unknown said…
Sometimes even one victim could be enough for death penalty.
Unknown said…
Sometimes even professionals are not ready to answer that question, some of them explaining that from the point that only until that topic will not touch you, you will try to avoid it.
Unknown said…
I totally agree with you, that is the reason why even though death sentence is a good thing against human trash, there are a lot of examples when innocent people become victims. Like it was with Chikatilo's case, when the real serial killer was caught two or three innocent men were executed.
Unknown said…
To do such thing, it must be done a really big job in reforming the EU system, I mean that Union is against unhuman approach towards any one, even if it is crazy socipath who likes to kill little children. Concerning yours part about mass murderers, you was writing about Braivik's case?
Unknown said…
I agree, maintaining prisoners on 2000 zl is more than big amount. And that is pity, because it is a big amoung of taxes that is going right to the people who ruined people's lifes.
Unknown said…
I agree, people that are killing others for fun do not earn their right to live. I heard a lot of times, that who we are to judge others, but at the same time who are murderers to take someone's life?
Unknown said…
Yes, I know that Poland used death penalty. Did you know, that to execute nazi war criminal Amon Goeth by polish soldiers in Krakow it took three attempts, two of which were unsuccesful?
Unknown said…
Actually that is the part of the European Convention on Human Rights. Particularly Protocol №6 ‘Concerning the Abolition of the Death Penalty’ and Protocol №13 ‘Concerning the Abolition of the Death Penalty in all circumstances’ (including warfare). On the information I found Protocol 13 was not signed by Poland until present time. Here is the proof:
You have chosen a very controversial topic. It’s very hard to find a compromise here. On the one hand, I don’t see a sense to feed and pay for degenerates. On the other hand, I heard often about situation when innocent people are killed. A very important law is the right to life. We become like criminals, when we make death penalty. I think that I’m closer to the opinion to respect every life.
Unknown said…
Death penalty is a very controversial subject. It has a lot of pros and cons, but they've been discussed over and over again. Instead of writing my opinion I'd rather recommend you a movie.

I am sure that there have been dozens of movies on this subject, but this one particularly got on my memory. It is called "The Life of David Gale" ("Życie za życie") and was released in 2003. It's about two activists working on abolition of death penaltyin the USA, Kevin Spacey and Laura Linney. One day Laura is found brutally murdered and all evidence is against Kevin. Kevin waits for his death penalty and is interviewed by Kate Winslet about his life. One day Kate finds a mysterous tape that brings doubts about Kevin's guilt and she starts her own investigation. The closer the date of the execution gets, the more tapes Kate gets and the less guilty Kevin appears to be. The question is: will Kate discover the truth in time to save Kevin's life? I found this movie very good, it had an interesting approach on this subject.

Here's a link to it's IMDB page, if you want it:
Unknown said…
I think that is really tough subject and it is rather hard to talk about it in a pub with friends, therefore I am let's say "happy" to see it here. I had no idea, that so many countries uses it! Thousands of deaths because of dead penalty in China? That sounds absolutely insane :o I actually have never thought about it and your post made me quite confused, when I read it... I only wonder what should have done people, who were punished so hardly. I mean sometimes, when you hear that a serial killer who killed so many people and is so dangerous to the rest of the society is simply closed to the prison for few years – this is crazy, and I guess many people might think that the punishment was not harsh enough. But on the other hand killing someone, and decide whether he's gonna stay alive or not is also kinda sick, who are we to judge them? I mean, do we really need to behave similar and decide about someones life? Nah, thats really though. But seeing all the infographic that shows that Europe is "clean" when it comes to capital punishment, I felt kinda good
Julia Osiak said…
This a tough subject to talk about. There many reasons for and against that should be discussed and taken into consideration. Everyone has their own opinion on this matter and I think that there is no way that we would come to an agreement on this. I myself am unable to clearly state whether I am for or against the death penalty. This subject raises definitely more questions in my head than I can currently answer.
Michal Kulesza said…
The topic is really controversial. In my opinion the rule of an eye for an eye is getting us closer to the animal world. On the other hand putting people in prison where they are getting better food than people in hospitals is also sick.

I think that people should be punishment by being forced to work for example as miners. I think that in some comunistic countries it works like this but that's really good idea - punished people are earning money so they are able to buy food in prison and some chunk of their salary is going to the prison guards as part of their salary.

That would reduce costs of prisons and make people really scared of such places. Now some of the prisoners are in better situation than before being sentenced - they have home and food... for free.
Unknown said…
I totally agree with you and Paulina S. Spending your whole life in prison is worse than dying. Man have a long time for reflection. Reflection is often worse than dying. In my opinion death penalty is often the easiest denouement.
Unknown said…
I think death penalty is totally foolish denouement. In my opinion this don't solve the problem. Man should try be better, should work and expiate. Death penalty is rather painful for other people, not criminal. I think isolate for a long time is better than death penalty.
Unknown said…
Exactly my point...
Unknown said…
Exactly I don't get those situations in the west, where prisoners get xbox or something like that...

I agree with you Robert, they should totally work. Once I even herd that prisoners in UK work in the factory of this brand called Primakk, that's why it's so cheap...but I'm not sure if it was fact..
Unknown said…
If I could hit like button under some comments here I would definitively hit it under Michal Kuleszas comment. I agree with him in 100%. I'm against death penalty but for sure I'm into the Gulag solution or forced labor camps in general. Inmates should work for their food, their outfit and their living place. I really don't get why holding cells of people such as Anders Breivik look better and are better equipped then typical dorm room in Poland.
MartaSB said…
There is no simple answer to that question. Taking into consideration that today we cannot be 100% sure about any verdict and in many situations it's a matter of good lawyer whether someone will even go to jail or not... how this kind of imperfect system could decide about life or death? I'm sure that instead of modern jails where convicts are fed 'for free' (when it's taken from our taxes), where they can study or even have access to the Internet, I would prefer labor camps. Society should get something in return from people who did not obey the law, not only isolate them.
Unknown said…
I probably share the most common opinion and I'll say nothing new about this topic but I think that although it would be logical and secure to eliminate the most demoralized individuals, in the real world it wouldn't be that perfect. There are so many cases that there are found new facts about the crime and the sentenced person turns out to be innocent. What then? In the case of capital punishment there's no way back. On the other hand, as a tax-payer, I am totally over paying for livelihood of the prisoners, so I am mostly in favour of the system where work would be compulsory for them. Anyway, the idea of the capital punishment itself is a really good one, but in reality it would be surely misused.
rf. said…
Should death penalty exist or it is a relic of the past? It's not a relic, as it's still a common punishment in many countries. Should the penalty exist? I don't think so. The number of people that would be put to death each year is not too great and so the question of any economical impact is rather silly. Additionally if we take into consideration wrongfully sentenced people which families would later demand financial compensation from the government... Plus, governments change. If for example some country is let by a dictator, the death penalty is just a form of exercising power. If there would be a positive side to death penalty, it would be the fear it can instill in possible wrongdoers, preventing them from hurting other people. That is the whole idea of punishing crime in the first place right? To provide safety for society.
Mateusz Frycie said…
If society deprives its member of life, even though he is a criminal, it's no better than this criminal. Nobody should decide about ending life of another human being, regardless of his faults and wrongdoings. In my opinion most dangerours criminals should be rather serving life sentence in a prison or other closed facility.
Capital Punishment is a very difficult topic.

On one hand Capital Punishment may in fact be more economically viable, as the society doesn't have to pay for those sentenced prisoners.
Also, there are many prisoners who just can't be resocialized, or who have life sentences because of their crimes, which usually are horrific.

On the other hand, we cannot be sure 100% every time, whether the accused criminal was sentenced rightfully.
As someone previously mentioned there were many cases in which people were wrongfully sentenced to die.
Another thing is how exactly the execution should be held? So that the prisoner could pass away with dignity.

Personally, I think Capital Punishment should be introduced for those most brutal criminals like serial killers and such.
But I also don't agree with the approach, "he killed him so now he should suffer".
Capital Punishment should be the last resort for the most brutal criminals.

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