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Week 12 (12.01-18.01.15) Extreme winter sports for thrill seekers

Nowadays many people are looking for alternative winter sports other than normal skiing or snowboarding. Dangerous sports and activities certainly give incredible adrenaline and new experiences. As a result, these new forms of physical activity have more and more fans. 

Below are some examples of strange new winter sports.

Speed Flying or Speed Riding is a extreme winter sport which is a combination of paragliding and skiing. While skiing, you can jump up when conditions get rough and then land again when you 
choose so. You personally can choose how much flying vs. skiing you’d like to do. It’s a fantastic
sport that is attractive for paragliders and skiers alike. Of course it is very dangerous. In 2014 a few people died. The most accidents are due to lack of experience and taking too high risk.
If you are interested, there are fine video from Norway :
You can try speed flying also in Poland. Here you have a link to No limit Speed-Flying School

Ice Diving is a specyfic type of diving where the dive takes place uder ice. Ice diving can be a more beautiful alternative of scuba diving. For me, this activity is very very scary. Generally you have one entry and exit point. Professionals say that it is dangerous sport but it’s worth it.

Ice diving transports you to a totally amazing world, look at the picture. To start your adventure in ice diving you need a lot of preparation and extra skills. You will need to be an advanced diver with excellent buoyancy and complete many courses. It’s also expensive fun because you need special pressure gage, a stabilising jacket etc.
equipment like a dry suit with hood, thick termal undergarments, gloves, regulators  with freeze protection and a stabilising jacket etc. – Ice diving from Poland.

Snow Kayaking – in short, kayaking on the snow. Snow is also water, but in  a different state of aggregation J Snow kayaking is a little extreme version of sledding. You need a slope, a kayak and paddles, maybe a helmet. Paddles give you more control than in a standard sled. After many hour of practise, you can start adding wax to the bottom of your fantastic winter device to be faster and faster.

Unfortunately most ski resort don’t allow snow kayaking. Sometimes in season resorts organize competitions and events for snow kayakers. – sample of this sports.

Have you ever  heard about these sports ? Do you practice any winter sports, maybe extreme ones?



Anonymous said…
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Anonymous said…
Yes, I have heard about every one of them. I don't practice any winter sports, but in the past for 3 consecutive years I was ice skating a LOT(sometimes everyday) until
I cut my brow ridge badly at the end of the season while skating on my fresh new blades(till this point I always rented skates), sold the skates to a friend of mine.
I was ice skating few times since than, but skates offered to rent around ice rinks are horrible(very uncomfortable), I got to buy new ones.
I have heard about speed flying. But only briefly nothing particular. So it was nice to read about it and snow kayaking. It' nice that people still create new exciting ways of spending time while doing sports. But honestly, ice diving scares me really badly - I knew a person who died while doing it in some kind of underwater iced cave....
I love snowboarding. But normal snowboarding, witout any freestyle factor:P I was in Livigno about 3 weekns ago and it was super cool. According to your previous presentation, Livigno fitted my natural body clock, because the party - apres-ski - started at 16:30 insted of 11 pm. :P
I also really like ice skating. Unfortunately, this year the weather is not good for ice skating or any different winter sports, because without snow and cold are not the same. When I was a little younger, I rode illegal on frozen lake. Of course I checked the ice before entrance. It was fantastic,
Ski resort are made for early birds. I always try to be the first on the ski slope and finish my ski as the last. Then I can fall asleep before 20:00. I'm so sorry for person who you knew. They are called "extreme", not without reason. For me also the most frightening is ice diving. I have got goose bumps when I look at the picture.
Unknown said…
Ice diving sounds great to me. I love scuba diving, and I wish that I had more time to do it. It's absolutely great feeling being under water, without gravity. It's like being in completely different word.

There is interesting video about what can be done under ice :

Speaking about diving, I couldn't not mention free diving. For me it sound really extreme. Look at this video:
MartaSB said…
I've never heard of any of these sports, maybe because I don't even practice any of let's say 'casual' winter sports. Maybe I'll start one day but for now when I have to choose how I want to spend my free time, I definitely go to some place with warm climate.

I think I will never try any of mentioned extreme sports(or any other extreme ones). I have too much to lose :)
Unknown said…
I haven't heard of snow kayaking. Looks pretty funny. Skiing with parachute?
I don't know too, it looks like you need ski for start and land only. But after all I could try both, why not. Most interesting for me is ice diving. I wanted to try it this year but I don't have time and there is no snow and ice and winter :)
In winter I ski and ride snowboard. In summer I dive. Maybe I start ice diving soon.
OMG, this films are wonderful. Free diving is really very extreme, I think. You need have a big lungs. Probably this people have to train for many years to achieve good result and can be under water for so long. Thanks for comment and videos.
I see that you like safety and don't temt fate. Don't forget that the most accidents happen at home :)
I'm glad that you're interested in ice diving. I'll waiting for report and opinion after your first try ice diving. I would be afraid.
Unknown said…
I haven’t heard about snow kayaking. Anyway I like the examples that you shown in your article. I’ve seen some really cool videos of speed flying and it always looked cool for me. I also like to watch Wingsuit flying :)

Most people in my family are scuba divers and my father used to ice dive. I’ve seen some cool photos of him in the ice. I also remember that when I was very little he used to paraglide. I don’t practice any extreme winter sports but I ski (I was from a very early age).
Unknown said…
I am a big fan of winter sports, so I find this subject veery interesting! Have you ever tried any of these? In my opinion very dangerous and excititng option is snowkite, I guess the danger factor is quite similar :D

From all mentioned I find ice diving the most creepy, really it terrifies me! I really cannot imagine being stuck under thick layer of ice....

According to snow kayaking - it must be fast as hell :o It must be really hard to find proper slope...

I personally have never tried any of these and I guess I am not enough courageous to even try :)
Unknown said…
Kamil I have exactly the same! Actually I love the most getting to the first gondula and going back with the latest one, but I guess I am to weak to accomplish it every day :) There is nothing better than snowboarding <3
Anonymous said…
Why would you be afraid? Are you a good swimmer?
Thanks for your comment. Wingsuit flying is very cool. I'm afraid when I only watch videos of it. They fly beetween trees and rocks with very high speed. It must be very dangerous.
I can swim only at swimming pool and hot sea or lake. I'm afraid that cold water and ice everywhere can paralized me .
No, I've never tried any of this. I only saw speed flying when I was in Austria on holiday last time. It looked scary and beautiful at the same time. I'd like to try it in future.
Julia Osiak said…
Speed flying looks so cool! I haven't heard of it before but it sounds really interesting and fun. I would love to try it someday although my skiing skills are currently nowhere near the required level for this. As for the other sports that you mentioned, I knew about them before but they didn't really catch my attention. Ice diving is just scary. For once the water is freezing cold and that is enough to discourage me. The possibility that I might get stuck under the ice simply sounds like a nightmare from which you can't wake up no matter how hard you try. Definitely not a sport for me.
Unknown said…
I've heard about each of them, but I've never tried any. I'm not really a winter sporty person, but I'd like to try ice diving. I think it's very beautiful and interesting. Thanks for the interesting presentation!
I have never heard about these kinds of sport. I find them quite interesting, but at the same time a bit scary. They seem a bit risky for me. I think that regular skiing and snowboarding is risky enough for me :D
All in all it is nice to find out about new kinds of sport. Great post!
Unknown said…
Never heard about any of these. Snow Kayaking sounds amazing. I'm much into winter sports, but I wish I could try it one day.
Unknown said…

I have never heard about any of this sports, but they look really amazing. Sure, they are dangerous, but they definitely create unforgettable memories.
I can’t say I practice any winter sports, especially extreme ones. Ocasionally I go skiing or snowboarding with friends. However, during this trips, I spend more time catching up with old buddies and goofing off, than actually skiing.
Unknown said…
Really? Braveheart! I already know that I don't have enough courage :D
Unknown said…
I knew about ice diving and speed riding. Where ice diving seems to be common, speed riding looks more thrilling and exciting for those who are "in need of speed". I would try it myself if given opportunity. Also if i was good at skiing.
The snow kayaking looks unusual, not to mention that i had never assumed that such sport can exist. But it is amazing and feels a bit safer in comparison to speed riding. Considering that i don't like water sports, snow kayaking are now my favourite form of kayaking.
Unknown said…
Actually snowboarding/skiing is quite risky :) Especially when you are not really "sport type" and you don't exercise at all.. You can get injured pretty easily :/ It's about common skiing/snowboarding, but getting into freeride or freestyle - it's really dangerous. Avalanches can reach you no matter how good you are, bad landing is something that you cannot control.
MartaSB said…
I'm aware of that, but some things we just cannot avoid... :)
Marcin Lyzwa said…
I've already heard about those extreme winter sports. I wish I could try speed riding one day. Ice Diving is to extreme for me, even if the views are worth the risk. Every winter I try to go skiing for a week in Poland or somewhere in Alps.
Anonymous said…
The ice part I didn't notice. I also wouldn't like to do that. I would be afraid that I get stuck under the ice.
Michal Kulesza said…
I've also heard about those winter sports. I love the snow kayaking! It's so funny to see people kayaking on snow.

I've always wanted to become diver so I would like to try diving and ice diving ;)
Unknown said…
Great article, I like this topic about extreme winter sports. Brands like GoPro or Red Bull

have made really cool movies, I love to watch them and I am impressed what people can do, how

brave are they.

I reccomend this new clip on YouTube: !!!

Connected to sports what you mention in your presentation... Speed Flying or Speed Riding looks the best one what I could try. I have practiced skiing sinse I was about 10 years, but never I have never heard about do this with parachute.
I just dream about ski down on extreme track after drop from helicopter. But need pro skill first... ;)
Unknown said…
I have heard about these sports and I had chance to watch some of them in TV :D but I never tried one and I don’t think I ever will. I prefer more traditional disciplines like volleyball for example. It is much safer I suppose, maybe boring for some but still…
Sylwia said…
I have heard about speed riding and ice diving before, but not about snow kayaking. However I have never tired such sports. Unfortunately I do not have necessary skills. I’m already a scuba diver, but I have never done it in cold water. I’m a quite a good skier as well, but I’ve never tried paragliding. I wish to learn it, but it takes time and money. In my opinion the easies thing to try would be this snow kayaking. I think it is just a matter of organising trip for certain event where you can try it on simple slop without any tries around ☺
Probably, kayaking is the safest of above. I think, it's great fun. Where are the breaks of kayak ? :D
Yeah, you have to need pro skill and pro money for this :) Thanks for super video. Very crazy skier. I like movies recorded with this perspective. Word "extreme" is synonymous of "Red Bull" and "GoPro". It's very nice that this companies/brands so effectively promote extreme sports. Do you remember Felix Baumhartner and his jump from space ?
Unknown said…
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Unknown said…
Those are very extreme kinds of sports for sure. Once in my life I had a chance to take part in a free ride. It is winter descents from the mountains using non-delineated tracks. They are very dangerous but really leave a lot of great memories and give a big adrenaline rush :)
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I also like volleyball, but I don't think that it can be winter extreme sport haha Maybe Redbull can create a new variety of volleyball.
Unknown said…
Wow, it’s amazing. Thanks to your links I understood idea of this sport, by the way great films.
It must be so exiciting. I have never before heard about this spotr( I think about speed flying).
Your presentation is really interesting. I heve never heard about ice diving and snow kayakindg as well. Wrrr, I cold :P It’s totally extremly sport.
Unknown said…
I have never heard about these kind of extreme winter sports.
Ice diving might be really cool but risky. Under ice must be awsome views that take our breath away.
Snow Kayaking sounds for me like big fun. Of course when we are cautious and think about our safety. Maybe I try to do one of these sports, but now I will choose tradycjonal winter sports that mean snowboarding. Snowboarding can be extreme sport too. Someone "jump" from helicopter with snowboard and ride on wild ski slope where noone has riden yet. Extreme sports are something like detox to our body. People want to feel adrenaline.
I heard about some of these sports, anyways for me they all sound insane! I am not against such activities, but personally I am not into extreme sports of any sort, be it winter or not, so I wouldn't try them anyway.
Rafał Banach said…
I heard almost about each of these sport but snow kayaking is the new one for me. Looks very interesting, definitely I should try.
Unknown said…
haha good question, speed of these winter kayak propably is amazing and growing up so fast... I saw on YouTube that there is water on the end. I've tried on air mattress... so fun as well.
Unknown said…
Thanks for your article, it's nice to know that people have invented more ways to put their life in danger;) I haven't heard about any of these but ice diving. I'd like to share a very interesting video on this subject - a group of divers from Finland came up with an artistic concept that pictures ice diving. It's upside down and quite funny.
ON the subject of not typical winter sports I've also heard about yachting on a frozen lake. It looks cool:
During winter I prefer to be covered in blankets and sit in front of a fireplace. But from time to time I go skiing. It's not extreme, but still it brought me a broken leg;)
I don't like the idea of extreme sports. It looks good on a video and everybody needs an adrenaline rush from time to time, but most of these sports are really dangerous and it is so easy to get killed... Here's a video with the "most insane ski line EVER": - I am terrified even looking at it.
The other thing about extreme sports is that they are as addictive as drugs or alcohol - there's a reason people who practice them are called adrenaline junkies.
Even though it is fascinating to watch extreme (winter) sports, I would never do something like that.
I on the other hand like to 'celebrate breakfast' as I used to call it and then start snowboarding at around 10 am. I usually finish about 2-3pm. When I was little I used to be so tired after snoboarding session that I was ready to go to sleep at 8 pm, as you but suprisingly not this time;)
I noticed that many of us is frightened by the idea of ice dving. I agree that this sport is so creepy...
It's really hard to find the rigt one, because you can often loose the wind. I think, but I can be wrong that actually there are some pretty good slopes for that in Poland and Czech Republic
What part of the body is the most likely to be injured during snowboarding? Is it wrist? Or maybe knee?
Mateusz Frycie said…
I' ve never heard about these sport disciplines, but they seem really interesting, though some of them are really extreme. I would definitely try snow kayaking, as the pictures are really encouraging. The people in the photos seem to have a lot of fun.
Unknown said…
Yes I heard of them, but I think I'll pass, and just stay with snowboarding. Speed flying and ice diving are evolutions of paragliding + skiing and diving, so you should learn this primary sports first. And snow kayaking just seems stupid, or impossible in most places, because i don't see how can you just make it stop.
Unknown said…
Wow, wingsuit flying! It looks amazing. And looks (and probably feels) even better when a dragon provides you with some hot air to keep you flying:
Unknown said…
I think wrists and collarbones. When I was being brought to a hospital with a broken leg (skiing accident), in the ambulance I've met a guy with both collarbones broken;)
rf. said…
I've seen the sports on the youtube videos, but never heard the name for them. In my opinion it's always good to explore new things - better than sit and be stagnant. Extreme sports are not for me i believe, but if other people want to risk their lives - it's their choice.
Unknown said…
I like skiing, but I would say I am more of a beginner. I am not sure if martial arts can be considered extreme, but I can assure you that some will get your adrenaline levels pumping - that is what I used to practice for a long time.
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I do some snowboarding which is in my opinion it is quite enough if you really want to feel the adrenaline, I had some experience with skiing but I got bored after one season which I cant say about snowboarding. If you want to do something extreme its quite enough to try to be good at one thing in my opinion.
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