What do you think about people who teach other people how to live, how to be successful? I used to think that it’s some kind of a joke. How can another person even think that he can teach me a better life?
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http://www.studiohajo.nl/wpcontent/uploadedImages/2012/11/nextcoachcover.gif |
However, observing that “coaches” are earning more and more (source: http: //www.forbes.com/sites/russprince/2012/12/03/howlifecoachesbecomeverywealthy/)
and becoming popular people, I have decided to give this topic another look. In the past I only heard about coaches from across the ocean. Surprisingly, this ‘fashion’ came to Poland and we have our own coaches like Mateusz Grzesiak. He’s 34 years old and he teaches people how to be successful. Sounds weird? I did also think that it’s some kind of scam, just the way to make people pay money. He’s only 34. He’s just a little bit older than me and you. Well, maybe he remembers communism but… did he learn anything special living in ‘old times’?
I have watched his motivational speech...
… and it has changed the way I think about this topic. It seems like he’s telling things that people want to hear. And the answers to questions that people are asking themselves, already
KNOWING answers. He shows people how to be happy from what they have and he points out that some things are really simple to change. Still letting us know that simple doesn’t mean easy. Personally I would attend coaching sessions just because of curiosity, not believing in its positive results. Another thing I is that I know myself better than anyone else (well, maybe except my family) so how could one come and tell me what to do?
There’s another video of Mateusz Grzesiak, published recently, which I’m watching preparing this presentation. It seems it has changed my life! Watching it I’ve found a topic which may interest you :)
The thing that impressed me most is that he lost 30 kilograms in half a year in 2007 (source:
Another famous coach, the winner of winners, the diamond of diamonds, the hero of the memes is Piotr Blandford.
You could read about him in Polish newspapers and hear his “you are the winner” in several
marketing campaigns. Here is his newest video, where he shows that he’s trying to be over
his negative fame:
What do you think about coaches?
Would you like to attend a coaching session?
Do you think that other people can change your life giving you some kind of instructions?
I understand coaches as people who try to provide psychological resources for people who need them. Motivation, determination, belief. Everything is in the scope. To be more percise I would say its about the way they combine information and how they present it. It's about how they connect with others and control their emotion. They try to influence in the right direction. I visualise that process as "giving others power to achieve something".
I would like to take part in a live face to face couching session. I would love to try myself out as a coach too.
Yes, I do believe that other's can change the way I think and with that change my life.
Poor coeaches = unsuccesfull coaches.
I have read plenty of interesting articles about couching few years ago - only the theory. Believe me, there are lots of things that you have to know if you want to become a coach. I guess not many people have an interest in this topic, maybe they don't have time, and in this case they need a fast attempt to knowledge - they pay and they get it condensed. Sometimes we don't even need any knowledge but we just need to believe, that someone is just supporting us, giving us motivation, believe that we can achieve what we want. This is so extremely important for everyone and can boost our skills, self-confidence and motivation. These are factors that are vital if we want to success or start something, we don't really feel confident on.
I really would like to attend any coach session, I think it would be amazing experience :)
You can read more on this topic: http://blog.krolartur.com/cykle/anty-guru/
But on the other hand. Ive read Mateusz Grzesiak books, and I can recomend them. They are very good for those who want to have bigger insight in functioning of human ego or conscious.
Also I hadn't hear those two terms you've mentioned. I will read more about it.
Yes: they are saying people things that people want to hear. Moreover: they need to hear those things to change themselves.
If there are people willing to pay for such 'instructions' - let them pay. If it helps them - it's fine. If not? Well, they did just spent their own money to listen to somebody - better this way than to spend it on alcohol.
Coaches don't tell us that life is easy - also they tell us how their life was not easy and how they changed it. I love that part of Grzesiak's speach about German tourists dropping money.
What is this book about? :)
I believe that even wasting money to improve their lives can lead to better living.
In what speciality would you like to coach people? It would be programming or lifestyle?
I didn't know that you have teaching aspirations. Moreover, do you think that good coach should have some pedagogy basis?
I've recently heard a funny thing about diet (from dietitian), that men, given a specific instructions to follow (like cooking plans for a month) will in most cases fill out the instructions thoroughly as they are 'taskers' - given a well described task they feel committed to completing it. There are different ways of motivating yourself to doing something. Most of the knowledge the paid courses teach (hell, even school knowledge) you can attain by yourself. Tell me, how many of you would work hard enough to get all the knowledge you have by now if the school was not obligatory? Or if there was no school, but you would have all the courses in the internet - virtual classes for example. The thing is, some of us (most of us?) are lazy enough to PAY for other people to force us into doing something (training, learning language etc.)
From what I can see people with low self-esteem are willing to pay a lot of money to hear a motivational speech - usually they will be satisfied. On the other hand the same content will be shallow and boring for those who are sure about their way of living.
Personally I find these speaches a waste of time and something potentially dangerous for people susceptible to persuasion.
Basically, if there are people willing to pay for such knowledge then there is nothing wrong with it.
Some people even think that Jesus was a coach:
I personally think that every one could become a coach, you just have to believe in yourself. Is that was coaching already? :P
That part of them makes money on stupid people and that there are some exceptions, like Tony Robbins, who become motivational superstars. I have no idea if their listeners become happier people or not.
Would you like to attend a coaching session?
No, I don't, but I would like to learn from(or just have a chance to talk with) billionaires, for instance: Leszek Czarnecki, Jan Kulczyk; who don't need to teach anybody outside their companies.
Do you think that other people can change your life giving you some kind of instructions?
Yes, but only when I am really up to something and I do something to achieve my goals.
I believe in power of couching. I think that it can really change you and helps you achieve success. In my opinion coaching is not only about motivation. A good coach should change the way in which you see yourself and then the rest of the world. When I be able to afford a couching course I will.
I see at one time interesting motivating speech by Łukasz Jakóbik, person who has own program "20m2" on YouTube. Look at this - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JWdMgG-X8As.
I needed couching when I was younger. Without it I was too lazy to do anything, also it helped getting better results. Although some people might not like if someone was shouting at them or saying obvious lines to make you feel better.
Would you like to attend a coaching session?
Nope. It might help, but I probably won't stand coaching with positive attitude.
Do you think that other people can change your life giving you some kind of instructions?
They might, but I don't want them to.
That is why best example of coaches can be in sport where their motivation is needed by sportsman for example like boxer. In business, in my opinion, it's only self motivation which will bring people to success, we know all know how harsh it is to work in such environment and there is no one else but us that can achieve anything.
This can be done just by support of close people instead of paying to some guy. But i guess it work for some people but i don't see this to be popular and last long enough.
Raher I woudn’t to like attend a coaching seasion. I don’t know why. It doesn’t change anything..
Only I can influence my life, not other people, I think.
If you know what do you want, you don’t need a coach.
I think that positive thinking is based in our character and we have to try and change our way of how we see the world. But it is mostly based on self evaluation and hard work and I don't believe that a person goes to a meeting with a coach, hears "think positively!" and suddenly it changes everything. It is a very hard process to change our attitude and this is work that we have to do ourselves.
Hahaha, that thesis that Jesus was a coach is great and for me - true.
I also believe in power of couching :) When the couch is comfortable and warm I can spend all day in it. But how my coach can participate in my success? :)
Ok, now seriously: How in your opinion changing the way people see themselves and the world differs from motivation? And what is motivation for you?
In what kind of coaching session are you interested? Some of them are extremely expenesive!
Sometimes our relatives are not able to help, they haven't had such problem yet, some people hesitate to contact doctor. For them coach can be first person to point them in right direction.
Aren't you even curious about coaching? It's best to learn about something trying it. At least for me.
Hah, your last sentence reminded me about these ads about pills to give up smoking and that sentence at the end of the ad: Most important factor in giving up smoking is the person's will power.
But can imagine coaching being effective. It's sometimes hard to get motivated or maintain self discipline. When we were young our parents were our coaches and it would be much harder to get good grades without somebody looking after. So it's probably also a good thing for adults.
I think that coaching or motivation speaking is actually really useful, coaches or mentors can help people to make better decisions, create a new path of life.
I would like to attend a coaching session. I think it would be really interesting – who knows, maybe after such session I would change something in my life?
I think that other people can change your life giving you some kind of instructions. There lots of people that needs some instructions, coaches can make their lives less miserable.