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Isabel Allende is 71, although she has a very young spirit. In her passionate speech she explains her attitude towards life.
“Yes, she has a few wrinkles - but she has incredible perspective too. In this candid talk, meant for viewers of all ages, she talks about her fears as she gets older and shares how she plans to keep on living passionately.”

She starts her speech about aging. People start aging right after the birth. As she started to get older, she also started noticing more about her body. After years, her appearance changed dramatically, and sadly, it reminds her about her age and condition. She began to lose independence, and that scares her:
“But if you accept it, it’s less suffering” – Facing this dramatic reality, she says she accepts her situation. Along with acceptation comes gratefulness. She is no longer stuck with who she was, who she wants to be or what other people expect her to be.

“My body may be falling apart, but my brain is not, yet” - Isabel loves herself for who she is. She feels lighter – she doesn’t carry “none of the deadly sins that are not even worth a trouble”. She does not feel weakness anymore. She became less vulnerable. Additionally spirituality helped her to accept death. She tries to live mindfully and be present in the moment.
Inside her she feels charming and sexy, but she thinks that nobody sees that.
“Meditation helps” and “it’s better to start early” – Isabel advices the audience.
How does she stay passionate regardless of her age? The secret is the attitude. Even when she feels flat or bored, she fakes it. Her training relies of adapting to the rule “say YES to life” – whatever comes into her way, she says YES to life. No matter what drama – comedy, tragedy – nor love, death or losses - she also trains by trying to stay in love.
“Unless you are ill, or very poor, you have choices. I chose to stay passionate. (…) Want to join me?”


PrzemekM said…
I think age should define what we can do and say. why?
If I read that she is 71 and she feel "charming and sexy" I have mixed feelings.

Work meet with friends, travel, jump from cliff, have fun till the end of live
I have nothing against life with passion at any age, but please let have some sense of tact.
Julia Osiak said…
I wish, that at her age I will be able to follow my passions and keep on living my life to the fullest. However, being realistic, not everyone will have the opportunity to follow their passions and be so lucky and energetic. What annoys me though is this sentence:
“Unless you are ill, or very poor, you have choices. I chose to stay passionate. (…) Want to join me?” It's as if she was saying that if you are poor or ill, you can just give up, the game is over for you.
Lets hope that we all can at least be optimistic or content when we reach her age?
I think that there is no need to elaborate on the topic. Simply, if you have health, money and positive attitude then you are happy.
Leaving passionate is just a matter of attitude. I don't think there are any rules to it, or conditions. As long as a person is strong enough to believe in a better tomorrow and remain optimistic, regardless any problems or obstacles they meet on their way, they can be passionate. There's nothing more to that, in my opinion anyway.
MartaSB said…
Everything is in our heads. For sure it's easier to be active when we are young, but age doesn't matter if we have the right attitude towards life.

And for sure it becomes more and more popular to be an active gradma/grandpa these days!
rf. said…
I sense quite some negativity in previous comments.
Aaaand I believe it comes from the attitude towards Isabel. So I won't comment on her or her talk. I'd rather say a few words about passion. You either have it or not - and depending how strong it is or what do you feel it for - you can kill or die for it. Or you can just live your life stoically, never caring too much for anything. It's not about choice I guess. Passion is an emotion, and as such it comes and goes on its own accord.
Mateusz Frycie said…
U can be active at any age. The earlier You start, the better You will be. Proof?

Even if he isn't realy 81, he's sure 60+... And got right attitude and passion. And that's the most importat thing.

Sylwia said…
I don’t like the sentence: “Unless you are ill, or very poor, you have choice. I chose to stay passionate. (…) Want to join me? What about people who are ill or poor? What is more, as everyone becomes older and older at some point of time everyone will be ill for some of these conditions, which come with age. What she will do then? I know that many people have everything and still do not live life to the fullest. However if you aren’t healthy etc. and still live passionately that is the attitude, which should be admired.
To my way of thinking being young spirited despite one's age is the most important feature of character. Only then you have will and motivation to pursue your dreams, cherish little things and be happy.

I admire people who despite their: age, important jobs, success; managed to do not lose child within themselves.
Rafał Banach said…
I think that regardless of age we can live passionately. It simple depends on human habits. Some people just don't know what they should do with their lives and that end in this limbo of daily responsibilities.
Unknown said…
I'm just after two day's party at my grandma's hometown. We spend that weekend with family, mostly seniors but there were big representation of youngsters. What wanders me mostly at those kind of parties is that, old people are always first for singing, first for making toast, first for telling jokes, and after all, they want to spend the whole night on the dance floor. It looks like sometimes we can learn a lot from elderly people, especially when it comes to being social or passionate about life
Unknown said…
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Unknown said…
Yeah, definitely "The earlier You start, the better You will be"!
Unknown said…
In my opinion every person in no matter what age has his/her own attitude/feelings towards life. Isabel Allende is ok in her 71 when she lives passionately, it's her right to choose. And I believe that it doesn't depend on you are ill or poor.

For me the best ways to feel myself great are positive emotions, desire to live, life goals and this feeling when you want to achieve something.
Michal Kulesza said…
Till this semester age in world of computer science was rather meaningful for me. If someone 'oldschool' will come and will talk about something he will be like like dinosaur - I was thinking. Till I met one lady on our lectures - she's 65 or something, she's passionate about IT and science and it's the only lecture I can stay focused for 2 hours.

This showed me that not age doesn't mean anything.
Unknown said…
I would say that attitude is most important, but health and money can affect it.
I have an example that you can start using internet even if you are 92.
Unknown said…
I think it is normal that people behave and feel more passionately when they are younger due to development of the brain and experiences - but I believe the easiest way to be passionate about something is to discover new things in area we are interested about - it always worked for me. I can maintain the status of being passionate about things without trying, because trying to give it too much thoughts might ruin it, but letting thoughts go for a moment and just noticing the little details for what they are, and enjoying experiencing new things is the key that people often forget about through daily routine.

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