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Week 8: Cameron accuses Polish immigrants

I would like you to read/watch and comment on/discuss the presentation  Cameron accuses Polish immigrants –  You will find it at
Comment on  it here.


I say yes immigrants but by providing few terms. First one, they must obey the law which is binding to country with no excuses that they doesn’t have for example religious places (you want it, first earn money and then build it if you really want). Second, if they want to live here constantly, they should find out compared to them work and have a willingness to giving something from themselves but not only taking. Finally for the third, they can’t impose their and comment habits which are take places in current country, shortly “if you want live here customize yourself, if you doesn’t turn back”. This is the strong and forcing words but in this unstable times we cannot allow problems with angry and frustrated immigrants from muslim and the other poor countries.
About reluctance of British people to immigrants (not only from Poland) at some part I am not surprised, cause since few years they have a lot of problems on this field. Three years ago they had a rebellion of black people which blew up a part of London, and the last one is the case with murdered British soldier with decapitated head by islamists.
Personally, in the future I really want to live abroad and the first country which I choose is England exactly, on the second place is Germany. I have only hope the situation about visitors will doesn’t change for the worst. Well, there is still one solution, we could change nationality.
Personally, I’m tolerant person. Immigrants don’t bother me. However, I think that if someone comes to a foreign country, it should adapt to the culture and customs of this country. I don’t support attempts to impose culture, faith, building mosques on every corner, creating a places, pseudo-cities where 90% of people are immigrants. Last time, I read that Muslims wanted to introduce Sharia law in some city in UK. For me this activities is the bad side of globalization and may be a threat.
Unknown said…
No comment pls... Thats just rude. They have no right to accuse Polish people for their problems. Its their government decision who allow them to migrate in a first place. Polish people work hard and pay taxes in foreign country. In most cases some immigrants will live UK and come back to their own country. UK economics benefits from immigrants. The biggest problem is with mentality of British people. They simple don't want to work hard. There is a reason why British companies prefer to employ Polish workers... I will live the rest of this topic without comment. (Lets give unemployed british people more benefits)
Sylwia said…
I don’t have anything against immigrants if they are “efficient”. When immigrant work, is active in society and at the same time tries to acknowledge local culture I consider it as positive phenomenon of globalisation. However there are many people, who only take advantages from being in other country and don’t give anything back to society. We have to fight with such behaviour and limit it as much as possible.
Personally I would like to live in at least several places in my life. So, yes I would like to live aboard one day, but I have never considered Great Britain.
Dalvia said…
Oh come on!!! I hate diplomacy, I hate when politicians are using other people for there own purposes... not even politicians, whomever who's using others is just bad.
Anyway, it's low, even for Cameron who's ennerving me far to often.
Anyway, we are the hardest workers in all Europe, we don't spend much, and that's why we economise money. We don't need much to survive. And that's why everyone thinks, that we steel money, and not earn it, that we don't pay taxes, when we do. That's just unfair, and it's ennerving me as well, so I'll stop typing....
Kasia Kmieć said…
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Kasia Kmieć said…
I like to think of myself as a tolerant person. I find multicultural societies fascinating and I believe that in such communities people can learn a lot about themselves (and it's only partially possible in racially homogeneous countries, e.g. Poland). But for me the fact that immigrants don't want to obey the rules of the incoming country and don't respect its culture and tradition is unacceptable. Also, other important thing, immigrants come to wealthy countries, the ones where it's easier to find a job. Very often their whole families move in, but there's still only one breadwinner. Such families need support, which developed countries ensure. One person works and the family can still enjoy better living standards. I see why this situation irritates the locals and it's totally understandable for me.
When it comes to Poland I would have love to have more cultures around. But at the same time I'm aware that we, as a society, are mostly not ready to live with people of different religion, traditions and understanding of the world altogether.
I'm planning to live abroad, actually as soon as possible. Nowadays when I can travel through the EU so easily, take a flight back home quickly, it would be a wasted opportunity not to benefit from it. If other countries offer better job and living conditions, why would I refuse it? And the UK seems like a good option for me personally.
Darkia said…
meh, politicians... diplomancy.... other "important" staff like that.... it's defenetly not for me.... I don't know what to think, beside looking to other caountry taxes and problem we should first look at ours...
I don't know that i would like to emigrate. I have here my family, beeing far away can be difficult.. U don't have any friends there, u are alone there. I know many people who move out from our country and back, because can't find place there.
alt_pl said…
I worked in England twice, once in London and once in Redhill near London and I had no problems of being Pole and working hard and not causing problems. I love England but I wouldn't like to live there because of few reasons. One of them is unwillingness from native English on higher-than-above payment who think that Poles can't work as engineers or business specialists ( Sadly I met many people like that )...

I don't mind immigrants. I think that multicultural country can improve faster but we can't forget that they are visitors and their laws and habits are not for everyone. I think immigrants who are not willing to assimilate with country they went to are the most important and controversial topic of modern Europe.
Tomek said…
I've studied abroad for a while and met a few Polish people there. I've never had problems with any of them. In fact, I think they were very polite and helpful to me. I've heard some people on the streets swearing in Polish which was a bit shameful but in general my opinions are positive. I've met way more Irish and British people that misbehaved, mostly of my age. Saying that we don't belong in Britain might just be a political remark without much reason behind it.
Anonymous said…
I do not consider immigration as the only way of life for young people. Poland is growing faster than the UK, you just need an idea. If you want to wash the pots it's probably better to get salaries in euro.
I am a Pole, and for me it is so important that I can earn a little less.
You can always work remotely or set up your business. More and more businesses operating in several countries and have headquarter in Poland.
Natalia said…
What is your opinion on this topic?
I think that everything that politicians says are just because to gain people votes and this example is no different. It is sad that he is using our nation and by it destroys our reputation even more.

Would you have anything against immigrants in Poland?
As long they are assimilating and obey our rules and culture I'm not against imigrants in Poland.

Are you planning to live abroad? If yes, would you consider Great Britain?
No, I'm not planing to live abroad, I like our culture, cuisine and enviroment in overall so I don't have any reason to think about moving abroad.
Unknown said…
I am honestly not surprised that the Polish immigrants are getting accused of the worst. To be honest, some of the worst people from Poland (amongst talented ones) went to the UK and they really are trying hard to ruin peoples' opinions about Poles.
Unknown said…
Also, to respond the question - I would like to live abroad and I plan to do so, but definitely UK will not be my destination.
While risking to sound intolerant or racist I do not approve of a completely “open border” politic towards immigrants. I always think about France which always let all the immigrants in their country that now has a lot of problems because of it. The bottom line is, I have nothing against allowing immigrants into a country so long as they will learn and respect the traditions of that country. How I see it is that immigrants are guests in the host country and have while having the right to preserve their culture they must learn to live with the culture and customs of their host. Going back to France, a perfect example I know were the Muslims who forced French schools not only to remove all crosses and catholic symbols from the buildings but also to entirely cancel religion lessons. I am not a very religious person myself, but I don't see why Muslims should have the right to force a catholic country not to follow its faith.
Unknown said…
I don’t have anything against immigrants in Poland for now at least. I never planned to live abroad but Great Britain is one direction which I would consider. I think Polish people developed set of skills which allow them to adopt for living abroad no matter in which country they are trying to live but other nations are just tired of Poles. Great Britain is very popular country for Polish emmigrants. They are cheaper, hardworking and more efficient and this is the problem.
Unknown said…
In my opinion Polish immigrants are the best thing that could happen to Europe. Most of us are hard-working, honest and very friendly. We honor of our tradition but we’re still opened for meeting new cultures and interesting people. This is the main reason we are so easilly assimilating not only in UK but in every country in Europe. We are well educated, creative, but because of a high rate of unemployment amongst young people in Poland, we are seeking for jobs in other countries. Maybe this is why we are a real pain in the lazy ass of some of British workers, they just can’t compete with us… Our doctors, nurses, engineers, plumbers, drivers, baby-sitters are welcomed in Germany, Sweden, Norway, Netherlands but only British prime-minister has problem with our people. You know what Mr Cameron, next time your toilet will stuck or your kid will get ill - you are on your own.

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