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[Week 8] ASMR - Orgasm of brain

     At the beginning I want to present a movie, which will help you experience the feeling of ASMR while reading this text.


     Have  you ever felt  similar pleasant chills, flowing from top of the head to the back? Sometimes it appears while brushing hair  or suddenly when someone is speaking with a specific tone of voice and even during simple paper scrape. This phenomenon is so pleasant and relaxing that it has gained a large group of fans and recently have appeared many  movies like that. Using 3D microphone they record whispers, rustles, scrapings and many different activities which are considered to cause ASMR. Of course, to listen to them you must wear  stereo headphones.

What is ASMR?

But maybe I'll start from the beginning and I will tell you what this psycho-physician experience is. Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response known as ASMR, is a neologism for a perceptual phenomenon characterized as a distinct, pleasurable tingling sensation in the head, scalp, back, or peripheral regions of the body in response to visual, auditory, tactile, olfactory, and/or cognitive stimuli. The nature and classification of the ASMR phenomenon is controversial. If you want more complex informations visit this page:

The types

     There are many opportunities to experience this kind of relaxation. 

The first of them is listening to whispering. It's the most common method to cause relaxation. Usually this technique is used by women and sometimes is an addition to another action, which a person in performing.

The second technique includes for example scraping or taping of a  cover of a book or drawing some picture. Here we can experience ASMR in three different ways, by looking at this action, try to listen to it or both of them, it depends on individual  preferences.

The third is easily to make, simply wear headphones and only listen to some noises. The most common theme are haircut and a head washing with a massage.

The fourth and the last technique, and also the easiest which we could use is, for example, the observation of our colleagues who are  drawing, typing , etc. When we are out of ideas, we could ask our partner to massage  our head or back. :P

What is the purpose of this?

     This kind of emotion which I am describing is a great to experience and a way to relax fast. In my opinion, everyone should  try this kind of technique  of relaxation, even its skeptics.

1.  Have you ever experienced ASMR?
2.  What kind of technique of relaxation do you prefer?


Unknown said…
Thanks for bringing this topic up. It's interesting, but I've never thought about it.

I don't have any favorite techniques of relaxation, I prefer variety. However, I feel inspired to read about this more.
Maria said…
Ok..that was that feeling on drawing lessons and during haircut..thanks for showing me ASMR- I've never heard about it before. I myself discovered technique which I often use before sleep. When you close your eyes and try to focus on you heart beat, or simply on one part of your body. Imagining colors or pleasant images also works on me in such relaxing way. The feeling described in a text is similar, but it goes from middle of my head symmetrical to both sides of it.
I’ve never heard about ASMR before. It’ll be interesting experience. The best technique of relaxation for me is “turbo nap”- it’s fast snooze which add energy. You have to drink cup of strong coffee and go to sleep for 20-30 minutes. After this caffeine starts work and you’ll have an energy to continue work. If you like the sound of rain, you should check out this website: and go to sleep.
Sylwia said…
I have never heard about ASMR before. I know that some sounds are relaxing. For many people these are sounds o nature for example water, wind, birds or rustling leaves. However it takes much time to benefit from this kind of activity and we often don’t have it.
I think that great idea to relax in fast way is something called head massager. You have probably seen it, as it is quite popular now (if not go to:,p1045561893,gadzety-p)
When my mum has bought it I thought that apparently someone had tricked her, but when I tired it, I changed my opinion. For me that is one of the best feelings :D It always makes me sooo relax.
Unknown said…
1. Have you ever experienced ASMR?
Me too i have never hard about ASMR (Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response) before.

2. What kind of technique of relaxation do you prefer?
I am simple person and I do not need specific technique to relax. ASMR sound like a posh way of relaxing your body. I can simple relax with beer in my hand, watching TV, to be precise a football match. Another way to relax is just to take a cold drink go outside, lie down on a grass and take a sunbath.
Dalvia said…
1. Have you ever experienced ASMR?
I did experience it, but I never new the name of it. Quite interesting, must say....

2. What kind of technique of relaxation do you prefer?
Me too, I don't need a specific way to relax. I either listen to a good music, or ask my husband to massage my neck and scalp. We have this special "spider" thingy to go trough our heads, and relax us very much.... :):)
Darkia said…
Like others it's my first time of hearing about ASMR.
My best way of relaxation is just to lie down, about to sleep and listetning favourite music :) or... just take a nap :D
Kasia Kmieć said…
Thanks for sharing this topic with us! I've never heard of it before and it sounds truly interesting. You've definitely inspired me to browse and find something more about it. The ASMR technique is new to me, completely. But when I think about it, I might have experienced something described in this post (but I didn't know it has a special name!).

About my relaxation techniques... I prefer a long bath, good music, long walk in a park, good book or a meeting with best friends. It all depends on the day and my mood.
Unknown said…
I have never tried asmr before, but im in love with it!
I've heard about getting high by special, psycho music, which can make you hallucinate or feel liek more energy.
My way of relaxation is yoga and meditation, not in the religious aspect, but chilling with specific kind of music and getting inside of myself, getting calm and realxed.
Tomek said…
Probably the first ASMR recording I heard was the barber's shop: I really like the sensation ASMR gives, I often listen to such recordings when trying to relax. It also helps when I have many tasks to perform during the day and want to focus on one at a time. I have quality headphones for listening to music but with ASMR it doesn't matter which I use. Earphones are barely noticeable and make the sound more natural, as if something was happening around me.
alt_pl said…
1. Have you ever experienced ASMR?
Never but I will try to use power naps. I've heard that It can significantly boost Your effectiveness and lesser exhaustion.

2. What kind of technique of relaxation do you prefer?
I am too stressed to relax so It's hard to say :) I will try to use third one. Thank You for inspirations :)
Anonymous said…
I think that I never experienced ASMR. It's hard for me to imagine this state.
What kind of technique of relaxation do you prefer?
I best and fastest rest during movement. Often I go out for a jog with good music. I run away from busy roads.
Five times a week I play football. This is true relaxation. I have no problems, heavy thoughts, everything is simple :)
Another way to relax for me is the food. I like a good, varied food, often from distant countries :)
Unknown said…
1. Have you ever experienced ASMR?
Yes of course, it's the best way to relax for me. If you like this form of relaxation
I recommend this girl . She helped me reduce stress many times

2. What kind of technique of relaxation do you prefer?
This is the only form of relaxation that I use. I would recommend, in the evening after a bath, headphones and bed, choose the best recording and dash into the blue.
Natalia said…
1. Have you ever experienced ASMR?
No, not really, I don't like this kind of activity.
2. What kind of technique of relaxation do you prefer? I like to read books, decoupage and excercise to just do something, it helps me relax and is good for my body and practical skills. I don't like to listen to something relax in such way, for me it is waste of the time.
I never experienced such a “therapy” and frankly after listening to the movies you posted in the presentation I don't think I ever will. Actually they gave me a headache if anything :P. I don't see how people can find listening to sounds of tapping and scratching relaxing in any way. My relaxation “technique” includes a comfy chair, a nice movie or some good music and possible a cup of coffee or coca. I find it much, much more relaxing than listening to some random annoying sounds.
Kacper K said…
I’ve never heard about ASMR, but now definitely I'm going to read about it. My best way to relax is to take a walk and drink some energetic drink.

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