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[Week 7] Pole dance

For many people pole dance is an erotic dance, made in a strip club. But in reality it's really hard to do. It uses every muscle in your body, people who want to start it, must be aware it's not that easy as it may look.
It's really hard to start to do some cool trick, and it's about a year when u finally can start doing it in a really cool way. At the beginning it's just trying and a lot of injures. When u start u must be prepared there will be a lot of bruise.

Here is one of the most beautiful shows. Of course, I could place here many links to enjoyable movies, but I have chosen 3 of them. In the last one there is a Polish dancer Joanna Derybowska. She is a 40 year old woman, and still has energy to do so amazing tricks. She dances with her husband who is really good too.

For men pole dance is a little easier because they are stronger than women, but still it's more difficult to do it and looks like real men.

The trick made by them I found really amazing.
At the end, I put the compilation of the most amazing tricks from Pole dance Championship in 2010.

And of course the most amazing trick ever

I really have no idea how strong she must be.
For many people pole dance is inspiration. One of the most amazing person is Lulu. 

She isn’t afraid of showing her body. Maybe it's not the pole dance other people enjoy, but they respect she is not afraid to do it.
And one of the most important things is we must remember the pole dance is some kind of erotic dance too, but it's also a great workout for the whole body. People who want to try it must know it's hard to start, and have power to keep trying!

Do you want to try pole dance? Or maybe you have tried it?
What do u think about pole dance?
Have u ever seen the pole dance live?


Kasia Kmieć said…
I don't really know what is the main assumption of this article, as you expressed your conviction rather than describing the subject itself. I cannot argue with your taste, but I can compare it with what I think of the dance. Is pole dance erotic? I think every kind of dance can be if performed in such way. Pole dance itself is not erotic, but the dancers can make it so. Any kind of dancer wearing only underwear can be considered in sexual way. Or maybe my morale is too strong? From the examples you presented I liked the video of Joanna Derybowska. Some of them, however, are more touching themselves and flexing than actually dancing. But there are other performances I liked, like "walking on air" or my personal favourite performed to Pachelbel's Canon - it's fresh and subtle. As for the Lulu, I didn't enjoy her show, I don't think she's a good dancer.
I tried pole dance for 3 months, but I quit. I guess it was OK, but it wasn't so exciting and I didn't like the idea of being covered in bruises all the time. But still, it can be a great training for strength, endurance and flexibility.
Unknown said…
To answer your questions...
I don't want to try pole dance, but a small detail might be.. I'm a guy ;-)

I don't want to get into too much detail about my experiences watching it as well, but I wouldn't ever pay for such thing, as it's not something that is that entertaining for me. I think it's ok if you like doing it, I certainly don't mind, everyone has their own hobbies and any body movement is better than lack of it. It's a little bit like any kind of dance, just probably more taxing and useful.. as a full body workout of course ;-)
Darkia said…
Just to present pole dance. I said pole dance is erotic dance for most of people, because most of people think about it that way. Try ask some male friends. Most of my male friends when i told them i go to pole dance get only one in mind - clubs "go go".
In pole dance u must werat that kind of clothes because most of figures need your skin to catch pole. Latex and materials like that also can catch pole, that u will not fall down.
I didn't think Lulu is good dancer to, but she tried. And this is what most of people need. She can be example of follow your dream :P
Darkia said…
So what if u are men? ;) men can become really strong and good looking when training pole dance. They usually train other figures than ladies. Figures thah need more stengh.
Personally, I ‘m anti-dance person. I can’t imagine myself in pole dance. It would be very comical. I’ve seen pole dance twice. It looked very spectacular. Definitely dancers need a lot of training and strength. Moreover this dance is easy on the eye, especially for men. Pole dance doesn’t have to be erotic dance in gentelmen's club.
Sylwia said…
To me pool dance is especially a really good workout. Maybe its origin is erotic dance, but nowadays people changed their perspective on it. Still it can be only an erotic dance, but it can also present something more. Personally I'm amazed by people who do such stuff so effortless. I would like to have so strong and stretch body.
Unknown said…
I'm a man, and according to me it's a dance for women. It;s sensual and much better looking when dancing woman. You certainly need a lot of strength, which for a man would be a little easier.
I think it's a very beautiful dance and I admire women who are doing very well, sometimes it looks as if it did not cause a problem. It's certainly the merit of many years of hard and painful work, but the results are astounding.
I've never seen a pole dance live, but I must admit that I would like to see professional dance.
Tomek said…
I've seen pole dancing competitions on YouTube before. It's interesting to see that people are getting awards for doing this. I've seen men do amazing acrobatic moves on poles which is unusual for me but also looks difficult and dangerous to pull off. I wouldn't try it myself, I prefer more traditional sports.
Unknown said…
Do you want to try pole dance? Or maybe you have tried it?
I never tried it and I think I never will :D I prefer more conventional workout like jogging you know?
What do u think about pole dance?
For sure it is dance which requires a lot of strength, coordination of moves and bunch of other stuff and to do it right you need to practice hours.
Have u ever seen the pole dance live?
Never did but maybe someday I will.
Kacper K said…
I am a person who does not like to dance, and cannot do that. In my opinion Pole dance is a more interesting sport than dance. I think it is a very tough sport, because at the time of exercise works many muscles. I believe that exercise pole dance can be even more effective than walking on fitness or gym. I think that this area should be designed exclusively for women, because men look very comical turning on the tube. However, for sport or experience I would ever try to Pole Dance.
I certainly have not tried pole dancing and am NOT planning to do so :P It wouldn't be a nice view xD. Well, to be honest I am, let's say, quite closed-minded about pole dancing. I am not saying it's easy, especially after reading the article, but let's face it, pole dancing seems to be strictly connected with strip clubs. I agree it's hard, I agree it's a challenging performance, but the purpose is clear. I haven't seen a live performance.
Natalia said…
Wow, I didn't know that men also can do pole dance! This performances were amazing, but I don't want to try pole dance and I haven't tried it. Maybe I'm just old fashioned but for me this is not kind of activity which I would be proud of doing. I appreciate these people work and I think it requires a lot of exercises, but this is just not for me. I haven't ever see the pole dance live.
Unknown said…
Do you want to try pole dance? Or maybe you have tried it?
Nah no way ! :) Pool dance is definitely not my sport. I agree that this could be form of dance for some people, but for other this could be just rude. Stereotypes! I would not let my girl to take lesson of pool dance. When i think about pool dancing I also think about clubs with striptis.
What do u think about pole dance?
After watching all this videos i think this is just another form of dance and expression. However not everyone see it this way.
Have u ever seen the pole dance live?
No I never saw it live. My girlfriend would shut me if I would go for such a show :) Stereotypes...

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