Also called seppuku. Both terms literally mean 'cutting the belly' and are deeply rooted in japanese culture, which has been pursuing this art of dying for a long time.
The ritual itself is quite detailed. One cannot simply put the knife into the belly and die. The order, direction and starting points of cutting moves are fixed. Usually it was performed in front of some audience, in ceremonial clothes, and involved also creating a dead poem.
Big role in the ritual plays an attendant, kaishakunin, someone who will cut the head after enough belly cutting has been done. Actually, the moment of decapitating is agreed between the attendant and the suicider before the ritual. It can happen shortly after the blade was inserted into the body, or it can be postponed - if the suicider feels especially guilty and wants to perform the ritual of cutting in somewhat more detailed way.
Interestingly, seppuku of women (jigai) was performed not by cutting the belly but by cutting the arteries of the neck. They often tied their legs to ensure the dignified pose of the body after the death. It’s said that women of higher classes were taught how to do it properly as small children.
One of the famous harakiri performed in 20th century was the death of Mishima Yukio, a japanese writer, poet and actor. He was also a radical political activist who strongly criticized changes in modern democratic Japan and firmly opted for restoring power of the emperor and coming back to more traditional ways of governing the country (he didn’t like that Japan started to follow blindly western countries, especially US, in many aspects of life).
During his speech to the japanese soldiers he shared his manifesto and after seeing that his words make no effect on the listeners, he returned to his office and there performed seppuku.
What do you think about this custom? Do you think it’s disgusting and repulsive? Or maybe intriguing somehow? Do you think Mishima Yukio’s ritual would be the last one in history?
We are raised in a totally different culture. We value different things than eastern societies. We simply just don’t understand them. The main difference is (in my opinion) our perspective on the individuals and the society. If we like it or not we are raised in cult of individual being. First of all e care about ourselves and those in our closest surrounding (family or close friends), leaving the needs of the society (or any other group of strangers) aside. In eastern societies those values comes in a different order. That always fascinated me but as I said before I can’t really understand it. I can’t say if their approach is better than ours it’s just different.
I have the same opinion about hara-kiri. The idea is quite fascinating to value your honor more than anything else. I definitely don’t find it disgusting or something like that. I think that you have to be someone with really strong moral compass to do something like that, and only that makes such an act worthy of my respect. But as I said in the beginning I think that it’s a part of history. Maybe it’s a good thing.
I think Mishima Yukio`s ritual is not the last in history because in all cultures we can find many radicals, so till the knowledge about harakiri lives till it is possible.
Actually, earlier in 20th century there were also cases of private company owners commiting suicide (maybe not exactly in traditional harakiri style) because of their bad business decisions which made a company go bankrupt. It's interesting how they perceive responsibility and shame - they certainly feel it, but their answer is to kill themselves because of shame rather than try to fix something because of the shame.
Maybe a bit out of topic, but why do you use this dashed notation (hara-kiri)?
I've never seen it before I think.
Harakiri or seppuku was part of japanese culture from long time ago. Its all about honor which is very important to them. Some prefer to lose their life rather than lose their face. In Japanese culture seppuku was a way of punishment for failure.
Do you think it’s disgusting and repulsive? Or maybe intriguing somehow?
The topic of taking away your own life is very intriguing. However back in time this was better choice than life in shame. Today mentality changed and people know that failure is not a reason to take own life away.
Do you think Mishima Yukio’s ritual would be the last one in history?
So many strange and eccentric things is happening every day in different part of the world. I think everything is possible and we will hear eventually about another person who will act as Mishima Yukio’s.
By the way, I 100% agree with Mishima Yukio that Japan (and not only Japan) should focus on their identity and integrity and not blindly copy patterns from western countries.
I personally think this is a pretty stupid custom. I don't really believe in honor and thus into regaining it by suicide. I prefer to be without a honor, but still breathing.
Do you think it’s disgusting and repulsive? Or maybe intriguing somehow?
As I said I don't believe in honor, but if they believe in it they are free to do whatever they want, as long as it doesn't harm me or anyone else.
Do you think Mishima Yukio’s ritual would be the last one in history?
Hard to tell. If it's not banned then I don't see why it should be the last one. Yes people are changing and also traditions. Many of traditions are also being forgotten. Even though people are strange beings and there might be another enthusiast of japanese traditions who believe in such a thing.
As some of my colleagues said we are from different culture and it is hard for us to understand such custom. For us they seemd to be stupid to commit suicide, just because something went wrong. For them their honor and face were everything.
This ritual is terrifying, I cannot understand how someone could watch other people death and don't wanted to help or stop them.
Do you think Mishima Yukio’s ritual would be the last one in history?
I hope so. People should be more educated that there is nothing honorable in taking anyones life.
You've got a point here - maybe they preferred to commit a suicide because they knew they couldn't cope with social ostracism after doing something shameful...
Yes! Too bad japanese people who witnessed Mishima's desperation couldn't reflect on this.
I think every century has own customs. As the World is changing, our life and traditions are also changing. I think harakiri is dieing tradition. It is closely related with Japan custom and as Mishima Yukio noticed years ago Japan has changed. The influence of western culture is strong and especially young people have diferent values. Of course some single examples of harakiri may still happen in future, but as I said I do not expect that this custom will survive.