What can happen in 60 seconds? Below there
are lists of things that happen every day every, every minute:
- 20.000+ new posts on Tumblr
- 13.000+ iPhone application downloaded
- 100+ questions asked on
- 600+ new videos on YouTube
- 70+ new domains registered
- 60+ new blogs created with 1.500+ new posts
- 168 million e-mails sent
- 694.445 new search queries
- 1.700+ Firefox downloads
- 695.000+ Facebook status updates with 79.364 new wall posts and 510.000 new comments
- 50+ WordPress downloads
- 6.660+ new pictures uploaded to flick
- 100+ LinkedIn accounts
- 320+ new twitter accounts and 98.000+ tweets
- 370.000+ minutes of voice calls on Skype
- 12.000+ new ads posted on craigslist
- 13.000+ hours of music steamed on Pandora
- 450 Windows 7 CDs sold
- 2.6 million CDs made and 1.820 TB od data created
- 232 computer get infected by malware
- 710 computers get sold and 555 of them with Intel CPU
- 81 iPads sold and 945 iPhone sold
- 11 Xbox sold
- 18 Amazon Kindle Fire sold
- 38 tons of e-waste generated
- 4.000 USB devices sold
- 2.500 ink cartridges sold
- 75.000$ added to Google revenues
- 11 million conversations on instant messengers
- 103 Blackberry sold
- 1.100 acres of land farmed in Farmville
- 219.000$ of total payments by PayPal with 10.000$ by mobile
- 950+ purchases on eBay
- 12 websites got hacked with 416 attempts
- 2 million internet users watched porn online.
And you, what could you do in 60 seconds?
Yeah, a lot of things happen in only 60 seconds all over the world. Our planet is so full of life and technological wonders, which make everything simpler and much, much faster. It is amazing how much can happen in such a short time, isn't it?
Well, I think I presented the two basic approaches to this subject: the funny one and the serious, philosophical one. Yeah, I'm sure that most people (and can actually see it based on other posts) will think about this in a philosophical way, but... why so serious? :P
Diana, if everyone thought as you then we wouldn't have PCs, because they were also branded as gadgets by many (especially IBM). And without PCs there would be no internet, and without internet this knowledge wouldn't be so available, and many those brilliant minds wouldn't have an opportunity to share their ideas and talk to each other. Those gadgets make our lives easier and enable us to do more. The other thing is that not every gadget affects progress and is rather a toy than a tool.
In 60 seconds I can:
1. Write simple program.
2. Eat one hot dog.
3. Find, buy and download a music album.
4. Drink one beer.
5. Count to 60.
6. Do ~20 pushups.
7. Pitch my startup idea to investor or client.
8. Read Dilbert strip.
9. Take a shower if under time pressure.
10. Reply to 5 emails.
11. Decide what to eat in new restaurant.
...and more!
2. Wash upper or lower jaw.
3. Destroy own or someone`s live.
4. Etc.
For example In sixty seconds you can run your web browser (if it's not IE) and write comment to obtain good mark ;)