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Week 3: Mountaineering

I would like you to read/watch and comment on/discuss the presentation Mountaineering. You will find it at


Natalia said…
In my opinion city climbers, who don't use any protection from falling, are just life riskers and I do not think that many of them will die by natural cause. I could understand why there are people who climb on high mountains especially in the winter - the views from above and prestige which is gained is worth trying.
I really enjoy walking in the mountains and also skiing. But I definitely am not a mountaineering type person. Nevertheless it seems to me that city climbing is much more dangerous, especially since people usually don't use protection. But I do believe that every person needs a diffrent way to entertain themselves and/or to get their thrills. I for one know, that my hobby appears boring or strange to many people. So yeah, if somebody loves experiencing high thrills and risks then let them do it.
Tomek Niezgoda said…
I think it's the choice of the person if he wants to do some extreme sport or not. There are far more idiotic ways of risking your life than mountain/city climbing. If you can spend your time doing something you love then why not do it. The tragedy mentioned is just one of many that happened in the mountains. Saying that someone made a mistake and people died, in such harsh conditions for me is like saying they didn't know the risks.
Seisyll said…
Doing what you love is great, but you have to know where to stop. As mountain climbing is rather safe as you have to prepare for it before, checking equipment, route and conditions, to me city climbing is far too dangerous. Most of the time in case of city climbing we see people who do it without any equipment, thus leaving everything to capabilities of their bodies and a lot of luck.
I think that with every kind of dangerous sport, you have to draw a line to what extent you can risk, and always stay 10 meters away from that line.
Well I think that the answer to the question „what driver people into the mountaineering?” is quite simple. The same thing that drove humanity for almost 20.000 years. We have always tried to go further, beyond the next barriers that seems unbreakable at the time. We are just a very curious race. People like to test themselves. Try to achieve something that someone else deemed impossible.

For other it’s just passion and I feel great respect to those who decide to leave everything behind and risk their lives in some god forsaken place of land trying to climb some mountain. They do what they love and it makes them happy. Nothing else I think (the simplest answer is usually the right one).

As for the city climbers I think that they are Just adrenaline junkies. They are doing some crazy things because they are addicted to adrenaline and they can’t live without it. And I think that those two things (mountaineering and city climbing) can’t be compared in any way. In the city way “attack” the building for couple of hours, in real mountains your action goes on for many days, you can experience drastic weather changes and many other circumstances, that cannot happen in the city.
armandstanczak said…
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armandstanczak said…
Interesting points, but I'm not the kind of guy that likes to free roam in mountains/buildings etc. It can be amazing, exciting and very interesting, the whole adrenaline rush is something that some people carve for, but as stated on the other post, I'm a photographer, not looking for such thrills.
armandstanczak said…
Completely agree, I'm death scarred of anything that is higher that 3m. All in all, some love it, like gliders going around 300kph between buildings, I prefer steady ground.
elos said…
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elos said…
Emilian Boś
At the beginning of my comment I would like to share with you this video:

It a little bit explains why people climb and die in mountain. They are dying while doing what they love. We should respect his choice, but I hope they are also responsible and in case they have families they have some good insurance.

I would not compare city climbers and real climbers but I "give a props" to both. Live fast, die young. It’s not my business :) Personally I prefer ski lift for climbing and snowboard for riding down :) Of course I have urge to get higher but much more than 8k meters , for instance using air craft or special balloon like Felix Baumgartner.
Unknown said…
In my opinion everything you do with love is your passion and can be called and "addiction". It gives people the adrenaline shot but also changes them. Mountaineening sounds great. I am a big fan of snowboard, and part of that love are mountains. It's awesome feeling standing on the top of a mountain with your beloved snowboard watching down the hill, and it's just one step to go. Going back to the topic.I would never compare mountain climbers to city ones. In my opinion in mountain climbing its not all about height, but also about cold weather, blizzards and all the wether conditions that can appear in real mountains.

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