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Week 1 [08-14.10.18] Productivity Project

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and watch the presentation  A More Human Approach to Productivity.
His book is presented at . You can choose this video instead.
Present your thoughts on the productivity project and share with us your personal experiences.


Artem Lipovatyi said…
At the end of the film, Chris Bailey mentioned five productivity tactics. From these, I use only two - doing one thing at the time (but in context of programming sometimes it is necessary to do many things at a time) and disconnecting from the internet. Mainly, I agree with him and think the book can give you new ideas on how to increase your productivity. But all people are different and of course it will not be good for everyone. I also prefer to use some different tactics like taking a break in a fixed period of time (eg. every 1-2 hours), going for a walk (yes, everyone needs to get a freshness to his head) and music. The last thing, I mean music, is a little bit interesting, because in my case it can be either helpful or breaking the focus on a task. Of course, sometimes I like to work in a silent, being disconnected from the world.
I like this video, it corresponds well with my experience on productivity. During my long history of work I had a chance to experiment with many different strategies and ideas how to be more productive. Some of them actually worked pretty well and I'm using them until now.
I definitelly agree with the presenter about multitasking. We are not really built to multitask and we don't do it well. If I want something done quickly, I usually try to focus on just this one task. I also found it's not worth weaking up early, especially if you have a habit to go to bad late :) It doesn't help you at all and your energy level and productivity falls sharply during the day. Exercising, eating well, not using internet constantly helps as well. Properly managing tasks using e-mail, calendar and proper prioritization is very important as well.
What I found new in this video was the idea of meditation. I never actually meditated, at least no longer then few minutes, so I will definitely want to try this one.
But what is really important in my experience is the knowledge, or awareness, why we want to be productive. Realization that once you finish whatever task you have set for yourself for the day, you will be "free" to do whatever you want with your time without feeling guilty. I remember procrastinating a lot before I finished some tasks and there was always a hint of guilt in it. I knew I should be doing something else. So once you set yourself some goals, finish them and then start having a good time/relaxing/procrastinating, you will instantly consider it a reward for doing something good/worthy. And this is probably the best feeling to finish your day with.
I think that everyone have their "prime time" at different time during the day. i love to stay up late at night and i feel better working during that time.

When it comes to procrastination inducing tasks, often its not as simple to manage them because they do not follow "the rules" they are not boring nor complex to the point they feel overwhelming, in my case they are usually given to me by someone who himself does not care about particular project/task. Its hard to feel motivated and eager to work on something when u know that other involved parties are not.
That's one of the reasons why i have problems with doing my homework given by uninvolved teachers, and have no issues with tasks given by inspiring and involved tutors.
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In most cases, I do agree with Chris Bailey. I will try to implement some of the techniques he shared in this TED talk video, especially one connected with focusing on three main things we want to achieve on this particular day. I also think that not all of them can be suitable for people like me who work in information technology company and develops software because multitasking and using the internet (which is used mostly to do research on some problem) is part of a job they are doing.
Unknown said…
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Unknown said…
This movie showed me some nice things related to productivity. Chris Bailey speaks very interesting things with which I agree. I agree mainly that we are not multi-tasking. It's best to focus on one thing at a time. If you focus on one thing, it will be the best results than you would do a few things at once.

It is definitely worth sleeping as much as needed for a given person. Less sleep isn't conducive to the body so that during the day we won't have strength. I think that when we go to bed late, it's better to get up later to have energy for the all day.
Firstly, in my opinion, the whole point is too generalized. The author never mentions exactly at what he was productive (apart from noting that he was able to finish his book in a short period of time). Did he have a job at all? What projects did he finish?

The whole presentation focuses on the techniques of raising productivity level as well as some tips and tricks. However, the term "Productivity" itself needed a clarification. Chris pointed out that in his interpretation it is not determined by your level of efficiency, but instead it should be estimated by the amount of tasks you manage to accomplish. Which is, in my opinion, highly incorrect. A straight linear function is clearly visible here, with the time spent and the amount of successfully accomplished tasks being the arguments, directly proportional to the efficiency. I don’t see, how can you separate the term “Efficiency”, which includes “Accomplishing tasks successfully” in itself, from the term “Productivity”.

The author presented the results of a bunch of experiments which he took on himself in his attempt to separate myths from actually working strategies. But the truth is, that each one could simply ton work on this particular person, as everyone is unique. For instance, getting up early did not work out for Chris, however later in his book he implements the term “Biological prime time”, which clearly shows that getting up at 5:30 might simply not work for everyone, but that does not mean that it does not work at all. Personally I have discovered those prime hours for myself a couple of years ago, and know when the job is done the most easily for me. So this tip works for me.
Overall, the author’s main goal, which was “To separate actually working strategies from the so-called Productivity porn”, sadly nearly ended up as one of them, with just slightly rearranged patterns and repeated experiments with getting up early and disconnecting from the Internet.
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Chris Bailey at the end of his speech mentioned a lot of good techniques how to increase productivity. In everyday life I am trying to get enough sleep, drink a lot of water and be focused only on one thing at a time but even though sometimes it becomes hard to stay productive and deal with everyday tasks effectively.
I will try to implement “Rule of 3” and concentrate only on the most important tasks for particular day.

What I found the most interesting in this video was the idea of meditation and its influence on productivity. I never thought about using meditation to get more energy or to get rid of stress but I will definitely give it a try after Chris Bailey recommendation.
Filip Sawicki said…
It was a very decent TED presentation, I really liked that Bailey presented his productivity findings in such a compact way. However, at least for me, there wasn’t any surprising facts or knowledge, everything comes down to the common sense. I only had one “wow” moment when he said that he managed to watch almost 70 hours of TED talks over the week, that’s kind of achievement isn’t it? Besides that I really liked that he extended productivity description to relaxation, it is something that most of us usually forget. Efficient rest is as important as attention! But I want to disagree with his statement that being disconnected from social media (or internet as a whole) is beneficial. In my opinion you should apply the same concepts of productivity and relaxation towards everyday activity not only your work.
I like the way he looks at the meditation and daydream- when we have a small amount of time and a lot of stuff to do at work most of the time we choose to just work really, really hard on it without any break.
But after a few weeks I realised that even a small break can be a huge help. And when I started to meditate I was more calm and focused at work.

Chris suggested to cut off the internet. 5 days ago I decided to do a test: 7 days without unnecessary internet connection (work or homework is a must, but everything else- begone!) and without my laptop (as before- only work, no games, no movies... nothing).
After those 5 days I think that my test will last longer than 7 days. I have a lot of time, I'm more calm, more focused at stuff I'm working on and feel... free. You should try it!

Also I belive that cultivating your energy is also really important thing to do and I want to focuse on that in the next 3 weeks.
Unknown said…
Getting things done was my first book to change my perception of productivity. In particular showed me that writing things down is a great way to offload your mind from tasks you have to do during the day. It was okay before, but when I started working and still have to study a lot of stuff needed my attention in different time and there was no way to support the level of concentration and be a top performer. At the same time I was listening to podcasts in polish where productivity was discussed and they were talking about program to substitute a bit obsolete approach in GTD book and how it can be transform in application for people to use on their computers and phones and for it to be synchronized in cloud. Since that time I use Nozbe which made by Polish developers and popular GTD app all over the world.
Unknown said…
I really liked this TED presentation, because I saw that Chris Bailey was really passionate about the subject he was talking about. He showed us that productivity is about making better use of time that is limited for everyone. To have more time for things that are significant for us. What I also like in this TED talk, is that Chris had done producitivty experiments to see how much he can do every day.

One of his experiment was using a phone for just an hour a day. I also tried that a couple weeks ago. I was using my smartphone just an hour a day for a week and I must say that I am thinking about trying to do it again because after the experiment I was more vigorous, I have more time for things that I've always wanted to do, I was more focused on the important stuff and I think it helps me to be calmer, to find peace with myself.
In the video I found some useful tips and some of them I knew before. In my opinion here are the three tips what are effective for me.

The first one tip was about using smartphone for an hour a day. In our world I would say, it's complicated, because a lot of people get information from the internet by using smartphone. To my mind we need to use it correctly. Correctly It's not when you use it for social networks or some like that. And this tip I would change on "Using social networks for an hour a day", because a lot of people spend hours a day there.

The second one tip was about that we should at the beginning of each day, before you start working, decide what three things you want to accomplish by the end of the day. It could be a very good tip, I didn’t use it before, but I will try it. We spend a lot of time when we don’t know what exactly we want to accomplish today and very often we do a little of everything in a day without bringing a single case to the end.

The last one tip was about “prime time”. That not all of us need to get up early, for someone it’s not good, because their productivity falls and I'm one of them.
Unknown said…
I think that keeping your attention and focus is one of the most important skills you have to learn if you want to be productive. And this attention and focus are in particularly important during so-called "biological prime times" as mentioned in the videos. Sometimes in order to stay focused you might need to cut yourself from using the internet. But if your work requires the use of the Internet then you should keep yourself from things that cause a distraction. I've recently found web browser plugin which actually can do something like this called StayFocused, which actually allows you to block access to websites for some period of time provided by you.
As it was mentioned in comments above meditation is also a very interesting concept but in my opinion, meditation is kind of vague statement that might need more explanation for example how meditation might look like (maybe it's explained in the book itself).
Overall, I find this talk very informative and relatable. I might even take a look at the book.
Unknown said…
It was interesting presentation. Many thing l already know but some things was new for me. For example that each people had they own "biological prime time" in which peoples are more productive. Also I agree with Chris thought that time, energy and attention is equally important things. For productivity is also important good dream and good food (if you hungry or sleepy your productivity will decrease).You can increase your productivity taking breaks in work. In my experience it’s bad to make many things at one time, better concentrate in one thing at time. I think that disconnecting from internet at all it’s bad practice, when I work I disconnecting from social medias and messengers to grow my productivity, but using internet it’s part of my work.
Iman Masjedi said…
Managing the Time,Attention, and Energy, are important key for productivity. In my opinion, all three of these factors have a direct impact on human productivity.

In my opinion, human beings need to make more important changes in their lives for better performance, and these changes must be done with proper management of behavior.

In the face of problems, asking these questions are tips like
is boring, difficult,frustrating,unstructured or ambiguous,lacking in personal meaning,and lacking in intrinsic value,Helps us to understand the right issues and to better manage and solve bigger problems by turning into smaller problems, and thus increase our productivity.
Lukasz Mroczek said…
This TED is not only a great talk but the subject it covers may be very useful nowadays. We often don’t have time and we are looking for more free time but we don’t even notice that the main reason of this situation is wasting time and impossibility to be productive. To be honest, surrounding world won’t even help us by itself because all things that we are spending our time like smartphones mentioned in talk etc. are often a big waste of time. I’d also like to make experiment with limited using smartphone on my own but I’m not ready yet :D
Szymon Gibalski said…
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Bartosz Barnat said…
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Bartosz Barnat said…
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Bartosz Barnat said…
Productivity is something that not a few struggle with. We all want to be productive and accomplish something in a long term. We have to remember that we can accomplish more when we are positive in our lives and think not only about work as a subject of beeing productive. You need to know the boundries of your body and mind and by that I mean how much you can accomplish every day. After watching this video and hearing about 5 tips presented by the autor I realized how many of them I apply in my every day life. I must say that I'm the most productive when I go to the gym in the morning and clear my mind from every day problems. As weird as it sounds working in a gym is a releve for me and a type of extending my borders and always pushing my limits. Because of that I have energy and feel of fulfilment for the whole day. The second thing that I think helps a lot in productivity of my day is taking a break every 2-3 hours of work that can clear my mind and for that I'm watching videos on the internet or play video games with my friends what gives me a time to catch with their lives and clears my mind. Connection with other people give us a feeling of beeing a part of a group, of a society that has a great impact in out life and every day positivity.Another thing that the author mentioned about giving yourself 3 tasks that you want to finish after the end of the day and I think it is a great idea because people always think about really big projects and great changes in their lifes but not everything can be accomplished in a few weeks. When we want to implement a great change we abandon it after some time because we don't see any change but we never know how it changed our lifes from the beginning after we completely abandon it and go back to the point where we started.

I must say that the video presented above is really interesting and helpful and I will be looking forward to try new ideas how to get more productive. But the most important think that I need to remember is that I'm only a human and start initiate them slowly not to quit completely.
Anna Moskalenko said…
So basically the whole talk was about the work-life balance, which is not something new for me.
He pointed out the meditation, but actually it wasn’t about meditation. It is pretty obvious for me (and for most of us, I think) that our brain needs time to relax. And everyone has their own way of relaxation. Someone goes to the gym, someone practices yoga, someone watches movies and those things could work as well.
After the first part, when he was talking about his own experience, he goes to the second part, when he gives 5 advices. They are pretty useful, but I want to give my opinion on two of them.
The rule of three - why three? I think it depends on your goals. For IT guy like most of us there the goal “I want to fix this bug today” could be a 10 hours long task. But for a housewife sometimes 5 goals for a day is a good result.
Disconnect from the internet - it’s a pretty good advice, but how should we do that? Procrastinating on the internet is often a big problem for us, but how can we stop? I think he could give some advices on that, like start reading a book every time you want to watch memes :)
Unknown said…
As a game developer productivity is a centerpiece of my job, because there is a lot of games on the market I must create the unique one.

After watching Chris Bailey TED talk I will agree with him with few things. The first thing is creating "to do list" what we have to do to the end of the day. I do this kind of thing for a lomg time. Every day after wake up I create a list "what i must to do to improve my game". This list is very helpful. Tne second thing is how internet and social media have influence to our productivity. Unfortunately watching videos with small puppies all day long is my Achilles' heel. ;(
I found this talk interesting and I'm impressed by the amount of technics which author have tried during his productivity project. Lately I was interested in this topic and this video confirmed what I've learnt before. I think this talk covers main "rules" of productivity, but in my opinion they were based too much on author's experience and preferences.
I am happy that Chris Bailey has covered the topic of waking up early - in my opinion waking up late is not a "bad habit", but it's really depends from the person - I know a lot of people which won't be productive in the morning, no matter how long did they slept.
Chris gave us 5 advices - I think they will fit majority of people. I would like to share my "tips":
1) Plan Your day - if You will do it, they Your "goal" is set down. It would be best if it's possible to measure it - was it done in 50%, 100% ?
It requires a little bit of experience - with the time You will get better with estimating the amount of job You can do.
2) Do 1 thing at a time
3) Take a break - Your brain has to relax, especially if You try to figure out a solution to a problem. Try to schedule it - e.g. focus on working for 1 hour, and later make a 10 minute break
4) Turn off Your notification - don't get distracted !
5) Find a hobby/activity that You like and it's not connected with You job position - let Your brain focus on completely different area
6) Activity - as Chris said, it will give us an energy kick
Unknown said…
It was a very interesting lecture. Nowadays people are focused on multitasking, which does not always transform into efficiency. I noticed after myself that at work I often get tasks at once and I do not know where to start. Unfortunately, I lose my time because I start each task and I do not finish any of them. It is only after a moment I say to myself 'stop, do it in turn' . Then I start to do them one by one and it brings the best results and the execution time is shorter.

Certainly the next tip that I will take to myself and try to implement is to limit the use of social media. Facebook and Instagram are such time wasters.
Marcin Górski said…
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Marcin Górski said…
Productivity and planning day are hard topics for me, I have some rules but I'm very inconsistent person and it depends on day. One rule is settled: If I have some tasks I know that I have to do it but I know that evening work is the worst for me. I am a little slow and I only want go to sleep.

What about my system? I'm trying to plan my day every afternoon. When I get new task in my job I have to evaluate time which I can spend on it. It's very hard but it's very helpful. You have to think about it and be focused. I think that we shouldn't use computers (at work) for private things - Facebook, Twitter is something which can destroy our day.

In addition, Thomas Frank's video is better for me. I like eye-catching movies with images etc. I will try to add some features to my daily life because it can help me.
Marcin Mróz said…
I watched second video in which 5 lessons about productivity taken from Chris Bailey's book were presented. First one was kind of obvious when you would think about it, but I believe that people often forget about it. It says that not only time spent for particular activity matters, but also our engagement i.e. attention and energy. And I can agree with that, I hate when I plan to do something in specific time frame, but I'm getting distracted by many things and I don't actually do that. The most interesting lesson in the video for me was about biological prime time. I think that recognising your most productive time frames during the day and adjusting your work plan to it could be the key to your productivity. Also 5th lesson was clever for me - the "waiting for" list is something that I could find missing in my everyday life.
Szymon Gibalski said…
It was a really enjoyable and import TED talk for me. Productivity is a very problematic topic for me, especially during weekends because I really enjoy waking up late then browsing the Internet from 5 to 10hours and then taking a nap.
Now I know that there is nothing wrong with it! As the author of this presentation sad it is not important what we did but what we wanted to accomplish by the end of the day. If my goal was to order a large pizza and watch some Netflix so I can call my day a productive one because I accomplished my goals!
Also, I like the 5 tips the author provided by the end of his presentation. I think that the most important one is "one thing at the time" because it is a simple idea that can be easily achieved. I will give it a shot while working on my Engineer Thesis :)
Unknown said…
After watching this Ted talk, I realized that I'm not really lazy! I simply set too many "bad" tasks. Being productive is a very hard subject for me. At work I have no such thing that I have to come at 8 and finish at 16 and go home. I determine myself when I work and when I do not, because of that a lot of tasks are left for me on Sundays. I hope that by implementing at least some of the ideas of the author, my work will start to look like normal and the weekends will be free again!
As for the tips itself, I do not know if in today's world we can afford to give up using the smartphones for an hour a day. But it will definitely be a good decision to remove "disturbers", that is, all social community apps like Instagram or other things. Just changing the notifications so that they do not appear immediately on the locked screen but after entering to the application will reduce the usability of the phone to a minimum and will not distract us from the current tasks.
Unknown said…
I can't say, that there was something new in Chris Bailey's talk for me. But the thing is - if it is common knowledge, why the usage of these practices is uncommon? Chris has put a lot of efforts and spent a lot of time on his experiment to determine, what does it mean to be productive and how to achieve it. The problem is that you can't achieve the same by only catching a couple of thoughts from the TEDx talk or even by reading his book, no matter how good it is. Obviously, it can be a start or a boost of your way to become more productive, but no more than so.

I've been writing lists of tasks for a long time, and it is really helpful. The main advantage of such lists is that you can keep your head free from thoughts like "oh, I have so many things to do" or "I don't have enough time to do everything", that can lead you to the procrastination or apathy. These lists also help to set priorities to each task, and there is no easier approach to complete the list than to do from the easiest or the less time-consuming task to the hardest, at least, for me.

*I'm very happy about the fact that this blog platform now has automatic spelling check and more comfortable interface and visuals than last year :)*
Unknown said…
It was really interesting and eye-opening TED's speech. I can agree with Chris Bailey that a productivity is a very important part to achieve a success in our live. Some years ago I was big on my productivity and I spent a lot of time on reading and listening such speeches as this one.

For now I know that for my productivity it is the best to focus on one case at the time. I use a kanban in my life which is a scheduling system used often in software development. It helps me to have a wide perspective on my priorities and what I have to do to finish some big cases in time.

I think that if we have something complicated to achieve we have to split it to smaller tasks. Then it is much easier to start doing something smaller what don't takes e.g. a month. Such approach let me almost finish my IT studies and it's helping me with achieving successes in my life.
According to me (ok, maybe not the most humble way to start a sentence :P) being well-organized is really important in most cases in our lives, no matter if we are talking about our work, studying for exams, learning new things or trying to gain some muscles during long-hours sessions at gym - doesn't matter, to achieve your goal you must be well organized.
When it comes to myself, I try to take maximum from my day. There is a saying that more work you have, more work you are able to do and it's 100% correct when it comes to me. So when I'm trying to be productive first thing I must do is having a lot of things to do ( that's why I'm studying, working, teaching...). It's also very important to give yourself a break sometimes, especially brain. Boxing classes or jogging works best for me, also yoga is quite good.
If I'm thinking more about it, it's also very easy to fall into trap of rat race when it comes to productivity. It's really short line between being well organized or ambitious and some unhealthy trends to be best at labor market.
Last thing I want to mention are my cheats how to stay well organized: first thing, as I said, you should have a lot of things to do - being well organized while being jobless is something weird in my opinion. Second thing is already mentioned by someone above me, well known for everyone "to do" list. No matter if you have it on paper or in smartphone, just have it, may help a lot. Last thing is a skill to making your life-work life balance at some healthy level - remember, you must relax sometimes ;)
Foodocado said…
It's was an extremely interesting speech. I am not the good person to talk about productivity. However, I am doing by best. I work full-time, study od daily basis and started preparing myself to take part in 'half ironman' race. I have to find time for all those things and be fully concentrated. In my opinion the best thing I can do is to plan everything in advance. Also the main key is to focus on one thing at the time. We shouldn't be interrupted by things like smartphones, social media etc. Those things are irrelevant and take time which is the most valuable.
Unknown said…
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Unknown said…
I like this presentation. A lot of ideas what Chris Bailey presented I already know about. But never wasn't trying to organize and structure it. I used to do a lot of things to become more productive especially now when I need to work and study at the same time and also have I time for myself. Some of the rules which I use is quite similar to what was presented, however, defined in a bit different way. For example, the rule of three (which were defined at the short list of 5 rules at the end of the presentation) instead of it every day before fall asleep a preparing a short plan for the next day, in my head, what I think is very similar to "rule of three". Also, I used to sleep 8 hours daily, do fitness, and trying to do only one thing at a time which sometimes could be a big challenge. But also some things were new for me, like spend less time in an internet. After this video, I realized how much time I spending surfing the internet. So, my next step to become more productive will be to limit my internet time.
Unknown said…
I've seen the first video and in my opinion it was great experience. Chris has right with productivity. Most people don't know how time is important in our lives and they don't respect it. Productivity is the key to achieve your target. I’m deeply convinced that every person have to take individually steps to improve themselves. For some people the best option is meditation, for other is fitness and other ones is both. For instance in my case to raise my productivity is disconnected from internet. Few years ago I had problems in school, I got only bad grades. The whole point was that, I was spending too much time on playing computer games. I just wasted my time. I decided to break off the internet. Living without wi-fi was the different reality but it was the opportunity to improve my productivity and I take advantage of that.
Unknown said…
I am very lazy and I often looking for any idea to do something faster and easier. More over I often spend more time on thinking how to do it easier than I could do it. It’s a big waste of the time. Ted is talking about things that everyone should know, but not many people could live in agreement with these rules.

In my opinion subject of this video is interesting but everyone should find own ways and limits to be most productivity. I will agree fully with the author of this video that healthy lifestyle for example jogging or training at the gym helps us achieve such goal. I must agree also with the sentence that we are not multi-tasking and if we want to do something very good we have to focus on it and try to working in short sprint eg if you are doing something important, do it for 30 minutes and take a 5 minutes break.

Btw I found such a nice application on the iPhone that helps you focus on your „project”. This app set time for doing something and will inform you when you have to take a brak to work more productive.
Marcin Zając said…
This TED talk deals with becoming more productivity. At the end of this video Chris Bailey described 5 productivity tricks.
I think they are common and well-known techniques.

Working as a software developer is not easy to disconnect from the internet, but I try to rememeber to mute notifications from apps like facebook. (There is also a very usefull browser extension called focus).

Doing only one thing at the time is also very important and it’s easy when you use tools like Jira or trello, which also help prioritizing and dividing big tasks into smaller subtasks.

To the first trick “Rule of 3” I would add focus on why this is the most important things to do in this day, it can increase motivation.

The only new thing for me is meditation. I’ve heard about it, but never use it. I will try.
Unknown said…
After watching the video I don’t feel surprised about the problems and tips for productivity mentioned by Chris Bailey. Rather I feel well informed and assured about the things I knew before or thought about. Probably because so many TED talks or management projects or even English lessons touched that topic. As Chris Bailey is saying, productivity is not just a matter of time we spend on working. It is rather the amount of work we did. Just like in physics. Work is force times vector. In other words it is basically how much force we needed to move something from one point to the other. Its like putting a chair in other corner of the room. It doesn't matter if we walked through the whole house with that chair before putting it to a desired place or we did just that immediately after we grabbed it. In the end, the work we did is the same. But in the first example by moving around the whole house with that chair we wasted both time and energy. Because we were not efficient.
To be efficient, just as Chris is saying, we need full attention and energy. That, multiplied by time, gives us our productivity, but I think that without proper plan of work it still might not me enough.
Knowing how to do the tasks correctly might be even more important for productivity than energy and attention we put into tasks. Just like running with said chair around the house. Very fast, fully focused, lot of time spent, and result the same as the one from person slowly moving, dragging the chair with one hand while having a phone in other, but going straight to the goal.
Rest well, eat well, have some healthy routine during the day. For me it was always a problem and still is. As much as giving my full attention to the task at hand.
But having a good plan and knowledge how to do the work is also a key to productivity.
Unknown said…
I took a few interesting things from this video. First of all I have never even paid attention to something called "prime time". I just knew that I am a night owl and that was just enough for me to understand that my productivity probably will increase by the end of the day. I should definitely reconsider my way of thinking about productivity time.

The idea of disconnecting from the internet was perceived by me in a different way. Instead of just turning off the internet I removed most social medias(except of some messangers) in order to feel the difference and I did. This helped me realize that I used to spend significant amount of my valuable time on some useless things like scrolling someone’s profiles or watching some funny stupid videos.

The most unexpected thing for me was that physical activity can actually increase your productivity. Before this video I considered doing sports like something that I have to do in order to keep fit. It was a waste of time for me(from the perspective of education) but I don’t think so anymore.
Successful productivity is one of the topics that I’ve been overlooking for most of my life and only started focusing on it when I got my first job. In the software engineering industry, it’s far too common for people to ignore symptoms of habitual procrastination and pay no attention to the bad influence of distractions.

I watched the second video of Thomas Frank describing 5 lessons he learned from Chris Bailey’s book. I agree with all the conclusions he made. However, I disagree with some of the comments made by other students, particularly those saying that „it’s common knowledge”. It’s not. Writing such statements only diminishes the importance of methodical productivity and, in my opinion, proves that they have far too little experience and expertise in the industry to deal with such absolutes.

As for the productivity itself, I’d like to add one tip from myself — if you can’t focus, take a break, go for a walk in the park or around the block. Oxygenating the brain is proven to have a tremendous impact on our ability to concentrate and I highly recommend it, especially when working on a tedious task for a long time.
Mykhailo Reznyk said…

I think this book is an interesting attempt to describe the nature of productivity, yet I would not consider it as some guideline but would rather treat it as set of interesting techniques which would definitely boost you on your path of becoming productive and hardworking person.
In his book Chris Bailey tells us about 3 important components of being productive: time, attention and energy. Being able to properly manage all three of them is, no doubt, a significant advantage that will help a lot. And I agree with such a way of thinking about it, but I believe even before that, comes something that is the very bedrock of productivity. Motivation.
In my opinion it is the most important part of being productive. I make such a conclusion from personal experience. Lack of motivation immediately renders any task in my head useless, pointless work completing which will grant nothing. And it affects not only productivity but your mood in general. Whenever apathy strikes, I don’t feel like doing anything is bringing joy, even activities which are considered as resting, like surfing the net or watching some movies. And what is apathy if not absence of motivation.
So my advice and overall comment on this topic would be like that: before you start work on something, clearly define your goal. Know what you want to achieve by spending your time energy and attention. Because if you have a goal and see a purpose in what you are doing, then it becomes your motivation, your fuel for a new height to reach.

I really like Bailey’s description of productivity as the act of reconciling time, attention and energy. Oftentimes people overlook the latter two, especially the attention span, when talking about “being more productive”. One can clearly have quite a lot of time if they don’t sleep at all, but I doubt any meaningful work could be done by such individual. Additionally the attention is a growing concern in today’s world, when people tend to, and sometimes are even expected to, multitask in more and more situations. In my struggles with the topic of productivity I’ve tried numerous aids (phone apps, calendars and other tools) to stay organized and productive, but ultimately nothing will help if one of the three mentioned parts is not satisfied.
I’d argue that a sample size of one person is a little small, and Bailey’s experimentation has surely provided a good insight into how productivity works… for himself. As Kyrylo said in earlier comment, Chris never really delves into what his actual measure of productivity was and what he had accomplished. What can’t be undermined though is the methodology he used to determine what worked for him. It presents a sound set of factors one should consider when looking to increase their productivity, but seeing that people are different, it might not always lead to the same conclusions as Bailey arrived at.
Overall, the presentation gave me a few ideas to look into on the search for my optimal way of keeping myself productive, and I’d urge anyone having problems with that to watch it.
Good talk. There are many inspirational points in the space. However, his definition of productivity is ill-defined and vague. He says that to be productive you only need to carry out behaviors associated with your daily objective regardless of the significance of the objective. This is very ill, non-motivational, and vague detention. Furthermore, objectives achieved during the day should be valuable both to the person and to those around him, and not some nonsense objectives like binge-watching a series on Netflix. That's called relaxation and entertainment. I personally define productivity as engaging in challenging behaviors/works throughout the day that are aligned with the goal of striving to come my ideal self and it is measured by how much time I spend doing quality work.
Piotr Ciesla said…
I agree with cris time, attention and energy have to be in perfect balance if you want to be productive. I’ve struggled a lot with energy because I have to much on my head which affected my sleep witch affected my time management which leads to lack of focused on important tasks. I’ve tried this app that helps you Gide in meditation, it’s called headspace. It helped me with my energy I slept better and I could focus on thing so I’ve ended them faster and everything was going back to balance. I strongly recommend meditation if you have same problems
Marcin Krupa said…
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Marcin Krupa said…
I have mixed feelings. I really appreciate form of Chris Bailey’s presentation, generally I agree with him and I think he is really good, talented speaker, but in the other hand his arguments were pretty obvious. His experiment and general rules didn’t show anything incredible, suprising to me. (Ya, right now I sound like hypocrite, because I am textbook example of procrastinator.)
Even if I didn’t appreciate his presentation as much as expected, I realized that he is just right and all of that rules, advices and experiment results are not empty slogans. He simply perpetuate that knowledge for me, at the same time a little enlarging my understanding of some slogans. For example three ingredients of productivity hit home.
To sum up, this video maybe will not change my life, but definitely it wasn’t waste of time.
Unknown said…
I think I'm a productive person and I see the results of it. As mentioned in a video there are multiple ways of how you can improve your productivity. I found this video useful because it gave me some tips on how I can push my productivity even further. I agree with Chris that not every one of them will work on everyone an I'm a perfect example of that. I'm not an early person, and there is no reason for me to change it because it doesn't work for me. Procrastination tips sound useful. I'll try to work with them while fighting with my procrastination soul.
Unknown said…
Before I start I want to say about one big disadvantage of the presentation for me - about target. Within the first minute speaker says: "Hey, guys. Look at me, I'm the same like you. I'm a nerd". Okay, but what's about people that don't belong to this special group? Do we need to watch and listen next parts carefully? Or we need to find another speaker - just a common manager? So starts from first minute of the presentation I was already confused. Of course speaker nerdy about meditation, productivity and other non-technical things. So what's the problem? The problem is that announcer use this "magical word" for a purpose to interest IT-guys and nerds thereby making it less interest for common people.

So now more about the topic - project productivity. In the first part this guy talks a lot about his personal unsuccessful/successful experience of project productivity, two times reminds us that he has a girlfriend (again this is important information for target - nerds) and tells us a little bit about meditation and weight loss. In the second part there is something about important things: time, attention, energy. And also he ignores standard magical numbers in motivational speech: 4 and 7. He choose less common: 5. Five rules of productivity project.

My advice is more concisely:
- Go to your first job as soon as possible to understand mechanism of team working and to understand how important are people as resource in business.
- Try to plan your daily tasks by using one of the agile methodologies (This is a standard that is using in the most companies)
- Don't listen to guys which used to wear a Liverpool T-shirt

Chris Bailey's speech was interesting to me because he gave me some tips on how to organize time and how to be more productive. This matter is important to me because I have a problem with organizing my free time. Often when I turn on the computer I first spend a few hours surfing the Internet, after all I am very tired and I have less time. I can't focus on important tasks. I hope that applying these tips will help me be more effective in the future
I think everyone comes to that moment in life, where he wants to squeeze as much of their limited time as they can. First thing to do is probably to try spending more time on the most important things on the list. Sometimes after failing or putting a lot of effort into, it doesn’t compensate us with satisfaction. In my opinion that’s the place where we need productivity. Given video beside a lot of good advices of “how to get things done” shows how important it is to have a proper work-life balance. Productivity helps us greatly in achieving that not only by defining how much time should be put into a certain task, but how much energy and valuable effort is needed, while still being able to live a life that makes us happy. As for me I will try using that technique of defining things I want to achieve by the end of the day
Unknown said…
This TED Talk was interesting because Chris Bailey tested all of the methods mentioned in the presentation on his own and then shared his results with the audience. It directly shows how passionate he is about the topic. It was impressive how the Time we spend on a task, the Attention we give and how much Energy we put in, influence our productivity. Also, the definition of being productive as he described “It doesn’t matter how busy or efficient we are, it is how much we accomplish” is in my opinion precisely on the point. This is how people think and work because this is what counts in the end.

On point was missing in my opinion and that's the why or better said “the motivation”. Because knowing why we do something, it increases the understanding of a topic, which allows us to link the dots faster. Consequently, productivity raises. Otherwise, there can be times that you ask yourself, why do I do that? If it’s a job, it’s quite an easy answer, but besides that, it can be hard to focus on topics which are not well defined or their outcome is not clear. We lose track of the task, or we get easily distracted. So understanding allows us to be focused!

Furthermore, listening to his explanation about how we put attention to a task reminded me of an article with Warren Buffet and Bill Gates. It’s about being focused, and this is the single most important factor(Word) in their success through life! So feel free to read it.
Unknown said…
In addition to that, I highly recommend also his book Get some Headspace!
Unknown said…
It was quite interesting.
I’m gonna agree about multitasking. Unfortunately doing more isn’t more efficient. I’m not „day planning” person, but I like to do things step by step to not get distracted. Good thing is I can predict time needed to do something.
Talking about distractions - you know, everything is for people. Right now I’ve got one full-time job and one part-time job, because I have enough time to do so. Besides that I spend a lot of time on social medias, YouTube etc.
The most important thing is to stay OK with yourself.
If you’re thinking „I could be better at this or that”, then stop thinking and just change something.
Maciej Nowak said…
The first two lessons from the second video sound quite obvious, however people tend to forget about them and not use them on regular basis, at least I have this problem. Even when time is not a big issue, working while you are distracted or/and you are fatigued is very inefficient and makes you even more tired. And when it comes to procrastination, identifying those procrastination triggers may be really helpful in getting the job done on time. The third lesson was familiar to me actually because of one of a book in series "Dune" by Frank Herbert where there was a meeting between two persons that was prepared in such time, that both will be at their peek of energy level. Fourth lesson is the one that I often forget when it comes to planning my time in the future.
Unknown said…
It is true that everything he told at presentation was nothing new. However, it is a good example to us about productivity boost methods. Each person has his unique way of being productive, so it must be experimented by yourself to figure it out.
The most important part of the presentation was the phrase: "It does not how busy and efficient we are. What matter is how much we accomplish at the end of the day." It is important to have the routine and it is more important to become better version of yourself everyday.
Meditation for my opinion is the best way to balance your job. It helps me to refresh myself after long work.
I can give one advice for boosting productivity:
Treat yourself as the one you like and give yourself present for finishing the work as if you give that kind of person.
Unknown said…
I really enjoy this presentation! In my opinion, productivity is a key to succes. Chris has right with productivity, being well-organized is really important in every aspecst of our lives doesn't matter if it's our job or simply spare time. Currently I'm working as a junior event specialist, so being productive and planning things ahead is my daily basis but...
Recently I take a break for 2 weeks from this job. I went to bed late(5 am), woke up late(3-4 pm) so my rutine was damaged. Fortunatelly I managed that quite good! The paradox is that if we have more responsibilities and less time we are able to plan them better. The more task I've got the more complex and pleasant my schedule become. I don't have "time gaps" so I'm not distracted.
As Chris said - "to do" list is what we have to do - it helps a lot. Personally, I don't have to write it, I just have to think of upcoming task and squeez it into my "mind schedule". It's get better with practise :)

One of my biggest problems is social media influence - it's totally destroy my schedule, rutine or plans. Now I know, that I have to work on this and pay attention to this small distractions :)
Unknown said…
I found this presentation really entertaining and I think everyone can learn something from it. Nowadays, productivity is a major factor in people's life. It allows us to control our time we spend everyday and balance it with the work we have to do. All the great leaders and/or personalities have their schedule optimised, so they can do the most they can in the time they have. I do agree with Chris about meditation, it is crucial to rest and relax from time to time especially when we are doing a lot of exhaustive things. We can look at it as a step back in our overall progress, but eventually it gives us more power and energy to take few steps forward. To be honest, I have learned this by myself after my first two years as a developer. Working overtime, going sleep late and waking up early, and studying concurrently did not bring anything else beside stress and fatigue. Now I know when to stop and find this time to think about where am I, what am I doing and to plan my next steps.
Nataliya Tkach said…
Chris Bailey not told anything new. As for me, not all of his tips are very useful, for example 4) Turn off Your notification - don't get distracted !
If the mail will receive a message from the chief with an urgent task,or important information and you will not see it, it is not only work.
Chris Bailey just combined different methods and rules.

The Pareto principle of 20/80 (the most effective as for me)
The philosophy of " Do less»
Diet Information
Live on shedule

Everyone is looking for what suits him best.

As banal as it may sound, but it is a fact-high productivity depends on the mood with which you approach the tasks. Do what you like – the most basic secret of productive work! It is clear that often we are forced to do something that we are not interested and do not like, and this is inevitable, but in any process, you can find some positive aspects.
s18716 said…
I think Productivity is one of the main tools for the distribution of the main human resource - time. This is especially noticeable in the fast-growing 21st century.
Since this topic is very popular and there is a lot of material on this topic, the presentation by Chris Bailey should serve as a good fixing material. Especially it concerns 5 tactical installations, about which he speaks at the end of his speech. It would be great to match them. The only moment that confused me was the question of multitasking, it seems to me, being a modern person, it is very difficult to concentrate on one problem. On this issue, I will analyze for a long time.
Well, the introduction of meditative techniques - the pearl of his speech!
I've watched the video of Thomas Frank. The first advise I founded interesting. The second advice is to find out the procrastination trigger which doesn't allow you to do some work and try to fix this trigger to resolve this problem. Hopefully, I know from IT that every difficult problem needs to partition to more smaller for success resolve it. Hmm. Cleverly, very cleverly. The third advice is "prime time". I've heard about this in bodybuilding. When you do exercises in sports club during your "prime time" it gives you more progress, but in thinking case I think is the same. I think my "prime time" from 10 am to 1 pm. The fourth advice is really interesting, I'd like to find out more about this experiment. The fifth advise about "waiting for list" is like backlog in Agile. I use Google Keep for this. I liked the short explanation of the book by Chris Bailey. Thanks, Thomas Frank for that.

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