Put your name on the list of blog moderators (choose a week when you
would like to do it). Remember, blog moderation is an obligatory part of the
What do you do as a moderator? Choose some theme for your week. Put on
the blog links to interesting articles, films, presentations, etc. Comment on
them and encourage your group to discuss them with you and other course
1. 08-14.10.18
2. 15-21.10.18
3. 22-28.10.18 Marcel
S., Iman, Filip S., Nazar O., Bartosz K., Kyrylo P.,
4. 05-11.11.18
Tomasz T., Bartosz B., Mykhailo R., Marta K., Piotr C., Daniel C., Adrianna F.,
Andrzej N, Pavlo R.,,
5. 12-18.11.18 Mateusz P., Marcin M., Sebastian
S., Maciej N., Jakub N., Galimzhan S., Cezary R., Brendon Phiri, Aleksander Wiza, Andrii Zinchenko
6. 19-25.11.18
Piotr G., Maciej Ł. Rafał K., Mateusz G., Paweł W., Aleksander K., Adrian K., Uladzialsu
B., Pascal H., Vladlen Kyselov, Dmytro Kravchenko
7. 26.11-2.12.18
Michał Paw., Anna M., Kyrylo A., Marcin Z., Bartosz K., Bartosz L. . Camilla Varju-Rutkowska, Cezary Szymkiewicz, Mikołaj Guzek-Szopa, Paweł Zaremba
03-09.12.18 Kamil S., Marcin G., Dmytro S., Marcin
K., Andrew K., Monika Lachowicz, Michał Skotnicki, Maryna Bratishko, Vitalii Syrotynskyi, Adam Chrzanowski,
9. 10-16.12.18
Lukasz M., Misha T., Vitalii N., Yevhen S, Aleksander S., Szymon M., Karol Strupiechowski, Bohdan Ptyts, Volodymyr Kepsha, Jakub Windak, Denys Pogurskyi
10. 17-23.12.18
Szymon G., Artem L., Fabian P., Bartosz P., Pavlo R., Damian G., Jakub S., Kamil Krzywkowski, Kuc Mariusz, Moroz Kristina, Ahmed Elsawi
11. 14-20.01.19
Tomasz R., Krzysztof L., Mateusz J. , Piotr
Błażewicz , Patryk Górski, Adrian
Bramowicz , Imran Muhammad, Bartłomiej Pichalski, Denys Yelchaninov, Lukisha Illia, Wojciech Protasik
12. 21-27.01.19
Ihor R., Michał Odziemczyk , Adrian
Zawadka , Sylwester Stawicki, Nataliya Tkach, Abdulrahman Abo Taleb, Maryna Bratishko, Maksym Serhiienko, Vladyslav Andrusyshyn, Jakubowicz Michał, Kacper Jarzyna
I would like to be a moderator on week 7th (26.11-2.12.18).
I would like to be a moderator on week 6th (19-25.11.18).
I would like to take week 10 (17-23.12.18)
(Rafał Kowalczyk)
I choose week 5.
I'd like to take week 8.
Thank you