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Week 2 [ 26.03-08.04.2018] Intermarium – The fallen idea of Central-East European federation

The Idea
Intermarium (polish: Międzymorze) or Between-Seas was an idea of creating Central East European federation stretching between Baltic, Mediterranean and Black seas. It was proposed by Chef of state and first marshal of Poland Józef Piłsudzki during interwar period between World War I and II. The goal was to create a balance of power in Central European region to prevent one nation achieving a position of dominance, mainly counterweight Russian and German imperialism. Federation would encompass territories of current Poland, Lithuania, Ukraine, Belarus, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania, Croatia, Former Yugoslavia, Baltic states, Finland and parts of Russia.

Historical Background

Territory of Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth mapped on today's borders

To properly understand political reasons of Intermarium we have to first go back to 16th Century and shortly recall Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. It was formed in 1569 by the Union of Lublin and was the a semi-confederal aristocratic republic uniting Kingdom of Poland and Lithuania. It was one of the largest countries in Europe, created to hold itself against Sweden, Russia and Ottoman Empire oppressions. During that time Commonwealth entered its golden age. In 1795 as a result of catastrophic chain of political decisions country was partitioned in three stages by the neighboring Russian Empire, Kingdom of Prussia, and the Habsburg Monarchy and thus ended the dream of strong Central European empire. The period of Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth was later commonly resembled as a predecessor of Intermarium.

Interwar Period

The Great Purge in Russia
After World War I Poland regained parts of its lost territory. Marshal Piłsudzki (selected by Entente as a chef of Polish state) started working on the “Prometheans” project aimed to disintegrate Russian empire by supporting nationalist independence movement of non-Russian minorities. During that time he initiated idea of allied powers to withstand the pressures of the Soviet Union. However his politics mainly focused on resurrection of Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth rather than separate federation. Unfortunately for Piłsudzki there was a huge opposition to his idea coming from every direction. Lithuanians and Ukrainians feared that this could lead to polish subjugation, when formerly both fiercely fought for their independence. Allied powers on the other side thought that bolshevism wasn’t a threat and didn’t want to disrupt geopolitical balance in the region. There were also post-war border claims coming from neighboring countries and growing internal polish opposition. Piłsudzki understood that his idea was not feasible just after the outbreak of Polish-Soviet war (1920).

During Polish-Soviet war Piłsudzki shifted his idea and started planning an alliance with Baltic and Balkan states which was his first serious attempt to create the Intermarium. Apart from Czechoslovakia and Lithuania, Poland had good relations with other countries. However they had tensions with their own neighbours. Piłsudzki managed to create Polish-Romainan-Hungarian alliance before his death in 1935. According to some historians failure of Intermarium has plunged the chance to avoid hurtful fate of Cetral-East Europe in Second World War.

World War II

New York Times on 1st September 1939

Intermarium concept was revived after outbreak of World War II. Mostly by Władysław Sikorski the political leader of Polish Government in Exile. In 1942 Greek, Yugoslav, Polish and Czechoslovak governments were debating a union based on Intermarium model proposed previously by Pilsudzki. This project had also failed due to political pressures of Soviet leaders on allied forces. Ironically most of the countries supporting union in the East Europe fell to the communist block of influence after WWII.

Countries currently participating in Three Seas Initiative
The idea of Intermarium hasn’t died In fact on 6 August 2015 Polish President Andrzej Duda, announced plans to recreate a regional alliance as The Three Seas Initiative (BABS). Since then there have been 2 summits in Dubrovnik (2016) and then in Warsaw (2017) with participation of U.S President Donald Trump.

1. How would the world look today if Intermarium was created?
2. Do you think that this alliance would prevent the outbreak of second World War?
3. Was Pilsudski’s afford to create Intermarium even worth a try?

The Intermarium: Wilson, Madison, & East Central European Federalism [book]


Unknown said…
1. How would I know? Maybe it would work and counterweight the imperialism as you wrote in your article. Maybe it would end up as another World War or maybe just a local conflict. What I know is that giving my current knowledge of our situation in Europe its quite a nice concept from energy production point of view. This could help us become sustainable and self-efficient. We are not now, and it makes us very vulnerable. On the other hand many countries cannot afford being totally and honestly independent and I've heard about quite interesting theory that modern world countries don't necessarily need that in order to survive.

2. I have no idea. I am not aware of the interest that today world's leader are driven by, so it might prevent it or as well be a pretty good excuse for the cause of it.

3. Idea itself seems worth very much to me. Especially giving circumstances we were under of that time.
Marcin Mróz said…
It's really hard to speculate on this situation as I'm not a historic specialist. However, I believe the world could look differently if Intermarium was created. Maybe position of the countries of the alliance in the current European politic scene would be stronger? Maybe, as you suggest, creation of Intermarium could even prevent from the outbreak of the World War II? Maybe it is possible, but in case of the last possibility I doubt if something could stop Nazist from starting the war. But maybe things would have gone differently and Poland would't has been under Nazist occupation for so long. I think that Piłudzki's afford to create Intermarium was really worth a try as far as all the countries of the possible alliance weren't too strong then and joining their forces wasn't a a bad idea.
Unknown said…
Honestly, I have no idea on how the world would be different if Intermarium was a success. There are numerous possible scenarios of how this union would change world's history as we know it today. But I don't think that existence of Intermarium could prevent the outbreak of WW2. It was obvious back then that war with Nazi Germany is imminent. Sure, joint forces of several Eastern European countries of Intermarium would definitely be a great threat to Germans, but it also depends on how powerful army of that alliance would be.
Overall, the idea of Intermarium wasn't bad and was worth a try. I think the main reasons for its failure were due to some political disagreements between countries and different visions on perspectives of such idea.
Unknown said…
I’m not a historian so I can’t even speculate or imagine what would happen and how would the world look today if Intermarium was created. That is also why I won’t have much to say about it. I don’t know how would the history go but I suppose that second World War was unavoidable and there was no way to prevent it. Despite my lack of knowledge, I think that Pilsudki’s afford and idea was worth trying. Overall I think that Intermarium would rather have more positive effects.
Filip Sawicki said…
The Three Seas Initiative has been created exactly for the purpose you describe, just to balance the political power in European Union. While the initial reasons of Intermarium were profoundly different the goal of strengthening political influence of the region is still valid.
Filip Sawicki said…
I agree that it is hard to imagine how the world would look today if Intermarium existed. However I do think that German Reich would seriously consider abandoning plan of conquering Poland. West powers didn’t respond properly to the actions of Hitler before outbreak of WW2 (Remilitarization of Rhineland, Anschluss of Austria, Subjugation of Czechoslovakia) due to huge political influence of their citizens, who had already survived first World War. Maybe with strong Eastern European federation Hitler wouldn’t break international laws so freely.
Filip Sawicki said…
You don’t need to be a historian to speculate about history of Europe. Merely common knowledge of that period is enough to have an interesting in-depth discussion. It is nice to have some opinions about the war which had such an immense impact on our countries.
Filip Sawicki said…
You are right about the energy and sustainability of our region. In fact Three Seas Initiative main goal is to cooperate in fields of energy, logistics and telecommunication. One plan is to create Liquified natural gas infrastructure, mainly ocean terminals in Poland and Croatia with a connecting pipeline. Second is to build North-South highway “Via Carpathia” which would stretch between Lithuania and Greece.
I think that good addition to Intermarium must be also Ukraine because from it Intermarium will have a good access to black sea and border between Russia and Europe will be more stronger.
Iman Masjedi said…
we suppose that the Intermarium Federation was formed with relatively no resistance from any countries and that Poland was able the coax all the nations of Baltic States, Belarus, Ukraine, Croatia, Hungary,Czech and Slovakia to enter the Federation. It would be an emergence of a new regional superpower. With access to the Baltic Sea, the Black Sea, and the Mediterranean and controlling the vast resources in Ukraine, it would be undoubtedly a very prosperous country if it had a competent government.
Anna Koca said…
I am pleasantly surprised by that article. Even though I am not a big fan of history, it was a really interesting topic. In my opinion, we might even say, that Piłsudski was a great leader and visionary, he predicted the terrible consequences of domination OF ZSRR and Third Reich, and he tried to avoid that danger. Answering to your first question, we can only imagine how the world would have changed if Intermarium had been created. First of all, and most importantly, maybe there would not have been World War II. Millions of people would not have died, been tortured and fought for survival in terrible conditions. Because of this, maybe we would have had much better relationships between member states in Europe. As a result, probably, there would have been huge development in economy, technology and politics. Secondly, as I said before, I am pretty sure, that Intermarium could have prevented the outbreak of World War II. When it comes to politics, I believe that alliances between countries have the biggest chance of being powerful, important and influential. Thirdly, in my opinion, there is no such expression that something was not worth a try, because if there would not be such people who fight for their ideas, and not give up easily, the world would stay in place. As far as I know, it is always good to try.
Unknown said…
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Jakub Nietupski said…
In my opinion it is unlikely that the creation of Intermarium would prevent the outbreak of the WWII because of the aggressive attitude of the Third Reich. Nevertheless, it could stand up to the nazi offensive and minimize the death toll that the war took.
It is hard to say if Pilsudzki's effort was worth it because it depends if the new federation were truly striving to build itself upon cooperation and peaceful coexistence of different nations - in that case it would be certainly a good cause - or just to create an institution to provide more privilege to polish people over other ethnicities.
In fact it’s hard to predict how would the world look today if something huge like creation of Intermarium happened.Considering the Butterfly Effect, creation of Intermarium could prevent the WW2 as well as it could even make the background for WW3.To my mind it could completely change the flow of history.My historical background is very poor that’s why I can’t make detailed analysis what would happen.I just want to say that the world we are living in today would be completely different.
Andrzej Gulak said…
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Unknown said…
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Unknown said…
I personally like such ideas and such alliances, however despite my great excitement, the unions are doomed from the fail, maybe everything started well, but in my opinion, to create an Intermarium in its time, we would probably have more marital conflicts on earth today. We will look at the history of all such attempts to end such alliances with the collapse, the same happened in Yugoslavia, Soviet Union, and in some dosage, something similar happens in the European Union, where all countries of unity still try to defend their own interests. The larger is the national differences, the more difficult it is to keep everything, for example, in 1918 there was an attempt to create the Caucasian republic where all Caucasian people should be united, but nothing came out because there were so many nations in the North Caucasus and failed to make a mutual agreement that everyone wanted to be a little bit privileged. This attempt failed, but in response the South Caucasus Republic was created, where Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan were united, unfortunately this union lasted few weeks. Reason? Of course, the parties could not settle, one of the worst reasons was that everybody wanted to be the capital of his country.

Perhaps such a thing will only work and cut people if their ethnic and national bias are abolished, but we all know that it is very difficult to achieve such a result. As for the Second World War, I think it would start in case of Intermarium existence, but maybe the way the war could be done in different way, and the creation of this alliance might be that I would have thought that it would be worthwhile and worthwhile. but I doubt.
History knows of examples of such alliances, and not all of them turned out good. But it doesn't mean that such unification is not worth a try, as long as interest of all participants of union would be taken into account. About preventing World War, i think that between Third Reich and Soviet Union, no power could have standed a chance and aggresive attitude of both would make war inevitable anyway. With Intermarium modern world would see economically and politically more stable region in average, but there would be the cost for more "succesfull" members of that union like it is now in European Union.
Foodocado said…
At the beginning i want to say that I am not a history specialist and I've never been interested in it.

I personally hate when someone ask 'what would happen if...' because nobody can answer correctly on such a questions. There are infinite numbers of possible scenarios.

Alliance wouldn't prevent from WW2, it was unavoidable. It could look different, but for sure it would have place.

I think the idea was worth trying. I am a little bit curious how the world would look like if he succeeded.
Unknown said…
I don’t have a univocal opinion regarding Invetrminarium Federation.
From one side I believe that such alliance could have great benefit for each country in it. Cooperation and collaboration of Eastern Europe countries could build a very powerful federation. Especially in an interwar period when the power of ZSRR and Third Reich was rising. However, I’m not sure that it could prevent Nazi offensive. At least it could change the flow of WW2 and minimize number of victims. As result, I believe it worth to try.
On the other hand, each country looks for the benefit for itself (I believe it’s the main reason why it’s wasn’t created). So powerful alliance in Eastern Europe could also become an aggressor in their effort to dominate in this region.
Unknown said…
First of all, I would like to say, that I like topics 'what would happen if...' because I can think about effects and what I could do better.

For sure rise the Intermarium would have an impact for history of the world. Maybe in our time, we would be a powerful country, where world have to take our opinion in account or perhaps we would talk in diffrent languages. We can't be sure about nothing and that's what I like ;)

As for WW2, I think it doesn't matter, whether Intermarium would come into existence. WW2 still would outbreak, but certainly the fate of the world would look diffrently. I think WW2, would be more briefly and of course with victory alliances.

I think it was very good idea for circumstances we were under of that time and I regret that it didn't work.

Vladlen Kyselov said…
I guess that it would not prevent World War, because in my opinion it would not have enough military power to stop two biggest aggressors at that period known as Third Reich and Soviet Union, those countries have been gathering their technologies developed military system only to start the World War. Nevertheless it potentially could be a good economically and politically stable region. Well, actually I guess that it is useless to predict "what could happen if someone would do something", because for me it`s just a mind that can take place in my head only when I have to take my mind off and relax like before going to sleep.
Unknown said…
1 & 2 In my opinion, if Intermarium would have been established during Interwar period, involving strong cooperation on all important fields (including defence and economy) - it could have prevented Nazi Germany from attacking Poland as it would have been member of strong federation of countries and WW2 would have never happened. As a result, millions of people wouldn’t have died and many countries (e.g. Poland and other Eastern Europe countries) would be much more developed and wealthy today.
3. I consider Piłsudski’s initiative on creating Intermarium a valuable effort, unfortunately other countries which had been invited to this coalition didn’t take the opportunity to counterweight Russian and German domination at that time
Marcin Górski said…
Its hard to say how would the world look today if Intermarium was created but it could help us. Everybody knows about second World War effects and who knows... maybe it could prevent from that? Otherwise, "everything happens for a reason".
Idea was good for me. Second World War was horrible, Intermarium could save a lot of lives so it's such pity it didn't happen.
Patryk Górski said…
1. I don't know - it's hard for me to imagine it. Maybe world could be better with it, but who knows?

2. I don't think so. History showed us, that even with many allies it all ends up with being on our own. I thnik that many of those countries involved in Intermarium could just "back out" safely in case of WW2.

3. It's always worth a try - the world wouldn't look as it looks right now without people giving a try at something. Sometimes it's a success, sometimes not. I think that he had a clear vision, and also he was a clever guy, so it could work out.
Unknown said…
1. I think that it is really hard to say how world would look like today if Intermarium was created. It is obvious that history of Europe could be much different than how it looks like now. This idea has a great potential because such big country would have a strong army, a very good geographical position and would competitive with the Russian Federation, the Germany and the United Kingdom.

2. I feel that such big country as Intermarium could have been would be able to atack Germany to prevent development of Nasism among a Germany. Also we would have a potential to stop a comunism because such union like Intermarium would have power to oppose invaders.

3. I think that it would be great if he could have created such union between our countries. Our languages are simillary, we have simillar slavic culture, our faith has the same origins so we had and maybe even have a great potential to cooperate and build a such union. On the other hand I think that in democracy it is impossible.
Peter Clemenza said…
How would the world look today if Intermarium was created?
A world without commies would be a nice place to live.
There is huge probability that iron curtain would have a different
border, much more extended to east.

Do you think that this alliance would prevent the outbreak of second World War?
Probably the german outbreak would be helded, but its much more complicated from
Bolsheviks site (Hitler was elected also because of the german national fear from east).

Was Pilsudski’s afford to create Intermarium even worth a try?
Was the anti-Russian activity led by Piłsudski not beneficial
for Austria, or were they not interested in supporting it?
Piłsudzki wasn't a significant figure back then.

And The Three Seas Initiative (BABS) is very disturbing plan for Germany.
Unknown said…
1. How would the world look today if Intermarium was created?
2. Do you think that this alliance would prevent the outbreak of second World War?
In my opinion there is a big chance that if the Intermarium had created before WW2, the war wouldn’t have occurred. Tens of millions of people wouldn’t have died. But in other hand nobody can predict it, maybe the second war would take place and even worse take more people.
3. Was Pilsudski’s afford to create Intermarium even worth a try?
I think there still creation o Intermarium is worth a try. History repeats itself, and it is better to have more alliance than opponents.
Cecylia said…
I’ve never been good in understanding political conflicts in history and also now it’s kind of hard for me, but I think the Piłsudski’s idea was a good thing because Poland would’nt be “alone” like without any help. Those countries have similar languages and are neighbors. In my opinions neighbor countries should never be in conflict. I don’t know that if this would happen , the WW’s would never come . Maybe this would be a big European wall. I think it is still worth to try make this alliance to feel more secure because Poland has suffered too much already and we don’t know if there will be a third seek war so it will be good to have support .
1. Nothing would be changed except of political views and country borders.
2. It would not prevent the second world war just because they would not have enough "fire power" to make some kind of intervention.
3. Come on,do you really think pilsudzki was the first man to make decisions? He was just a strong,ambitious leader and nothing more. There is always someone,who is staying in a shadow.
Maciej Nowak said…
It is hard to say how would world look today if Intermarium was successfully created. It depends on what this Intermarium would achieve. Such Union allied with French and British could mitigate German's imperialist aspirations and prevent outbreak of Second World War, it could be strong enough to defend against Germany and Soviet Union or at least make it much more costful for the invaders and the war could be ended earlier. Creation of Intermarium was definitely worth a try as everybody knows that divided we fall, united we stand and it could prevent many horrible things.
Jakub Lisicki said…
I'm pretty sure that there is no straight and easy answer to any of these questions. The answers could be just based on pure suppositions. I can only hope that it would make it easier for many people to endure the war (which would probably started anyway.) I can't even guess if the borders would remain the same as they are now, but I don't think that the change would dramatical.
I support the idea that some events in the history of human kind are just fixed and there is no possibility of them happening at some moment. The outcome or exact time of some events could be different, but I see World War II as one of those events.
I think that Pilsudski's effort can't be seen as unnecessary as his ideas still aren't forgotten. We can't predict what would be final outcome, but maybe let's just hope that some of the plans could introduce a better future to all of us.
Intermarium couldn't include Italy because Mussolini was already in power. Also, you forgot that with the formation of Intermarium Spain, Portugal, Italy & Germany would still be Fascist. Britain also wouldn't willingly give up their empire & would only lose India because it had such a big independence movement. The Semi-Autonomous Kingdoms within India like Punjab & Kashmir would become independent so Pakistan & India wouldn't split. France lost its colonies by force anyway so would still probably lose them. Africa would still be half colonized.
There is still fascism & colonialism but no WW2 & Cold War so I am not sure if it is better or worse
It's really hard question, we don't know how those countries would act if this federation was really created. If i had to guess, i think nothing would change. In fact those countries after ww2 were still getting up after heaviest losses of all countries. So how would they help us. If they were willing to create such union they would help us anyway. But that only my guess as i said. Friends are always better then potential enemies so it would be worth a try but as i said earlier, it wouldn't prevent ww2.
Unknown said…
Unfortunately, I can’t imagine what the world would look like if the Intermarium were created. Certainly it would be completely different, but I can only speculate. I think that if I did not ask a person about it, everyone would say something else.

Honestly, I do not know. I think the Second World War would break out anyway, but it's just speculation. No one will know the truth.

I think the idea was fine. I am curious if the world would look if it succeeded.
Unknown said…
As far as I'm concerned, Intermarium, Central East European federation is a great concept - but in my opinion, only concept. I'm not a historic specialist, I don't even like history - but - I have some kind of view. Look at our, or in general, on politics in diffrent countries - it's all about power of goverment. Some countries are more "nation(people) friendly" - make laws that suits current situations, and do their best to make people happy, safe and secure, other countries just want to have control over their people. So, I was thinking, what if all that Intermarium thing, was under the command of bunch of people with not clear intentions - it was all about unity, right? So, congruency and loyalty comes first - how can goverment enforced that? By strickt law, especially during the war. In my opinion, all countries should have their own goverment and laws, so people from all over the world can choose what suits them best and then move into that country. Huge allience is a good concept, but regulations and their laws can affect independence of singular country. Back to the first quenstion - is there are big diffrence between Intermarium and European Union? Idea is the same - unity. And the second question - I don't this so, look how many countries was involved in World War II. Sure, conflict could be shorter, but still.. If not Pilsudzki's then who? In that times, I belive that he was most recognizable person from Poland - like I said, I don't like history, so I can't tell You about other people, who were able to managed that kind of resolution
Unknown said…
I don't even want to pretend, that I am sure about that, but I don't think that Intermarium could make the "better" history. Though the idea was not so bad. I just think that when the power and ambitions of many different (ok, even similar) cultures gather together it always leads to misunderstanding. It could work when they have the common enemy, but then the conflicts will arise inside. And it will lead to troubles for sure. So, in the ideal world it could work, but in the real life - sorry, I don't really believe in it. Unfortunately.
Honestly, it's hard to say how the world would look if the Intermarium idea was created. It is possible that the position of Poland and the Slavic nations would be greater on the international political arena.

In my opinion, the creation of Intermarium would not affect the outbreak of World War II. It's a very complex topic, which led to the start of WWII. Events like the Second World War are not only caused by the political situation and the will to conquer Europe, but also by the mood of society and the economic situation.

I consider Piłsudski's initiative to create an Intermarium a great idea. The creation of such a union would have a positive impact on economic growth and the development of trade in countries belonging to the alliance.
Kristina Moroz said…
I think, nothing would have changed. And, come on, do you really think some figure could stop the massive idea of creating an empire? Everyone was trying to save his own ass. So, at the end we saw what happened. Maybe, I don’t know for sure, Pilsudzki was a great politician but not strong enough.
Illia Lukisha said…
1. How would the world look today if Intermarium was created?
I think for all countries especially for eastern part, could be huge cultural shift, and Soviet Union and ideas, wouldn't affect European countries. But definitely world could look different, if that was true.

2. Do you think that this alliance would prevent the outbreak of second World War?
If count that territories of all countries mentioned before, was occupied by Germany, I think the result would be the same. But who am I to judge?

3. Was Pilsudski’s afford to create Intermarium even worth a try?
That's too complex question to answer, but in my opinion, we don't need to spend time guessing how it would be, rather to learn the lessons of history and creating our own.
Unknown said…
I do not feel acknowledged enough to answer the first question. I think it would be entirely different than what we have now. Would it be better or stop any other conflict? I do not know, but I am pretty sure that we would have different traditions now because of the cultural mixes.

I do not think it prevent the outbreak of Second World War. The reason for that, in my opinion, is our polish character. I think we are a good companion but we and not good at living with others. We can see it in our attitude to immigrants that we are accepting others is problematic for us.

Everything is worth a try, especially if you are a Pilsudski - a person with lost of charisma. Besides that, we now know have a better knowledge of the possible outcome of ideas like this.

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