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[Week 4: 27-02.04.2017] How books can open your mind

Why reading makes you more creative ?


"The more you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go." ~ Dr. Seuss

There were  conducted a lot of studies on the benefits of reading books. When you read about all psychological benefits of reading , you have an impression that reading is some sort of super drug, which makes you smarter and improves your mood. According to the studies, it is not wrong at all.

For the people who work creatively, for example, writers or designers, reading in general is not a problem at all, important is what they read though. Magazines, blogs or articles are a great source of information about everything people want to know or learn, but it doesn’t work on one’s brain or imagination as reading books. Books require from the reader to be focused. Thanks to this focused state, it is possible to work on our creativity.

Couple of benefits from reading books:
  1. Reading books exercises your mind - mental fitness is as much important as physical one, our brain needs exercises every day to be in good shape. It is said that reading books just 30 minutes daily makes you think and use your imagination. You need to comprehend reasoning and ideas, the plot and all the information hidden between the lines as well. Training the brain is like any other exercise - the more you train the better you can get!
  2. Reading books leads to better concentration - Because we live in the age of information, we are surrounded by words, data, links, updates, advertisements and all the other information, sometimes we cannot even process everything. A very good thing to do when we are tired of this is to turn off all the devices, the TV, computer, phone, grab a good book and sit down and relax. Concentrate. While reading you build images in your head, think about words, what they mean, why they are written this way, you create opinions and thoughts in your head. You use critical thinking, logic to understand information, concept and ideas passed by an author. It completely absorbs your mind. The more we read, the easier it becomes for us to concentrate and to think clearly.
  3. Reading books makes you more confident and a better communicator - A great side effect of reading is that your vocabulary enlarges. It is good to have more words in your head to use. It makes you a better communicator. If you can tell everything you have in your mind, it gives you more self-confidence.
  4. Reading increases your knowledge - it is said that reading enables lifelong learning and thirst for knowledge. Books include a shadow of an author, his imagination about the past, present or the future. Ideas passed by him and filtered by our imagination. You can discover a great amount of information. The more you know, the more you want to know...

Below I put the statistics about how (not) much people read in general.
  • 80% of people in the US didn’t read any book last year
  • 42% of people who finished their studies never read a book
  • 33% of people who graduated from high school never read a book
  • 25% of people in general will not read any book this year

As you can see, there are lots of benefits coming from reading books, such as health, psychological, creative, fun, and more! If you haven’t tried yet, maybe it is high time to start? 30 minutes a day, no computers, no Tv, no distraction. I bet you will be surprised by the effects.

Some questions for you:
  1. Do you like reading ?
  2. What was the last book that you read ?
  3. What kind of books do you like reading- if you read ?
  4. Do you agree with the statement that reading books makes you more creative and enables you to think differently and creatively?

Thank you for reading!



Ihor Ahnianikov said…
Honestly, I haven't read any imaginative literature for about 2 years. Nowadays there's a huge amount of new information you have to process everyday, and if you work/study it's nearly impossible to find time for books. At the same time I think that it's really important to read tech books and check news/articles from the tech blogs everyday to keep up with everything that's going on around and improve your skills. The last imaginative literature book that I read was "Woman in the Dunes" by Kobo Abe.
Unknown said…
I totally agree that reading influences your creativity. I'm one of these people who don't read a lot but I try to read everyday. Unfortunately now notg many people read and I understand it. In the past people didn't have computers or TV and reading was entertainment. Today a lot of people have problem with speaking and it is becaouse they don't read books.
Last time I read all books about Witcher after playing game. These books influence your imagination a lot. Generally I like fantasy books very much. Now I'm reading Art and visual perception by Rudolf Arnheim.
Sylwia Pechcin said…
Personally I love reading. But I must admit that I read books mainly while travelling to university. I travel for about two hours a day by train, so it's perfect conditions to read books. Since I'm student, I've read plenty of books in train.
The last book I've read was 'The girl you lost' by Kathryn Croft'. It's a kind of thriller so I highly recommend it to people who like creepy and thrilling stories.
Usually when I read, I like to learn something from book so I like to read guides or biographies. But as an entertainment I like to read horrors and thrillers.
To be honest I have never wondered whether reading makes me more creative. For sure it makes people more educated and it develops vocabulary :)
I like reading but I also have to admit that I haven't been reading casually for a long time. I know how much it can give me, it is just that recently work and studies take so much time that I just can't find some time for myself to just read. I just hope that after my master thesis I will have more time.
Unknown said…
I love reading. The last book I read is "Cursed quenns". It's not that I like genre or type of books, because in all of the types there is something I liked. I would say, that this is rather if I like or not this particular book or an author.
I think that reading "expands horizons" - you know more points of view, you just know more, so you can tell more about everything.
I like reading and I read a lot. Unfortunately, I suffer from the problem mentioned by others - a lack of time. That’s why most of my recent readings were technical books and magazines, specialist articles etc. I don’t have any favourite type of books. The last non-technical book I read was “The memoirs of a Red Army officer” by Sergiusz Piasecki.
For me, there is no doubt that reading for pleasure makes you more creative, inspires you and stimulates your imagination. It can also help you to build up a good vocabulary. When I’m reading I’m really focused, I feel like I’m detached from reality, that’s probably why I don’t like reading books on the busses or trams. Regarding reading in a foreign language, usually I read in Polish, but when it comes to reading technical stuff I definitely prefer English publications.
Unknown said…
That's too bad you don't find any time for books. I have always read lots of books since I've learned reading, and still I don't move anywhere for longer time without a good book in my bag. Of course you need to read some articles, still learn and all, but I think it is useful to find a moment just to switch your mind, turn it from everyday matters to some distant realities. At least for me, it works perfectly for relaxing.
Unknown said…
Yes, agreed, there are less and less people reading books nowadays. They just don't have time for that, and also it is easier to reach for your phone and find some new interesting application or game or some other entertainment that doesn't engage your brain too much.
Me too, fantasy books are great. :) The Witcher series is absolutely on one of the highest positions of "must-read" books list.
Unknown said…
People always says that they don't have time to read. Of course they have, the time just needs to be found. I also read books during my traveling to/from work or school. It is the best time for this, if you can focus enough and switch off all your other distractions around you. Some people cannot read at subway/tram/bus, as they just can't focus enough to understand what they read. Me sometimes also, at the certain moment while reading I realize that I didn't get anything from previous page, and need to go back a little bit. When I think about something important sometimes I get distracted. I also like thrillers. If you like the ones connected with technology and biology and medicine, I strongly recommend Robin Cook's books. :)
Unknown said…
You should find some. I know it is harder for you, because you always go everywhere by car probably, so reading while traveling is rather not possible in that case. :P
Unknown said…
Exactly, that's the point. You in some way get to know the author himself, his visions, the way he see things. And of course the more we read, the more we know.
Unknown said…
Yes, reading articles or publications for sure is better in English, for me also. I sometimes reach for non-technical books in English as well. And I found that it really helps me to expand my vocabulary.
So you have that "non-focusable" problem that we mentioned above :D shame. After couple of years of training (3 years of traveling to high school for 45 minutes and 5 years to university for an hour) I trained my brain enough to be able to read literally anywhere. Matter of training I guess. Anyway, it is possible, believe me. :D
Sadly I don't enjoy reading books, they're simply boring for me. I love playing video games, and I even tried to fight with my books problem with playing various book-like games, such as visual novels, and they're equally boring to me, if not even more than classical books. I hate books with passion, which is probably caused by our education that somehow forces children to reads books as they progress in school - I know that there are a lot of nice books to read, and I'd be happy to try them out at some point, but I simply prefer ANYTHING over reading a book, especially playing a video game or watching a movie.

I think I'm actually broken in this regard, I'm sorry :).
Unknown said…
I love reading. And I hate how little time I have nowadays to do it. For pure entertainment and joy I like fantasy books (Sapkowski, Forgotten Realms series) as well as science fiction (some Dune some time ago). Unfortunately (or not) struggling with lack of time and the because of needs of studying and work, I can afford to read mostly technical books today. Those might be not as creativity/imagination inducing but oh well those have just a little different technological taste. A techno cake kind.
I totally agree with the statement about benefits of reading books. I can't stress enough how reading books is important. Especially to my younger cousin. He never liked to read and his vocabulary is visibly lacking, add to it absence of proper grammar and you have a recipe for a disaster in communication and imagination. I don't blame him it's tough to resist so many (cheap) things modern culture has to offer (like video games, fb, etc.) but those are soulless things and boy oh boy books do have a soul.
Great article, thank you for posting and spreading awareness.
Unknown said…
I like to read but unfortunately lately I don't read too much. Most often I read popular science or specialist books (UX or Graphic Design books). You can get a lot of dry knowledge from them but they don't develop creativity like some novels. I also read a lot of articles on the net. I think we should read many kinds of books both scientific and novels beacuse it develops different areas of our personality. I think even some books are able to change our perception of the world, show us another point of view of certain things. In my opinion reading is needed for us to progress and broaden our horizons.
Michał Pycek said…
I like reading books when I want to learn something new, so I reach to the sources of knowledge. The last book I read was by N. Gregory Mankiv called "Macroeconomy" - I enjoyed it because it has expanded my perspective of the most crucial aspects realted to economy, politics and business.
I also enjoy travel books, where the author describes his or her trips, experiences and stories, this relaxes me and also makes me want to see more places in my life. :-)
I totally agree that books makes us more creative and open minded.
1) Do you like reading ?
Sorry but no. I'm spending way too much time in front of computer as my job requires that. I'm getting every second I can take for my eyes to take a rest and not focus them on one point of view. I like listening to audio-books very much - especially while driving.
That's a balanced way of reading for me.

2) What was the last book that you read ?
Big Data: A Revolution That Will Transform How We Live, Work, and Think

3) What kind of books do you like reading- if you read ?
Psychological, Computers.

4) Do you agree with the statement that reading books makes you more creative and enables you to think differently and creatively?
I would say it makes your mind open for very different view on the same subject. But good movie, theater, conversation may work in similar way.
Probably you are right and it is indeed a matter of training to get used to read in public transport. However, the thing is I don't have a problem with focusing and understanding what I read. I mean I could read in such circumstances, but I simply don't want to. For me reading is a great pleasure and a wonderful way to relax and switch off. That's why I prefer to read books at home or during long train journeys.
But don't be afraid, to cheer you up I can admit that I often read short articles and publications to survive my daily commute ;)
1) Do you like reading ?
Yes I do, but I don't always have time to read. When I was a child, my dad was reading to me a lot of books and Marvel's comics. It was the begginng of my reading adventure.

2) What was the last book that you read ?
"Zoo City". It is a 2010 science fiction novel by South African author Lauren Beukes

3) What kind of books do you like reading- if you read ?
Fantasy, Science Fiction books are my favourite. Also I like to read books about Psychology and Computer Science.

4) Do you agree with the statement that reading books makes you more creative and enables you to think differently and creatively?
Yes, I do agree with the statement, based on my own experiences.
Unknown said…
Good article!

I agree that reading books has advantage over reading blogs, news and articles. But, for example now, I haven't enough time to read something that is not related with my interests, mainly because it's hard to stop reading new book and it's hard to focus on something else after reading, so I decided to read more technical books instead of literary genre. Unfortunately it is hard to read fast because you have to think over EVERY word your read. But, from another side, it is even more useful then reading literary genre(IMHO) :)

I have a question: where is the source of this line:
'80% of people in the US didn’t read any book last year'?
On the source page I've found only this line with such percentage:
'Total percentage of U.S. families who did not buy a book this year'.
1)Yes, I do;
2)Last book I read was the third part of Timothy Zahn's "Thrawn trilogy";
3)Science Fiction, fantasy and computer science;
4)It depends on what kind of books you read, but generally yes.
Unknown said…
I like reading but unfortunately I read very rarely. It is hard for me to start read, but when i begin it goes quite quickly.
Last book I red was so guide for programmers.
Mainly I prefer thrillers and books connected with programming, which improves my skills.
Yes that's true that books improves creativity. They force you to imagine that what you read.
Magdalena Popek said…
When I was younger I read a lot. If I did not have any new book to read I was reading either some of them again or '101 Dressage Figures'-like books. It was before high school. Then I did not have so much time so I was reading mainly during holidays or winter break. Now I am trying to read as often as I can (that's not often to be honest) but there is one problem - to really soak myself in the action I can't be distracted by anything. And I get distracted veeeery easily. I can't read in a bus or in a tram, I can't read standing in a queue. I just can't focus as I'm constantly thinking about everything that's around me. 'Is it my stop? Isn't anyone stealing anything from me? OMG move a bit, you're too close. Do I have to move? Do I have anything for a dinner or have to go shopping?'. Of course I can read meantime but I won't remember a single thing.

Of course book improve your imagination as you see the action with your mind, not your eyes (as while watching TV). You have your image of characters, views. That's why I love reading fantasy books. What's interesting I love reading horrors, however I hate watching them (I have never watched a full horror - I am too scared. I tried twice. But I have read plenty of them). I can't even watch a movie that's based on a horror book I have already read - it's too scary for me.

Even though I've been learning English since I was five it's still difficult for me to read books in English. It takes me so much time to read one and it's almost impossible for me to focus even if I understand everything perfectly.
Unknown said…
Oh I love reading and always loved. I'm agree with your statements about books. I love both fiction and non-fiction literature. There are books which help you to understand the world, gain some new knowledge, and make you more educated. Also, fiction books help your mind to rest, forget about problems or obligations and just dive into the imaginary world.
A lot of people undervalue fiction books, saying there is no sense in reading them because you can't learn anything new from them. I think, you don't need to learn every time you're reading, sometimes you need to relax and dream and explore some unreal world which really helps to open the mind and come up with new ideas.
Also, books help to train the good language. In could be your native language or foreign, it doesn't matter. I learnt Polish mostly because I was reading a lot in Polish. The same is with English. You can spend 30 minutes daily while going somewhere by bus to read a bit and to make a great favor for yourself by doing this.
Unknown said…
Haha, such a relief :D That's good, keep it that way. I thought that you have some problem with focusing where everything around keeps distracting you. But as I understand you like to celebrate reading, and that's even better in my view. :) Besides, it is better not to switch off your mind entirely in the train or subway, thieves are just waiting for opportunities...
Unknown said…
Oh no, don't say that! Reading can be very useful and interesting actually, maybe you just need to find a proper book for yourself. Boring books are just boring and nobody is a fan of reading some tedious book, but when you find a story which keeps you in some excitement, you just keep turning page after page and...suddenly 700 page book is not enough for you. :) Maybe you just need to find some appealing style for you?
Unknown said…
Great, my mom also was reading a lot for me when I was a child, I really enjoyed it. Even when she read one book again, because all the others were read already, I loved to listen with closed eyes, just hear her voice and imagine...
Unknown said…
Yes, unfortunately, I also don't have enough time to read what I like lately and I hate that. But we should try to find some time, I hope that I will never stop reading entirely. I also enjoy fantasy books. Children especially should put away video games (at least sometimes) and reach for a good book, my brother also has a problem with that, he tried couple of times with really interesting books, but after three or four pages he always put it away saying that he cannot understand or cannot focus or just is too tired of it. And he goes right to...his console. Sad. Thank you, I'm happy that you like it!
Unknown said…
No??? Okay. :D Everybody is different, and I understand. Good that you have different ways to use your imagination. Wow, Big Data, it is the hot topic lately as well, I should also read some book about it. Referring to the statement that good movie can also open your mind...well, not exactly that much as reading. You see, when you read, you have nothing but letters in front of you. Everything else you do in your brain, you create images, points of view, process...on the movies, of course everything is well made, but is it already made. It is shown images of somebody else. Ready. Made. So you just look at somebody else's imagination basically. That's my point of view.
Unknown said…
Me too, when I start some book it goes quickly, of course it depends on how much time do I have during my week but in most cases when the book is really interesting, I'm so curious about next pages that I just have to reach for it even for a moment during the day.
Unknown said…
I tried reading in english and some books I started couple of times but never went through the first chapter. It was just too difficult, too many words I didn't know. But if you want to start reading in different language, just try first with some book for kids. Winnie the Pooh, or something similar, very simple. It worked for me at least. Then you just take another one, more ambitious, then another one...but it is good to start with something simple to not get tired or discouraged for reading at all.
Unknown said…
I also love reading, since I remember I have read a lot. There was a time in my primary school, when I was able to read so quickly, that I bought a book and it was usually for me to read it from the beginning to the end during one evening. I was just too fascinated to put it away and go to sleep. I had so much time these days for reading, I miss that.
Adam Paśniczek said…
I like to read but in past few months it was difficult for me to find any free time for this. The worst is to start then everything goes easy. I hope in the future it will change. I agree that books increase our cognitive abillites. In my opinion each form of reading is good for our mind. I like to read articles and blogs. It helps me to better understand the topic, especially when it comes to graphic design. The last book I read was "The power of habit" by Charles Duhigg.
KamilG said…
Yes, I like reading books, because they make it easier for me to understand different problems and help me be more creative too. Last book which I had pleasure of reading was "Freakonomic". This book explains how economy alters our life in a negative and positive perspective. The kind of books that i like the most are drama books that are based on a true story. It's very interesting how the main characters coped in unfavorable circumstances for them.
I like reading, but now I don't have much time for that. For me reading is really relaxing, when I'm reading, I often turn down internet in my phone to prevent anyone from interrupting me. My last book I have read was American gods and it was on holiday and from that time I haven't read anything I just don't have time. I bought a few books and they are waiting for me probably until holidays. I don't have any specific genre that I most love, I only have only my favorite author and it's Neil Gaiman. I kinda agree with statement that books can make you think differently but I'm not sure about creative side of that statement. I think that you can't be taught to be more creative, it's more like a human trait than a thing you can achieve from someone or something.
Andrzej Gulak said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said…
I'm terrified by the reading statictics, honestly I had no idea the situaton looks so bad. Personaly, I can't life without reading. I like the most classic novels like "Gone with the Wind" or "East of Eden" which I've just finished reading and thrillers. Recently, I don't read much in polish, every book I choose is in english and most of the articles.
Since childhood I've always read a lot of literature during year, maybe that's why I become creative person. I believe that books not only strengthen your creativity but also helps you to improvise, think quickly and freely change your plans or even they let you don't have a plan and don't be paniced, because you know that your mind always would manage to make up something.
Unknown said…
To be honest we dont have to judge people only because they dont read books. A lot of people read a lot of article in internet and for me its also some part of reading. In this century books still is the best option to read but we dont have to forget about people who read documents in internet and newspaper.
Bartosz Łyżwa said…
I like reading books bo I still have no time to do that. Ok, I'm reading books but those are rather lectures for programmers. Last time I started to read "Pułapki Myślenia" which was wrote by Daniel Kahneman but I can't finish :D. I like crimes and books such as above - I don't know what is the category. I'm sure that reading books make us open-minded, more creative, etc.
Unknown said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said…
Yes, I'm reading when I have free time so during studies not so often, actually I have time for reading but not books which I want to :<
Last books that I've read was Remigiusz Mróz trilogy.
Mostly I'm reading a crimes.
I absolutely agree with with the statement that reading books makes you more creative, reading makes you open minded, willing to discover world.
I hope that more people starts reading in Poland.
Vyvyan said…
Of course i like reading. The last book i have read was "Magician: Apprentice" written by Raymond E. Faist. I mostly read fantasy and sci-fi books though i also read some poetry, some crimes and some mysteries. Mainly fantasy books though.
o books make us creative? Well that depends on the person reading the book. For some it will make them more creative and will improve their imagination and for some it will just be a mean to finally rest their head. Simple as that.

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