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[Week 4: 27-02.04.2017] Hackers - useful evil ?

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In this presentation I would like to bring up a subject of hackers.
Are they criminals ? Or maybe they have some good impact on security systems ?

In my opinion hackers are amazingly skilled people who can easily access any data they want to from almost any device. Access to information is the most valuable asset these days and that makes them so powerful and scary. There is no place to hide yourself and your data.

In the video I present below it is said that hackers are like the immune system of the Internet. If they can access any data of - for example - some company, this company feels threatened and endangered and keeps improving and preserving its sensitive data. So after it good or bad we have hackers ?

There is a very interesting video - TED presentation about this topic, please watch it:

Just two questions for you:

  1. What is your opinion of hackers ?
  2. Do you also think that hackers are useful to keep improving security and privacy on the Internet, or maybe they are unnecessary evil that should be entirely eliminated somehow?

Thank you for reading and watching!


Ihor Ahnianikov said…
I totally agree with this thesis, hackers have the same effect as the market competition, while there's a fear of losing revenue companies will keep improving security.

While there's a positive effect on the whole IT industry, there's a scattered negative effect on the victims - I guess someone who got his bank account hacked will not agree that hackers are good for us.

That's why I think that hackers should be controlled on some level, the best solution I could think of is offering rewards for found vulnerabilities and hiring hackers. For example recently CloudFlare service was hacked, and their biggest reward for reported vulnerability was a t-shirt with their logo:) At the same time Google offers up to $100,000 for hacking Chrome - I guess hacker will think twice before selling vulnerability information elsewhere or exploiting it by himself.
Unknown said…
Everyone knows that hackers are very intelligent and talented people. I think when you think about hacker you have in head image of bad guy. But let's look from different perspective. Hackers give us for example Torrents. I heard that when some guy who can break the best security program shows up, the biggest organizations like FBI hire him. There is difference between geniuses and thieves who send you mail which blocks your computer when you open it. When you pay you can use computer.
Sylwia Pechcin said…
As I'm IT student - I respect hackers. I look at things done by them with respect and admiration. Let's be honest - very few people can do things like that. They for sure have to have a lot of knowledge and experience with security.
For me hackers are useful if only they don't break law. For example they prove that they hacked a system, but they didn't destroy or steal anything. But I'm sure that my opinion would change if I would be responsible for security in my job.
I would agree with statement that hackers are immune system of internet. Why fight with someone, when you can make him do something useful for you? That is exactly what wiser companies are doing by offering prizes for those skilled people who can break their security. Regretfully open minded atitude of professional is not always supported by governments. Just recently our government tried to pass law restricting activity of hackers and pentesters:

luckily our senate stepped just in time to put necessary imporvements:
Unknown said…
I really respect hackers. I know how much they have to know and still develop, so they know more and are more effective.
I know, that there are "good" and "bad" hackers, but if there was no holes in security systems they wouldn't have anything to do
I agree with the statement that hackers have positive effect on our daily life. Generally, I respect what they do.
Actions taken by hackers require extensive, technical knowledge, the highest level of experience. They have to be really dynamic, keep developing all the time and stay connected to trends and new technologies.
On the other hand, there is a second group of so-called “hackers” which, to put it mildly, doesn’t have an equally good reputation. These people don’t respect any ethical principles. They are usually not talented and often buy some ready-made hacking tools and try to fool you using e.g. social media. In my opinion, they deserve a deep contempt and should be severely punished.
Summing up, I believe that hackers (professionals) do a great job and improve security and privacy on the Internet rather than put our safety at risk. Sadly enough, there is still the second group of criminals wrongly associated with hackers, which gives the latter a bad name.
Unknown said…
Yes, of course the greatest minds are always needed, especially in special agencies. It is true, if you want to protect yourself from something you have to know how to do it.
Of course hackers are important and improve our lifes - if there was nobody skilled enough to destroy entire company by erasing the data on all their servers, then nobody would care about data security, privacy, or hiring skilled people to ensure that something like that won't happen. This results in a lot of positive side-effects, from job positions, through better funding, increasing awareness, to better security and technology.
Unknown said…
I admire hackers. White hats, grey hats, black hats no matter. They have the 5k1LLz0rz and |<n0vv|_3g<|3. Always curious, always striving to know more, to dwell deeper into the rabbit hole. Those are highly intelligent and innovative people with a great sense of problem solving and unique approach. I am talking about real hackers, not script kiddies who use tools but the real ones who are developing those tools.
Of course they are needed. There are many types of them and they act on different motives. Some search and exploit vulnerabilities for their own gain although I believe most of them do not fall so low but rather live by hackers ideology which is based on freedom of infomation over the internet. The TED's talk about hackers being the immune system is true. There's always a security hole to find and people who seek them and report them increase the security overall.
In my opinion the whole cyber-security field is going to be very important in incoming years. Modern wars/battles will (already are) take place over the wires. Governments hiring hackers and forming their cyberdivisions is something that's going on for longer than we think. We are in dire need of hackers. The good one's who care, who will help us strip away governments tentacles spreading over community driven global network.
Unknown said…
I admire hackers who even though they can hack where they like, they use this knowledge to show some security gaps and force us to improve certain things. Of course, they are needed because they show weaknesses points in technology and internet therefore they condition development. It's important that people who have such skills also have good intentions. I have heard that some companies pay hackers to check their security. These are people who can get to much information. It's amazing that such people using computers can have a impact on our daily lives and are still unnoticed. In my opinion is really interesting topic :)
Michał Pycek said…
I agree that hackers are very intelligent and can connect the dots very quickly. In my opinion they can do lots of harm if they use their skills not properly, but on the other hand they also set standards of online security in certain ways. Some of them could help improve it for some public institutions or private companies.
You got to have great knowledge to be a successful hacker. Both on IT level as well as on psychological level and there is a big plus for that. People that are hacking and destroying innocent people lives are similar to thieves. Maybe just on the higher level - but it's still the same.
2) Are they good to keep security level at maximum ? Most of people I know who works as IT Security specialist did something in their live just for a test if they can make it - no harm done. There is a good way to keep hacking, keeping adrenaline high and being paid at the same time. If you're good at your job, many companies are hiring hidden IT specialists - that main idea of the job is to hack into their own systems. The thrill is the same and only people on the top level knows what you're doing but if you will get busted, someone will give you "Get out of jail - free card" :)
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I respect hackers. They are people who are very smart and have great knowledge about computer science. Also, they usually are great psychologist. I think that hackers are useful to keep improving security and privacy on the Internet. Without them, security science would be useless. And this field of science interests me the most.
Unknown said…
Hacking is good if we act in good faith. Unfortunately, hacking in most cases is used for bad purposes.
I agree with the fact that hackers are intelligent.
Unknown said…
Okay, positive effect on industry - the more hackers are 'hacking', the more companies are trying to protect from... Wait, hackers?

So, thanks to hackers our systems are more secure, but we are protecting that systems from being hacked. It's like to say that viruses are good because thanks to them we can better protect from being infected.

I think that only those hackers who don't use their knowledge for own purposes are good for IT industry. Identity theft for the purpose of obtaining money is not good in any case.
Unknown said…
The security is very hot topic nowadays and all things connected with privacy. Everyone want to feel safety in web and don’t want to lose private things. Hackers are very intelligent, web things aren’t easy, so you should definitely treat them with respect.
If hackers weren’t exists there wouldn’t be a problem with security, so i don't think that they are useful.
Unknown said…
Haha, that's good point actually. Yes, of course companies want to be secured from hackers attacks, but you know, that's the main reason, there will be always some bad people with hackers knowledge, who will always try to destroy some system or infect it or just simply steal some data from it. But the main topic here is about these rather "good hackers" who just show the companies that their system have wholes in certain spots, so they can do something about it.
Unknown said…
Yes, I admire them too, this is amazing what people can do just having access to the computer. They must be very intelligent people. I agree, as long as they don't brake law or cause some damages it is fine and even useful.
Unknown said…
Exactly, me too actually. Security in IT was always a very interesting topic for me as well. That's why I admire hackers so much, they have for sure a lot of knowledge about it. If you want to brake it and not leave any tracks, you have to know these security mechanisms very well.
Unknown said…
Right! But I believe that hacking is used mostly for bad purposes unfortunately.
Unknown said…
I'm totally agree with the comments above that hackers are very intelligent and smart people. Person without high level of intelligence can't make such things which hacker do. Of course, the statement is true - hackers help companies to find weak spots in their security system. They can prevent the lick of very important information.
On the other hand, do all the hackers have such good motives? Are they doing what they are doing just with a goal to help others? To help corporations?
Personally, I don't think so. I'm sure, for many of them hacking is a way to get some money for living and I think it might be a really good money.
So, hacking has two sides (like almost everything in our lives) and it needs to be controlled. It can be an official job, or just a part-time job, but it should be a controlled thing. As long as this activity calls hacking, people won't trust this. And if hackers want to change this behavior, they have to thing about changing all "hacking culture."
Unknown said…
These days all the "connected industry" or "internet of things" stuff are very popular and I believe big companies try to make it real and working almost everywhere. Like connections between any devices, access to the internet from almost any place in the world...this of course also connects with many security problems. How to make your own web of devices completely safe and reliable? I think that this is the most difficult to achieve.
Unknown said…
It would be nice not to need any security systems but since there are bad people who will always try to steal or damage some data (and there is a lot of them regretfully) security systems must exist. And it must be kept on a very high level, especially when it comes to some big organizations and sensitive data such as people's bank accounts or insurance companies data.
Magdalena Popek said…
There is one unbelievable thing when talking about hackers - they are always up-to-date with newest technologies, newest ways of staying secure. And then they develop newest tools to break this security. I think they are necessary to show the security holes of a system. And their role in nowadays world will be increasing as we are trying to make everything connected to the Internet. So each device should stay secure. But will it?
Unknown said…
I agree with the statement of yours, that those not very intelligent people who are just pretend to be hackers and that use hacking tools should be restrictively punished. It is bad that they destroy good name of hackers in general.
Unknown said…
I agree! This is like never-ending story, building systems, trying to brake the secure shell of it, build awareness, improve security and so on and on. People improve their systems, and to do so they always have to know more, learn, develop, each side wants to be one step before the other, so it becomes a sort of knowledge war between them.
Unknown said…
That is why people admire hackers in most cases - their knowledge power. And their need to self-develop. That is amazing how much they are interested in working certain systems or the newest technological security improvements. This is what everyone of us should do actually. Continuously improve our knowledge about technologies we are working with.
Unknown said…
I also think that it is good idea to control hackers. Just to use them to solve some problems, but in a controlled way. Of course all the hackers don't have good will, they rather rarely want to help companies that they are hacking to develop. But using those good hackers to improve is a good idea.
Unknown said…
Hidden IT specialists...that sounds like superheroes for me! Awesome. Powerful, dangerous, with great intelligence, too precious to live in public, hidden from the world where they feel the best. The role of hidden IT security hacker specialist sounds really exciting for me. :)
Unknown said…
I think that they could help many many different institutions, almost every big (but not only) company needs to secure their data, so it will be always a need to keep improving cyber-security systems.
Unknown said…
Thanks, I also find this topic as very attractive and appealing. I would like to have such skills and keep them on the top level as most real hackers do.
Hackers are divided into 2 types , those who find the vulnerability in the system and for example steal information for further resale , for example in 2016 have become very popular these types of attacks as malware that encrypts your data and demands certain amount of money to decrypt.

But there are also so-called ethnic hackers , they find vulnerabilities in different systems and transmit reports for example the company in which they found the vulnerabilities. But over the last 10 years in medium and large companies created the so-called "Bug bounty program" their point is that for the found vulnerabilities, the company you pay a certain amount which depends on the severity of the vulnerability, I think that is what affected the amount of "white" hackers grows with Kazim the company , as in full legally they can earn lengi not rescue to be in prison.
It depends on what type of hacker we are talking about. If it's a kid which is using a loic to ddos someone servers for fun, I think we should send him/her to hell and leave there forever. But if we are talking about people who are hacking some agency or politic and let their dirts go public, I really like them because their are doing a very good job and because of that I think we need hackers. Of course not everyone of them are doing this with a good will and I would appreciate if it will be only type of hackers.
Andrzej Gulak said…
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Andrzej Gulak said…
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Unknown said…
That's the key - if they still money or important data they're thiefs, but when they do it just for sport, improving systems or for self-development and don't do great harm for anybody yet insteed help companies to secure themselves they're geniuses.
Unknown said…
Hakers is very inteligent people. They can find one little mistake in enterprise and can steal our data. For me private company should find and employ that people in IT because it can be a very good idea to protect our data in very uncertain places like bank or govermant
Wojtek Kania said…
There are a good and a bad hackers. Of course their job makes that improving security. And their methods how they talk to each other, how they are invisible are public and we can use it. So I think their work is very good to rest users.
Bartosz Łyżwa said…
I don't know how to approach to this subject because there are pros and cons of hackers. First... I tought, yes they have very good impact on security and they are pushing up technology of security. From the other side what for could be used those systems if there were no hackers :)? Comparison of those two sides gives me clear conclusion - they are still criminals.
Unknown said…
Stupid question, of course they are criminal.
The only one advantage of their 'work' is that protection software developers can improves their product.
Of course there are many types of hackers but most of them are trying to steal our privacy - money or data.
Vyvyan said…
Hackers are not entirely evil. Of course some of them have evil intentions, yet just as many are just seeking the hidden truth. Of course stealing private data about someone's bank account for example is clearly a crime, but consider the things we wouldn't have known unless someone had discovered them by not so legal means? We would be still in the dark about some crimes of governments and/or big companies.
About them being useful in making things in internet more secure and private. Well i agree. They help. Though i don't think so much security is needed in the first place. Yea personal data should be protected but as i have said earlier. Big companies and/or governments should not have any secrets from society, cause if some of those secrets are leaked it can cause major uproar and/or panic.

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