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Week 6 [02.04 - 08.04] - Love - how does it work?

Love – how does it work?

Have you ever thought what is love? I am sure that the answer sounds yes. Well known German musician Haddaway sang the song which all we know -“What is love”.  People have wondered about love since ancients times. All of us know the feeling of being fall in love with proverbial butterflies in stomach, long looks in eyes or characteristic and magical prick in heart. What is the researchers opinion about love who head for knowledge and rational thinking? Love is does not exist! Everything what we feel is a chemical and biological processes.

Against general belief that love initiate from touch incentives we should know that firstly we are responsive for flavor of the other person. Our natural smell of body consist of inodorous pheromons. Pheromons are the chemical factors that triggers a social response in members of the same species. Knowledge insufficiently answer for all questions about influence pheromons on our organism however we know we can attract opposite sex by this magical factor.

How does it work? The smell stimulate the small and auxiliary olfactory sense vomeronasal organ called also as Jacobson’s organ which is located close to the vomer and nasal bones. Afterwards the hypothalamus is activated. The hypothalamus is the part of our brain which contains of small nuclei with variety of functions such as connection the nervous system and endocrine system.


What is next? If our pheromons and pheromons of the other person suit, our cells will become luminous what is proven by  PET computerized tomography. The effect of this processes is phenetyhlamine hormone secretion. High level of this natural organic compound caused feeling of happiness, self-confidence and exhilaration. The side effect is lack of concentration, insomnia or feeling of anxiety. Is worth to know that phenetyhlamine belong to amphetamine group of chemical substances therefore it is possible to addict to love.

Besides of phenethylamine our organism produce norepinephrine, dopamine and serotonin – brainy hormones. Under the influence of norepinephrine body feels similar such as on being in adrenaline situations. We feel intensively beat of heart, growing blood pressure and increased glucose level. We become more sensitive. However the most important is dopamine because it send signals to other nerve cells. Dopamine called as a happiness hormone plays main role in reward-motivated behavior, Dopamine respond for a chemical processes in our brain, control activities of body and ability to feel happy. The last hormone is serotonin which level in our body decrease with increasing level of dopamine. Thanks to dopamine we keep calm, can sleep whole night and concentrate. 


If we fall in love, we will feel excitement and a lot of happiness. It is wonderful feeling which researchers explain as a biochemical process. What is your opinion about love? Do you go by a heart or rational thinking? Do you think that it is an ordinary process or something more magical?



Marcin Konarski said…
For me there was alway logical and scientific reasoning for what love is. Of course it have not only positive sides like having good mood ( unless your girlfriend pissed you off :P ) but also for all chemistry in our body, so hormones are working correctly and it makes us happy.
Personally I am focused on rational thinking and I think that is how men works on general. I am just surprised with pheromones that have to fit with other person pheromones. I think that relationship is very important in everyone lives, even in books written by Brian Tracy is said that man have the best years of his life during his 40s, 50s when he set a family and children, and this is the time when he is much more productive at work then he was in his 20s.
My opinion is similar, it is hard to base only on rational thinking all the time, but it general in great majority of situations men thinks rather rationally than emotionally, when woman do in contrary. This is because of hormones and other differences. I think that whole process described by you is true, but before that important factor is personality, and how to catch someone else’s eye. There are some physical preferences and later personality, sense of humour, likes and dislikes, etc.

We are very similar to animals and in this area we work similarly. Since there is few stages of relationship, and the last one is attachment and commitment there is bigger need that just fitting pheromones to each other, because someones behaviour makes bigger role.
Unknown said…
That's a great presentation, thank you. I've never looked into the science of love and I should have; it's so interesting!
Unpopular opinion (probably), but I've always thought love existed to keep the human race alive and sane. Life isn't easy and things go wrong most often than not; it's easy to feel hopeless and helpless. If a biochemical reaction/love gives us confidence and strength to keep the world turning, then it's really great science. I'm usually more spiritual about things, but it's really amazing how many neat little'fuses' the human body has to keep existing.
Whether love is something purely biological or mystical, the result is all the same: it's powerful and beautiful in its design.
Pat said…
Basically, everything we feel - anger, sadness, joy, love - is a chemical and biological process. :)

I've often heard that rational thinking kills the 'magic' of all things, but I actually think the opposite. I think that scientific knowledge does not lessen the feeling of wonder we experience - on the contrary, it always makes me admire it even more. Just a few slight chemical changes in your brain and - whoosh! - you feel something extraordinary and beautiful.

I think that it's important to know the mechanisms behind the feelings - not only chemical and biological, but also psychological and cognitive. It can help you deal with emotions, especially negative ones, in a non-destructive way.
Pat said…
In fact, the main theory about love is that it helps parents stay together long enough to raise a child to the point of adolescence. Humans have an extraordinarly long period of growing up - that is, to the point where a kid could survive without other's help, and that's why parents need to stick together for some time.
(sorry, I don't want to spoil the strenght-to-keep-the-world-turning thing! :))
Unknown said…
What you said <3

And yes, acknowledging that emotions, while mostly illogical, work in certain, more or less predictable ways helps a lot. Our life doesn't have to be ruled by them.
Unknown said…
Hahaha, what can you do, it's science. As you've said, feelings being a biochemical reaction doesn't make them any less awe-inspiring. Like, it's chemistry/biology that told our brains to invent music, for example. How amazing is that?
Unknown said…
I still can't believe I first learnt about pheromones from a Cartoon Network comic book :D
I try to see the world in a rational way and I also don't think that it takes the beauty out of it. For me love as a concept is an emotion based on instincts similar to other animals, but multiplied by our intelligence.
Unknown said…
Once I have read an article (a long long time ago) that was connected to the other person's smell you were talking about. It says that when you can feel somebody smell bad it means that he/she has similar genes to yours, so you don't match in a "scientific" way. This is what we inherited from our ancestor to pair well and have beautiful, healthy children xD
Unknown said…
When it comes to love it's "complicated".

I know its something chemical(seratine dopamine and adrenaline), but I also think theres something more to it. After all we dont fall in love with everyone we find pretty.

Myself I belive in love, in my everyday life I try to be rational and behave like it. But everyonce in a while we all do something thats right by our heart.

So what Im trying to say is that pheromones rule our lives.
Unknown said…
Every feeling we can explain in rational way, it's no secret that love is not only a great strong feeling but also a chemistry and hormones...but it's really interesting way to look at it!
Unknown said…
This is a very interesting topic I could't look at everything through the prism of science, but I like this biological stuff :> If hormones are responsible for all that we feel so maybe in the future scientists invent pill simulating the feeling of love (was it in some movie?). In my opinion love is more than chemistry, it's also agreement characters and many other factors. I think that hormones are responsible only for physical attraction and love is more than it.
Unknown said…
I also heard the theory about parenting. Also, there are many other things that strip love of it's magic. Like the theory that says that we have pubic hair to store body odours and pheromones which is supposed to attract opposite sex. Personally, I believe that even if our feelings are result of evolutionary design it is still quite amazing that it can be driven by chemistry. Also it gives hope for disfunctional members of society who, for example cannot feel empathy, that one day it can be cured by hormones.
Unknown said…
We are driven by chemical reactions, it's not surprising. It is still quite magical, like, spending time with someone makes your brain produce dopamine and serotonine, its better than chocolate, since it has no calories. ;)
Unknown said…
Yes, that's true that man have the best years of his life during his 40s or 50s. I also heard that at this age we produce the smallest level of another hormone and neurotransmitter - serotonin. Thanks to this fact our body begins to feel not so good. We become apathetic, we sleep badly and we can not concentrate on anything. This period in life often we call as midlife crisis. We should to remember that it's also caused by hormonal changes :)
Unknown said…
I agree with you that physical preferences and personality are important because first we often pay attention to appearence, next we know better the other person. This process when we catch someone else's eye and know somebody is a superficial aspect of love. Interesting is fact that knowledge can't explain how does it work when pheromons of the other person fits with our pheromons. It's the biggest mystery of love :)
Unknown said…
Continuing I think that attachment and commitment are created later. First inside our body pheromones must 'work' which outside we call as fit our preferences. The behavoiur of course plays a big role but is a component of these preferences.
Unknown said…
@Sonia - thank you for your kind words :) I think similar to you that the most beaufiful is the result of this powerful and strong feeling. When we fall in love we feel that we can do everything and we could move mountains!
Unknown said…
@Patrycja - I heard about this theory from psychological book which I recommend you - 'Love enough' writed by Agnieszka Jucewicz and Grzegorz Sroczyński (editors of poish newspaper - Wyborcza). I think that this theory has a lot of right because love is not just a butterflies in stomach and it doesn't consist of moments full of happiness in our life. Primarly love is a decision for whole life. We decide with who we want to spend our life. We must to have fundamental basics with our partner and one of this basics are for example - children.
Unknown said…
@Paweł - For me it is scary theory if you want to control the hormones. In my opionion the most beautiful is fact that this is one of the few things that people is still not able to control.
Unknown said…
I'm jelous about your rational thinking anytime and anywhere :) I can't do this because for me emotions play a big role in my life. But it is rather the domain of man, women are different. Going by feelings is not only an instinct which is rather associated with sexual. In my opinion love is a biochemical process which knowledge not enough explain.
Unknown said…
Haha, it's interesting :) I didn't hear about theory based on view if our body smell similar we've got similar genes! I don't believe that it have influence on my children :)
Unknown said…
Yes, I agree with you that pheromones rule our live. Of course everything we can explain as a biochemical or physical process. But we can't describe precisely every thing in this processes and for me - it's magic :)
Unknown said…
What is the full name of this comic book? :)
Unknown said…
Thank you :) For me it's also interesting view for this issue.
Unknown said…
Thank you for your kind words :) For me vision of pill stimulating the feeling of love is creepy and terryfing. I hope that it will never happen. I'm glad that you think similar to me that love is more than chemistry. Probably our thinking is caused by view which was creating from Ancient age. Love was always in novels and movies a magical and instructable feeling.

Do you remember the title of movie? I don't know it and I'm willing to watch it.
Unknown said…
Haha :) Yes, that's true! But I love chocolate and despite of love I can't pass on it :)
Moode said…
The article is very interesting, but we can’t look at the world through the prism of science. For me, love is something much greater than excreted hormones. Of course, I agree with the thesis that thanks to them human beings are happy and begin to function better. But love is not only a desire of a second person, it’s being with your partner for good and bad, the common mornings , evenings , successes and failures etc..
Unknown said…
Thanks for you opinion :) Of course love is not only a desire of a second person but all begins from it!
Unknown said…
I think love is entirely based on chemical reactions. There is no magic in it. It’s an inheritance from our ancestors when man and woman have to be link for some period to bring up their kids. If love didn’t exist It would be hard for mother to look after her children and spend time collecting or hunting food. Man has to do that. I personally go by rational thinking. Even if it hurts mentally sometimes it’s better to choose a partner by means of a logic rather than chemical impact only.
Hey, don't say that love does not exist just because it is caused by a chemical reaction! This is as true as saying that no organic substance exists because it is basically all carbon based. I know that being in love is half biology and half chemistry, but so is thinking or moving. If we overanalyze everything around us, there will be no place for being a romantic, right? On the other hand I remember telling myself when I was little that pain is nothing more than an irritated nerve reflex to the brain and trying to convince myself that rational thinking will make a bruised knee or elbow hurt less. It didn't and I came to thinking that whatever is the mechanism of pain, it does not change what it is and the same goes for love or any metaphysical phenomenon. It is nice to know the process, but I think it would feel the same even if it was caused by magic;)
Unknown said…
We also talk about „Chemistry between two people”. You know it?
Addiction to love? Interesting. So can it be cured? :P
I think it is a little bit of biochemical process and a little of thing, which we can’t to interpret.
Anyway this is something unique and very nice. Even scientists do not deny of it.
Great presentation, great topic. Thank you. No one never told me about love In this way.
Unknown said…
I've heard about this theory and I think there is a lot of sense to it. People have an instinct to extend their race and to do so they also need to protect their children and a partner. Furthermore solitude isn't the best state for most human beings so in my opinion we naturally long for some kind of human connection.
Unknown said…
It's interesting and sad at the same time. Whole biochemical perspective of falling in love sounds peculiar but my inner voice tells me that there must be some additional magic factor
which cant be cought by microscope :) For me love is such a complex feeling I wouldnt dare to limit it to only biochemical process.
Unknown said…
My opinion about love is that I don’t love reading about vomeronasal organs, hypothalamuses and phenethlamines… they’re not fun at all. Let’s watch this instead:

Now seriously speaking. Nobody knows what love is. It might be a purely evolutionary instinct, it might be something more but more importantly I think your article is not describing love but desire, and that’s hardly the same thing. Not to mention – people fall in love with persons they never seen in person thanks to the internet. I don’t think you could explain that with pheromones. Maybe not everything we experience in life can or should be explained with chemistry but I’m sure there’s a study that proves me wrong.
Unknown said…
My opinion about love is that I don’t love reading about vomeronasal organs, hypothalamuses and phenethlamines… they’re not fun at all. Let’s watch this instead:

Now seriously speaking. Nobody knows what love is. It might be a purely evolutionary instinct, it might be something more but more importantly I think your article is not describing love but desire, and that’s hardly the same thing. Not to mention – people fall in love with persons they never seen in person thanks to the internet. I don’t think you could explain that with pheromones. Maybe not everything we experience in life can or should be explained with chemistry but I’m sure there’s a study that proves me wrong.
Michał Pycek said…
Firstly, thanks for the topic, since there's probably not many people who have digged so deep in this aspect, because average person feels it and does not study or analyze it. Personally, I think love is when one cannot and does not want to live without the significant other. I have never thought about love in the context of "why", because when I fell in love for real, I went with it in 100%, and to be honest, just as described in the article - I could neither sleep nor focus and suddenly became less interested in hanging out with my buddies... So yeah, basically I didn't have the time and the guts to analyze the process of falling in love with my girlfriend. Whether there is some magic in it, it is written in the starts or it's only about the chemical reactions - it is something which makes people's lives better and brings them motivation to live.
Unknown said…
I always believed that love is something magical. I displace thinks that it is "scientifically proven”. I often guided by the heart and this way of thinking makes me thing only by mind. Personally love is for me something inexplicable and I would like to stay with this statement.
Svitlana Bilan said…
Thanks for an interesting presentation! I agree with comments bellow that love is just a chemical reaction. If you are interested in this topic I can recommend a BBC documentary "Secrets of the Sexes", it describes attraction, love etc in terms of women and men. BBC also has a very interesting documentary about the chemistry of love it examines the question of love at the chemical level in our body. I'm not sure about it's name, but I think it is a part of "Chemistry of our body".
Unknown said…
I supose we could explain all of our feelings and emotional reactions the same way you presented love in your article. It's very interesting for me by the way as I never got into checking that subject this thoroughly. On one hand, it's super fascinating, but on the other hand it kind of kills the magic of this emotion. You suddenly realize that all these songs and poems are obout a chemical reaction. Somehow funny.
Unknown said…
As harsh as that sounds we are all clusters of chemical reactions an that's a fact. Chemistry is what brings two people together. Conscious decision makes them stay together and that's just that. But if people want to believe it's something magical then what's the harm?
Unknown said…
Yeah, of course as all the other emotions, love also can be measured as a chemical process, but even knowing it we really don't have any impact on the fact that we feel what we feel, and even trying to somehow "control" our hormones level we would probably do harm to ouselves. I think that observation of that phenomenon is really intersting but love being these two hormones is still something we genuinely feel. Our actions, decisions and a whole bunch of other things are caused or prevented by love. The funniest fact, i think is that it is probably one common thing everybody looks for in their lives, so - DON't UNDERESTIMATE THE LOVE!
Unknown said…
I agree that whole process described by you is true. From science view love is just a proces based on hormones and other substances. Love works as a addictive drug for our bodies. Anyway most of Us want to believe that love is something magical and metaphysical. We prefer to think that we chose our perfect partner without interference of any hormones or anything like that.

Love in our culture is one of basic topic and main life goals. Music, movies, the whole mass culture is based on LOVE. It become too much comercial in my opinion. Let people love without all presure around this topic.

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