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Week 6 [16-22.11.2015] Psychology of music


Everyone in the world listens to music. There are no exceptions (even deaf people are able to “listen” to music - through the vibrations of a floor, etc). We are listening to music while driving to work, during our work, on the streets, at home, during a movie in the cinema.. We are surrounded by music as an integral part of our lives. How does music effect us, our behavior, our mood? Does the music we listen to reflect our personality? There were many studies to answer these questions. Psychologists accept that individual differences could be summarized according to five different dimensions (the Big Five model).

Psychologists were trying to find correlation between personality and music preferences. To do so, they conducted a survey in which respondents were categorized by their personality and music they listen to.
People rated high in openness to experience prefer more complex and novel music like classical, jazz, and rebellious music. It’s caused by their natural need to look for challenges - classical music or jazz is more diverse than other genres and its more likely to find something new.
Extroverts have been linked to preferences in happy, upbeat, conventional music and rhythmic music (rap, hip-hop, soul etc.). These genres “encourage” to dance and move, music is more emotional than intellectual experience. A very important part of a music are lyrics.
Agreeable individuals listen to upbeat and conventional music. In addition, if they listen to the music they have never listened to before, they display an intense emotional response.
What music do people categorized as neurotic listen to? Generally they prefer upbeat and conventional music (pop, soundtracks). In music, they  look for extreme emotions in contrast to conscientious individuals, who prefer more “stable” genres such as blues, R&B and electronic music.

For those who would like to find out which traits they possess, I encourage to do the test at  ( and compare results with their own music preferences :-)

Do you think that it is possible to find correlation between personality and music preferences? Does the music we listen to reflect our personality?
Bonus question: Does music you listen to make you dumb?



I took the test and got quite high results in every trait but extraversion:

Extraversion 4 percentile
Conscientiousness 90
Neuroticism 64
Agreeableness 63
Openness 95

According to your article, I should listen to "classical, jazz, and rebellious music" but also "“stable” genres such as blues, R&B and electronic music"... I think it's quite a clash, isn't it? :D

Anyway, I do listen to metal and rock music most often. However, I love experimental, avantgarde music, as much as contemporary classics and soundtracks. It would place me in "Openness" section.

I think that research is quite interesting. I've wondered many times if the type of music you like is connected to personality traits or interests. However, I'd like it more if it was based on some more complex personality test, for example Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), which specifies 16 personality types instead of just 5.
I don't think that music I listen to makes me dumb. I listen to any kind of music that correlates with my energy and myself at the moment, however, sometimes when I have a bad mood I try to omit depressing, sad, heavy music and I try to find something cheering up to get rid of negative energy. I think that categorizing people because of music they listen to might be very, very misleading, anyway there might be some minor connections and links between music people listen to and their personality but in my opinion it's quite similar to stereotypes like "Americans are fat". Well, maybe they have a lot of people in The United States of America but of course not all of them are fat and lazy bones.
Tomasz Wojda said…

It has already been proven that the character and amout of IQ points :) have a influance on each other ! There are always some exceptions but given the statistics, surely it can be predicted somehow. As is in this case, you can try to guess someone's else musical tastes in a few moments ! As Magdalena Gawęcka also they should take geofraphical place as a factor !
Tomasz Wojda said…

It has already been proven that the character and amout of IQ points :) have a influance on each other ! There are always some exceptions but given the statistics, surely it can be predicted somehow. As is in this case, you can try to guess someone's else musical tastes in a few moments ! As Magdalena Gawęcka also they should take geofraphical place as a factor !
Julia Osiak said…
I took a look at both of the websites that you mentioned and I must disagree with both of them :( The most dominant personality traits from the test that I got and 'their' music are a complete opposite of the music that I listen to on daily basis.
Also, I'm disappointed with the comparison of SAT scores to music genres. I took the SATs and got a pretty high score listening to bands listed under the left hand side of the graph.
I'm sure that there is a strong connection between one's personality and their music choice but it may not be such an obvious and general division as the common music genres.
Unknown said…
Thanks for your article.You chose great topic. I think that music affect us very well. I listen a music all time. WHen I work, when I drive a car, etc. However music often distracts me and I must end listening.
Oh, We can clasifiy us according to music which we listen - splendidly. So, it isn't easy. It seems to me that I am between.
I think that it is possible to find correlation between personality and music preferences. I' m sure that it go hand in hand. However if we will listen to the dumb music it may make us dumb.
I think that personality is fully correlated with music preferences. I can see it on myself, that as person opened for experience I like mostly rebellious music. Our personality can be visible in our outfit, way of being, communication and music as well. In my option music can make us dump. I have on my mind polish hip hop. This is the worst thing that was ever invented. I can not believe that still there is so many idiots listening it. And again it proves that music preferences reflects person personality.

Moreover I know that there exists music therapy that is field of music or its elements to restore health or improve the functioning of people with a variety of emotional problems, physical or mental. Music allows you to reach out to the deep-seated conflicts and extracts and stimulates emotions. Common experience of positive emotions gives you a chance to break the barriers of shyness and change you personality traits.
Unknown said…
I know it is scientifically proven however I can’t agree whit everything. Everyone is different and we shouldn’t consider all extroverts the same- nevertheless those statements might be truth for the general group.
I believe that if it goes about music preferences there are much more factors that influence it, as example everyone experience, sex, age or even origin. And the other thing is that in my opinion we could also revers our thinking and talk about how music we’re listening influences and changes us – do you think it might influence our personalities?
Unknown said…
I took the test and got pretty even results in all the traits so I'm not quite sure what to make of it :) But I think character traits do have influence on what people listen to, but they're not the only factor. I'm pretty sure that people we surround ourselves with bring a lot to our "playlists". After all people tend to share music with their friends.
I'm really convinced about that second thing. I mean I don't really think music can MAKE you dumb. These results surely are based on some research (I didn't really pay attention to that) but I'd think the correlation goes the other way round - maybe, just maybe people who get worse scores statistically tend to choose this or that kind of music. But you know what it's like with statistics - put one hand in the freezer, the second in the oven and you're statistically perfectly fine ;)
Unknown said…
I took the test and I have:
Extraversion – 3,5 / 65%
Conscientiousness – 4,3 / 87%
Neuroticism – 2,9/ 44%
Agreeableness – 3,8/ 39%
Openness – 3,9 /36%

I really love jazz, classical music and soundtracks from movies and my “openness” level is pretty low (I think?), I truly despise rap and hip-hop and “extraversion” at 65% is a pretty high score. My “Conscientiousness” is the highest and I don’t like any of the genres that you mentioned. Anyway I don’t think it’s very accurate. Our mood can influence our choice in music but I don’t think it’s that simple and that only our character and mood influence our taste.

A couple of years ago I read a book by Oliver Sacks titled “Musicophilia” where the author analyzes people’s minds and their correlation to music. If you are interested in such topics I highly recommend it.
Unknown said…
I have submit the quiz that you gave us, but the result was pretty random, I had almost all options maxed :P

I am not quite sure with the thesis, that our music tastes depend on the personality. To be honest I have no idea what it could be related to, but there are so many situations where people listen kinds of music that seem not to fit them ;P
Besides that our taste changes once in about 6 years, and I realised how it works for me – every 6 years I start to listen completely different music, I think that during my life I have listened to many, completely different genres. How about you?
Aleksander M said…
Music has been a very important factor during my whole life, and in fact I spent last 10 years working with musicians in both recording studios and live sound environment - including both clubs and big outdoor festivals.

I feel like there's definitely some kind of correlation between musical genres and traits of people who listen to specific types of music, but I believe that often the deciding factor that makes people attracted to certain bands/genres are the personalities of artists themselves not the music by itself. Very interesting article though!
Unknown said…
i agree that we cannot categorize (or judge or whatever) people because of music they listen to, but it might be a clue to the "who this person could be"
Unknown said…
Well, my results were disturbing, i should be listening to electronic music..but since i was a kid i always listened to classical music, and after so many years it has never changed. Human nature is very complicated, its hard to predict anything
Unknown said…
mhm.. do you feel stimulated while listening to certain genres of music? I do, so my assumption is: if some types of music can stimulate you in a good way,there must be other genres which can make you.. dumb
try to do something creative after 4 hours of listening Bieber (no offense).
Unknown said…
well, maybe you are "too mind-opened" :P
but seriously: 5 personality types might be not enough to describe whole people around the world, so doing more complex studies is a great idea ;)
Unknown said…
Cool article. :) In general I agree that there is a link between character traits and music choices, but I think our personality isn't the only factor that shapes the music taste. One's cultural background and environment they grew up in is also very important.

I took the test and I got the highest score in Openness which, as you wrote, means I prefer more complex music like classical or jazz. Well, I do listen to this type of music quite often, so it kind of matches. But on the other hand, I listen to more than that and I don't really do this because I'm seeking a challenge. I'm simply curious, and I love discovering new things. Actually it's easier for me to tell which kind of music I don't listen to than saying which I prefer.

Pretty much like Magdalena Gawęcka, I choose music depending on my mood and what I'm currently doing. I use upbeat, energetic music when I'm tidying up house for example. There's even a playlist on Spotify named Cleaning the House which I follow for that reason ( if you're interested, Spotify users). When I'm working or studying, I like to play music that helps me to focus. While I'm painting something I seek music that evokes the atmosphere of the scene or perhaps I give up on music completely and just listen to ambient sounds from this site: (love it). And so on, and so on. Music can be a very useful tool.

As for the bonus question, yes I think music can make you dumb... in some way. If it annoys you, you don't like it, it might anger you and you won't be able to focus on whatever you want to do. Technically limiting your abilities. ;P
Unknown said…
I took the test and I think my results are a little strange, but maybe there is some truth in them. I think some people it is hard to define by such tests ;)

Extraversion 3.5/ 65%
Conscientiousness 3.9/ 71%
Neuroticism 3.8/ 78%
Agreeableness 4.1/ 57%
Openness 4.1/ 47%

Back to music, I listen to many kinds of music in my case it depends on my mood. Sometimes when I have free time I like go to the walk with headphones and only observe the surroundings or I think about situations that I recently befallen. It's really relaxing for me. I think everyone had that listening to music on headphones felt like his life was one big music video, you know what feel I mean? ;)

Music is something amazing, it can affect our emotions. I think it's really big part of life, could you imagine great films without music?! They certainly not be longer as great.

I think that there is no rule for this kind of music we listen, I know very smart people who like to listen to disco polo and I see nothing wrong in it :) In my opinion we shouldn't limited to one type of music. I try to listen to different kinds of music from many countries and time period.
Unknown said…
I listen to many genres of music. It always depends on what mood I have or what I do. When I work I most of the time listen to upbeat, non-vocal music - It doesn’t disturb my mind and keeps me awake. And when I do workout I always listen to music which makes me aggressive. So, I don’t know if we can simply describe one’s personality basing on music that he or she listens to.
Unknown said…
It is really interesting article. I think taht my choice of music depends on the mood , and even the seasons . Sometimes movies inspire me. In my opinion taste in music depends on who we are. Even the body language reveals what personality we have
Michal Kulesza said…
I don't believe that we can describe people and tell them what music they should listen - even after reading your article and doing that test I can't agree with the types of music i should listen to, sorry :(

Unknown said…
Well it's an interesting article, something new. I kind of liked it, but test questions were too hard for me. But if we start talking about music i found some staff in the net. For example cat music. I had no idea that cat can have their own music and hate the one made for people. All this is connected with sounds we hear when we are still in our mother's belly. Anyway I think we can't say with 100% that we should be assigned to one of "Big Five".
Today many people use icloud technology to listen to youtube, tidal etc … It has a constant appeal and strong retention rate due to the above neurural dependency of human beings to music they hear passively or actively. Music is timeless even a compared vinyl records that were so popular in 30’s and 40’s gramophone has been replace by faster media chanels, but musical always be part of our life. Music influence on people emotions. This is a tool for arousing emotions and feelings.
Unknown said…
Probably there is some possibility that music we are listening to can determine our character, however I think it also is just a personal taste that can have nothing in common with character of the person. And we should not forget about people who love all genres of music or people who don't listen to any music.
Unknown said…
I listen to different kinds of music. Everything depends on the mood I'm in.
In my opinion personality is fully correlated with music preferences. However, everyone is different and we can't describe the man based on music preferences.

Of course I don't think that music I listen to makes me dumb.

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