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Week 5 (13.04-19.04) Freelancing

Many of us are struggling with a problem how to combine a school life and career. That’s why we start to look for some freelance or remote job that is quite convenient for school boys :) I’d like to introduce to you how I find balance between those two things and what helps me to be as productive as possible!

In my opinion the hardest part is to cut off all the things that distract you from doing work. I mean everything – a fridge, an urge to make another cup of coffee and stuff that surrounds us in our computer like Facebook, e-mails and so on. The problem is that at home they are so close, and we all know, how much they distract us and how awful it might be just to start working… Here are some tips that are very helpful for me.

First of all, it is very important to set a schedule for a day – to write down what has to be done today, give priorities and start with the hardest ones. I always try to estimate how long will it take to finish each task, it helps me to control my work and not to take too many things. Here comes a helpful thing: a pomodoro technique. I estimate how many pomodoros I need to finish each task.
Wait wait, what kind of unit might be “one pomodoro"? What the heck is pomodoro, you might ask? This is the best thing I have ever come up with :D It is quite simple – your work is divided into parts: you work 25 minutes, and then you have a 5 minute break, and the sum gives you a unit = one pomodoro. That’s really cool, because 25 minutes is not so much, and the vision of 5 minutes for coffee, a short walk or anything you want is a nice reward ;) Sometimes I even think “Ok, it’s only 25 minutes, I will do 1 pomodoro, and I’m done”, but when I finally start it is a way easier to get stuck and work 3 times longer and finish the project finally. The hardest is to start :)
The technique also provides a longer break – just after 4 pomodoros (2hours) you get 20 or 30 minutes off :) The best thing about it is that it helps you systematize your work, and give you clear boundaries when to start doing something and when to stop. There are loads of mobile or web applications that help you track your time with the pomodoro technique, some have extra features, like saving some additional data – it creates charts and you can see which part of day is your most productive one. Really cool!

You can read more at the official website and if you want to try to work using this technique you can start anytime, here is a random timer that might be helpful

There are some useful tips that are totally working for me as well.
That might sound crazy, but to boost my productivity I need to… get dressed :D I mean no sweatpants or anything like this, but jeans and some nice shirt. I guess my brain thinks “hey, you’re at work” :D
I really like to start working after doing one thing – tidying up my desk. I always put lots of weird stuff on my desk during the whole day, but when I am about to start working I spend 3 minutes cleaning it, and I can start my productive time with the clear desk and clear mind ;) And once my desk is clean, I know that there are no more excuses.

The last but not least is to find balance. When you have plenty things to do, you still deserve a break. I try not to work on Saturday, it’s my day off. Of course, it happens that I need to do something on Saturday to get everything done and meet the deadline, but I know I shouldn’t :) Try to find at least one day that you can spend on what you like, without any pangs of conscious :D

And how do you organize your work? Do you have any useful tips? Do you like working from home or do you prefer an office, a cafe or some other place?


Unknown said…
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Unknown said…
I don't think I have a specific way of organizing my work, I just make lists with things to do and try to keep up with it. I work mostly from home and even though there are things that distract me and sometimes I go out to a cafe to work (when I really can't get around to do the task) I prefer working from home then at an office. Maybe that's because I used to live quiet far from the city and going to the office always meant extra 2-3 h that I had to spend on the way but I got used to working at home and I like it. And as you said in your article I also find it easier to work when I finally start and then it just goes.

I don't know if that is a useful tip because I don't use it myself but there are a few programs that you can get for your computer or phone that won't allow you to open certain programs (computer games etc.) or websites (facebook etc.) for a certain amount of time. You can choose what programs should be closed and for how long and that for example: for an hour you just can't access your favorite computer game or a thing that is distracting you the most and even resting your computer won't help, you are kind of forced to work.
Unknown said…
I am a very busy person. I am a full-time student. I work as a PR Manager for a hotel and also as a freelance graphic designer. I prepare myself to take the Cambridge English Advanced examination this autumn. I work out six days a week at home and three times a week I do one-hour cardio session at the gym. Additionally, I have a dog I need to take care of. So as you can imagine there are so many things and so little time. However, I can do it all because I know how to organize my time and I can set up priorities. I use my own pomodoro technique. I divide my work into parts / tasks. When I finish one task I have a little break. For example, when I finish my comment for one blog presentation, I have a 5-minute break. I know that it is important to have priorities. For instance, when I have to work on my thesis I always do it first, because it is crucial for me to defend it in July. I do not need any special environment, clothes or things to work. I just need my commitment and a dead line.
Unknown said…
Omg, commuting is a pain, it takes me also pretty much time, actually the same amount that you have mentioned :o thats sick that we need to spend so much time in a traffic jam ;/ But sometimes it is possible to do stuff from your todo list during this time, unless you're driving :D

I have tried programs like this, for example once I had a little owl that was google extension, and once you have visited webpage from the "forbidden list" (that you had to set) it flied and then was closing the tab with the forbidden webpage :D Hahah AWFUL REALLY I uninstall it after one day! :D My "tip" for this is to have another account, especially for work. And it might be computer account, it might be another computer (the one that you got from the company you're working) or even using other web browser where you are logout from facebook, pinterest, private e-mail etc :D
Unknown said…
Oh thats impressive! And yeah, you're totally right. I have quite similar situation, I have full-time job, I am full-time student, I have some freelance projects to do and time for workout, for friends is also needed to be managed, and I totally agree - you simply HAVE TO have your life organised!

And remembering about breakes is crucial :) Especially this one-day break, for me it works so cool, after this one day off I have my mind cleared and ideas comes to my mind "just like that" :D
And how do you deal with the distractions? There are always things that take too much attention :D
Unknown said…
Work at home is great but something always bothers me and I can’t really focus on the work. In my previous work I did most of my things at home but I would come to a coffee place to meet with my client and work with him there. It was a really inspiring place for me and working there was fun. The most useful tip is to plan your work. I always write a lot of notes which them I put all on my room or a near computer to remember what should I do. I hope that my next work will be in a fancy office where we can do something as a team because that kind of work I love the most. My boyfriend always uses pomodoro technique but I do not find it really effective for me.
Unknown said…
What cafeteria do you prefere? For me it is hard to find place where is quiet enough, has power soket and internet :D and I live quite far away from city center (circa 12km) so I would prefer to stay close to home, do you have something cosy close to your home?
Unknown said…
I make a task list. I roughly estimate how much time each task should take. Then I start from the tasks that are related with the most of the other tasks. That way it is easier to continue with the next tasks. Sometimes I also first select the tasks which I know how to approach. Then in the meantime I figure out how to approach other. The last are always the hardest or the ones that I am stuck with.

Regarding self-discipline, I do not have problems about it. During a day I try to choose the moment in which I feel the most comfortable with to start. Because when working in home I do not have strict time when to work, I can either start early and finish early, or start early, then leave some stuff for the evening, and do something else in the meantime or start with everything in the evening!
Unknown said…
So there is no difference for you either you work in the morning or in the evening? Do you prefere to wake up early and work, or sleep as much as possible but sit longer in the night?
Unknown said…
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Unknown said…
Near my house there is a coffee place but it is too expensive and the coffee is not good. I used to go to Nero Caffe on Constitution Square because it is a cheap and a nice place.
First and foremost, it’s a great post. Personally I found it quite useful since I can clearly be defined as a recidivist procrastinator. The tips you presented, like the one with getting dressed up nicely, although may make no sense to others, sounds rather logical and, since they can be easily applied, are easy to use. The application you’ve mentioned is probably time saving, due to its organizing values, yet I also believe that if it is to be effective it has to be used systematically and by a certain type of a person. By that I mean someone who does not get discouraged/bored easily and is highly motivated to pursue his/her project. Otherwise, it’s yet another element of a personal clutter which makes one even stressed than before. BTW Have you ever heard of the Scrivener? It’s a tool similar to the Pomodoro technique yet it’s more focused on organising the writing process not the work-day in general.
Unknown said…
I try to have my day off on Friday after classes :) It is usually time when I can catch up with my TV series, relax and meet with friends, because like you said: time for friends is also needed.
My biggest distraction is my dog that wants to play all the time. I guess I just get used to that one hand I work on computer and the other hand throw a ball :)
Unknown said…
Thank you for your kind words :)
I have never heard about Scrivener, can you say something more about it? Is it a tool for programmers only? What do you mean by "writing process"?
Unknown said…
That's super cute :3 I miss having a pet!!
To be honest, I'm pretty well-organised and dutiful when it comes to paid projects. I'm really over-conscientious and the thought of not meeting a deadline scares me a lot :D Therefore I don't need special methods of organising my time. However, when it comes to school projects which I clearly don't get money for, I have much more troubles with deadlines ;)

However, I also noticed the thing you wrote about - getting dressed up is really important! I even think it may be an subconscious effect - your brain may link being in pyjamas with leisure and sleep, and being dressed with working, studying etc. (I'm clearly not a psychologist, so it's just my theory :D)
Julia Osiak said…
I wish I could work at home and organize my time as I see it fit. I keep on thinking that it would make my life more pleasurable and that I would be able to find my balance and 'inner peace'. Working 9-17 at the office and being a full-time student leaves me dead-tired by the end of the week. I especially hate the fact that I'm never home and I barely have time alone. When I had an episode of working from home I was much happier. I would make a list of things to do every morning and I would almost always accomplish all of my daily goals.
MartaSB said…
I think of myself as a quite organized person. I always have my (paper) calendar with me and I keep track of my 'to do' list.
I really like working from the office as well as from home. I'm working remotely at least one day of each week and it's a great deal.
Unknown said…
I always plan everything that i should do. I try to write it down. As you mentioned - planning time is very helpfull to effective work. Pomodoro technique sounds really nice and makes our work more productive. When we use it probably we don’t waste time for other things that distract us. I have tips similar as yours. We should have something that motivate us to work, to be more and more better every day. It can be motto or works other people that inspire us to reach goals. Every dream should have plan and then it comes true. I prefer to work in the office or some room when nothing can distract me.
If someone wants to be a freelancer one has to have the ability to work regularly at home and to be boss for himself. Take me for example. I am a designer. When I create graphics when I work for a company I only do that. On the other hand, when I do freelancing, I have to take care about everything. I have to find a customer, remember about management, PR, print and more...But freelancing is a great way to earn some extra money. Working hours are flexible so freelancing can be great for mums that are on parental leave. For example my bf's sister is a journalist and she was able to write from home for several different magazines while taking care of her new born at home...
Planning is everythig for me to. And I love to scratch off thing that I have already done. Such a rewarding feeling;)
I don't like to work from coffe shops, I rather to it from home...But I live alone so there aren't many factor that can distract me..
Do you like to work at libraries?
Personally I don't have problem with organizing my work. Usually when I want to some small task to school or work I don't need to organize or plan something I just sit and do what I have to do. For bigger task I just divide them into small pieces and adjust exact the same amount of task into every day of work until task will be completed. I also don't have problem with working from home even when my neighbor is drilling holes in walls almost every day, but I rather prefer to work in the office when is really quiet and I can be more concentrated on doing my tasks.
Unknown said…
I'm a freelancer and I work at home most of the time. It has it's pros and cons. I like the fact that I can choose my work hours, but it's sometimes hard to focus because there's always something that distracts you. And I don't need to commute everyday and that's very important.

I have no special method to organize my work routine. I make to-do lists, I use post-it notes and put them all around my work desk and computer to highlight the most important tasks. I'm also HabitRPG user ( It's a site that turns your life into a rpg game, you get experience points for doing everyday stuff – like cleaning your place, throwing out garbage or whatever you choose to include into your list because you set the requirements yourself. You can put your projects and work there too. I do that, and it helps me a bit. The points you get aren't really important, but they somehow motivate me. I won't complain.
Unknown said…
Oh I loved to study at libraries, but never tried working, maybe I should? Concetration 100%! :) I tried few times working in the coffee shops - it was the moment I had to create only an idea, not project particularly and it was really inspiring, inspiration was all over!
Unknown said…
I totally agree with your psychology conception :D
Unknown said…
Yeah! crossing them out is one of the best feelings ever <3
Unknown said…
Oh I have tried few years ago a HabitRPG but it didn't work for me :(
Unknown said…
oh yes, freelancing is perfect opportunity for moms :) But I find it quite tiring, I really like in the full-time job that you have your hours, and after it's finished you don't have to think about projects anymore. But when you have your freelance side project you are thinking about it all the time! But on the other hand, working from your home, sitting in your cosy sofa, with favourite cup of coffee under a blanket is priceless :))
Unknown said…
You made my day with a pomodoro technique! For a long time I have looked for some help with time organisation. I downloaded app for smart phone which reminds me about frequent breaks and measures time. I would like to try this at my work and check the results out after a whole week. For some people it's a very hard topic, because they are very distracted. The place where you work is also important. I take care of keeping my space clean, it helps me a lot because I can't focus on something when there is mess around me.
Unknown said…
I used to waste my time saying that "Okey, now I'm going to work and have everything done" and it of course ALWAYS ended up with me procrastinating with Facebook on. That's why I prefere work at the office, nothing bothers me and the hours of work and breaks are strictly imposed. It's way easier for me and then I don't have to motivate myself - it's just simply obvious for me that that's the time to rest, and that's the time to work. I have always had this problem with planning my duties - when I was in high school I've been doing my best at school but my grades were still not satisfying because of the ones that I've been getting from the homeworks :D It stayed that way till now and I don't think that it will change.
Unknown said…
For me case is simple - if you are able to work in home (you dont need a supervisor or someone who will push you to do your your job) - freelancing might be best option for you. You dont have to waste your time on travel to office, you can waork on time that best suits you etc..
I dont have a problem with working, but i preffer to work in an office. Why? Because i like to be surrounded by people, talking to them and be part of a community. About some special techniques - i dont need any! if i have to do sth i just do it. Simple as that
Unknown said…
I love work at home but if I don`t make plan it is difficult. I love my room computer desk - perfect place to work.... but I have a lot of other interesting things to do. Sometimes working at home is very difficult. Unfortunately, I have a desktop computer and I can not take it to the cafes - and sometimes I'd love to change the workplace.
Working from home has many advantages: work at any time, own fridge, own desk, not wasting time on commuting. For me sometimes this kind of work makes loss of many hours of unnecessary things.
Unknown said…
I think that I'm quite organized person but anyway I use the aplication Notzbe which helps me with the whole organization. I put there every task that I have to do, there are many options that helps to set them in order due to the task's priority. When I suffer from the lack of motivation I just simply remind myself why I'm doing it and that no-one has ever accomplished anything by sitting on Facebook for hours.
Marcin Lyzwa said…
Study and work full time without any schedule would be impossible. At office we are working in two-week cycles. At the beginning of each cycle we plan whole our work for this round,
we choose task to accomplish and estimate then. After that I have my own to-do list and I know what should be done by next round. It helps me to organize my time at work and one more thing,
even more important, sometimes I can work from home, cafe or from other place. Generally I prefer working at office, my brain switch to mode 'work' what is impossible at home. I don't have any special tips,
IMO self-discipline, timetable and some kind of pomodoro work technique will let you accomplish your goals.
Unknown said…
A fridge (as a general term including all kitchen, cooking etc.) is THE MOST distracting thing! I would love to have my own office equipped just with a kettle and maybe a microwave to heat up some meals.
The other thing is my family. Their favourite thing to say is that I "niby-pracuję" as my favourite (and most productive) place to work is in bed. Don't worry, I try to work on my work/sleep hygene (it is bad for your psychics to work or hang out in the same place as the one where you sleep - the bed is supposed to be used for sleep only) and when I sleep - my head faces the window and when I work - my feet point towards it. It sounds funny/silly, I know, but it really helps me to be creative and focused. However my family doesn't understand that -they subconciously think that you work only when you're physically tired after it - and they distract me all the time. They ask me to check something for them, to come and hang out with them, cook for them etc. It annoys me and I find it the biggest disadvantage of freelance work.
Another disadvantage is that the people who you work for often think that you will dedicate ALL your time for their comission and they keep forgetting that you're a student, you have personal life and other comissions to work at.
But the advantages are that you may work in your most comfortable outfit, in the time that suits you best (I am unable to do anything creative before 10 a.m. and I prefer to work late in the evening), in a place that you feel good at and that you decide on the work that you will do. It is really worth it, despite the disadvantages.
Unknown said…
Unfortunatelly I have a big problem with my time management ( You know). It seems to me I spend too much time on stupidity, but at one time I have heard about us- women. Apparently we feel that we do nothing for all the time, even then when we work very hard. I don’t know, maybe it’s true? :) The hardest is to start anything. When I start it is ok. I can work very long, but If I have a break I can’t stop it :/ I have looked for any possibilities how I should work, but I finished faster than I started. Maybe this time will be success? :) I prefer work at home, not cafe or other similar place. Thanks Natalia for your presentation. Your topic is great, habitually . I have never heard about pomodor technique, but I like it and I think that I will try it. It seems to be a great solution.
rf. said…
I believe that the working schema is very different for all of us, and it differs still according to mood, occasion, age, job... time organizing techniques on the other hand are usually only people-dependent, meaning that a specific person will have his/her favorite / preferred way of organizing time. I like to improvise a lot, it let me be more imaginative ;)

I prefer to work in an office.
Mostly because I have a direct contact with my co-workers, which in my opinion is much better than communicating via email or Skype for example.
Also, I feel much more focused on work when I'm working at the office, there are less distractions than at home and the atmosphere of a workplace gives me motivation to work.
Of course in less team driven projects working from home might be preferable.
The one thing that is a clear advantage of home-office over going to a workplace is the time and effort it takes to actually get to the office.
Especially if you have to travel about an hour and a half just to get there.
At home at least you can get some more sleep!
Unknown said…
Personally, I have big problems with the organization of work at home. That's why I prefer to work in the office. At home, there are too many things that distract me. I have tried many techniques to properly organize the work at home. The best effect occurred with the start of work with cork board. When I see a list of things to do on the board I can better manage my time. I also tried HabbitRPG game but it didn't work for me.
I've been working from home for over a year now and sometimes I miss the office I used to work in. It used to take me over an hour to get there by public transportation but it's just easier to work in an office - if the atmosphere is right. I really like it that I don't have to spend two hours a day traveling but I find myself going outside less and less often because I usually just don't have a good reason and I have work to do. It's almost like being a prisoner in your own house.
Blogger said…
Just received a cheque for over $500.

Sometimes people don't believe me when I tell them about how much you can earn by taking paid surveys from home...

So I show them a video of myself actually getting paid over $500 for participating in paid surveys.

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