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Week 11 (15-21.12.14) Trends

Google, for most of us - a search engine. Mail account? A browser maybe? (nah, that's Chrome). Oh, I know - maps.
Well, for sure a service provider on a global, mass scale. Our university mail ( is run by google for education (or business). Some of the teachers decided to use the old, PJ-run domain due to privacy or security reasons (or any other). Students also got a chance to declare which one they want to use. I bet none of you wanted the university-run domain. Why is that? Probably because most of us already use Google services.
Google search engine according to different sources has over 50% of the market share. As the search results are improved based on search history, the amount of users alone stands for the quality. Did you know, that you can access your web-search history if you've been logged to your account at ? Our university mail has that function disabled as default (at least I think so), but if you have a google account of your own and tend to be logged in, then most probably you can check there your browsing history. The lets you check what is being saved and turn the settings on/off.
So, whether you store your search history or not, google has it anyways. It is used mainly (so they say) for search optimization, and for other things, like Trends ( This is a very powerful tool, and fun to use too! As a sample I've put some of the topics that were mentioned in previous entries here on the blog. It basically proves that running is not hipster, nor original, and that the tattoing buisness is doing pretty well.

Of course this is statistical data and results can vary depending on what you want to prove (that's my opinion on the statistics, sadly). You can use this tool to check if something is gaining on popularity:
or if you simply want to prove to your friend, that batman beats spiderman:
Anyways, privacy has always been a hot topic (not according to trends?) so here are my questions to you:
Do you often use google? If so, what services.
If you don't, why? And how can you manage without it?
What is your opinion on your privacy in the internet?
Do you take any measures to protect your privacy?
Do you like the 'trends' tool and my presentation? Have you tried it and want to share some nice graph with us? :)



Unknown said…
I use google obviously as a search engine but I also have a gmail account that I use every day and sometimes I use google drive.

I noticed that when I'm looking for something on the Internet I later see more ads for products of a kind that I've looked for.
rf. said…
Do you know, what privacy policies apply to your files on google drive?
You may be interested in:
Unknown said…
I do not know if life without Google is possible anymore. And if yes why someone wants to have it? Google helps with everything! It is a fast and easy way to get to know different cultures, places, world of physics and many, many more. When you cannot find something on Google it usually does not exist or it is the highest level of knowledge ;).
I am aware that privacy in Internet is low but unfortunately I do nothing special about it because I simply do not know easy ways to do it.
Unknown said…
Wow, I didn't know about it. It makes me stop, and think if i should ever use google drive again...
Anonymous said…
When I read this I also would like to stop using Google products, but the problem is that I've already written some applications oriented on Chrome features. Chrome have better support for HTML 5 than ALL major(I checked: Chrome, IE, Firefox, Safari, Torch and few I don't remember) browsers.

Generally I am against companies as Google because they can force anything they want.
I can't imagine my life without google. I couldn't write you a comment - blogger is owned by google. Once time we tested Trends at study. It's very cool. You can check the epidemics of flu. During this time increasing number of queries about flu in search engine. This tool also well illustrated sale of products. For example the increase of champagne or alcohol sales before New Year's Eve.
MartaSB said…
I think Google provides us with all kinds of useful and efficient tools to use the content available on the Internet faster and better. It results in us using it basically all the time and sharing all our privite data with a giant corporation, but well... everything has it's price. No one is forcing us to do this, we choose it because it provides us with solutions we _believe_ we need.

To protect my privacy I try to keep track of information (my personal data) available on the Internet. It's all about awareness of what we do and why we do some specific action on the Internet.

In my opinion Google Trends tool is really interesting and useful when we want to analyse people's behaviour in the Web. Some results are funny, some are shocking, but they all constitute a really great knowledge base to use if want to answer the question 'where is money now?'. It's not big news that every advertising agency is using tools like Trends to plan their campaigns - something that for us is just a 'fun fact' can make someone else rich (if he/she has enough business knowledge and a bit of luck) :)

PS I absolutely love that Applejack Google Doodle! :)
Unknown said…
it's a fun tool, I use it often to look for news as well - just search a topic and find spikes in interests, and you get a timeline of events ;-)
Unknown said…
Do you often use google? If so, what services.

I do - I use gmail almost everyday, google maps often when I need to find some location. Also I use Android operating system on my smartphone, so Im pretty sure I use a lot of other google services being unaware of it.

If you don't, why? And how can you manage without it?

I think I wouldn't manage easily without it and it kinda scares me. Generally, I feel very dependent on technology.

What is your opinion on your privacy in the internet?

I think its hard to keep everything private as using a lot of services (especially social media, or those provided by microsoft and google) almost force you to provide some personal data (they become very annoying if you dont). But its good to keep private informations as private as possible :)

Do you take any measures to protect your privacy?

As I mentioned, I just try to keep private data as private as its possible. I dont use any "anonymizing networks" like TOR or proxies, as its too time/effort consuming for me - I dont have anything to "hide", I just want to remain as anonymous as its possible on the internet.

Do you like the 'trends' tool and my presentation? Have you tried it and want to share some nice graph with us? :)

Yes, I find it very interesting. It's fun to use, but also it's a nice tool for collection valuable statistic information.
Unknown said…
Like everyone else, I also use google services almost everyday. I use gmail, google drive and as an owner of android devices, most of google services for Android. Life without google wouldn't be impossible, but it surely would be a lot harder.
In the Internet, I try to stay as anonymous as I can. I use additional apps, that should protect my anonimity. However, all the security actions seems to be just a tilting at windmills.
Unknown said…
I use google as as search engine, i use mail provided by them and virtual disk. I write some of my works in google docs. I don't mind that really about their use of our information, even if i knew about them for a long time. I just don't type, look or write anything to personal. Just like my dad says "Honest people have nothing to hide". I do use some advertisment blocking software because most ads are pissing me of. But this is a fight that will go on and on so i just ignore by myself.
To be honest, i don't think there is any good search engine out there that can you keep private, if you are normal internet user. You just have to choose one company and surrender them your "soul".
Unknown said…
I watched this video about 2014 search trends. Check it out, its inspiring:

In the meantime, I will answer your questions:

I use google every day. The most commonly their search engine, but I also use youtube, spreadsheets, drive, email and some developer tools.

The privacy in the internet is not an issue for me. Just like privacy in any other situation, to keep privacy one should not share vulnerable information through unsecure connections and with untrusted people.

I don't measure my privacy. I keep remembering to myself about what I don't want to share in public.

Trends tool is a very handy way of making simple market research. It shows interesting facts about what we search, and sometimes it can be surprising.

I would like to share this graph of trends with you, as I find it particularly interesting:

This one is a comparement within different vegetarian meals.
Unknown said…
I use google services all the time. Currently I am testing Inbox which is new idea for mailbox done by separate team but still inside google. I can’t imagine not using google docs – I know there are other services which offers same or similar features but still… What I think about Privacy? I don’t care about it so much and I don’t take any additional or not standard precautions to secure my data. I use Google Analytics – a bit different trends but still tool is very useful.
I have, among others, a gmail account and sometimes I use the Google search engine. I used to rely on it a lot but lately I became somehow more concerned about my privacy on the internet and use mainly DuckDuckGo as my search engine. Also my gmail account isn't my “main” one anymore and I stopped using Google Chrome, which was my favorite browser. I believe it's hard to completely cut out from google, because at the moment they're internet services are the best available free of charge. I rarely use Google docs or drive, mainly for school.
Michal Kulesza said…
I'm using Google all the time and I haven't been offered to use school hosted email - still I wouldn't use it.

I'm aware of content I share on the Internet that's why I don't care what Google knows about me. I use almost all google services on daily basis: gmail, calendar, drive, documents, picasa, developer tools, hangouts! So far every of my employers used Google for Business for 'corporate mail'. I also host my personal email with custom domain under Google Apps for domains. And for me it's not a problem that Google knows that much about me. I'm the person who reads term of services before accepting them.

Well, I can't browse the Trends - there's an error: You have reached the quota. However, I haven't used it so far.
Unknown said…
Unfortunately Google dominated the Internet market and we cannot handle without this company anymore. That is why I use its products on a daily basis. Regarding the services that the company provides – there are really a lot of them – I can give only a few examples, for instance, Gmail, Google+, Google Maps, Adwords, Analytics etc.

Unfortunately we should agree that our privacy online equals zero. We should remember – what goes to the Internet – stays there forever.

Google trends is a handy service which I use when building my portals. The service provides information on which words we should better use while doing SEO.
Seisyll said…
Do you often use google? If so, what services. If you don't, why? And how can you manage without it?
Search engine, gmail, google docs.

What is your opinion on your privacy in the internet?
It's fading. With our trends and visits being recorded and used you can only be sure that other users don't know who you are.

Do you take any measures to protect your privacy?
Only chrome incognito mode.

Do you like the 'trends' tool and my presentation? Have you tried it and want to share some nice graph with us? :)
No comment about presentation and I don't feel like using them, they would only show me how nerdy I am.
Sylwia said…
I often use Google services, mostly search and e-mail. I accepted that there isn’t any privacy on the Internet. That is why at least I try to control what I input to the net (pictures, opinions etc.). On the other hand I know that some data help to create better tools and I do not mind it. As long as I don’t feel direct impact on my life I don’t care. I can’t change it anyway.
Unknown said…
Like most people I use Google. It's easy to use and you can find everything.
It has also dominated the market. I can compare it to phone systems.
I have windows phone and it's still not easy with apps. On android you can have everything. Even cat talk translator :)
I'm trying to control information about me at the net. I don't use such things like cloud.
I usually have nothing to hide but some can clear their history.
Sometimes I use incognito mode in browser. There are also many firewalls.
Maybe it works.
I'm not really interested in trends tool, just checked it when it was something new.
But your presentation is ok. And i don't want to share it here..
Unknown said…
In google I am using most of all Gmail, Google Drive, Hangouts and Google as search engine, thats pretty it. I care about my privacy and informational security, however I am not overreacting in this direction and does not see it that necessary, as there are a lt of other things where we leave information about us (banks, universities, police etc.).
Marcin Lyzwa said…
Do you often use google? If so, what services.
Yes, I do. I use google all the time. Obviously the mos used services by me are googe search engine, gmail and maps. On next place are drive and drive. At work I used to use most of google dev tools, platforms and APIs.
Of course there is always an alternative as for example whole Microsoft services.

What is your opinion on your privacy in the internet?
Privacy in the Internet. It's hard to say.
I assume that if someone really wants get to know something about us, he will do it. Did you read new rules of facebook or even old one ? Or gmail rules ? I think many of us didn't. I think it's better to behave as there would be no privacy in the internet. But of course we should fight for privacy for our private data.

Do you take any measures to protect your privacy?
My private data i try to keen on my own NAS at home and that's all. I don't take any other measures to protect my privacy. I have nothing to hide.

Do you like the 'trends' tool and my presentation? Have you tried it and want to share some nice graph with us? :)
I already used to use few times this tool before. And yes, I like this tool. It's very helpful in collecting some data. I can't come up anything worth sharing with you at the moment.
Unknown said…

I use only gmail and google search engine, but I'm convinced that i could totally live without it.
I use gmail because i have very old account that I use in many services, but i could easily switch email in those services if i had to. I have another account on, and i think i like it better.
Also Bing, a search engine from Microsoft is not bad, so I don't think that switch would be that painful.
I think we use google services mostly because that we are used to them. Or because we have android phones and we have to.
Unknown said…
I use google services for example chrome, maps, gmail.
Google offers us a simple and functional access to e-mail. for every account you can use a number of security so we can feel safe. Google statistics can be something good for companies. This is kind of marketing research and it helps in the development of business. We can see what is better or worse and generally we can know which kind of products sells the best and for what we should pay attention when we want to have own business.
Maps has a lot of functions helpful for Google user. location helps us to find out what the weather like today or for a few days in place where we are now. Of course we can use map for find a place where we want to be. Maps show us travel time from placeA to place B. It is really good function. Google maps sometimes show where we are often and tells us how much time take us go from current location to places that are often visited by us.
Julia Osiak said…
Of course I use google. I have my mails account there (personal and professional ones), I use the search engine, google maps, the drive and I'm pretty sure that there are more services that I have used a couple of times. The only exception is google+. When it comes to privacy on the internet, that's a broad and difficult topic. I don't take any special measures that 'protect' myself, I just try not to get my work and personal life mixed up online.
As for Trends, I really like this tool and I have already used it a couple of times in my research papers. It's really fun to work with and can give you some insightful data.
Unknown said…

Great article, I like to read about technologies news.
Yes of course, Im used to use google search because I often need a lot of information about programming, improve my theoretical skills about it. I need google search to find a lot of things. Despite of this I read a lot of books, and there are a lot of info about cooking, music or fixing cars (sure, I like it).
I know and I am pretty sure that my privace in Internet equals zero, but I am still using it and am not use to worry about it. But... my computer laptop is using only by myself so Im not even worried about that anyone else could read my private datas.

Your presentations is really cool, about currently troubles with about private. Great for reading it.
Unknown said…
Of course I use Google. I use it as browser. I use gogle drive so I have my gmail account. Whole world is gogle :P I haven’t many informations about privacy. I have never interested in it. Maybe it is my trouble. I don’t know.
I like your tool. It's really funny :)
Mateusz Frycie said…
Do you often use google? If so, what services.
Every day - searching stuff, checking my e-mails and stuff like that.

What is your opinion on your privacy in the internet?
Privacy in the Internet... It's hard to say. I always try to behave, keep my data in "save places"...
Do you take any measures to protect your privacy?
My private data i try to keen on my own External HDD.
Do you like the 'trends' tool and my presentation? Have you tried it and want to share some nice graph with us? :)

I like this tool. It's very helpful in collecting and presenting data. We used it couple of times during different classes at the university.
rf. said…
The polices are not THAT bad. Some specialists say, that they may be actually more favorable to users than that of the competition. I hop that government is preventing companies from getting a monopoly.
rf. said…
Of course it is. Consider Russia and/or China. Google is the major provider of services but it's not the only one! :)
rf. said…
Yeah, the trends of flu searches sounds interesting. I'm gonna try it some time.
rf. said…
Thank you for your insight. And about the doodle - follow the ling in the sources section to check up more fun arts!
rf. said…
You actually should remember life without google. And it wasn't so hard, was it? I mean now with globalization and all it's just different, but it wasn't always like that.
rf. said…
It there wasn't google, there would be something other in it's place. I believe that a distribution of services is a good way of protecting ourselves from the tyranny of one giant company.
rf. said…
Hah, it's kinda as your father says. But on the other hand, giving institutions like government of big companies too much power will eventually lead to the abuse of that power. It's as simple as that.
rf. said…
That's a nice graph, I love how the interest in hummus grew, 'cause it's really delicious!
Well, google runs the youtube now, after the acquisition. Before, google had it's own movie search: google movies :)
rf. said…
I believe that at some point you'll find your privacy more important than you seem to mind it now.
rf. said…
So, you're purposefully trying to use google services less. Why is that?
rf. said…
That happens sometimes, try again in a few minutes and it should work just fine. Smaller companies and start-ups tend to use google for business, but larger one are more prone to set up a mail service of their own. You seem confident in your measures for protecting your privacy, a bit too confident I'd say. It's always good to doubt your skills a little, that makes you more cautious :)
rf. said…
You're a bit pessimistic, but it's hard to disagree with you. Saying that there is no privacy on the internet is untrue, but the fact that you can't really remove the information from the web is very true.
rf. said…
You're quite nerdy and there's nothing wrong with that Michał :)
rf. said…
You can change everything. It's the small changes that matter :) you know, the butterfly / ripple effect? Sometimes when the impact hits you hard in the face it's already too late, so it's smarter to take precautions... :)
rf. said…
Android is currently developed by google. And I somehow like your comparison between WP and Android systems. It's true that you have an enormous choice of apps on Android, but on the other hand they are very insecure compared to the ones admitted on Windows Store. That gives us a choice, and I'd opt for WP here :)
rf. said…
It good to keep calm in general, I agree. But with privacy in the internet is a little like with the greenhouse effect. You can't really see the effects nor feel the impact, yet the damage has been done.
rf. said…
The altitude 'I have nothing to hide' is quite dangerous. I believe you've done nothing wrong, but submitting your sensitive data to everyone is like asking for an abuse. We give away ground on the field of privacy day by day, and as much as I want to say it's for the benefit of all, reduction of crime etc, I know from the past, that giving the means to 'spy on people' for any organization is bad news.
rf. said…
Very good altitude you have there! You're like a step or two ahead of most of the people here, knowing that other service providers exist and actually using them!
rf. said…
That's how it works, yeah :)
rf. said…
A nice point, separating your private and professional lives on the internet is really important I believe.
rf. said…
I'm happy that you liked it! And it's nice to know, that your most popular searches are about cooking, music and cars :D (so did I deduce from your comment).
rf. said…
Funny things are quite likable eh? :) I'm afraid I should say something like 'you should care about your privacy, it's your responsibility to protect it!' though who am I to say so. Living carefree sounds nice :)
rf. said…
I actually never used trends at PJ. What courses did you use it on and was it suggested for them? Or was it simply your own invention?
Rafał Banach said…
I use practically each of Google services beside Google+ and Android. They don't have competition in the market but I wish they had. I saw once site where we can download all of the informations that google stores about us and for me file was so big that I couldn't even store this on my drive. Sick. I heard once about google trends but I didn't try it till now.

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