The future of human artificial intelligence
The field of artificial intelligence is
commonly known to be technologically related and can logically be very complex.
"Scientists are trying to give objects human-like behavior"
"David Hanson's robot faces look and act like yours: They recognize and respond to emotion, and make expressions of their own. Here, an "emotional" live demo of the Einstein robot offers a peek at a future where robots truly mimic humans."
He is the main artist and creator of the
human robot faces, which, according to David, are the seeds of hope for our
future. The robots are learning by seeing human behavior and translating that
into their own mood and showing it by facial expressions.
Hanson’s using very complex materials to
design faces for robots.
made 12 robots in the last 8 years” – says David. They are ready for mass manufacturing.
The face is very complex. It is “simulating all major muscles of the human face”.
The core of the human robot brain is
divided into segments, called “The Character Engine”.
The author’s note
For now the robots are not able to talk,
walk and live like humans, but, maybe, in the nearest future they will.
I think it would be interesting to have a
robot who follows you and learns your activities, imitates you. It could learn
your basic daily routine and help you in everyday activities.
In my opinion it would be enough for a prototype
- walk like human
- avoid obstacles
- interact with the environment
The robot presented by Dr. David cannot fully
imitate human behavior and appearance, so it is not yet possible to imitate
human thinking.
We are still away from achieving the point
directly related to computers achieving any form of intelligence known to life.
It would be easier to create a robot imitating cat’s, dog’s, or monkey’s behavior.
It’s a simpler idea because I think it’s easier to give intelligence to robots
imitating less intelligent forms of life than humans. If for a human it would
be easier to gather and process information about other, less intelligent species
on the planet, then for an intelligent robot as well, which implies that it would
be easier to design such a robot communicating with other species. A human is
not aware of all the factors influencing his own intelligence and a way of
thinking and living because it changes in time.
When we think about life and what it is directly connected with, we think about death and its properties, and I think we are continuously proving that perceiving time through life as we know it relies not only on our brain and how it thinks, but also how it looks and what it can see, the form of communication, its feelings and emotions, and endless other factors. Time is one of those factors. We perceive time in a variety of different ways which makes us and every moment so unique, and which creates our intelligence. We perceive time and our intelligence through it, but we don’t understand and don’t control time, so we cannot teach any machine to perceive it for as long as we won’t know how to manipulate with it. And once learn how and know how to do it, then we will be able to teach robots of what we call intelligence today, but what we won’t be able to teach them is what we will call life because we will be more intelligent.
When we think about life and what it is directly connected with, we think about death and its properties, and I think we are continuously proving that perceiving time through life as we know it relies not only on our brain and how it thinks, but also how it looks and what it can see, the form of communication, its feelings and emotions, and endless other factors. Time is one of those factors. We perceive time in a variety of different ways which makes us and every moment so unique, and which creates our intelligence. We perceive time and our intelligence through it, but we don’t understand and don’t control time, so we cannot teach any machine to perceive it for as long as we won’t know how to manipulate with it. And once learn how and know how to do it, then we will be able to teach robots of what we call intelligence today, but what we won’t be able to teach them is what we will call life because we will be more intelligent.
We are breaking the barriers and limits of
our own intelligence and thinking in everyday life by inventing and proving
concepts and we will continue to do so. We embrace life and talk about it to
support it but we don’t support death as much and so we cannot always find
balance between life and death. People should accept life and death as it is
and realize that one is not a better form of perceiving time than the other and
stop feeling sad about someone beginning his death. Life has its beginning in
the moment of beginning of death, so accepting life means accepting death. To
keep the balance we should embrace death as much as we embrace life.
I believe humans are perceiving time
through life and/or life through time. I think that death is also a way to
perceive time through. We should try to make the idea of perceiving time
through death and death through time become more popular and think beyond its
limit, to become something more, to become more resistant to stress and
negative emotions.
I think there is not enough death in our
life because we are afraid of it and we are afraid of talking about it. In my opinion people are scared of death
because they are scared of the unknown and they are scared of the related pain.
For centuries death has been a synonym of pain and unknown which is day by day
becoming more distant and less related. People are happier because are less scared
and slowly death is entering our lives balancing it, becoming more related to life
and less to pain and stress.
Personally, I think that instead of having a robot I would rather become partially one of them. Obviously, I am saying situation when my organic parts is too old or weak and they have to be replaced by robotic one. Basically, I would happily become cyborg in the future if my health required it.
David Hanson robot faces looks great, but there is still room to maneuver to improve it.
We can not forget that robots AI is still pre programmed AI, this is still not true AI.
Actual movement are performed by robot but was invented and programmed human.
When it comes to AI, well that's another story. Right now we might think we know how it works, but I think that we still know only the basics. Why do i think that? Well, have anyone heard of an actual AI? I don't think so.
I mean, one of the basic principles of intelligence is learning from previous experiences. And while you can easily teach animals some tricks like reacting to signals of many sorts...
...people rarely learn from their mistakes. Am I right?
Any of You have seen this movie? It's a great sum up/ commment to this topic.
Altough, the technological showcase presented in the article is impressing and I keep fingers crossed for the inventors. The face looks great and it would be nice if scientists designed a robot imitating a man.
But I'm a little paranoiac in all this things, maybe because of many films associated with "bad using" of robots. So, I'm quite afraid of artificial intelligence and its possibilities.
Thanks for the article!
"1. A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.
2. A robot must obey the orders given to it by human beings, except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.
3. A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Laws."
Don't you think that some kind of drones are actually robots?
And don't you think that those "allow a human being to come to harm"?
here is the link showing Petman: http://youtu.be/RGZoMPXG0MI?t=1m27s
I am curious to follow the progress on "AI" development, but unfortunately it seems quite slow at this moment, and whoever tries to implement a "AI" more advancement just means more lines of code for pre-programmed behavior.