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Week 14: Time management

Time management
Today world is filled with meetings and schedules. We live in a hurry to move forward. How do we can cope with this? How can we manage our time which is more precious than anything else? I will share with You methods I use to manage my professional and private time.

No need to worry. Deadline is tomorrow...
In my opinion one of the problems in work is tight plan of completing given tasks. It is hard to survive when you are not able to say "no" to your boss and You start doing something new and ongoing, previous tasks are delayed. Problem happens when deadline for them is coming because You leave everything you have been doing and finish them. Usually it requires staying after hours to finish them. Quality of such work in most cases is very low and you must improve it which takes additional time. As a result of such actions You are physically and mentally worn out. In short time perspective it may seem right. Working in such conditions for long period of time  is very harmful and ineffective. How do You need to solve it? Prioritize them and if they're time consuming you must give clear information to your superior that you have no free time to start additional tasks. You can use Your professional calendar ( if Your workplace use some mailing software like outlook or thunderbird ) to document it and to set reminders.
Another problem in successful time management are long-term tasks. They can be threatening because of big amount of time with no activities which can lead to intensified procrastination and situations mentioned above. I strongly recommend finishing tasks before its deadline. You will achieve lots of free time to focus on other professional activities. Sometimes due to external factors it's impossible to finish task in advance. In such situations I recommend controlling progress of task to prevent any possibilities of failure.
(pic above: )
Sitting on defused bomb.
I use term of "defused bomb" for situations similar to those listed below:
  • Task in progress is abandoned by superior.
  • Task is getting more complicated and it's scale slowly becomes enormous.
  • Task requiring more knowledge than You have and You think You can finish it all by yourself.
  •  You face difficulties during working on task and You don't inform Your superior about them.

The situations have one thing in common: higher probability of failure. To appease or prevent negative results time management comes in handy. Before taking any steps on start You should gather all possible information You can and try to predict any risks involved. It takes time but as a result You improve yourself as a professional ( similar tasks require less time when they reoccur ) and quality of your work becomes near to excellence.
People above can’t manage their time and have lots of  unnecessary stress.

After reading my advices You can think that I am prisoner of schedules and my calendar. You couldn't be more wrong. Thanks to time management I prevented few big failures in my work and I don't have to work a lot after hours. I also became more efficient as a professional, so my superiors see me as reliable and responsible resources.
I hope You will find my advices useful and you will dodge harmful situations!

Here are some useful links for You:

Few questions to You:
  1.  Have You ever tried to manage your time in work or in school?
  2.  Do You think that working in accordance to Your own schedule can imprison Yourself to calendar and notifications?
  3. How do you manage tight situations in your work/school when deadline of finishing task is very close?

Sources used in this article: ( Office at night ) ( Girl at messy desk ) ( stressed workers )


As time passes I begin to realize I need to implement some time management In my daily schedule. In the past I never found any need for anything like that. I consider myself to be a w ell organized person. I never found myself in a situation where I couldn’t manage to do everything I need to do. But nowadays I have so many responsibilities (two jobs, family, private meetings) that I begin to realize that without any time management system I will fail to complete all my tasks. I began to use Google calendar and calendar on my smart phone and I hope it will be enough.

In the past I deepened only my memory and it worked pretty good. Of course from time to time I used to forget about something but never about something really important. Bus as I write earlier this tend to happen more often than usual. Maybe that’s all because I’m getting older and my memory is not what it used to be.

I don’t think that I will become some time management zombie, that I won’t be able to live without it. I don’t think that this is even possible in any case. You just have to have some priorities, you have to realize that some tasks are more important than others and act accordingly. This brings us to the last question. When you have many tasks that deadline approaches and you begin to realize that you won’t be able to complete them all in time. I think that the key to solving that problem is good knowledge about yourself. You have to calculate which tasks are you able to complete in time and which are just impossible to complete and you have to abandon those for the time being. Don’t lie to yourself. Spending 22 hours each day trying to complete them all is just stupid. You can carry on like this for 2-4 days not longer. And your working efficiency will not be so great. You have to prioritize and minimize loses that’s the key. Of course you should try to avoid situations like those mentioned above. And try not to take to many tasks on yourself. It’s important to be able to say “no” to the customer no matter how much money he is willing to pay you. It’s better not to take a new project that take one and not finish it in designated time.
Unknown said…
There is an old saying that goes like this (i am paraphrasing): "if u don't have enough time you should find more tasks". I it's been working for me for years. The last few month have been a lazy months for me. I don't like stagnation. I am a kind of a person that have to do something. When i have somthing to do i got really good managed my timeline every day. In my opinion organizing your daily plans wont make u a "slave" of a calendar. I am a young man. I don't have to sleep every night :P
Tomek said…
First of all I try not take on the responsibilities of others and indicate problems to my coworkers. Doing extra work could help for a few days but in the long run it’s bad for everybody. Quality and speed decreases. Furthermore, tasks involving creativity (like creating an architecture for software products) are tiring and forcing yourself to do them won’t help much. My problem with planning now is more about having too many things to do. I work, study and also try to do various activities that interest me at leisure. I read and study in my free time. I like having a lot to do and pushing my limits. When you have very little time for anything, you learn to spend it wisely.
Seisyll said…
1. Have You ever tried to manage your time in work or in school?
I think that everyone tried with better or worse results. In my case the results were pretty bad. With organisation is one thing, but following this schedule is another. I just need someone to watch over me :P

2. Do You think that working in accordance to Your own schedule can imprison Yourself to calendar and notifications?
It depends how flexible you are, but if you want to follow it from start to the end then I think yes. If you organize every second of your life then you are panicking if anything unexpected occurs.

3.How do you manage tight situations in your work/school when deadline of finishing task is very close?
I panic, then I panic some more, do what I am supposed to do while panicking from time to time and after everything is done, presented and rated I take some free time from the rest of the world.
armandstanczak said…
Have You ever tried to manage your time in work or in school?
I don't think there is a person in world that has not ever managed his or her time in school/work. Mundane question.
Do You think that working in accordance to Your own schedule can imprison Yourself to calendar and notifications?
If I'm working according to my own schedule how in the world am I supposed to be imprisoned by a calendar or notifications? I make my own decisions, therefore I don't need calendars and such
How do you manage tight situations in your work/school when deadline of finishing task is very close?
Usually when there is work to be completed and you wait till the very end to make anythink, you already have made a bad decision and/or not managing time corectly.Strange question when asking for time management.
alt_pl said…
There are no mundane or strange questions, Only answers :) There must be situations when You would have to do anything not in included in Your schedule...
alt_pl said…
Motivation is the key in Your when it comes to discipline Yourself :P
lukasz-anwajler said…
1. Have You ever tried to manage your time in work or in school?

Sure, I use calendar for my appointments and Excel spreadsheet to track my commitment to different projects.

2. Do You think that working in accordance to Your own schedule can imprison Yourself to calendar and notifications?

I wouldn't call it 'imprisonment', I like to think about it more like 'discipline'. You just new to get use to it and make it a habit.

3. How do you manage tight situations in your work/school when deadline of finishing task is very close?

alt_pl said…
Thanks for Your feedback. I strongly agree with Your opinion.
A had a few attempts at using a calendar for organizing my time with a schedule, but it didn't work out for me at all. I just don't like writing down everything I must do, planing it to the hour. By all means, I am not saying that this is wrong and that this way you become a slave to your schedule, I think I'm just not that kind of person. I like to now when is the absolute final deadline for something and sometimes I even write it down. But that's it, I relay on my own memory to remember stuff I must do and I do it when I feel it's time for doing it. I hate when I am forced to do something and I found that my work is much, much less effective when I am forced to do something. I\m a bit like an artists you might say :P I need my time to do something and I will do it as well as I can, given I can do it when I feel like doing it.

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