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Week 13: CouchSurfing

I would like you to read/watch and comment on/discuss the presentation CouchSurfing.
You will find it at  
 Comment on  it here.


Sylwia said…
I have never tried couchsurfing. However recently I've been thinking a lot about such or similar way of traveling. I've not decided yet, but to me it sounds good. That is way I think my next summer holidays might look like that.
Broadly speaking when I travel I focus on activities. I like to visit as much as possible around the place I am or the other option is sport, skiing, diving, biking... Usually I do not have enough time for all things I have planned. Some people may call it crazy, as when you are on holidays you do not want to be in rush - going from one museum to another, from one trip to another. I do not like to stay in one place. Spending time in hotel, beach etc. it is not my cup of tea. Of course from time to time everyone wants to "stay in bed" doing nothing, sleep a bit, just relax, same with me. I'm aware that this kind of holidays are very touristic and often lack in meeting regular people and experiencing the culture, but I like it that way.
I can't say that I've never bought an offer from travel agency, but since I'm 18 it might happen once. My travels are usually well organized, but not all details. Just the most important things such as travel tickets, insurance, place to stay and I make a list of things, which I want to do, but the list is always flexible.
diana said…
I like the couchsurfing idea very much and signed up on their website few years ago. So far unfortunatelly I couldn't host anyone because of my living space conditions, but my friends hosted many people this way and were enjoying it very much. However I was a bit afraid to use it the other way (as a person looking for a place to stay) while traveling in different countries, I think I prefer to be a host rather than be hosted by somebody.
As for organized tours, it's certainly not my thing, I wouldn't like such trip. I don't quite like planning the travel, I enjoy spontaneous choices. From my experience so far, the less organized the trip is, the more fun it becomes :)
Unknown said…
I have known couch surfing for some time. I have a few friends that have tried this concept. Most of them were delighted. They met cool people and visited places that you cannot find in a guidebook. Together with a friend of mine we wanted to try it during one of our trips to Amsterdam. We contacted several potential hosts. We got an answer from a few but no one was able to host us for various reasons. However, I wasn’t unhappy about that because it’s a bit dangerous, anyway.

Like most of people, I like to travel. What is important to me is that I stay in one place for as long as possible. When I went with my friends to Hel Peninsula, we lived in a caravan for a month. I also stayed in Barcelona for four weeks taking Spanish lessons. Last summer I had an amazing opportunity to visit Los Angeles. I took a course on movie making in a film academy, which lasted for a month. I prefer to travel that way. Instead of going to a hotel for a few days and see only the main places advertised in a guidebook, I like to feel the real atmosphere of the place and that requires more time.
Tomek said…
I’ve never done couch surfing and probably never will. But i don’t like travel agencies either. I prefer something in-between the two. I’d rather pay a bit for a place to stay and find out about areas to visit before going, from a travel guide or the internet. It might be a bit dangerous to see them without a guide but I will appreciate the experience more.
I have never tried couth surfing but it looks like an interesting form of travel. I agree that it can be an amazing way of meeting new people when you travel abroad. But as I was written in the presentation I think that it is rather a way for young people. In my case this form of spending holidays is rather impossible. I prefer organized forms of traveling. Not necessary by travel agencies. I like to organize my families holidays on my own. It’s really not that complicated as many can think. Of course you have to spend some time on the internet, sending emails and organizing time for your family but it’s nothing an ordinary person couldn’t handle on his own. And in the final summary it turns out to be a cheaper that tours that you can buy in travel agencies. But the biggest advantage of that form of holiday is that you do only that what you like and not that someone else has organized for you.

As for the second question I think that everybody likes traveling, meeting interesting cultures and having a chance to see some interesting places. But as you get older you have less and less time for that kind of activity. Sad but true.
Natalia said…
As many other commenters I haven't tried couchsurfing. For me home is place where only friends and family can stay and be - it is something private. I can't imagine having stranger at my "couch". That is why I also can't be couchsurfer as well - someones house is sake for me and I would feel unsecure and strange at someones house. Althought I like travelling and I like to focus on nature and old buildings.
alt_pl said…
Have you ever tried something similar to couchsurfing? Would you ever like to try?
Because of my lack of trust I wouldn't allow anyone to couchsurf in my flat :) Personally I wouldn't travel like this because I think I would be limited by people's hospitality and I could not travel and do sightseeing as I like to do.

Do you like travelling? What do you focus on while traveling?
I like travelling and exploring new places. I like architecture of cities and I try to compare them with everything I have ever seen or wherever I have been. I also like to taste cuisine in every aspect ( even if something would be considered as disgusting in our culture :) ) and local beverages.

When it comes to travelling, do you plan everything beforehand or do you prefer to go with the flow? What about organized tours offered by travel agencies?
I didn't travel abroad a lot, but when I do I check local attractions and events held in places I would live in for this short term before going there. I like to plan it because I know how much would I spend and I also give myself a bit of money reserved for an unexpected expenses. I never traveled outside EU so I don't use travel agencies if I want to spend some time on my own pace.

-Aleksander Towcik

armandstanczak said…
Have you ever tried something similar to couchsurfing? Would you ever like to try?
One or two questions? I've neved done it, nor I ever will, thank you very much.
Do you like travelling? What do you focus on while traveling?
I like traveling. I focus on wasting time to be honest. I have vacation so I can relax.
When it comes to travelling, do you plan everything beforehand or do you prefer to go with the flow? What about organized tours offered by travel agencies?
If you want to go abroad, not organizing is the worst thing you can do. Eurotrip almost never happens. Imagine you are a traveler from a different country and You end up in Warsaw. There are so many places where peaople can and will beat You up just beacause You breathe. What can You learn from that - location location location.
comment by: blimpiehunter
lukasz-anwajler said…
1. Have you ever tried something similar to couchsurfing? Would you ever like to try?

I use Airbnb, which is like couchsurfing but you need to pay money. This way of travelling is often cheaper than hotels and also much more interesting.

2. Do you like travelling? What do you focus on while traveling?

Yes, I love travelling and I travel a lot. I focus on feeling the spirit of the place and I really like seeing nature, architecture etc: basically: great views. I'm not a big fan of exploring boring museums.

3. When it comes to travelling, do you plan everything beforehand or do you prefer to go with the flow? What about organized tours offered by travel agencies?

My girlfriend is born travel organizer, but we organize main parts (flight etc) and then go with the flow, often booking places while driving to them. This way you can literally go when your eyes will lead you and you don't feel any pressure ("we need to go faster here, because tomorrow we need to see this and that"). I enjoy travelling this way.
Personally I never tried couchsufing and I don't think I will ever try it. It's not that I think it's a wrong thing to do, I'm not just the kind of person for this way of traveling. When I travel anywhere I like to be prepared, organized, but first of all independent. Whenever I'm on any kind of vacation I want to sleep in a place that suits my needs and I really don't like the idea of staying at some stranger's home. Obviously I don't mind that much sleeping in my friends house, but it always feels better to have your own place. Of course couch surfing allows you to cut down costs, but I have a bit different approach on trips and vacations. When I finally get to have some days off I don't look at the costs. I prefer to spend even just a few days relaxed and doing whatever I want, that have a long trip on which I count every penny. So yeah, I'm not really the kind of person for couch surfing, nevertheless it is a great concept, which allows to travel to new places and meet new people.
Unknown said…
1. Have you ever tried something similar to couchsurfing? Would you ever like to try?
I never tried and probably I never will. I rather prefer holidays in more secure environment organized by myself.
2. Do you like travelling? What do you focus on while traveling?
Not really but it happens. If I do I focus on meeting new people and watching new places.
3. When it comes to travelling, do you plan everything beforehand or do you prefer to go with the flow? What about organized tours offered by travel agencies?
I never used offers from travel agencies becouse there is no need to do so. I prefer organize all by myself and do whatever I want where I want. Things like places to stay overnight should be planned more or less before trip. I don’t care about rest.
Seisyll said…
1. Have you ever tried something similar to couchsurfing? Would you ever like to try?
The only couchsurfing I practice is staying in my friends homes for some time. Other than that I would not try it. I find it hard to feel comfortable with strangers living in my house or me living in theirs.
2. Do you like travelling? What do you focus on while traveling?
I like to visit new places. But I hate long travels.
3. When it comes to travelling, do you plan everything beforehand or do you prefer to go with the flow? What about organized tours offered by travel agencies?
Never taken any offer from travel agencies. My parents used them a lot in few pervious years and they are really glad they did, but I prefer to plan the trip on my own, which means "where will I sleep?"

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