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List of Moderators

List of blog moderators:
21-27.10.13 Natalia , Łukasz Anwajler
28.10-3.11.13 Simon S. , Sylwia Baran
4-10.11.13 Armand S.,
11-17.11.13 Sergio C. , Krzysztof Dąbkowski
18-24.11.13 Konrad S. , Paweł Jóźwiak
25-1.12.13 Michał W. , Magda Sołowianiuk
2-8.12.13 Diana B., Aleksander Towcik
9-15.12.13 Tomasz N. Magda Żołądek, Patryk Długaszek
16-22.12.13 Dominika S. Michał Piwoński
6-12.01.14 Paweł W.


diana said…
2-8.12 Diana Błaszczyk

Hello there.
I study CS (my specialization is intelligent data processing systems) and hopefully will graduate this semester.
Currently I work as a software developer.
Apart from playing with computers I also love traveling (including long car rides with no destination), reading books and drinking good tea. I'm also an avid go player.
Unknown said…

I'm studying New Media. However in the future I want to work in film industry- directing or production. My passion is horse riding.

I'd like to prepare presentation on 6-22.12.13.
armandstanczak said…
4-10.11.13 Armand Stańczak
Currently studying Project Management on PJWSTK, working full-time in finances.

P.S. I'll try to keep it clean and simple.
Hi there,
My name is Sergio Cosentino, I am currently studying Project Management. I am also a part time web-application developer at the company where I work and also a part-time GM between my friends with whom I play pen and paper RPG's. So apart from application development and role - playing I enjoy watching movies, playing computer games, reading books, hanging out with my friends and discussing stuff.

As for the presentation, I would like to prepare it for 11-17.11.13
Unknown said…
Konrad Sosnowski at your service. Currently unemployed. Studying project management on PJIIT.
18-24.11.13 is best for me
Seisyll said…
25-1.12.13 dibs
My name is Michał Wągrodzki, I am studying project management as some people above me. Right now I am unemployed, because I want to focus on education. In my free time I enjoy playing games, watching movies and TV shows, and also simply talking with my friends.
Tomek Niezgoda said…
I'm Tom and I study Project Management at PJWSTK. My thesis is based on applying cloud computing in companies of various sizes. I also work at senfino ( as a front-end developer. User experience and interface design are aspects of application creation that interest me the most. I'm always up-to-date with the latest technology advancements.
Tomek Niezgoda said…
9-15.12.13 is mine!
Unknown said…
My name is Paweł Wojtków and I am studying Project Managment like most people here ;) Currently working at Orange Polska as Webdesigner / Webdeveloper.
Apart from working and studying I also enjoy playing video games especially DOTA. I am also active member of few volleyball teams from Warsaw.

6-12.01.14 will be great
Natalia said…
My name is Natalia Wróblewska and as many others I am studying Project Management at PJWSTK. I am also working in Sasmung R&D as SW developer. at free time I like to decoupage everyday things :)

I choose 21-27.10.13
Unknown said…
Hello. My name is Simon Slawecki, I was born in Warsaw a little over 25 years ago. Having recently graduated with PJIIT's Information Management degree majoring in Project Management I decided to continue my studies and follow a graduate degree. My favorite pastimes are traveling, sports and expanding my knowledge about new technologies - especially those related to computers and mobile devices. Just a few days ago I came back from a longer Asia trip - I traveled in Japan, Korea, China and decided to stay in Hong Kong for extended period of time. Now I am planning to find a job as a Junior Project Manager or Assistant Project Manager while perhaps continuing occasional contract work at PJIIT which is what I used to do in the past.

28.10 - 3.11 please.
Sylwia said…
Hi, my name is Sylwia. A few months ago I graduated from Information Management at PJWSTK and I continue my studies here on Project Management. I also work in Samsung R&D Center as SW Development Project Leader for Android devices. In my free time I especially like cooking, watching movies and of course spending time chatting and going out with my friends. Apart from that I love skiing, diving and traveling. Recently I have visited Bali, where I was enjoying diving in one of the most beautiful reefs in the World.

alt_pl said…
My name is Aleksander Towcik. Currently I study on PJIIT on Project Management Master's Degree. I work at S&T Services in SAP Migration Team. Due to long and tiring work hours and school I have not so much time for myself. But when I have free mtime I spend it on playing computer games ( role playing games and first person perspective games) and instruments.

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