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Week 4 [ 11.04-17-04 ] Little Einsteins

When their equals read their first books little Einsteins learn nuclear physics, create innovatory applications and  work on their first business. Have you ever heard about prodigies? 

What were you doing when you were 5 years old? I would like to present to you a few people who prodigies.

At first Tanishq Abraham.
Now, he is 13-years old and he is an American River College’s graduate. Tanishq has started Collage when he was 8 years old. What were his peers doing when he started college? I think that they played and they learnt to read and do simple math. Tanishq from time to time gives a lecture on astronomy and paleontology. His parents are smart but not genius people. His father is a programmer and his mother is a vet. Parents had known that their son is amazing, because when he was 2 years old he could to count to 100. It isn’t typical. When he was 4 years old he was accepted for MENSA membership, he received 148 points in the IQ test. Of course his life is not easy. People still test him to check his cuteness so his life is not pink.  What are his plan? He wants to be a doctor, astronomer, discoverer and the president of United States of America.

 Next person is an 11 year old Victoria Cowie. She still repeats that she is like other children, but not everyone has 162 IQ. I’m not sure that you know that Stephen Hawking and Bill Gates have 160 IQ.

For a change, her mother is a housewife and her father is an IT specialist. They are intelligent but no exceptionally intelligent people. The modest girl intends to be a vet in the future. Just now the best university offered her a grant. Of course she is also a member of MENSA.

The last example of the exceptionally intelligent children is Oscar Wringley. He is the boy who joined MENSA as a one of the youngest. He was 2 years and 5 months old. He has 160 IQ. Oscar talks about many interesting things every day, for example reproductive cycle of penguins ;) It isn’t a typical topic to study for a two, four or even six  year old child.

Everything is fine, but what will they do in the future? Will they be happy and accepted by the society? What do you think about it? 

If you like this topic you can read more about genius children at

“Sukces” nr 6/272 czerwiec 2013, str. 40-42 


Unknown said…
It must be extremely hard for such children to accomodate to university society, because of their age. I wonder how does it feel to be such a bright kid. You consider and solve problems that others probably don't even think that exists.
I see something in common, all of them have IT specialist as a father :D that's why they are so smart ;) I watched in TV series about the most intelligent kids and in comparison with your example they were absolutely average, they just had to learn by heart some answers to previously given questions like the country and capital city... and they were around 13 years old.

In general a lot depends on parents, how much they care about the education of theirs children and how much time that spent to teach them. If parents would not start to teach children to count and speak would children do it? Of course the other thing is predisposition and those kids definitely have it. But they will have really hard life, because people don't like other people who are smarter than they are. And how they are suppose to find friends? In school were everyone else is 10 years older?
Moode said…
@Cezary i wanted to mantion the same thing that i noticed from the article that both of them they have got an IT father :).
Those children they are going to have a great future, But to be honest all the the new generation are smarter than before, Maybe the main impact
is the technology and how fast human able to gather information about any thing everywhere anytime nowadays.
and for sure also the Parents they play very important rules on the child life.
What i was doing when i was 5 years old ? hmm .. I don't even remember but for sure not smart as Tanishq Abraham.
Unknown said…
I agree with Paweł, that it must be extremely hard for those children to adapt to grown-up world, if it's possible at all. While they're super intelligent, they lack experience and social skills that their peers have obtained over years. The prodigies probably don't notice the differences as much (at least maybe not consciously), but it definitely gets harder as they grow up. Also, no one likes to see they're stupider than others, so prodigies are probably often ostracised. All those problems are clearly visible in The Big Bang Theory's character of Sheldon. It's of course an exaggerated character, but it makes one wonder: does every prodigy grow up to be Sheldon? Could such problems as his be avoided? Is sending your child-prodigy to university at the age of 8 is the only way? I think, as always, it's the question of nature vs nurture, and is therefore, unanswerable. The best we can do is to try to keep the child's life as balanced as possible.
Pat said…
I've seen some Discovery Channel documentaries about such children. I think that their gift might be considered both a blessing and a curse. Blessing, because they have great possibilities of development, a chance of becoming great scientists or engineers. A curse, because as Sonia and Paweł mentioned, they must have great trouble finding friends who share their interest and don't think their intellectual abilities are just weird.

As a kid, I've always been smart and I had excellent grades. I was nothing like the kids you wrote about, but nonetheless I had troubles with finding good friends. I think that in those children's case it may be far, far more difficult.
Unknown said…
I think they haven't got thoughts like: " Ohhh, I don't know what do I do here." I think that they have high level problems ;) This is of course only my opinion, It might be completely otherwise.
Unknown said…
I think that it is a coincidence that my exemplary people have IT specialist as a father.
Of course I agree with you that a lot depends on parents, but I think that it is not everything.
Yep, I think the genius life is very hard in the social aspect.
Unknown said…
I completely agree with you. Hah, Sheldon is a great example, it is extreme comparison, but good. I haven't thought about it before.
You're totally right we should try to keep the child's life as balanced as possible.
Unknown said…
Yeah, like others - I also thought about their social life. It seems to be extremely hard to feel good - either in a group of people of their age (they may be too stupid for them?) or in a group of people from college (different problems, different life stage). I wonder what their relationships and friendships look like. It sounds like a punishment for them for being to smart... It shouldn't be like that, because we need people like this and they also should have nice, fulfilling life. And life is not only about learning. I wonder what would I do if my child was so smart. It seems to be hard choice for parents too...
Unknown said…
I often tried to imagine what it would be like to be a little Einstein and I always thought, even though you'd someone amazing, the whole situation would be terrible. Growing up must be hard for such a person. Technically you're a child, but since you're exceptional from the start, everyone expects you to be like that all the time. And it seems to me that everything concentrates on making you even better and... more prodigious. You're no longer a child, you become an asset.
Michał Pycek said…
To me the most shocking and yet fascinating part is when these children claim that they are the same as the other kids, they want to have fun and play with their peers, while studying and working on unbelievably complex, scientific cases. In my opinion society should support children in relation to education and possibilities for development, especially when the child is exceptionally capable of it. However on the other hand, parents should always control such scientific path, so the children don't get too fast in the adult-like life, by meeting too many and too high expectations from adults in its scientific environment. They should still be able to be kids, climb on trees, bike and play around with the others.
Unknown said…
it's amazing that the children are so clever.
I think it isn’t easy for them. They are different from their peers. Children don’t like diversity. They feel bad with it. Social life, that mentioned other, is very important for people of all ages. Nobody likes to feel lonely. But on the other hand they are amazing kids. I'm shocked that children can be smarter than adults.
Unknown said…
You're totally right. I haven't thought about feelings of smart children's parents.
For sure it is hard for them. They should give safety, education and childhood when their child needs it. It must be a huge problem: give child normal life or give child a chance to be a really smart man - chance a great evolution its career . The second way seems to be better for humanity, but the first option seems to be better for a child.
Unknown said…
It's teriible but unfortunatelly it might be like in your comment.
Unknown said…
Sure these kids are smart and successful but what about actually having a childhood? More than anything, just as you mentioned, I really wonder what they grow up to be as people, not in terms of career or anything but just as people. Because in their time to be kids they go to college or something and I think it's important to have a good healthy childhood.
Unknown said…
In my opinion it shows their real maturity. Thanks for your comment. We all have the same view.
Unknown said…
Heh, it isn't shocking for me. You're right, it must be very difficult for these children and their parents. On the one hand they are small diamonds, which should be cut, but in the other hand they should to lead normal life as children in their ages.
Unknown said…
Of course you're right. You have the same view as all of us.
Unknown said…
I wouldn't be suprised if you were right. Hovewer, humans are sociable creatures, so probably there is some percentage of those geniuses who have such problems. On the other hand, as you said they might have too much to think about to stress themselves with such prosaic problems like friends.
Unknown said…
It's interesting topic... it's really unique but it could be hard in everyday life, people like that could have a difficult childhood because they can not be accepted by environment especially as a kids...
Svitlana Bilan said…
I agree with most of the comments above as the future of the prodigy kids is in some terms questionable. This is superb that they are smarter than all their surroundings and are able to comprehend information the vast majority of us will never understand in the whole life, however, the main question what about personality? From the psychological point of view such children are found themselves under constant pressure of responsibilities. And you can imagine the situation - this little kid-genius is 8 or 10 years old, already going to the university and he or she already facing responsibilities as a grown person. At the same time he or she faces the fact that in some terms he or she is outcast in both worlds. Kid is unable to find him/herself in the company of coevals as the kid already mature in terms of brain, however, at the same time he or she is outcast in the company of teenagers and grown students, who besides education are involved in social life and lets be honest, education is good, but socialization and ability to be part of the society are far more important. Such situation could be the reason of midlife-crisis for a prodigy-kid.
Unknown said…
On the one hand yes, but in the other - Is friends are a prosaic problem? I'm sure no.
Unknown said…
None from my articles not aruase controversy. All of you are agree and me too.
Unknown said…
I hope those kids will take an advantage of their intellectual properties to make some prominent discoveries. If they do profitable things, they will be accepted by society for sure. When it comes to happiness I assume that it’s hard to live among people older than you (e.g. at university) when all your peers are far less intelligent.
Everything is fine as long as those kids actually like to learn all that stuff and aren't only told to do so by their parents.

Also, people like jumping to conclusions. Whenever media cover the topic of exceptionally intelligent children they try to suggest that those will be the next biggest names in science. That those will be the people working on the next biggesst discoveries/inventions. That obviously could be the case for some of them, but not necessarily. Einstein isn't famous because he learned sth that someone else researched/discovered ;)
Unknown said…
Personally I find this types of anomalies (I talk about kids, I now, sounds inhumane) a little bit creepy. I would never wished to be born like that, to go to college while not being even able to heaps of stupid and irresponsible things I did years back. How they can even fit into academic life? It's hard to imagine how they could socialize, having all the adults interested not in the person they are, but in rather scientific research of their brains. It's like being living specimen to be scrutinized. Hope it's worth it.
Unknown said…
I think highly intelligent children have it really difficult. As your article points out, they can't freely interact with adults because everyone treats them a bit like freak show specimens while their peers are conversation partners. Even kids that are slightly more mature than their peers often have problems with adaptation - I can't imagine how difficult it is for prodigies. It must also be difficult for their parents - it must be hard when your child becomes smarter than you before puberty. Then again, those kids grow up to be those who form society around them instead of fitting in.
Marcin Konarski said…
Well in general as our parents told us we are so lucky that we were born in those times where are computers and in general technology is advanced and they never had chance to learn so quickly. Now I feel so old, because in general those genius children are around 20 years younger then me, and now I feel exactly the same like my parents. Then we were young there were nokia 3310 as the coolest phone ever, and now we have smartphones, iPhones, tablets, smartwatches and so on. I can’t believe that in times of our ‘Holy Communion’ we got as a present scooter, 100 zł or pendant and now what they have as presents? PlayStation, Laptops and other things that were out of our imagination.

All of this really matters, and they have better and better way of education, their parents are younger and they and more ‘modern’ they know how present time looks like and what people need to know and achieve to be successful at life.
Unknown said…
Being a singularly smart person is a gift. Gift which can change the world by one person for whole society. Explorers, scientists changed and still changing the possibilities and conditions of our life. We need them to develop all fields of science.

At the same time this gift can be a menace. Often the above average people are lonely and treat as weirdo. When i read about this speciall kids iam delighted and worried at the same time. I wish them a successful but first of all happy life.

To resume I ll repeat after Stuart Mill "better to be Socrates dissatisfied than a fool satisfied"

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