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Week 10 (25.05-31.05) Little Wars

A few weeks ago there was an article about board games on this blog. This week I would like to tell you about one specific genre of board games - wargames and especially about one of them called Little Wars.


Probably you’ve heard about those geeky people who gather in dark cellars or attics, put armies of tiny metal or plastic soldiers (each and everyone must be carefully hand painted before!) to the table and try to kill their opponents’ armies of those tiny figurines. Sounds creepy but probably you have such gamers among your friends as this is a very popular hobby. Unfortunately also a very expensive and time consuming (assembly of models and especially painting them) one.

One thing is sure. Wargames are not for everyone. Most of them have complicated rules and because they are strategy games rules are just a beginning. To show superiority above your opponents you have to not only master the rules but also learn to think like a military officer. Shoot to kill, acceptable losses, the end justifies the means, etc.

If you heard about wargames you probably heard only about those most popular ones with elves and dwarves and other unicorns like Warhammer.


Warhammer Fantasy Battle

Or maybe you’ve heard about this game about orcs in space and some elves from future called Eldars and marines hailing 40.000 years old Imperator called Warhammer 40.000?


Warhammer 40.000

Those games are cool. Really cool. But I don’t want to talk about them this time. We will go back in time to the game which started all of it. Or at least started using miniatures closely representing real soldiers in wargames.

H.G. Wells

Herbert George Wells is a well known writer who lived at the turn of XIX and XX century. You probably know him for one of his books The Island of Doctor Moreau, The Time Machine or The War of the Worlds. If you even don’t know his books I bet you’ve seen a movie adaptation of one of these books. But let me show you one H.G Wells’s book to you you probably never heard of…

Little Wars


Little Wars or Little Wars: a game for boys from twelve years of age to one hundred and fifty and for that more intelligent sort of girl who likes boys’ games and books as it is known in its full title was written by H.G. Wells in 1913 and is one of the first attempts to codify rules for fighting battles with toy soldiers.

Wells shows a way how to prepare scenery to the battle and describes how to play games in an organized way. Little Wars rules allows to use infantry, cavalry and artillery. Players can perform simple movement actions, hand to hand combat and shooting. What’s much different in Little Wars in comparison to modern wargames concentrate on physical aspects. In little wars if you want to shoot artillery you have to actually shoot it. Wells recommended using spring loaded cannons with soft munitions.


H. G. Wells playing Little Wars

If you would like to you can take a look at this book at Project Gutenberg website.



I have heard about that kind of games, but I never had a opportunity to play them maybe in future I will have a opportunity. I know that that those kind of games were used in the past to analyze armies on the real battlefield. That kind of analyze was very useful for planning tactics against opposite army, well prepared copy of battlefield could be huge strategic advantage over opposite army, because it might helped commanders to better understand present situation and plan counterattacks for any opponent move.
Unknown said…
I've painted figurines for a game "Talisman: The Magical Quest Game" once but I don't think I would be willing to spent so many hours on a project like that nowadays.

Anyway when I was a child one of my friends played Warhamer and of course gathered the figurines and I always liked the way they looked but I never got into all that and I don't think I would now. I recently played a new game Star Wars Armada which I think works on a similar basis where you move ships instead of orcs and fight and I admit it was quite cool, but I don't think I would get into collecting ships now even though I really like Star Wars. I gathered a lot of stuff as a kid and got rid of it while growing up and I assume that "collecting" small things just stopped being fun (or practical for that matter) for me. Anyway I'm pretty sure I'll play Star Wars Armada again and I recommend checking it out :)
rf. said…
I'm familiar with wargames, but it's the first time I've heard about the 'Little Wars'. I used to play with plastic soldiers a lot when I was younger and with friends of mine we used to create rules and systems of our own since we didn't really knew any existed. Cannonballs on string... AWESOME :D
MartaSB said…
I don't have experience with this type of games, but I'm impressed with other people's involvement in creating them (painting figurines, preparing boards etc.). It enhances your manual skills and creativity, which is great. It can be a pretty nice hobby :)
Unknown said…
Yes they were. Probably the first wargame with codified rules was Kriegsspiel. the first set of rules for this game was created in 1812 by Lieutenant Georg Leopold von Reiswitz and his son Georg Heinrich Rudolf von Reiswitz of the Prussian Army. Later, in 1876 General Julius von Verdy du Vernois developed simpler version called Free Kriegsspiel which could be played in real time and with backing of Otto von Bismarck he made Kriegsspiel a Prussian Army training tool.
Unknown said…
It's nice to hear that you played some wargames! I know about Star Wars Armada since some time. Actually it's next position on my buying list. I'm quite sure that next month I will own my own fleet of starships to play them with friends. ;)
Unknown said…
I'm glad my post was informative and as I understand it brought some good memories. :) Despite the fact I'm in wargaming hobby since I was 10 I learned about Little Wars only few months ago when I was searching for some historical context of those games. As they say - you always can learn something new. ;)
Unknown said…
Yes it does and yes it is. :) If you ever have a chance to play a wargame don't miss it. There is virtually no way you won't like it.
Unknown said…
I'm always really impres how people can play such a game. It is amazing how this game look like. My friends also play this game and paint some of figures by themselfs and make maps. It seems to be really hard work but at the end it impresses a lot of people. I prefer to collect figures not to use them in games. Maybe one day I will try to play this game but right now I find this really hard.
Unknown said…
I had a few occasions to paint Warhammer figurines with my friends who played wargames, but I never played these myself. I admire the enthusiasm of people who prepare all these models and boards for such game, it's a lot of time-consuming work and storing such a 'little army' must take up a lot of place too. I always thought the figurines are beautiful and I wanted to collect them – only so I could paint them and put on my desk so they would look cool. :) But in the end it didn't happen. I guess I saved a bit of money (because it's an expensive hobby). Anyway, I'm more familiar with pen and paper rpg versions of Warhammer, and PC game version of Warhammer 40.000.

I've never heard of 'Little Wars' so thanks a lot for that information and for the link. I'm tempted to read this book.
Unknown said…
I'm familiar with warhammer 40.000, but mostly from computer games. I'm really looking forward to next PC game - Warhammer : Total War, it probably will be very interesting.I've never played any wargames and frankly I'm not really interested in this type of entertainment However, this models looks absolutely amazing. I'm really thinking about buing some an assemblying them just for visual effect.
Unknown said…
I have never heard about Little Wars before. However, my boyfriend and his friends collected Lord of the Rings figures. They also painted them by themselves and built battlefield’s mocks.
Unknown said…
I used to paint these Warhammer figurines when I was younger! They weren't mine, I painted them for my younger brother. I really enjoyed it, we had these magazines with painting instructions etc. I've never really played with them though, my brother did and I lack strategical skills that are necessary to lead my army to the victory in a real game.
Michal Kulesza said…
Board War Games? that's not for me. I don't like this idea at all and as far as I remember these games are really expensive.

I would like to spend so much money on such tiny figures for games. However, book looks interesting and I've added it to my list for holidays. Thanks for the link to Project Gutenberg!
Unknown said…
Many of my friends plays in this type of game. Personally, my only contact with them was painted a few figures and watch the army a few friends. I once wanted to start collecting figurines Warhammer fantasy battle but it always seemed too expensive. My own dreams of battles and fantastic heroes I left for LARP, RPG sessions, and fantasy conventions.
Unknown said…
Unfortunately, I've never had an occasion to play this type of games. I like the idea of creating space of the game with own hands. That's great that player can paint figurines and build castles by himself. It's very interesting hobby.
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Unknown said…
Oh yes, I have heard about it. I have seen man who was preparing game like this. It’s amazing but very laborious and long process. I admire solicitude with which creators create this kind of game.
Buildings looking very well and accurate. I can’t imagine how long game like this is prepared. I think that very very long. I admire not only solicitude, but also patience, perseverance and diligence people who not only created but also build this buildings and figure. It’ s amazing. It’s not only great realization, but often very good, intricate and expanded story. I’m not a gamer but I’m a fan for passion which must have the people who created games.
I used to play Warhammer when I was younger. It was very wonderful experience. I agree that it's not for everyone. It takes a lot of time, money and effort to build your army and create a good board. I think that you need to have one or two friends or family members who are also into it. The game you described seems to be very interesting. Especially the part in which you really shoot with your miniature artillery.
Mateusz Frycie said…
I do not like such board games, but I don't mind other people being interested in this kind of entertainment. I prefer regular board games, especially those ones that remind me of my childhood. I usually play board games when I go with my friends to my grandparents' cottage house. We sit by the fireplace, have a snack and play board games.
Haha: 19th century's 50 years old nerds : ) I have no interest in board rpg whatsoever, but I might enjoy painting the figurines.
Unknown said…
I am not a big fan of board games, but must admit that Warhammer 40K is pretty interesting because of its universe, heroes and etc. Probably one of those things that made just a board game as a big constantly developing universe.
Unknown said…
Such games are not that hard as they look like. At least most of them. Try it and you won't regret.
Julia Osiak said…
Board games are a ton of fun, but rpg is just too much for me. I congratulate those who have enough patience to spend hours on painting those tiny figurines. This hobby is also quite costly, just like any collection, although I cannot say that this would discourage me as I used to buy Magic: The Gathering cards...
Unknown said…
Most of my models are just for exhibition as I don't have time to learn rules of different games and play them. Collecting models is a good way to start in this hobby. In time you probably will find one or two games that you will also like to play. Just... don't start with Warhammer. Almost everybody does so and this is one of the worst games I played. Great world and history and very stupid rules.
Unknown said…
This hobby can get really expensive. Like every hobby involving collecting something. You can easily put few thousands in one game but this is edge case. If you like you also could have a very good game under $100 and I'm talking about set for two.
Unknown said…
I really love this physical shooting part and hate it at the same time. ;) I assume that for such game you would use some cheap and ugly models. It just doesn't go along with my collectors instinct. I buy only very detailed and high quality models. Most of which is also very fragile. That artillery shoots would be deadly to those miniatures. Literally.
Unknown said…
Speaking about Magic... We didn't have occasion to play in a long, long time. That's something we must change.
Unknown said…
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Unknown said…
I’ve heard about Warhammer before. I don’t remember where it was, but I saw a gameplay of Warhammer some time ago. I didn’t know the rules, but handmade battlefield and well painted figurines were really cool.
Unknown said…
Board games can give a lot of fun but for me rpg last too long. Too long time of playing the game can be boring. I prefer a more active kind of leisure.
I think this is more a boy thing to do, rather than girlish one :) I think it might be interesting for you guys, but for me not necessarily. What is more I don't have time for playing such a game cause it's surely time consuming activity. What I find interesting about that is the figures' painting thing. I could actually try to paint some of them, maybe it would be good? Who knows :D
Unknown said…
Oh come on, i think that painting is the best part of it :D Of course I have never played or collected warhammer figures but I think it is a good part about it, that you somehow can create you own "army' or whatever :D By being a part of the creators team hehe :) According to book – I didn't know that rules has such a long history, I thought it is more present game, but it quite looks like it's been 100 years since they started it :)
I've heard and read about Little Wars before. Although I think that modern games are much much better, both when it comes to gameplay and aesthetics.
Nowadays there is a plethora of different types and sub-genres of wargames. Personally I'm quite fond of Warhammer 40k which is set in a dark, gothic sci-fi setting.
What's cool about most wargames is that they provide inspiration and something cool to do not only for the players, big thing is building your own sets, painting figurines and so on.
There are whole youtube channels focused solely on how to paint figurines.

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