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Week 10 (25.05-31.05) COACHELLA

Coachella is the city that is situated in Riverside County in California. It is located 130 miles (210 km) east of Los Angeles. There is a subtropical climate so people can always feel summer there. It is heaven on earth for me because I love the summer climate: the sun, tropical flowers, warm nights.

Since 1999 there has been is organized Coachella Valley Music Festival and Arts Festival The festival takes place annually and was founded by Paul Tollett. It takes place in the Colorado Desert.
This event brings together different types of music including rockindiehip hop and electronic. Music is complemented by wonderful art installations and huge sculptures. Visual art is an important part of the festival. A lot of pieces of art are interactive. It is undisputed kind of attraction for attendees. Paul Clemente who has been  Coachella's art director since 2009, said, "I think the level of detail and finish and artistry and scale and complexity and technology, everything is constantly getting notched up, ratcheted up. We're obviously constantly trying to, for lack of a better word, (to) outdo ourselves and make it better for the fans.”. 

Since 2003 people participating in the festival have been able to  sleep in a campsite.  At the 2012 edition of Coachella event there were a general store, showers, mobile phone charging stations and an internet cafe with free WiFi. I think that this is a really exclusive campingsite. Moreover, there were more than 17 000 campers. 
The main stages are called: Coachella Stage, Outdoor Theatre, Gobi Tent, Mojave Tent, Sahara Tent, Oasis Dome, Yuma. Summing up there are 7 main stages where the biggest stars like Drake, Kanye West, Jay-Z, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Pink Floyd etc. gave concerts. 
People in Coachella Festival wear characteristic clothes. Vogue, Elle and other fashion magazines show Coachella outfits that inspire readers. They can say that Coachella created a new fashion style : ethereal light materials, typical body jewelry, short t-shirts that show your belly. It looks fantastic. I really like this style.

Have you ever taken part in a music festival?
Do you like "climate" Coachella?


Coachella is one of the greatest music festivals in USA and is loved by many famous personalities. Personally I have never attended any music festival neither huge nor small. As I can see there are offered concerts of various types of music and everyone can find something for him/herself. I heard that last year there was more than 500 thousand attendance over six days which seems incredible. I wish one day I could participate such event, because after watching teaser I am eager to be part of it. Especially my eye caught artists like Snoop Dogg, Jay-Z, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Eminem and Kanye West.
Unknown said…
I'm not really into music festivals, I always wanted to attend one but now when I'm older I'm not sure I would be into it. I think I would get lost in the crowds of people that are at such events. Anyway I also love warm weather, a lot of sun and the beach so I would be glad to be anywhere where I can find warm sea and summer weather :) And I think I would like the climate of that place so concerts might be a nice addition.
Unknown said…
This looks like a fun and positive place to be. I have never been there but maybe once in my lifetime I will have a chance to visit this amazing city and celebrate with others.
rf. said…
I'm not too much into music festivals. I really like music, and I've been to a few festivals. I think that my favorite type are shanties. Coachella seems ok, but I'm not convinced to visit :)
MartaSB said…
It looks really nice as I also love summer climate :) I'm not a big fan of concerts though, so it would be much too crowded for me. I prefer spending warm evenings on the beach, listening to the waves.
I have attended some rock / metal festivals. Their great when it comes to price - you get a chance to see several artists for a price of 2 or 3 concert tickets.

However, despite of the music, I'm not into festivals - I really hate sleeping in a tent, standing in a queue for the shower for a few hours, toi-tois, etc. If I go to another music festival in the future, I'm definately going to rent a room with a normal bed and a shower. :)
Coachella is so popular right now, especially on Instagram and YouTube, of course it depends on what people you follow but I'm sure you know what I mean. I saw few vlogs from this festival and it looks super cool. So many great artists in one place, everything so great organised. But Coachella is not only about the music but also about the looks. It has the 70s vibe. People (some) take this matter realy serious and they prepare special outfits for each day, especially celebirties. I heard that some of those celebrities dres up for the pictures and than changes to some more comfortable clother when they are not being photographed any more, which is a little bit crazy for me. Alhough it is held on a desert and sand stroms can be a disadvantage I would defiantely like to go there some day in the future so see for myslef....
Unknown said…
In previous years I was attending to a lot of festivals for example Ursynalia or Impact Festival. I wish that one day I could go to Tomorrowland – the biggest event in Europe. I only heard about Coachella and I saw that a lot of celebrities boasted about it beeing there. The atmosphere of Coachella seems to be really amazing but I don’t like it because of stars showing themselves not from the best side.
Unknown said…
Coachella looks nice. I love music, but I'm not a big fan of music festivals (far too many people for me), but I understand they must be awesome for people who enjoy such events. I wouldn't mind visiting this place mostly because of the weather and sights. The art instalations sound interesting too.
Unknown said…
Yes, I heard about Coachella because I found photos of this festival on Instagram and some fashion stylizations in Elle. There are a lot of amazing materials on YouTube as you mentioned. This is one of my favourite> When I watch it I feel summer :)
Unknown said…
I think that Coachella has a lot of fans because people love summer and this festival connote them with this season :)
Unknown said…
yes, I think that coachella is the one of the most popular festivals in the world. People love this climate and they want to take part in this event. It is amazing that there are a lot of popular artists in one place.
Unknown said…
In my opinion this festival steps out from other festivals because of art instalations and a special climate
Unknown said…
I agree with you. I don't like sleeping in a tent too. I prefer to feel fresh and have a lot of energy for event. I didn't think about this aspect. you're completely right
Unknown said…
I want to go to tomorrowland too. It looks amazing on youtube videos. There is different atmosphere than at coachella but it is cool too.
Unknown said…
I think that participation in such an event is an incredible feeling and it's worth though once survive something like this
Yes, I’ve taken part in several music festivals but none of them was as big (I mean/ in terms of the scale/organization of a concert not a number of participants) as the Coachella one. It sure sounds fun, basically because of the bands they invite, but at the same time, to me personally, it’s just a great fashionable/trendy event, the one – "you have to be there to be cool".
Obviously, as Patrycja’s mentioned, there are quite a few inconveniences when it comes to music festivals, but I guess with ‘practice’ one may get used to most of them (well, maybe apart from theft). Although my knowledge of fashion is limited, I’m not so sure whether the style you’ve described is the result of Coachella itself. What about Woodstock Festival from the late 1960s?
Unknown said…
Coachella- it is very interesting. I have never before heard about this place and this festival. It is great that the music is connected with the art installation. My favorite art installation are which contain the element of music. connection the music and art is amazing for me. They create amazing harmony.
BTW, their camp is very impressive 
I have taken part in festivals like Juwenalia and other concerts. Climate of Coachella seems to be like Coachella outfits- ethereal, hot and loose.
Unknown said…
Coachella looks very beautiful. I had never heard of this place.
I really like the music and all the events associated with it. I participated in several music festivals. They were mainly electronic music festivals. Such events have their own unique atmosphere.
I can definitely recommend to all this kind of spending free time :)
Unknown said…
I really like LA for its climate and the possibilities that come with it. Last summer I visited my friends who live there and for dinner they served us fruits that only came from their garden: mangoes, avocados, papayas... The other thing is that it almost never rains there and there are no excuses for outdoor activities such as snow, cold weather, rain, so it makes it an almost perfect place to live. Even hough I liked it very much, I like the diverity of changing seasons more, it is much more interesting.
I don't like concerts and music festivals, so I don't think that Coachella would be a good place for me. I don't enjoy very loud music and since I got almost killed during a Slayer concert (I got overturned, lost my glasses, got stomped on and crushed; I ended up only with an injured knee), I have tried to avoid large crowds of people;)
Unknown said…
I would love to take part in Coachella! LA is my beloved city. I wish I were live there. Coachella seems to me as the best music festival ever.
I have taken part in music festivals twice. Few years ago I attended to the Coke Music Festival in Cracow with my friends. It was very cool but nothing special. I just expected more. Last year I went to see Florence and the Machine concert at the Orange Warsaw Festival. It was terrible because of the cold weather and poor sound system.
Michal Kulesza said…
I'm not music fan, I like to listen something from Spotify's daily recommended music but I can live without it.

That's why I've never attended any of the music festivals. However, having opportunity to visit LA would be awesome so Coachella festival might be one of the points to check :)
Unknown said…
I like the summer atmosphere of Coachella. I wish to visit someday West Coast of America - it's my dream to realize that someday... Sometimes I search informations about some European and American events and concerts, also in California. What makes me crazy is that some line-ups includes all my favorites bands on the same stage. I'd be glad seeing these line-ups in Polish festivals, but it's impossible :(
I've never taken part in any music festival, it's just not for me. This one looks like a very nice one though. If I ever decided to start attending such events then I would possibly go there. The atmosphere seems to be very nice.
Mateusz Frycie said…
I am not really into music festivals, but I really do enjoy good concerts. Recently I went to Gdańsk to see Bryan Adams. The event was fantastic and I had the best time of my life. The musician was really focused on the audience and he played and sang for more than 2 hours. I think it's better to listen to performance of one good artist than to participate in a couple of 30-minutes concerts of various singers or bands.
Unknown said…
I am not a big fan of those music festivals. Probably I will prefer comfort instead of such things. However, I would like to see this thing with my own eyes, at least to known what is this thing anyway.
Unknown said…
I’ve never taken part in any music festival. Actually I don’t get it. Maybe because I’m allergic to crowd. For me Coachella resembles to “Przystanek Woodstock”. As I know in both you can find different genres. I wouldn’t be able to find myself in such crazy event but, as always, I enjoy watching videos.
Julia Osiak said…
I love music festivals and concerts in general. I try to attend concerts of the bands that I like if they are happening in Warsaw, or for some special cases, in Poland. Attending a music festival is a great experience, and each event has a different vibe to it. If I had a chance I would definitely go to Coachella as it is one the most popular festivals and the line up must be good.
Unknown said…
Although I'm not really into mainstream music which is usually performed at festivals like that, I'd like to participate in Coachella in order just to feel this crazy spirit of California. This year I'm going for Audioriver, and I seriously can't wait!
Unknown said…
I've never been to Coachella but I really like watching all of the photos from there every year on Instagram. Girls look incredible in all of this crazy outfits, I'm not surprised that such great magazines follow the fashion of this festival. I really like the spirit of such events, I know that it's hard to compare Coachella to any polish festival, but Opener and Orange Warsaw Festival aren't that bad either.
Unknown said…
This is a festival I would definitely love to go to! I only have seen some live videos, or snapchats on the global story... But I guess the experience is absolutely worth going, and it cannot be compared to watching stuff from your flat in Warsaw :) I hope one day I could go there!
I've attended quite a few music festivals. If anyone has or will have a chance to attend that kind of event I highly encourage you to do so!
The atmosphere of Coachella sure looks nice but the described climate is a big turn off for me. I usually do not handle hot weather very well, 20 degrees is tolerable for me, but above that amount I prefer to lay on a comfy chair somwhere in a shadow and with a cold drink in my hand.

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