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[Week 6] Small computers - Raspberry Pi (part 1)

The idea of creating a tiny computer for kids appeared in 2006. Eben Upton, Rob Mullins, Jack Lang and Alan Mycroft at Cambridge Computer Laboratory saw a major decline in the number and skills of students applying to the school for computer science courses. They knew how to edit documents in Word and Excel, did some web development but not much else. Most had very basic experience with programming, far less than the kids from the 1990s. This situation is not only bad for schools but in the long run also tragic for the industry. Children that had computers back then knew at least a few lines of code needed to use their Commodore 64s or ZX Spectrums. Today, computers bought by parents are expensive and multi-purpose, so messing around with them is too risky. They are programmable but the tools are hidden from the user. They can be downloaded and installed often in a few minutes but even that is usually too much of a barrier to start. The programmer has to search for them and for any tutorials himself. Game consoles are not the way to go either. They are hermetic in their design, they cannot be modified and fiddled with.

Eben Upton during one of his presentations. Source:

The solution to crawling problems

A device made purely for experimentation was needed. It could not be expensive. It was supposed to be an additive cost to customers, something that everyone could afford. The device didn’t have to be powerful but functional enough to be compelling as a programming platform. Potential programmers should think about it as a disposable device, a playground for their experiments. The product was supposed to be complete - a base device that could be bought cheaply, a software platform on top of it with a curriculum teaching how to use it. It turned over time, however that it’s much better and simpler to trust the community of users/enthusiasts with most of the work. The solution is this:

Raspberry Pi. Source:

There are two models being sold now, A and B. One is about $25 and the other 35$. The company that created it is a charity from Cambridge, called the Raspberry Pi Foundation. They don't profit from selling these devices.


The hardware of models A and B. This is all you get when buying directly from the creators! Source:

Raspberry won’t run on its own. It still needs a power adapter and storage in the form of an SD card (that includes an operating system). A mobile phone/tablet charger can supply primary power. When running, the device consumes very little power, as much as a mobile phone. It has very few connectors but enough to get everything working. The B model has an HDMI port allowing a screen to be connected and two USB ports for a mouse and a keyboard. It also has an Ethernet port as well as a 700MHz processor (the same kind used in mobile phones) and 512MB of RAM. It can be easily extended. There are numerous accessories which enhance its functionality, like cameras, motors or motion sensors.

Current situation

The first Pis were manufactured in China and later models in the UK. Over 2 million devices have been built and distributed to people around the world, which is a tremendous success, unforeseen by the creators. They aren't bought only by kids wanting to learn how computers work but by enthusiasts. Many useful and funny projects have been made using it.

How to start

It's really easy. There are numerous shops that distribute Pis inside starter kits. These contain the device itself and additional items, like SD cards, cables and power adapters. The Pi Hut and Adafruit both sell them but put different parts inside. Some kits are very basic and others made specifically for augmenting the Pis functions. They usually already have an operating system installed on the SD card and can be used immediately after assembling.

An example starter kit. Source:

Eben Upton's strory behind the RPi.

Do you think such small computers have a future?

For more information and valuable links, visit:


Maria said…
In my opinion these small computers don’t even want to compete with bigger computers. Their aim is to learn, which I find as a genius idea! I’d love to know more about programming and I think that the time in my life which could be ideal for it was the same time which I spent playing games on lessons which we called “computers”. I hope that my children would have better opportunities to learn more about the technical basis of a big part of world in which we’re living. I’m considering to buy Raspberry Pi to make up for that lost time and to have opportunity to share that knowledge with my children.
The second aim of those small computers is to give opportunities for a group of people who are creating , so called, new media art or other prototypes which uses simple technology. Thanks to Raspberry Pi and Arduino creators can write their own simple programs for their projects. More about difference between Raspberry Pi and Arduino at:
Dalvia said…
I heard about it, and I even thought of buying it. But then I thought, that I don't have time for it, so left the idea. Still, I think it's an amazing thing, and they should do it! My friend has it, and he told me everything about it.
It's a fantastic little thing. Kids can play and learn at the same time, but the best thing is, that all the adults can do it so as well!
I had never heard about raspberry pi before. I’m convinced that it’s good toy for children and large children like me. I was thinking about making my own home cloud with data as video, photos etc. Raspberry Pi could be good basic for this idea, but it haven’t output for hard drive. Maybe in future the developers will think about it. The largest SD card has 128GB memory. It’s not too bad.
I think, nowadays when the most of people want to have served all on a tray, and therefore this kind of devices can be fulfill as education element. It’s just to look on the console market which last time has dominated the games world. Every components are hidden in compact cover and there is impossible to change something by our own hands, cause this may cause a loss of guarantee or simply the device will be no working. the same situation is applies to PC computers and the only parts which we replacing are monitor, mouse, keyboard or printer.

The excellent solution probably for this kind of small computers may be the schools, because children’s may have opportunity to find out how works the simple components and try alone to build full functional computer. This kind of devices can be also some of curiosity and fun for older persons. We must also look at how the technology has moved toward and today full functional computers are size of hand.
Unknown said…
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Unknown said…
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Unknown said…
RaspberryPI has unlimited possibilities I think that still evolves. It's amazing small thing that can used to everything. Its cheap, small and powerful.
Anonymous said…
Personally I always use Arduino. Mainly because I have a few things in the house based on this item.
Very easy to do remotely controlled lighting or something like that.
An additional advantage of arduino is the price. It costs about 150 zl and has a lot of additional components.

Recently I made computer statistics displayed on a screen. A typical project for fun :).
Unknown said…
There are possibilities, despite very limited computing power. Most of all it's possible to do a lot with it and the price is fairly interesting. The limitations I see is the fact that it requires a tech savvy user, which is a niche market at this point.
Kasia Kmieć said…
Through the last couple of years technology is turning more and more into minimalism. Phones, music players, gadgets and now computers. I think Apple is the best example that tires to simplify their products. Raspberry is an interesting way for kids to find out about computers or programming. Though I've never heard about it before, I'm pretty excited after reading this article. Maybe I'll get my own in the future!
Tomek said…
The Raspberry itself is very cheap so even if you'll put it on a shelf soon after buying, it won't be much of a waste.
You mention a very interesting use case for such machines - art. The ease of setting up such devices could be appealing to people who want to achieve a certain result, not necessarily know the details of how everything works.
Tomek said…
It doesn't have a SATA output for HDDs, it's true. However, you can connect external devices via USB. The problem is transfer speed. Depending on the situation, it might not be enough for constant media streaming.
Tomek said…
You can buy a Raspberry for about the same price. Both of theses devices can be connected into something even better!
Tomek said…
One important aspect about the Pi is that the community has created tons of tutorials specifically for it. I'm sure you can more easily adjust it to your linking while being tech savvy but even when you're not it shouldn't be difficult to start. That's really the whole point of the device.
Darkia said…
hm.. It's looks like mobile phone, or tablet. I think it's some kind looks like for me. Todays smartphones, and tablet are better than old PC, So technically we have already that small computers.
Unknown said…
I never used Raspberry Pi but I was thinking about it when I was working on my thesis. Raspberry was too complex so we chose Arduino instead. It was more than enough but still it is great, powerful and useful tool for building different projects – simple and complex too.
For sure small factor devices is a future.
Unknown said…
I never used Raspberry Pi but I was thinking about it when I was working on my thesis. Raspberry was too complex so we chose Arduino instead. It was more than enough but still it is great, powerful and useful tool for building different projects – simple and complex too.
For sure small factor devices is a future.
As others have mentioned the Raspberry Pi is a great educational tool. I completely agree with that and I believe that is what the Raspberry is mostly – a learning device and, the same way as arduino, for enthusiast it's also a tool making it a bit easier to create some machines and devices. Since the Raspberry is basically a computer, I can see it be used also instead of a netbook, although I think that the world of mobile technology is fully ruled by smartphones and tablets. I don't think that Raspberry Pi is the future, but I believe it's a useful thing.

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