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[Week 6] GoldenLine & LinkedIn. Giant vs Polish start-up.


At the beginning, I will describe briefly what is goldenline and linkedin. These are social networking sites aimed at finding work for users and help recruiters to select the best candidates. The main sources of income are sold services and tools for recruiters. If you want to learn more don't hesitate to check the pages and

Ok, so we have two similar sites, with a similar business strategy, but there is one international and one local. LinkedIn has 277 million registered users and GoldenLine only one and a half. LinkedIn annual revenue counted in billions (, the Polish website has several million (statistics shown at the conference “Aula Polska” by Karol Traczykowski). 

It is not difficult to see the leader. Can we speak in this case about the competition? Can we talk about competition between local shops versus supermarkets? Probably not.

On the main page, in addition to the regular sign up you will see buttons for registration by LinkedIn and Facebook. It may mean that Goldenline is trying to cooperate with foreign services. Maybe this is the way to success? If you can't beat them, join them.

There are other similarities between sites such as profiles of employers, forums on all topics, having professional content. These two functions are used as a way to increase traffic. More traffic means more registered users with more data in the profile, more page views, enhancing the reputation of the page and of course, more money.

Do you use these services?
Or maybe you used some tools and you can share your opinion?
Is it a good way to find a job?


Dalvia said…
I use both services, but actually not for job hunting, but for putting my company little bit higher in google search, as well as myself ;) And I cannot say anything more, because I don;t use them as often as you wish....
Unknown said…
I don't use those services, but i consider to start using. I think in future It can help me find new job. I agree with Dalvia. I think it's good way, my friend was hunted by head hunter, and got a great job.
Anonymous said…
From personal experience, I will say that I gets about ten offers from GoldenLine, about five from LinkedIn and two from facebook in a month. Therefore, if anyone is looking for work should register and fill profil.
Unknown said…
I thought Goldenline was dying, no? Me and some of my friends used to have accounts there, but none of us are using it anymore, and none of us are receiving new friend requests or not much happening there in general, except receiving some spam e-mails ;-)

As for Linkedin it's cooler not only because it's international (although it's a maaaajor positive over Goldenline) but also because it seems to be gaining momentum. Many people are beginning to use it now, and many are already there.
In my opinion Goldenline was quite good before Linkedin became popular here. Kind of like Gadu-gadu before Facebook - now people are moving on.
Kasia Kmieć said…
For now I don't use any of these services but I'm considering creating an account. From what I've heard both Linkedln and GoldenLine are quite successful when it comes to social recruiting. But in my opinion such way of looking for a job is still not as popular in Poland as in western countries. We're now in the phase of learning how to use social media not only for job hunting and therefore recruiting but also in sales or marketing strategies. I'm sure its importance will be increasing among Polish and in few years such portals will widely used.
No, I don’t use these services. Maybe in future I’ll open an account. I think that, bigger company like linkedIn buys goldenline sooner or later. I hope, that it’s untruth, but from my observation it’s normal today. I think that this two service is good for people who have a lot of experience and knowledge, something which they can boast. Student’s profile would be not attractive.
Tomek said…
I use both as well. I don't think one is better than the other in terms of functionality. They're both easy to use. Maybe if I were an employer not and employee I'd notice differences. I like how LinkedIn wrote about the technical aspects of the site which interest me in particular.
Kacper K said…
No, I do not use these services. I do not think that at the moment I need them. Maybe in a few years,
I'll find a reason to create an account on Linkedin and GoldenLine.
Personally, I prefer sending the CVs to companies on my own.
Anonymous said…
You are right. For now this is not the main medium for job seekers. However, the increase in users from month to month is getting bigger and bigger!

Tom is right it is very simple, and probably it attracts people.
Darkia said…
I didn't use these portals, for now i trying work as a freelancer. I didn't have so much time so it's better way for me now. Mayby in future i will try use this portals. But I think I prefer sending CV to company i realy want to work in.
Sylwia said…
I have never used GoldenLine, but I have an account on LinkedIn for about 2 years now. I don't log in there often and I don't have a lot of contacts, but I already got a few job offers from my previous employer and coworkers. That is way I find such portals useful.
Unknown said…
1. Do you use these services?
I have account on Linkedln but I never used it. Same situation with GoldenLine.
2. Or maybe you used some tools and you can share your opinion?
Linkedln and GoldenLine are the most popular and have many useful features so I dont think that I know something better.
3. Is it a good way to find a job?
For sure it is useful and powerful tool for people who are trying to find a job but when you are not looking for job offers from headhunters are so annoying…
Actually when I started looking for a job I didn't know about neither of these services. Maybe they actually weren't popular yet, or weren't even there. Anyway, since I found a job and still am currently employed I don't use any such service, since I don't need it. I am not planning to change my job and it doesn't seem like I'm getting sacked. If any of that happens I probably will check out both services, but at the moment I don't need to.

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