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[Week 6] Advertise your business, fast, fast!

The question is how? Most will say that on the Internet. Because it is cheap, fast and the content goes to the masses. This is a great way but the Internet has its own rules ;). To encourage you to read the rest of the post and smoothly complete the introduction, watch this:

I hope that noone is working in this company, and I will not be lynched. I wanted to use this example because it is heavily overdrawn. Well, now I have a problem. Apparently the movie inspires laughter but I already watched it at least 8 times. And maybe that the author meant? “It doesn't matter what people say about you, as long as they're talking about you.” Not only have I seen it but over two hundred thousand people. Could it be intentional?

To further illustrate the power of the previous movie take a look at this:

In my opinion it is perfect, short, funny, focused on goal. But let's look at the statistics, both companies are large, provide services to clients, Shopify movie is filmed in the English language so goes to the larger audience. Despite this it has only thirty thousand views which is more than seven times less. HOW?

Another example of a amazing advertising:

And the situation is similar to the already mentioned. Funny with a fantastic role of the lector, who is doing an amazing job. The action of the taxi made my day. However statistics related to Shopify.

At the end will show you a video of my authorship. I had to present my company's best side and encourage people to work for us.

Maybe you have some thoughts?
What do you say about Drutex? Hot or not? ;)
Which movie was the best? Maybe you participate in a similar project and have any advice, opinions, thoughts?


Dalvia said…
Well, all those videos are cool (not the first one... Geez, Drutex sucks!).
Your video is fine. There's at the same time, ltos happening, and nothing at the same time. Even when you do something like that, you need to have basic story, need an apogee, and there was none. I'm sorry, I hate to do critics, but you asked....
Anyway, they should take off the Drutex comercial, it's the worst thing ever.... and I think they have so many hits, because it's so terrible, and others are watching it, to avoid those things in a future, ha ha ha
Anonymous said…
Thanks for the feedback is very important to me. In the future it will be easier to do something better :)
Unknown said…
Oh god what is this ad (DRUTEX), Why I have not seen this before. This ad makes my day uahaha. What a %$#@. Certainly isn't HOT
I have never worked in the corporate, and i don't have nay experience , but in movies they shown only good sides corporate work, Amazing rooms, smile and friendly people, etc. Sorry, I don't believe this advertises.
Yours movie is the best, Łukasz :-), because you're on it.
Anonymous said…
Glad to hear it :)

Adrian there are companies that do not pay attention to the convenience of employees. That's why I wanted to promote those who try hard :)

I hope that everyone sees it and they will change offices.
Unknown said…
Well, I have never seen those ads and certainly they aren't convincing for me at all. Like a Santa Clause coke ad - some people will find it heartwarming, but most people know it has nothing to do with reality.
Kasia Kmieć said…
In my opinion creative, untypical and catching viewer's eye ads are one of the best form of advertising whatsoever. Creative ads can have great impact on potential clients and their memory of a product. But as we can see from the DRUTEX commercial not every idea is worth implementing;) Some 'creative thoughts' should rather stay in their authors' heads. (But on the other hand, from now on I guess we'll all remember DRUTEX - and maybe that was the goal of the marketing team;))
I saw many of such advertising, not only in forms of short movies, and I must say that yours matches up to some of the most interesting ones. Good job:)
Haha. Drutex, their advertisement were playing non-stop some time. I remember that I was very irritated. Probably, this commercial is even worse. I always thought, why drutex is making window. Once I read article about this company in angora. It was very interesting. President of drutex made this business from scratch. At the beginning they produced wire, later the window. They haven’t changed company name, because it easy to pronounce abroad. Drutex is one of the biggest manufacturer of PVC woodowork in Europe, with the most up-to-date solution in its production. Amazing, right ? Oh I see video, which I past in my last comment in previous article. You made it. Super. The best video from other :)
Tomek said…
I got annoyed after watching the first 10 seconds of Drutex! Everything is better with an epic voice like the one in the Barclays commercial (for example: GoldenLine, Barclays and Shopify want to encourage people to work for them, so they've invested time in making good promotional videos. I don't think they'd risk producing something bad. It could interest people but in the video itself, not the company.
Anonymous said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said…
Kamil thanks :)

Kamil, Kasia - I have similar feelings, it might be a marketing target ;). Until the end of the world will remember what Drutex produce.

Tomek - Lector in barclays advertising is world champion!
Darkia said…
I don't get that type of advertising... I prefere shorter, or with more something funny.
Drutex is something like lipdub... popular method of promote high school and university. As a funny something, it's ok, But as a Advertise of company.. it's not so good.
Sylwia said…
I haven't seen these advertisements before. I agree with most of people here that this kind of marketing doesn't convince me. What is worth to notice, I don't consider Drutex song as advertisement. Probably it was some internal movie and most of these employees were forced to do it. Later on someone uploaded it to the Internet. However I couldn't agree more that after that so many people have heard about Drutex and their products, so probably it worked well. The question is, is it fair and ethical to use employees in such way?
When it comes to such adds the first thing that comes in my mind is: make it short. From the four adds on Your presentation, the only one that was awful was longer then all the rest put together. I think such an add should very shortly present the key elements, or features of working in the company and leave the viewer to decide whether he wants to know more or not. Also, the add must appear “real” - in the add by Drutex everything seems fake, the people, the atmosphere, the message. In the others it seems genuine and encourages me to believe that the people talking actually mean what they say,

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