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Week 5 [8-14.04.2019] Frida Kahlo: The woman behind legend

Frida Kahlo is the most popular Mexican painter who is known especially for her self-portraits. In her short life affected by lethal injuries and by not so successful marriage, she explored in her art the identity of a woman, disabled artist, Mexican native. In the 21st century she became the icon for a lot of groups. Please check the video presented below and answer the questions J

If you are interested in her biography and artwork I would like to recommend the movie “Frida Kahlo”!

1.       Do you have a favourite painter? If not, maybe you have a favourite artist?
2.       Frida Kahlo’s artwork is really peculiar – what do you think about it?
3.       Why  did Frida Kahlo become the role model for some modern women?


It's only my guess but artwork can be divided into many categories, the outstanding one are always peculiar and this might be read in many ways. Technique, idea, colors we all look for things that are appealing for us and this also applies for charismatic individuals. Frida's uniqueness is that she created the artwork that was full of metaphors. In her works she succesfully merged personal feelings with culture. Subjects that were important to her as an artist, like gender or social class, used to question order of things and later made a huge impact for modern women. In my opinion this honesty was part of her greatness, also she wasn't afraid to be herself i.e. facial hair that she used to have became a symbol rather than weakness. I have a lot of artist I admire and since she was considered surrealist I would give an example in form of Salvador Dali. His works were also full of metaphors and scenes from another dimension, not to mention his original moustache.
1. Do you have a favourite painter? If not, maybe you have a favourite artist?

oh, it's really hard to choose one and also I'm not a big art expert. From worldwide artists I really like big 4 from Renaissance. From Poland I really like Beksińskis paintings.

2. Frida Kahlo’s artwork is really peculiar – what do you think about it?

I like her style, especially how she paints herself in such an unperfect way. I would like to see someday one of her work in real life, not only as digital image.

3. Why did Frida Kahlo become the role model for some modern women?

I'm not good person to say it. My guess is because she was one of the first feminist in world history.
My favourite painter is probably Ivan Shishkin. As a person, who grew up in a village deep inside Ukrainian heath, I adore the sights of my country's nature, which is perfectly reflected in his paintings.

By the way, I strongly believe that an art which is not peculiar should not be considered as a fully art. But that is only my humble seeing. I see, why the work of Frida Khalo is valued, but, unfortunately, I cannot relate and empathy to the problems and challenges women are facing, and what undoubtedly affected Frida's work.
1. I really like ed freeman photos. They are, in my opinion, extremely relaxing and beating a special atmosphere from them. I recommend watching

2. One must be an exceptional artist to be able to use imperfections. Reviewing the works of Frida at once Nikifor Krynicki came to my mind

3. I was watching a movie about Frida kahlo. She was always uncompromising and determined, she could also be sensual. I think this kind of features fascinate people. She gave an example that women, but I think that this applies generally, they do not have to compromise and it is worth doing something against others.
Bartosz Barnat said…
1. Do you have a favourite painter? If not, maybe you have a favourite artist?

I love art but don't have any favourite artist. I have watched every work of one perticular polish painter but unfortunetly don't remember his surname.

2. Frida Kahlo’s artwork is really peculiar – what do you think about it?

Its really amazing because of imperfections in it. Not many people are brave enought to paint like that.

3. Why did Frida Kahlo become the role model for some modern women?

Simply I think its because she showed them that they have they own voice and speak their mind. Many women forget about that.
1. Akira Nakai-San, in my opinion, is an artist and creates a wonderful porshe, although I generally do not like porsche. The way Keiichi Tsuchiya drives is, in my opinion, also art. :)
2. I completely do not understand that I will not say anything about it.
3. Same as the previous question. For me, art is incomprehensible.
I don’t have a favorite painter, in fact I’m not that interested in art. If your asking about my favorite artist in general I would say Rammstein or Red Hot Chili Peppers as they are my favorite bands. Maybe Frida’s artwork really is peculiar, but it’s hard for me to determine because I don’t know anything about paintings at all and can’t really speak out about that. All I can say is that she must had really difficult life and it could be her inspiration for painting. I have no idea why did Frida Kahlo become a role model for women, maybe they were inspired about her work.
Maciej Sadoś said…
I don’t have a favorite painter or artist, I appreciate people's work but I don't have any favorite.
Her paintings were a way of expressing her emotions. She was transferring her feelings, pain and fear on paper and it definitely helped her work to become popular and meaningful.
I think she might have became a role model for some modern women because she was not giving up even after injuries and problems, and she had a courage to publish her emotions in a so peculiar art.
Nataliya Tkach said…
1.Do you have a favourite painter? If not, maybe you have a favourite artist?
Yes, I have a favorite artist Caspar David Friedrich ,a couple of years ago, when I visited Berlin .

2. Frida Kahlo’s artwork is really peculiar – what do you think about it?
She suffered more than anybody.. She contracted polio and bus accident done tremendous damage to her body and she was lived dying, experiencing tremendous pain and her childhood was so sad and her mom sometimes very cruel.

3. Why did Frida Kahlo become the role model for some modern women?
She suffered more than anybody.. She contracted polio and bus accident done tremendous damage to her body and she was lived dying, experiencing tremendous pain and her childhood was so sad and her mom sometimes very cruel.
She was an example of how no matter what to do things you love.
1. No, I don't have favourite painter nor artist. I really appreciate their works of art, but I'm not interested in it, so I can't answer the question.

2. As I wrote above, I'm not interested in work of art, but in my opinion, artwork of this woman is very strange for me. Her artwork is quite specific, shows her sadness. This is not my style. But all in all, I'm not surprised, she's had a serious accident.

3. It is very hard to say. I do not fully understand the art and I can not express feelings. Especially her feelings. But maybe her accident and painting caused her to become a role model for women? I don't know.
Zygmunt Z said…
1. Do you have a favourite painter? If not, maybe you have a favourite artist?

I like painters from 20th century, I could say that I really enjoy looking at Basquiat’s work because it is something inimitable.

2. Frida Kahlo’s artwork is really peculiar – what do you think about it?

I like the imperfections she presents

3. Why did Frida Kahlo become the role model for some modern women?

Mainly because her art raised subjects like woman’s nudity, gender, cheating, miscarriage which led to giving new direction to feminism.

I'll be honest. I am not strong in art. I understand absolutely nothing about this. But sometimes I manage to escape to the exhibition of paintings. I do not have a favorite painter, but some of paintings are very cute. Her works is really not ordinary. I think she experienced a very serious problem. And it is very clearly reflected in her paintings. She was a very strong woman. Looking at her works, you can see how hard it was for her, but she still found strength in herself. And I think her husband played a big role in this, being a support for her.
Do you have a favourite painter? If not, maybe you have a favourite artist?
I have one favorite painter is Mark Rothko. I love color field painting, and find it very pleasing. There is something mesmerizing in this style.

Frida Kahlo’s artwork is really peculiar – what do you think about it?
Frida Kahlo’s artwork really speaks to me. I love her imperfections and peculiar style.

Why did Frida Kahlo become the role model for some modern women?
I’m not the one to say why she became role model for modern women, but I feel that’s because of her independence and strength. She was a really fierce woman.

I am not a fan of art and painting, so I have no favorite painters or artists.

I agree with the statement that her graphics are peculiar. I have not seen such a style yet. It seems to me that her works speak to me.

I have no idea why Frida Kahlo has become a role model for some modern women. It sounds like some feminism.
My favourite classical master is probably Caravaggio, for pioneering a style of lighting, that literally inspires peoples entire careers even nowadays. Favourite artist in general is just too big of a question.
Frieda didn’t beat around the bush with important contemporary issues and had enough recognition to actually be heard. Many of those revolved around her experience as a woman, hence the interest from modern feminists. She blended beauty with true representation, and had a talent for showing abstract feelings in an absolutely straight forward manner.
Illia Lukisha said…
1. Do you have a favourite painter? If not, maybe you have a favourite artist?

My favorite painter is Claud Monet. I really like impressionism, and how pictures look when you make few steps behind and water, clouds and grass become vivid and live. Also I like peacefulness of his works.

2. Frida Kahlo’s artwork is really peculiar – what do you think about it?

I saw her portraits before but this is first time I heard who she is. This was very interesting to hear. The video itself made really well. But for me it's too metaphoric and hard to understand before you know the story behind.

3. Why did Frida Kahlo become the role model for some modern women?

I don't know why. But I think she were ahead of her time in many ways.
Yana Lytvynenko said…
I had previously heard about this artist and met her work on the Internet. Yes, she is really a kind and strong personality. One of her phrases: “In fact, why do I need legs if I have wings to fly?” Says this. I believe that this is why she became so popular, because a person with a thorny destiny still did not give up and did what he really liked. Such strong and talented people always cause delight, motivation and faith in their strength.
I do not have any favourite painter to be honest. I always keep forgetting their names. To me art itself speaks more directly than a painter saying words. If i had to choose one, i would pick Vincent van Gogh. I like his art, just because it do not portrait things exacly as it should be, but as he saw them. Maybe some chairs are often little bit crooked but it is a way he visualised them. It is simillar story with Frida Kahlo, she painted herself as she thought of herself. It is always nice to see an artist opening herself to the world. I do not know why Frida became role model for some modern women. I think it is connected with her way of strictrly representing herself but it is a wild guess.
Adam Nguyen said…
It is a difficult question because I’m not particularly interested in art, so I do not really have a favourite painter. But if I had to choose, I would say Caspar David Friedrich is my favourite, because I love finding symbolism in art.
I like the imperfect way she drew herself with little care for what other people thought of her. I also like the way she expresses emotions with drawings.
Until the last century, the vast majority of successful artists were man. It was the time when man also occupied most jobs. Not only she created self-portraits she was also confident with her paintings.
I've never heard about Frida Kahlo. Right after watching I immediately decided to read more about her. Her life was wery hard and it reflected in her paintings. I like the references to traditional Mexican culture, but some of the pictures are very heavy and dreadful.
I think her paintings showing e.g. miscarrige influenced modern women becouse they broke taboo.

My favourite painter is Alfons Mucha. His art is very delicate and mysterious.
s18716 said…
Do you have a favourite painter? If not, maybe you have a favourite artist?
Yes, I have artists that I can highlight for myself. For example, Caravaggio, Velasquez and Roerich. They are all followers of different styles, I don’t know what unites them, but I like them, they are among the best in their genres.

Frida Kahlo’s artwork is really peculiar – what do you think about it?
Yes, they are unusual, I agree. Few artists can boast such a large number of self portraits.

Why did Frida Kahlo become the role model for some modern women?
I think it is more connected not with her activity, but with her character. She lived a rather interesting life, which was filled with not very light events. Probably, modern women like her openness and extraversion.
1. Pierre Bonnard and Edouard Vuillard. Just amazing colors and life and patterns that make you feel alive. Their paintings are so vibrant and full of emotion.

2. She is good but her iconoclastic fashion image is a big reason for much of her success. She deserves fame but I prefer her husband now that I’ve seen an exhibition of his work.

3. For me, the most inspiring things about Frida Kahlo are her passion, the contradictory nature of her existence and her resilience. Even her trademark style of dress, which drew on folk culture, was also chosen because it was comfortable to wear and hid the worst of her injuries because she refused to allow her physical condition to define her.
I don't have my favourite painter. I like art, but i can imagine my life without it. What about actor, i can't remember anyone who really impressed me, so i would rather say, that i don't have favourite artists.
A real professional of what she is doing. I like it. That's what we got, when you are a fan of your work, when you are fully committed to it.
1. I don't have any favourite painter/artist. I watch what I like, and I don’t pay too much attention on authors.
2. I think she used her art as a form of stress relief therapy she released all her pent-up emotion in her paintings and happily there where some people that liked her art.
3. I simply don’t know anything about her, and I’m not interested in her. If I remember well, they even made a movie about her. Maybe there are some women in here that will tell as the reason.
Thank you for you comment! I see that you have a lot of understanding when it comes to the art and analyzing it, it's really admirable! I love Frida because of it that she wasn't afraid to express herself, as you mentioned in the comment!
These unperfections in her artworks are totally amazing!
I checkes Ivan's artwork and it looks awesome! His paintings bring me somewhat peace.
Do you have a favourite painter? If not, maybe you have a favourite artist?
1. I do not have any favorite artist, little interest in art. Once I was interested in the art of Mr. Beksiński, it was due to the film, but generally I do not have any favorite artist

Frida Kahlo’s artwork is really peculiar – what do you think about it?
2. Frida Kahlo's's art is really strange, I can not understand her. This is due to the probable lack of art supply. Returning to the subject Frida Kahlo's style is not in my type

Why did Frida Kahlo become the role model for some modern women?
3. I have no idea, it's hard to tell
Ed Freeman's photos are totally estheticly pleasing! As you mentioned Nikifor - some of his paintings seem really similiar to Frida's, you're right! I'm happy that you watched movie about her! I think that her life and work can be a role model for a lot of people, not only woman.
Her specific style of the imperfection is brave for the artist, who wanted to make money of her work!
Peter Clemenza said…
1. Do you have a favourite painter? If not, maybe you have a favourite artist?

2. Frida Kahlo’s artwork is really peculiar – what do you think about it?
Nothing peculiar about her. I bet there are a lot of artists that can paint better.

3. Why did Frida Kahlo become the role model for some modern women?
Because she is mexican, and being mexican now is a hot topic because president trump wants to deport all of them asap. So immediately people that are opposite to him force other people all around the globe to like mexican stuff.
1. I do have a favourite artist, his name is Robin Gunningham but he goes under the nickname Banksy. His artwork highlights many weaknesses and the problems that modern society struggles with on a daily basis.

2. The word “peculiar” seems to be an understatement. Her art is odd to say the least, however I believe that's what makes an artist stand out in the crowd. And on top of that if we consider the times in which Frida Kahlo created her pieces it becomes quite obvious that she never intended to think “inside” the box, she most definitely preffered to stay outside of it.
3. The reasons why Frida Kahlo could be perceived as a role model are without a doubt: her inner strength and loyalty to her own principals. Despite her crippling disabilities and other hardships she maintained her spirit and never gave up on her career as an artist. It seems like she never hesitated to present her brave, new ideas yet she remained loyal to her country's multiple traditions. She kept on finding new ways to express herself and to keep creating new masterpieces.

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