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Week 5 [8-14.04.2019] Cure for aging

      As we learn more about diseases that affect us, we develop vaccines and powerful drugs to fight against them. As we get older our organism slowly shout down which leads to heart disease, Alzheimer’s disease and others. Together, ageing-related diseases are responsible for 100,000 deaths per day. The list defeated diseases is long, but will we ever be able find a cure for inevitable – old age?


  1. Will a man live forever in future?
  2. Did you heard about other way to cure aging?
  3. Should we cure aging? Why?
  4. Do you want to live forever?


Anton Medvediev said…
It’s a hard topic because all of us have grandparents and parents so i will try to answer on it without feeling just what will be better for world.
1.Will a man live forever in future?
If people will get to that point when we need to know how to colonize the planet, because Earth is limited.
2.Did you heard about other way to cure aging?
yeah i knew:)
i knew a grandad of my friend he had a 80, he is salesman in a past and now teach new salesmans, and every day he has a morning exercise, don't drunk to much, and be in good mood, so he looks like a man 50-60y.o. but not 80.
3.Should we cure aging? Why?
No, when you know that time is going and you have not too much really, you understand that spent it on shit bad idea, bad if it will be unlimited, you will think okay tomorrow will do it, but every day will be tomorrow, if you know what i mean.
4.Do you want to live forever?
Death is evolution
1. If only scientists find a way to replace every single part of our body with a durable replacement, which would be free of any vulnerabilities we must encounter today, then yes. I actually don’t quite understand why medicine tries to find a cure for every disease with little success in certain fields (like cancer) instead of developing artificial organs that would simply not be vulnerable to any diseases. I don’t know, my medical knowledge is obviously too limited to say something clever about that.

2. Yes, there are all sort of cosmetics that our TV’s spew on us every day which could supposedly slow down the visual aspect of aging. Besides, I guess that healthy lifestyle is a key to prolongate the lifespan. If that doesn’t help, you can always try to drink virgins’ blood 😊

3. Yes, in my opinion trying to live longer is a part of our development and we shouldn’t stop. Diseases associated with aging are as evil as all the other, so it is necessary to fight them.

4. Just to be clear about that – according to my beliefs everyone is going to die and living forever means living till the apocalypse. Hypothetical vision of eternal life achievable by the means of science justifies the inevitability of the absolute end of the world. Otherwise it would be very hard to find a purpose of life. Ok, that’s enough of the bullshit 😊 – taking into consideration everything that I said – yes, I would like to live forever.
1. Will a man live forever in future? I am pretty sure that in few years scientists would answer that question. Of course, we will live longer, but I don`t think that we will live forewer, at least not in our body.
2. Did you heard about other way to cure aging? A few month ago a read about memory transplanting. Just think about it! The main idea is that scientists had two groups of snails. One group was living in peace and happiness, another was hit by an electric shock every 20 minutes. Than scientists somehow got memory from snail that was hit by an electric shock and put it into snail that was living in peace. As a result, snail that was living in peace was curling up every 20 min. That means that scientists could paste memory into another body! It is amazing!
3. Should we cure aging? Why? I don`t think that we should cure aging, as there would be too many people. I think that we should provide much more better medicine to make our lifes great without any sicknesses.
4. Do you want to live forever? No, I do nnot want to life forever, but I want to life longer to see all amazing things that would be invented in 50-70 years.
> Will a man live forever in future?

It's hard to say, but there is a chance. There is a book called "Homo deus" by Yuval Noah Harari which mentions this topic. There will be a time where people will be able to cure every illness and also they will be able to product fake human organs. Next step of becoming immortal is connecting human brain to computer. It will not happen in next 100 years, but in future - why not.

> Did you heard about other way to cure aging?
I have mentioned it question above.

> Should we cure aging? Why?
Not in 100%, but curing the most serious and hard illness would be amazing.

> Do you want to live forever?
Actually I do not, because it is not as perfect as people would think. I just want to live in a better world, that would be better for me than living forever.
Why nobody realizes that making a human immortal is a terrible idea? We were not intended for this, and truly, one's mind will not endure for too long. Years passed is a burden, and it is clear that transplanting one's memory into new body will be an extremely stressful experience, which unlikely will help cure one's mental condition. make the most of the life you got, immortality is, at least for now, too superior concept.
Bartosz Barnat said…
Will a man live forever in future?

It's really interesting topic because we see a lot if it in science fiction books and movies and personally I think that people might create a way to transfer someone's consciousness into a computer or to another body but when it will be? I think in far far future.

Did you heard about other way to cure aging?

as I said, connecting to a computer or some weird substance that might give us ability to stop aging process.

Should we cure aging? Why?

I don't think we should cure it just because we were meant to die some day.

Do you want to live forever?

I don't want to live forever. I want to get old and die like everyone else. I think that I will have enough time to do everything that I want to do.
I think that no one would and no one should live forever, things should change and even if we are the ones who are changed in this process in the end it all is for a greater good. Best way to cure aging is exercising, healthy lifestyle, minor stress and good lifechoices. To cure aging is a good cause, because people who can live life without losing their "effectiveness" with age would be cool, but i am not sure that this solution would include immortality. As for liveing forever i like buddhist approach and in some way i will live forever.
I do not know anything about medicine completely, and in this topic I'm not bringing anything new. However, I know about attempts to transfer the human mind to the computer, which seems more real to me, but we still have to wait for it.
I do not know if I would like to live forever, so far it drives me that in a few years I will not have strength for my purposes.
I think that it is possible for humans to live much longer in a future, but living forever is not an option. I didn’t hear about any other way to cure aging in fact I have never heard about these solutions as well. In my opinion a real cure for aging is not trying to sustain our body for as long as possible but extraction of human mind and consciousness from our body and put it inside of a much better and more reliable vessel like machine for example. If there is something wrong with a machine you can just replace a part and make it work again which is impossible with every part of a human body. I’m not sure if we should cure aging but I’m sure we should try to expand our health span for as long as possible because living in sickness is a terrible perspective. I don’t think if I would like to live forever because after some time it would just become boring.
Maciej Sadoś said…
1. Will a man live forever in future?
There is a chance for people to live forever. Our cells have an ability to self-heal and if someone found a way to strengthen this ability, our organisms could possibly heal themselves from any disease. But that situation might not be desirable if we think about it. Let’s imagine this overpopulated world, it’s impossible to fit so many people on Earth.

2. Did you heard about other way to cure aging?
I didn’t hear about anything special except for these hyper fantastic ads saying “click here and find one simple trick to become immortal!” :-)
Besides that, in my opinion this is the healthy lifestyle that could help us live longer.

3. Should we cure aging? Why?
An interesting vision of the world where the cure for aging is invented is presented in a book “” by Dmitry Glukhovsky. In my opinion we should cure health problems that bother us in our lifetime, so we can die from aging and not from some diseases. Like it was presented in your video.

4. Do you want to live forever?
I want to live a long, healthy life, but not forever. Show must go on.
Nataliya Tkach said…
Will a man live forever in future?
Most likely, a person will not live forever, he can only prolong life.

Did you heard about other way to cure aging?
In 2016, Japanese scientist Yoshinori Osumi was awarded the Nobel prize in physiology or medicine for his studies of food yeast processes. During the studies it was found that fasting periods have a positive effect on cell renewal and help slow down the aging process.

Should we cure aging? Why?
It's everyone's choice to look, 50 over 35 or 50 over 60. I still would have chosen the first option. Everyone wants to be young.

Do you want to live forever?
This is a difficult question, of course I wanted to see the progress that awaits us,but on the other hand to see how all the loved ones .
Yana Lytvynenko said…
This video is very informative and interesting, it does not speak about eternal life, but only shows a way to prolong the percentage of healthy life. I do not believe that someday people will live forever, but living a life without disease and dying at 90-100 is a good idea. I’ve heard of other methods of prolonging life, but they are also not fully proven. I believe that people have their own significance for the development of evolution, each of us is here for the continuation of the species, the tradition and the introduction of something new to the development as a whole. We are not created to live forever, because this will bring nature more harm than good. At least banal overpopulation. So no, I would not want to live forever.
I don't think so, Maybe in some point when technology allows us to expand to the other planets maybe. But Earth resources are limited so we won't be able to survive if everyone would be immortal.
I don't but I think healthy lifestyle could lead to longer life.
I think humanity is not prepared to the longer lifespan, When you have limited time people try to live more happily, otherwise life could be boring and too long and everyone will be sad and bored.
No, it will be very hard for me to overlive my family , friends and everyone i know. I want to live my life good and nothing more :)
I think that it might be possible to make human life almost “infinite” but it will take a lot of time and research.
Now I think that I would like to live forever but I feel that the longer I would live, I might change my mind.
I also think that we should try curing aging, because even if we don’t find any plausible final solution, we might find ways to make aging easier and less painful.
I don’t think so that humans will live forever in future, especially not in this form. If we replace our bodies with artificial parts (like cyborgs), it’ll be possible. But there is also a question in this case – what defines us as human, our body? Our brain? I’ve never heard about cures for ageing and I don’t think that we should “cure” ageing. We have to eliminate disadvantages of ageing like diseases, poor health, etc. Like Elton John sang “It’s a circle of life”! I don’t want to live forever, it seems bothersome. I would like to live long enough to experience a lot of new things, but not forever. Unfortunately, ageing is horrifying for me, because usually you lose your ability to think straight and you’re in such bad physical condition.
Very interesting topic. Look, if a person does not die, it can be a problem for the earth. In order to remedy this situation, us need to look for other planets for colonization. At this point in time, this is really dangerous. Earlier I heard about the method of rejuvenation based on the introduction of stem cells. Even in our city, terrible stories on this topic were told. Something in a way, some rich man buys babies. It sounded ugly. And each of us does not want to die. I would like to be able to at least live longer.
Zygmunt Z said…
1. Will a man live forever in future?

I think that men will live longer, even in a near future but I think that this “process” of extending one’s life will be expensive and not everybody could afford it. Beside I don’t think that right now it is the most important thing. Once we solve problems such as global warming then we can think about extending life, because if we don’t solve that issue then there is no point in extending life because there will be no conditions to live at all.

2. Did you heard about other way to cure aging?

A few things but I didn’t dig deeper into them

3. Should we cure aging? Why?

I think that we should find solutions for terminal diseases rather than aging because it is more important than extending life of some Hollywood star that could afford it

4. Do you want to live forever?
Absolutely not.
Illia Lukisha said…
Will a man live forever in future?

I hope not, I hope people can live longer and healthier lives, but not forever. Because generation should change in my opinion. And no-one deserves to live forever.

Did you heard about other way to cure aging?

No, but constantly trying to live a healthy live, and I make myself to exercise and eat healthy, even I it's hard sometimes, because I know that my body will be grateful in the future.

Should we cure aging? Why?

I think we should cure deceases because people can live healthy live longer as was mentioned in video. Because I have a lot of friends that have really old relatives, but they losing their mental and physical health and literally just existing without any happiness in life.

Do you want to live forever?

No, as I mentioned above, I don't.
1. In my opinion - not now, for some reasons. For example:
- Earth has limited space to live. Do you imagine overpopulation? This creates a lot of side effects - finances, quality of life and especially economy,
-first, we have to learn how to colonize other planet, starting from moon to prevent overpopulation. Why moon - because the moon is closest to the earth,
- no country has a well-developed medicine especially in longevity. We must be aware that there are certain stages, alpha, beta, experimental and so on.

We can't predict that when this happen. Maybe in few years, maybe in 1000 years. We don't know.

2. Unfortunately, no. Your video is the first thing I saw.

3. I have mixed feelings about cure aging. On the one hand, we could live longer, have a lot of memories, but on the other hand it's a bit of a fool of nature. And as we know, nature likes to be treacherous.

4. I don't think so. My dream is to live in health and long enough and die in peace.

It seems to me that people will strive for eternal life. Based on many films, you can see that life can not be too long, because you can simply have enough.

There are many ways to grow older. There are many ointments, cosmetics that support the human body. It seems to me that the soul of man is the biggest problem. 100 years is a long time;)

Referring to what I wrote above, it does not seem to me that aging should be treated. Nature has created us as we are for a reason. For a long life can be tiring.

I do not want to live forever. I want to live long enough to achieve my goals and that my loved ones will be with me. We'll see what the future will bring.
What a wonderful video, it convinced me that there might still be hope – for my hair. In all seriousness as a species we need fresh blood to evolve and improve. A planet of immortal old-but-not-elderly people sounds like a nightmare.
The presented studies do sound promising in the field of improving health of the elderly, which is going to be most people very soon.
If I had a magic wand and could stop my ageing right now, of course I would. Not really to live forever, just to never grow old. By the definition of forever, no one will ever live forever.
First time i have heard about any of theses ideas the extends health/life span. It is pretty interesting topic but i do not have thought about it. Probably because i am young and i do not have problems with aging. I think there is a great probability that man could live forever but what will be the cost of it? I haven't heard about any cure for aging. I think there is a need to expend out life span as a race but the nature organised everything in life-death periods. Curing aging will be doing somthing directrly aganist the nature itself and it might be hard. I do not know if i want to live forever. I do not know what quality of life i will be getting. If i could live forever but i would be stuck to one place without ability to perform the simpliets tasks, than what life it would be? Everything should end at one point. I want people to have ability to decide when it happens.
ExoKuzo said…
Will a man live forever in future?
Isn't that our ultimate goal? I mean the only thing i dread in life is death, and i would do everything to achieve some for of "actual" not metaphorical immortality.
So far living forever is our only ultimate goal, because what is there more to do ? Yes we can race to colonize other planets but we will die in the end, yes we can explore our galaxy but that wont matter if we are dead.

So achieving immortality either by digital or mystical ways should be our end goal.
Well, you cannot say it won't happen. For sure they will live longer then we do. I think there is also problem with word forever. Maybe we will be able but i think 99% of people would finally commit suicide. When you have unlimited time, there won't be anything you haven't tried and you just get tired of living. Well not sure if curing ageing and extending life is same thing. But even if it is. I guess you won't be satisfied with exercise and overall helthy life style. So let say no. For last two questions, hmmm i don't think totaly curing aging is good think but to make it less painfull then it is now it would be awesome. It hurts me so badly when i see how weak right now my grandpa is. Hmmm that is hard question. But no, i think that death is somehow our goal that can come anytime and thats what makes you feel you are living. That adds meaning to your life etc.
1. Will a man live forever in future?

Who knows! The development of medicine, technological progress and progress in science that are happening in today's world is amazing!
Eternal life would be wonderful, but it would involve many problems, which would be the main problem of overpopulation raised in previous articles.

2. Did you heard about other way to cure aging?

he most likely scenario that comes to my mind is the connection of our brain with a specialized electronic devices, which will allow it to exist in the world even after the death of the body.

3. Should we cure aging? Why?

Of course, I think that we should work on extending life, but we should not go to eternal life. This will cause many unpredictable problems such as the already mentioned overpopulation.

4. Do you want to live forever?

This question reminds me of the Freddy Mercury song - "Who wants to live forever!" :D I must honestly say with full awareness that I would not want to live forever. I have often thought about such an issue and I think it is better to have a limited time in the world and live with a mission than live forever. In addition, with time our knowledge, character, behavior could become incomprehensible for the world around us.
1. Forever, maybe not, but it will look like that. They will still die from accident or murder. I also think that this will be available only for selected handful of people.
2. I only heard about some random thinks like green tea and some ointment nothing great.
3. We should. Why? Why not, who don’t want to be young, healthy and without pain, to get out of bed without groaning.
4. Forever it’s a long time and I don’t know if I want to live so long. I would say that I want to live as long as I want. Sooner or later live will become boring and you probably start doing some dangerous or heinous think just to fill some new excitement.
1. No. There is no forever. Even the universe will end eventually.
2. I've heard that caloric restriction and moderate fasting have a prolonging effect on lifespan
3. No. Curing aging is not something that comes without side-effects. Humans will reproduce at higher rates, less space will be available and shortages might come into effect in the short-term.
4. No. I feel like living forever would get tiring, and to be honest, the idea that I will someday die is a comforting one. Part of the reason life is valuable is that it's limited.
Will a man live forever in future?
I'm not sure about that, we will see. But i hope so. It depends on the future situation in the world, where we will be living and existing.
Did you heard about other way to cure aging? Should we cure aging? Why?
No, i didn't hear about other ways to cure aging, i'm not interested in that topic. I don't think. I don't think that we need to think about it, of course, all the scientists are already working on it, but the final result will not come soon.
Do you want to live forever?
Of course i want, but i don't think it would be a good thing. The main reason why, i'm scared to see when other people will born and die, and you are living without dying, it's a hard thing.
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1. Will a man live forever in future?
I hope so, but we would not have an opportunity to live forever in out bodies. I think that in future we will have ability to move our brain into machine. Maybe later humans could move their brain into another body, but, in my opinion, brain movement into machine would come first.
2. Did you heard about other way to cure aging?
Earlier I have read topic about moving memory into another body. Scientists could replace memory of one snail into another.
3. Should we cure aging? Why?
I think that we should deal with problem of aging. As a result, we will get an opportunity to learn a lot of important knowledge from old people without making same mistakes that they did.
4. Do you want to live forever?
Of course I want! I want to see those incredible technologies, be a part of something great that will be done in future. I want to see how new epoch replaces old one.
s18716 said…
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1. Perhaps, for me human consciousness is a result of our life long memory, things that we inherit from our parents or other people or just beliefs that we found walking down the road. So in my opinion immortality would be based on ability to transfer this memories to the new vessel. Our body is organic and all organic things have validity date. It's only my guess but I can see our future brain as external disc's.

2. I feel like doing new things, being curious, traveling and all the time trying to get better at things that interest me is my way to stay young longer.

3. In my opinion ageing is part of being human but I don't really like idea about losing my efficiency or condition becouse my body will no longer be able to produce new cells. I can't really answer on your question I have a feeling that if we could stay young forever things we do wouldn't taste the same. In order to value things you have to know how it is if you don't have them.

4. As I sad earlier I think that we learn to value things in time and becouse time is limited we have to choose between many and live with our decisions. In my opinion this is interesting as much as endless life.
I think we will never be able to live forever. I've never heard about other way to cure aging ( maybe becouse I'm only 23 years old ). However, the vision of long life sound optimistic. I belive every step in improving the quality of life and health is good.
I would like to live forever but only if the people I love also would live forever.
Peter Clemenza said…
Will a man live forever in future?
I bet for a few hundred years. but thats going to be nightmare for poor and blessing for rich. imagine ability to accumulate your fortune for hundred of years, and what after that? suicide because of tiredness?

Did you heard about other way to cure aging?
Doing sport, cold water, and exercises.

Should we cure aging? Why?
Because why not? I suggest to watch free interactive movie sufferosa about clinic that transform old women to young seductress

Do you want to live forever?
It can be nice experience but our sun will someday burn taking our world away.
1. I personally doubt it, but throughout history since has proven many times just how far from true were our predictions so we never know until we get there.
2. I've heard of people willing to freeze themselves until a sollution for aging is invented but I've never heard of actual ideas of preventing aging.
3. I don't think so, I believe we should try becoming healthier and healthier but we should avoid trying to fight the natural way of life.
4. No, I like life the way it is and as long as I get to enjoy whatever time I get here I'll be happy.

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