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Week 5 [08-14.04] The Raise of Machines

Every now and then I hear some breaking news about threats related  to artificial intelligence. I would rather not pay attention to them and put them between fake news. Although, recently I found a video with presenting the analysis of new automation era and it made me kind of anxious. I didn’t consider that my profession may be so easily replaced by a machine. I know that there are between us some IT experts who have already known this topic, so I prepared a few questions.

  1.  Are you afraid of being replaced by a machine? Maybe you think that your profession is too complex for that or it’s just a matter of time?
  2.  Which particular data sets e.g. medical records, are excellent for a machine in your opinion?
  3. Do you think someday artificial intelligence may consider that the most efficient solution to some problem is  the disposal of humans? Could you give me some example of such a problem e.g. keeping streets clean by not letting people enter them and leaving rubbish?


Anton Medvediev said…
1. Are you afraid of being replaced by a machine? Maybe you think that your profession is too complex for that or it’s just a matter of time?
I am not afraid of it, i am a programer and maybe will be robot’s who will programing robots, but i believe that in next 30 years i can easily work and don’t worry about it.
2.Which particular data sets e.g. medical records, are excellent for a machine in your opinion?
For me it’s look like robots can take some low-skilled work, when you dont use too much brain, but physical strength waiter or loader maybe, cap driver, call center.
We can see countries with high standard of living like Scandinavian, and you will see that because of big salary they have a lot of robots on low-skilled work.
3.Do you think someday artificial intelligence may consider that the most efficient solution to some problem is the disposal of humans? Could you give me some example of such a problem e.g. keeping streets clean by not letting people enter them and leaving rubbish?
I am Robots? Terminator ?Skynet?
I knew that Earth have and some good people who deserve to live:)
1. No, I am not afraid, because I feel that the area of my profession is flexible enough to adapt to changing conditions. Some people say that the rapid development of machine learning would eradicate programmers, but then all of us can possibly become a machine learning expert. Anyway, that won’t happen very soon, so this is a concern for the next generations. As a programmer I feel absolutely safe about keeping my job through whole period of my ability to work.

2. Any data that can be used to find repetitive patterns are good for the machine. One of such examples that I have witnessed in one of the companies I worked for was the analysis of photos in order to recognize and select all billboards present in it, and it worked pretty well given the learning set that was big enough.

3. Well, that’s another topic which requires some philosophical approach 😊. In my opinion the basis of that problem is that if people don’t know what the sense of life is, nor does the AI. The purpose of the machine is to make life easier, or to make certain processes more efficient, but it will work that way as long as people define those purposes and have a complete control over them. If the machines are not able to understand emotions and think outside predefined conditions and expectations, then human is naturally the limiting factor – weak, vulnerable and inefficient. Not letting people enter the streets may be the beginning of overall process of disposing humans. To sum up – without finding the sense of life and thus teaching the machines to understand emotions we would end up in a world similar to the Matrix universe, Terminator, and so on.
I quite agree with you on first point. For example if you work as a programmer there is no chance that you will be replaced by machine untill end of this centuary.

Actually there is a site, called . You can check out here how big is a chance of you being replaced by machine. Quite funny site, imo.

For now I can not think of a machine that will fully pass Turing test, so Terminator like future is not real for me :P
Bartosz Barnat said…
1. I want to still be a programmer in the future and when it comes to this job I dont think it will be replaced 100% by a machine just becuase someone will have to be monitoring them and trying to change something in their software so there will always be a work for a programmer.

2. I think that machines could be used in every work involving data selection for example some analisis or making comparison or something just because its always important to make them but it can be done automaticly, not by hand. There is many examples of that type of work.

3. As you said yourself I think machines would be amazing at keeping streets clean and organizing something in the office just because they won't be fallible and they wont get lazy with time.
Maciej Sadoś said…
1. I am not afraid of being replaced. I can't be sure that I won't be replaced and I always have that possibility in my mind, but I am not afraid of it. I will be trying to adjust to a current situation in the future. As as programmer this is certainly possible for me to maintain a flexible approach to my work situation so I think in the future it won't be so dramatic change to make if I was replaced by a machine. There will be other fields to shine for us.

2. Like Marcin mentioned, any data that contain some patterns can be processed by machines. It is possible that in the future machines would learn to learn from any data :-)

3. That is a good topic to write an essay or even a book, ha.
Now we can observe that machines are able to develop themselves in some limited way in some prepared tasks. If it was possible for them to break these barriers then they could start be to some kind self existing. These barriers are now set by humans but when machines learn more and more with a hyper fast speed, we couldn't exclude that they will someday learn to do more than they are meant to do. For now it is a science-fiction but who knows. If that happened, machines would see that humans only pollute the world and it is needed to get rid of us :-)
Of course in the near future this scenario is impossible, but now if we try to give an AI a properly prepared dataset consisting of human pollution data and train it in a right way to be able to find a solution to our problem, the output could be to annihilate people :D
1. Certainly can be replaced by the machine but I think I still have a lot of time to this stage.
2. All data can be used. There are even robots that create art, so I think we have something to be afraid of.
3. Unfortunately, yes. Humanity is killing our planet, so if AI, which was supposed to care for ecology, gets out of control, we may have a problem.
I’m not scared that machines will take my job. As a programmer I am the one who is coding all of these robots :P. I am sure that in future machines will be able to program other machines and that programmers won’t be irreplaceable but as for now I don’t think that I should be worried too much. Artificial intelligence is huge opportunity for humans to make their life easier and better. Robots can do a lot of good but let’s hope all of this won’t end like in Terminator movies where SkyNet is trying to wipe out all humanity from earth because it sees people as a threat to it’s existence. Summarizing I think that robots are great opportunity but we (as humans) can’t give them too much power because it can end badly for us.
Actually it is very scary. All I do is repair computer hardware and programming. After watching this video, I was a little scared. For example, I imagined how a robot would repair a device. It is not difficult for him. All data is known, it is really a set of narrow problems. I now think I need to go into the mainstream of programming, then I will be provided with work, probably. And yes, such a scenario: to lock people in homes for the benefit of cleanliness is quite real. I feel not good after watching this video.
Yana Lytvynenko said…
Artificial intelligence is a great achievement in the world of technology, it has quite a lot of potential. I believe in its future, but all this is created primarily to improve and simplify the lives of people. I work as a programmer and in the near future, robots do not will be able to replace this profession. First of all, they will be occupying routine work and low-level professions. Yes, of course, this all develops quite quickly, but in the world where there are many countries in which there are no computers, hardly the rise of the machines in the near future.
Nataliya Tkach said…
1.Are you afraid of being replaced by a machine? Maybe you think that your profession is too complex for that or it’s just a matter of time?
In most factories, instead of people working machines, they produce more goods and better. But it all still follows people that there was no fault in the program. I don't think soon there will be machines that will perform engineering design and to argue with the customer)))

2.Which particular data sets e.g. medical records, are excellent for a machine in your opinion?
For example, university records, veterinary. I think data sets e.g. necessary where the history of events is important.

3.Do you think someday artificial intelligence may consider that the most efficient solution to some problem is the disposal of humans? Could you give me some example of such a problem e.g. keeping streets clean by not letting people enter them and leaving rubbish?
Artificial intelligence cannot decide that the solution to some problem is getting rid of people, people probably made some kind of blocker or would simply not allow it. In general, it seems to me that we have seen enough of many films where artificial intelligence enslaves humanity.
Illia Lukisha said…
Are you afraid of being replaced by a machine? Maybe you think that your profession is too complex for that or it’s just a matter of time?

I think for the next decade my work as a developer is too complex for replacing me by a machine, but I clearly understand that in the future most of routine programmers work will be made by the computer itself.

Which particular data sets e.g. medical records, are excellent for a machine in your opinion?

Public transportation and health data are really good. Because we can predict deceases even before people can actually experience an issues. The same is with transportation, we can create more practical, fast and convenient transport based on this data. And with a help of computers and automation we will be able to serve this new routes 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, without getting bored, and also with ability to add additional vehicles, without human interaction required.

Do you think someday artificial intelligence may consider that the most efficient solution to some problem is the disposal of humans? Could you give me some example of such a problem e.g. keeping streets clean by not letting people enter them and leaving rubbish?

I think that this more like 2012 end of the world, not more than fan theory.
Am I afraid of being replaced by a machine? Of course not!
For centuries people were scared of new inventions, and what will happen to them with this rapid pace of development. Of course, there are not so many horse couriers nowadays, but there are many couriers which drive cars. Did invention on emails, destroyed the postal service? No, but they have switched their business core to slightly different things. I think that robots will definitely change many jobs, but they will not fully replace humans.
Zygmunt Z said…
1. Are you afraid of being replaced by a machine? Maybe you think that your profession is too complex for that or it’s just a matter of time?
I am not afraid of being replaced right now as I am working in IT industry and for now my working position is safe. I guess that in a few years, the entry threshold will be higher for programmers but it is not something to be bothered as we are gaining experience right now. I guess that at some point different skills will be required by employers and those will circle around artificial intelligence.
2.Which particular data sets e.g. medical records, are excellent for a machine in your opinion?
I guess that machines are excellent in car industry and they have been for quite few years right now. These days you barely see workers at the production lines but rather machines and robots which create things that require high precision
3.Do you think someday artificial intelligence may consider that the most efficient solution to some problem is the disposal of humans? Could you give me some example of such a problem e.g. keeping streets clean by not letting people enter them and leaving rubbish?
I guess that countries where rubbish is popular are not developed enough to even think about robotics. Countries which have high awareness regarding rubbish etc. use robots for completely different responsibilities.
1. Are you afraid of being replaced by a machine? Maybe you think that your profession is too complex for that or it’s just a matter of time?

In my opinion, however, my profession is still too complicated, because depending on the subject it combines many fields, and what each field requires specialist knowledge. Of course, this is probably a matter of time when the architecture of artificial intelligence will arise, for which there will not be too complex problems to solve, but I do not care.

2. Which particular data sets e.g. medical records, are excellent for a machine in your opinion?

In the case of creating artificial intelligence, it does not matter what type of data is passed to learning. The most important thing is that the data must be schematic and that certain patterns and characteristics can be drawn from them.

3. Do you think someday artificial intelligence may consider that the most efficient solution to some problem is the disposal of humans? Could you give me some example of such a problem e.g. keeping streets clean by not letting people enter them and leaving rubbish?

This is unfortunately a topic you can talk about forever. It is impossible to exclude this possibility, because we can not be sure in which direction the artificial intelligence will turn during learning and to what observations and characteristics it will adapt.
As an example, Skynet comes to mind, but fortunately it is film fiction.
ExoKuzo said…
My profession thankfully is easily convertible to overseeing those machines we re talking bout, so im not so worried about loosing job. When we think about machine takeover we usually mean precise manual works that can be done better with the use of machines but are not yet due to maturity that needs to happen in the software world.

When i think about data sets perfect for the machines i think about driving, as much as we want to "object" that machines might be better drivers than we are its true. The amount of processing even simplest for the machines can do in matter of nanoseconds is crazy, so optimization of traffic by machine drivers would be the way to go.

If we gave a dataset of human health and monitored every variable that has impact on our health i bet with not enough overseeing water,air any kind of food would be considered danger to humans thus marking start of our extinction.
Well, you asked if i'm afraid. I'm not, however i can't say that i believe for 100% that it won't happen. You never know what is coming with future. Many people here says that they work in IT and this won't happen, i guess it's not that easy and maybe it's not too complex but the biggest problem is to define what you wan't to achive. If it wasn't that easy why wouldn't you just make progams from sort of puzzles.
When it comes to second question, hmmm i think everythink that is based on statistic and analisys with answers yes/no is better to be precessed by AI if you need it quickly.
Your last question is kinda tricky and i don't really know how to answer it. I just hope things like this won't happen and no terminator will execute me for making mess lol.
1. No, I am not afraid of being replaced by a machine. It is not the time yet. I am software engineer and I don't think that in several years machine would totally replaced people. But in - I don't know - 50-60 years? Who knows?

2. It really depends on situation which particular data sets would excellent for a machine. Firstly, we need machine learning and proper collecting od data we need to use. And this is not easy what we think. Secondly, the machine have to be properly programmed to operate as we want. This whole process is not simple what we think.

3. In my opinion - no. This is totall sci-fi. Shortly: this is impossible. Robots can't thinks as humans. AI is not yet developed good as we want to replace humans.
Not really, I think my job requires more creativity and problem solving but someday who knows. Probably in the future machines will be responsible for developing new websites and applications and software engineers will be responsible for maintaining and developing new machines.
I am not sure but maybe traffic lights could be well managed by AI, it could simply unload traffic jams in the citiy.
I don't think so, machines will be dependent on humans as we created them and we can learn complexitiy of theirs systems.
1. Are you afraid of being replaced by a machine? Maybe you think that your profession is too complex for that or it’s just a matter of time?
I am not afraid of being replaced with machine, as I am programmer. For sure in few years there will be programs that can implement some algorithms, but they will work just using some patterns. For now it is impossible to create self-teaching programs with a huge area of specialization. And also it is the right way to not allow programs have to big influence area.
2. Which particular data sets e.g. medical records, are excellent for a machine in your opinion?
Data set for machine learning depends on your needs. If you need to quickly recognize is there some cancer cells on patient scanning result, you need to have a huge training data set with positive and negative results with proper answers.
3. Do you think someday artificial intelligence may consider that the most efficient solution to some problem is the disposal of humans? Could you give me some example of such a problem e.g. keeping streets clean by not letting people enter them and leaving rubbish?
For sure, not. For nowadays we do not have such algorithms and needs for such kind of results for AI programs. What you are talking about is some kind of "Matrix" movie.
Adam Nguyen said…
The industrial revolution killed lots of jobs too, but no, I’m not afraid I would be replaced by a machine. As a programmer I could easily adapt to these changes, for example there are still robots to programme. In the long run, we're all in the danger of being replaced by the AI, even AI programmers. But I don't think we will be in danger anytime soon.
Any data with patterns involving analysis or comparison are excellent for machines, because it can be easily done automatically, and not by human. There are lots of examples of such work.
I don’t think that would happen unless we programme them to do so. But the future is always hard to predict and I cannot 100% deny that the robots would develop murderous intents to kill humans.
1. Are you afraid of being replaced by a machine? Maybe you think that your profession is too complex for that or it’s just a matter of time?
- I am not afraid of being replaced by a machine. Moreover, I think, with rise of AI people will be free to do what they want. Most of routine will be done by machines and for people there will be only really hard or creative work. Also, I think, that rise of AI popularity will cause at some point new job, which w do not have now. Now I am working as a programmer and I don't think that in 5-10 yers machines will be able do write a propriate programs.
2. Which particular data sets e.g. medical records, are excellent for a machine in your opinion?
- Every data set should be prepared depending on your needs. So there is no particular universal data set, which will be good for all tasks. If you need to create AI for medical purpose you need to have a very large data set with a lot of positive and negative results, with dozens of records in order to teach your AI correctly.
Do you think someday artificial intelligence may consider that the most efficient solution to some problem is the disposal of humans? Could you give me some example of such a problem e.g. keeping streets clean by not letting people enter them and leaving rubbish?
- I think there is no way thath such think will happen in nearest future. We don't have such algorythms. Moreover, we decide how the AI is trained and we prepare data sets.
1. Not at this moment but someday every job will be replaced by machine this is only a matter of time people will be doing job as hobby when they are bored.
2. Maybe data set about crimes. Finding criminals and maybe sometimes even preventing them.
3. There is this possibility when they start thinking for themselves and start interpreting our words. Example hmm maybe something like in war time you ask them to kill all yours enemy and they will think that man is the greatest enemy of man
I'm not afraied of being replaced by a machine. I can't be replaced i would say. And i agree with a statemenet, that my profession is too complex for that.
If we are talkin' about machines as helpers, not problem solvers, i think that any skill would be useful. It depends on situation and what will be the main goal to achieve.
Artificial intelligence would be a problem solver for all of the human problems. What about examples: you can look over your life and you will see: streets are not as clean as we want it to see, people's tries to work in the same place again and again makes them angry(supermarket cashiers) and etc.
1. In my opinion as a person working in entertainment field I'm not going to be replaced by machines but I most likely have to change or learn new tools in order to keep up with accelerating market. But such situation was always possible and I accepted it. Plus I think that abilities and creative thinking is more important for solving the problems. AI will rather help you deal with it than do it itself.

2. Awesome thing in machines is that thay can do hard work for you i.g: you don't have to fill tab's on internet pages becouse you can just bind account's or have browser remember your settings.
3. Nope, I don't think that machines will ever restrict us becouse AI cannot make things on their own since it depend on code. Machine might be smart but can't rise beyond what was design.
s18716 said…
Are you afraid of being replaced by a machine? Maybe you think that your profession is too complex for that or it’s just a matter of time?
I would consider this question from two sides. The first side is that this is a positive phenomenon. As if the machines will replace people in production, it will say that humanity is moving forward and progress is on the right track.
But the second side is not quite so positive. As the population of our planet grows, the people inhabiting it will be deprived of the opportunity to express themselves in certain areas, since by a certain time everything will be occupied by machines.
Someone in this degree is more fortunate, because so many specialties that artificial intelligence will not replace.

Which particular data sets e.g. medical records, are excellent for a machine in your opinion?
I think we can confidently entrust them with large amounts of data with which it would be more difficult for a person to operate. Medical records including. There are a lot of such data sets, from the fields of science, production, education and various statistical data.

Do you think someday artificial intelligence may consider that the most efficient solution to some problem is the disposal of humans? Could you give me some example of such a problem e.g. keeping streets clean by not letting people enter them and leaving rubbish?
It seems to me that if we give artificial intelligence to deal with such issues as the problem of ecology, the uprising of machines is guaranteed. These will be the problems that a person is struggling with, but is actively involved in the deterioration of issues.
Are you afraid of being replaced by a machine? Maybe you think that your profession is too complex for that or it’s just a matter of time?
1. There is always a risk that artificial intelligence will replace you, it seems to me that we are even unconsciously striving. The processes that we have now automated as developers have contributed to hundreds of thousands of redundancies.
So replacing our work by the masses is highly probable and unfortunately I'm afraid

Which particular data sets e.g. medical records, are excellent for a machine in your opinion?
2.Try to say anything, but I think that statistical data. I have no idea what this data could be.

Do you think someday artificial intelligence may consider that the most efficient solution to some problem is the disposal of humans? Could you give me some example of such a problem e.g. keeping streets clean by not letting people enter them and leaving rubbish?
3. It is difficult to say, it is not necessary to anticipate the future. According to me, people will try hard to limit their will to machines. The knowledge is that if the machine gets the freedom it will start to get rid of people.
Peter Clemenza said…
Are you afraid of being replaced by a machine? Maybe you think that your profession is too complex for that or it’s just a matter of time?
You have to learn all the time new things to be in shape. If you stop there's a chance that they are going to replace you

Which particular data sets e.g. medical records, are excellent for a machine in your opinion?
Law, medicine,weather reports?

Do you think someday artificial intelligence may consider that the most efficient solution to some problem is the disposal of humans? Could you give me some example of such a problem e.g. keeping streets clean by not letting people enter them and leaving rubbish?
Mayby if i could try to hack my own software i will gain more than just obeying orders?
1. I'm not “afraid” of being replaced by a machine, I perceive it as a possibility in a distant future but such scenario would mean simply that different jobs that don't exist just yet would show up on the market and we would simply “retrain” into something different. I think the key here is to stay open-minded.
2. I think the answer is quite simple-as long as you can programme it- you can make a robot do it, simple as that. So any “teachable” pattern can be used by a machine.
3. I don't think so, as long as we are around and as long as we write the codes- the machines are not going to do something highly “unpredicted” like getting rid of us.

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