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Week 9 [22.05-28.05.2017] - Virtual Reality

In these days computers and their components even those which are used in our mobile phone or tablets become so powerful that manufacturers are trying to bring the virtual reality from these devices to our normal lives. Their vision is to enhance reality with the virtual layer. So if the names VR, AR, MR mean anything to you, you know about what I will be talking about. If not I will explain ideas hidden behind these acronyms.
VR is an acronym for virtual reality, with this description we are talking about devices which are focused on changing our experience in virtual worlds to be more immersed to make us feel like we are there. Devices used in VR are headsets. Nowadays almost any big company has its VR headset. If we are talking about pc devices like Oculus Rift or HTC Vive which are the leader on the market. These devices are rather expensive , they cost at least 600 euro for Oculus Rift or 900 euro for HTC Vive. Besides its price you need to have a powerful pc to use them so if you don't have one, the real cost is really big. These are the most complex and powerful VR headsets which are capable to play almost all games(all that are made for VR and some other with mods) on your pc and from what I have experienced myself playing VR is so completely different from normal sitting in front of tv or monitor. Beside gaming VR headset are used for 360 viewing  of photos or videos and that experience is great too. But what can you do if you don't have enough money or just don't want to spend that much. They are VR headsets for phones like Samsung gear VR or Google daydream which can be used for photo or video viewing or less demanding games or software. If you have a ps4 you can buy PlayStation VR which is from gaming VR headsets the cheapest and costs around 399 euro.

AR is for augmented reality. So as VR was about enhancing our virtual experiences AR is about mixing virtual experience with real one. Augmented reality was for most time used in games like Pokemon Go in which we were catching pokemons in our real world using our phones and their cameras in which we could see pokemons on our streets etc. One of the biggest projects for AR was google glass. It was pair of glasses with special display which was splitting created picture straightforward into users eye so for a user a virtual picture was a layer on our real world. Glasses can be used for video or normal calling, for taking pictures and many more because it used many google applications like gmail, google maps or google plus, but the project was killed by google before it was available to wider audience.

MR is for mixed reality and that is most confusing from all those 3, because you can ask how it's different from AR and if we use interpretation from a foundry article to which link you can find in sources, the difference between AR and MR is based on reaction of virtual world with real one and in MR virtual world is reacting with reality, in AR is not. But the real and most important difference is that MR is a marketing slogan for Microsoft. In their last conference which was held on 11th May they focued on mixed reality headsets which are reportedly very similar to VR ones. Microsoft besides MR headsets has its best MR device the HoloLens which are holographic headsets somewhat similar to google glass but more powerful and capable of more things. So as we can see MR is nothing different than a sum of AR and VR and Microsoft is not hiding it: “These[AR and VR] are not separate concepts. These are just labels for different points on the mixed reality continuum ...This is why, to simplify things, we call all of it ‘Windows Mixed Reality.” - this is quotation from Alex Kipman, inventor of HoloLens. If you want to read more about Microsoft MR I recommend reading articles from the Verge from Microsoft Build Conference which are linked in sources.

Have you ever tried VR headsets. What are your experiences, do you like it or not?
What do you think about AR. Do you like the idea of mixing virtual world with reality?
What is your opinion about Microsoft strategy to create a new category in virtual reality business? 



Sylwia Pechcin said…
Personally I have never tried VR headsets so it's hard to say if I like it. It's a shame that I have never tried it when it comes more and more popular actually.
I think it's cool idea to mix virtual world with reality. It could make more opportunities for programmers and developers.
Unknown said…
I have used Oculus. It's completely different experience than playing normal games. Your body is in different world. VR is the future and it will develop. I think that in 10 years it will look completely different. About AR look at Pokemon Go how popular it is. Personally I'm waiting for next games with VR and AR. When I was a child I dreamt about this kind of games.
Magdalena Popek said…
I have never tried VR headset, but I've been on few lectures about them (carried out by companies producing software for such devices). And from developer's point of view it is not so easy to create such a program. The very main problem are our senses - mostly vision. If our brain notices something is not as it's always been, we instantaneously feel sick or dizzy. It's because in reality almost everything is syncronized. The problem is, for example, our height when using VR headset. If in a game we are shorter than in reality our brain will notice it at once and we will not be able to play for long. There are still many obstacles for virtual reality to trully imitate reality.
I'm not so into such technologies so I think mixing virtual world with real one is really neccessary. However, it is just my opinion and even though for me it's not needful I think it will become increasingly popular.
Unknown said…
I haven't use it, but one of the best uses of it I have ever seen was to show people some area - art gallery, some park - virtual walk. You can see places without even moving. It is not the same, but for most of the people this is some interesting experience, but fore some people this is a chance to see and somehow experience something, they couldn't naturally.
I've never tried VR headset, but I think that could be very interesting experience. In my opinion this it the future and someday we will be using it in our daily life. I'm really excited about VR games.
Unknown said…
Some time ago I've tried Google Glass. It was my first time, that's why I was impressed - despite the fact that, let's be honest, it's not a perfect device. I liked simplicity of using and smart, in my opinion, idea of using small square from glass near the eye to present the screen.

On the other hand, as I sad, Google Glass is not a perfect device. There are some moments when the screen disturbs in real life. What's more, Glass is based on Android that is also good and bad.

It's not the time to talk about pros and cons of Google Glass, but I just want to say that despite some disadvantages I was really impressed. I liked it.

I think such devices are the future which is coming very fast.
I'd like to try HoloLens which you're talking about, because I heard it's really interesting thing.
You should really try the VR headsets and yeah mixed reality can give us as developers and as a people a lot benefits.
Yeah VR for gaming is really something, it changes everything. I wish it just could be more approachable from financial side, because it's now too expensive.
Pokemon Go is so big phenomenon it's just unthinkable.
I totally agree with you, for developers VR is really tough topic. Number of things that you need to care about it's really huge, like you said in our real life everything is synchronized so it must be in VR. If we think about people who have motion sickness, for them using VR is really hard and the applications should be done really well with all of these problems in mind or these people just can't use VR
Yeah google glass was a great idea, shame that google kill it.
Of course the technology or operating system wasn't perfect but for a first iteration it was something and like with almost all really new products, they have their problems, which are eliminated with next iterations.
Unknown said…
I still haven't tried VR headsets. It's a real pity, because I had the occasion twice but every time I forgot my contact lenses, so it didn't make a sense to try this glasses without them.
Thanks for having explained the differences between VR, AR and MV so clearly. I had no idea what's the difference with MV, however I have to say I'm impressed but not sure how it interacts with real word... That's why I would like the most to try exactly that MV technology.
I considered VR googles just a useless gadget until I tried Samsung Gear VR. Now I believe VR can have an infinite number of applications and has a bright future ahead of it. I think VR is able to provide an outstanding entertainment which we haven't been falimiar so far. It will definitely be more often used in games, which I'm not particularly interested in, but willingly I would see it in many other applications. My only complaint is about picture quality - there is still significant scope for improvements. Obviously, at the same time it also involves some risks, but so does internet and many other inventions. We just have to use it with care.
It is really cool that building and developer companies started to use VR to show planned buildings to their potential clients. It can be also a great tool for interior decorators or travel agencies. It allows them to present their services in a much more attractive way. As a customer I would be pleased to see samples similar to final product/service.
Regarding AR, I’ve only tried Google glass once, so I have almost no experience with that. Nonetheless, I was quite impressed by glasses’ capabilities and taking into account that it was only a beta version strengthened this feeling. I’ve also heard that Microsoft HoloLens is a great product already and it is much more powerful.
While AR and VR are different types of systems, MR is not something totally new, so I doubt whether there is a need to introduce new term for that.
Andrzej Gulak said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said…
Well, the term "mixed reality" for me is just advertisment concept forged by microsoft to get some attention. As to general concepts of VR and AR: I think that both will become highly valuable and profitable markets soon. Virtual reality will surely be applied for entertainment. Designers can also benefit using it. I think that AR will be much bigger market,
as its applications are practically limitless. If working and avialable, Google Glass would probably be used daily by everyone, everywhere: at worki, during trips (to find informations about places we visit), at home (for example: cooking, just look at the recipe the same time as you chop veggies). I have never tried virtual reality, but I hope that I will have chance to do it soon.
MR is nothing different than VR really and Microsoft is putting HoloLens and MR headsets to same category which is kinda mistake because they are definitely not the same, but for them as a company is easy way to avoid comparing their products to these available on market now like Oculus or Vive.
Yeah it's really great that our Academy has these products, because Oculus is a little expensive but HoloLens is really expensive costs around 3000$ for development edition or 5000$ for commercial one.
About VR headsets, sure they need the computing power to be a little bigger or just cheaper, because we can agree that with new geforce titan xp and overclocked intel i7 processor there will be a plenty of power but with big cost.
Unknown said…
I used a lot of VR glasses. People who use vr-glasses longer still feel bad because of labyrinth. This problem hasn't been solved yet. Graphics in glasses still isn't too great. In my opinion VR could be really useful if we wait a little longer until this technology will develop. I was on the VR Warsaw Day and on this event I met people with great ideas for the use of VR glasses for example for the treatment of phobias and this technology provides new possibilities for the real estate market and architecture. Imagine that you could design your future house earlier with the help of VR. I think mixed reality is just marketing hitch. I'm actually follow news from this market all the time with big curiosity. In my opinion VR-glasses can be good educational help.
Unknown said…
I have tried VR glasses and I really liked it. Of course it is not perfect, using this for some longer time can cause some confusion, headache or other diseases, because it has a bad impacct on our brain, but I believe scientists will find the way to solve this problem as well. Beside that, I really like the virtual reality concept. It can make our lives easier if we learn how to use it.
VR is a really nice concept and truly great technology, but it's too expensive and too early "prototype" to become mainstream anytime soon. Sure it's a great thing not only for gaming but for many other fields, and I can clearly see its position in the future, but right now it's nothing more than a super-expensive overrated prototype toy, at least for me.
Michał Pycek said…
I have tried VR glasses as well and it has been quite an interesting experience. I have not tried the headset though, I think it could also be a nice thing to do. I think that VR as well as AR are just another step of entertainment technology evolution and it is nice to know we can use it to explore the fictional world (for example of games) even more. I think it can be a positive experience, but we should watch out to avoid getting addicted to it just like to other activities which are commonly taken as addictive.
Maciej Główka said…
I have never tried any VR headset. I don't buy the idea, maybe when the technology will be much better I will try it. What about AR? I think it might be really useful for many professions, for example doctors or engineers. That's why I think tech companies should be more focused on developing AR rather than VR technologies.
Wojtek Kania said…
When I was on SUM I tried Google Glass and Oculus Rift. They had their drawbacks like bad resolution or heavy weight, but I really like these devices. For me idea of mixing virtual world with reality may be very interesting. For example virtual instructions how to fix tap. In my opinion Microsoft's strategy to create a new category in virtual reality is very good choice. I think in few years for that strategy AR will be closer to us.
Generally, I feel like VR's real potential will be seen in applications like scientific research, medicine, etc. You know, like any other technology, it will most certainly have it's own nitch ... but being the know all and cure all is not very likely. Of course, we'll just have to see how it develops and if the software companies are foolish enough to forgo all other things.
As to my personal level of interest? I'll tell you when I actually get to try one of the damn headsets myself:) I'm not buying any of them blind at those prices.
Unknown said…
I've tried wearing VR glasses a long time ago when it's just showed up on markets. It was very simple glasses with medium quality. When I wore them the roller coaster park appeared, so I've had an experience of the roller coaster riding. For those times, it was great, but looking back in time I understand it was a low quality VR.
I like the concept of AR. Last semester I had classes in PJATK where we were creating an AR app with our functionality. I really enjoyed fill the reality with some objects which don't belong to it.
I've heard about Holo Lens and think it's a great project with high potential. I would like to try those glasses on, it would be an unbelievable experience.
Unknown said…
I don't have a VR headset and I'm not a big fan of gadgets like this. I played around with both Oculus Rift and HTC Vive in my house a couple times, it was an interesting experience, but I think it's not convenient enough to use the technology and it is a bit underwhelming.
I don't like the idea of mixing virtual world with reality. It's tiring and, in my opinion, unnecessary. I'm waiting for a breakthrough in this area when we will get really great realistic games where we could walk and be a part of this imaginary world.
Unfortunately, I have never tried this technology. In my opinion, it is very intresting idea definitely in gaming and also it would be helpful in medicine and other sciences. I like the idea, but I also believe it could be dangerous for some people as they could lose their sense of reality and develop mental illnesses.
Unknown said…
Tried VR, it was fun but my brain did not like it. It's quite a problem with this technology which is essentially cheating our brain that we move for example, when we do not so feeling dizzy is a common issue.
With the AR there is a gigantic field of improving our interaction with reality, like the idea with (discontinued) google glass. I've seen many Hololens demos, and it looks really impresive and promising.
Unknown said…
I have tried VR while visiting the VR Days in Warsaw. I liked that experience, the feeling of falling of the skyscraper was very exciting. But for me VR was like a game and entertainment, I don't need it in my everyday life, so I am not interested in it's development. And I tried playing Pokemon Go - so then I tried that AR, i was trying to "place" the Pokemon bird on a cherry pie using my camera. That's all:)
I was lucky to try it by myself. And I have to say it was awesome. I've actually tried it a couple of times. Last time I was at Beksiński's exhibition and there was also VR with his paintings. You could just walk and experience his work in VR. It was amazing. There are really no wrods to describe it. I was speechless after my VR tour. If this exhibition happen again, you should definitely go and experience it. Things that we can do thanks to technology. Unbelievable. This is the future. And I can't wait how it is going to evolve.
Vyvyan said…
1) Yes i tried and while at first i was nervous i soon realized how fun it is.
2) I like that idea. I really do. Imagine playing RTS games like that :D
3) Microsoft's strategy to create a new category in virtual reality is very good choice. I believe that while vr might be a step forward in technology AR is actually not a step. It's a giant leap.
Unknown said…
I have never tired virtual reality like glasses or something like that but i was in cinema with glasses to it and i think its very important and interesting thing which is going to be develop in future. Now we dont really focus in case like that but in future our social media could be in virtual reallity. Now virtual reallity is quite expensive thing and not all of us can afford for play like this.
Tried all of them since first VFX1 Virtual Reality Headgear many years ago while playing Doom and descent with it. It changed through the years and it is lot better but still the main problem is the resolution of it and that eyes are tired a lot after playing it for a while. Still waiting for a breakthrough. For me it better to play 3D (especially fly simulators and FPS) games on a 60 inch TV - really awesome and a lot better than VR. But that is just my opinion.
Bartosz Łyżwa said…
I'm not sure but I think there already exists an article quite like that but it's enjoyable subject to talk, so... Yes I've tried to use VR and it's one of the best device to play games or watching video :D. There is a long way before VR technology to be perfect but it's funny right now. There are various purposes of VR. I mean designing houses, rooms, cars, teaching, medicine and many many more.
I have never tried any VR headset, and maybe that’s why I don’t find it so amusing.
However I think that soon it will become the market leader in games and entertainment industry.
I think that the VR boom will not end like most of the technological trends (such as 3D printing, which was supposed be everyone necessary home utility) but it will really control the market in couple of years.

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