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Week 9 [22.05-28.05.2017] - Quit social media

Nowadays everyone uses social media. But do we have to use it? Is it an essential part of our lifes? Have you ever wondered how would your life look like if you  never signed up to Facebook, Instagram or Twitter?
I recommend you watching a short movie.

1. Social media are quite new thing and we have to use it to be trendy.
2. Quitting social media can have bad impact on our company 's image.
3. When I stop using social media I will miss something great.

What do you think about those opinions?
Have you ever tried to be offline for a while? Or maybe have you resigned from using social media?
 Will you consider stopping using social media after watching this movie?


Sylwia Pechcin said…
To be honest I've considered quitting social media for a few times. The only thing what stops me is getting in touch with my friends. On the other hand social media is also a great source of entertainment and news.
I'm offline very often. Sometimes I don't use any social media for a few days and nothing bad happens to me :) It's really cool to be offline and get relaxed for a while.
I think that opinions which where mentioned in the movie are the most common when it comes to quitting social media. People use Facebook to be trendy or to promote their company.
Unknown said…
I think that like most people I can't imagine life without social media. Of course people get addicted to social media but I see a lot of advantages for example when you lose your pet you can find it easily through social media. Imagine that you look for your pet without Facebook only put out posters and wait for call. I noticed that I can stop using social media when I go on holiday.
Unknown said…
When I'm busy as I'm usually are, I don't login to social media, moreover, sometimes for a short while I don't even chat and read mails or sms messages. It's a common situation for me when I focus on some task, that I cancel all notifications and forget to bring them back. However, when I want to "have some rest" I check FB, and when I need some inspiration I look though projects on Behance. Of course that could be time consuming, more than one could suspect, althought I try not to waste more time on it that I wanted when entering the page.
I don't use social media like most people do. Sometimes I need to, but I'm trying to keep my life as much 'real' as I can. It's terryfying that people are so addicted to it. I know that everything is moving to the Internet, but to be honest I dont think that you can find something real in social media. Most of the people pretends to be someone they are not. On the other hand, social media community could help you sometimes, for example when you lost something or you want to find someone. So I think that we need to use social media with caution, in the end, everything is for the people.
Unknown said…
I'm not thinking about quiting social media, because I'm not addicted. Checking social media is like reading some news - I've got some time, so why not. But when I won't do it I don't have got a feeling that I missed something.
About contact - if it is something important my friends have got my number, so they can call. If not - then it can wait.
Unknown said…
Some time ago I started to thinking how much time daily I spent on Facebook. To be honest, I haven't measured it, but I think it was about 3 hours/day. I wasn't addicted. I was just spending some time scrolling down. Why? Just simple habit.
When I realized that I was wasting so much time, I removed Facebook app and messenger from my smartphone.

What happend?
The first day was... strange. I didn't missed Facebook. I 'missed' this activity - scrolling down. This day, I was thinking that I was missing out on something. Really strange. After the first day, I started to rest. There was nothing disturbing me by noticing, beeping etc.
Now, I use Facebook once a day. Sometimes less.

I can agree that when I use totally stop using Facebook I miss something. Why? Because there are some study groups. Nobody will call me and say 'hey Filip, I have some stuff, do you want to get?'. Come on. Thanks to such groups, somebody sends it and the rest of group can see. That's why I can agree that I would miss something.
I think there is a difference in the context of what social media we are talking about. For example if I don't use social networks Facebook or instagram that is nothing but contact with friends and sometimes I will not lose , if we're talking about relevant social sites where you read technical articles and to communicate about any technical issues , you can lose a lot. I had experience when I didn't have 2-3 months of Internet , and in terms of my profession it was pretty bad because after such pereryva had a lot of articles,technologies to read and try.
Andrzej Gulak said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said…
I have mixed feelings about this presentation. Everything in excess is bad. If you prefer to talk through facebook than in reality then it's really worthwhile for you to set aside social media for some time. I use social mediato communicate with friends, find interesting events or contact with people from my studies (we have a group on the facbook on which we exchange information), so for me social media is a big facilitation in communication. In work we have internal type of facebook which is called workplace, this greatly speeds up work or file sharing. Of course, many people use facebook and instagram to show what they are doing, eat or whhere they are all the time. I think this isn't good, because we take our privacy in this way and often we try to create in social media for someone we are not in fact.
Unknown said…
Social media are good to keep in touch with your friends, for me it is nothing more actually. Meeting with people is much more valuable than sitting in front of the computer and watching everything that someone posted to his wall (so basically to anybody, not to you personally). It is like knowing what is happening in someone's life without talking at all. It's okay, but always meeting in person is better. Maybe setting social media aside for a while would be a good solution to actually become more social person...? Irony, isn't it? :D
I don’t use social media to be trendy, but I can agree that it looks like many people do. For me it’s just a way to stay in touch with some of my friends and to be up-to-date with the content on my discussion groups.
I think quitting social media can have bad impact on your company's image. When I want to find some info about a given company, in the first step I use Google, of course, and Facebook. I guess that many of us do the same.
Sometimes I’m offline for some time, especially on weekends and I don’t have a problem with that. That’s probably why I have never been thinking about quiting social media. Social media is a good communication tool, we just have to use it wisely.
I use social media to keep contacts with friends, I don't have facebook-mania and I don't feel bad for not visiting facebook for several days in a row. I don't like assuming that every single user of social media is some crazy maniac that would die if he didn't check his facebook for straight 10 minutes. I like how easy it is for me to contact with friends, and I don't feel a need to waste my life watching pictures, videos, posts and everything else that social media have to offer. And I don't see a reason to drop it either.
Michał Pycek said…
I have quitted Facebook and I have become much happier than before in terms of having a clear head and no distraction. Also, this has verified who was my real friend and who was just a colleague. In my opinion it is a good idea to do it, otherwise we will stuck in there and show only what we want the other people to see which is fake. On the other hand, the opinions which stand for social media in order to be in touch with other people or be posted regarding school - it show how dependend people are, instead of be the ones to create new paths and show that they can be happy and find other activities than scrolling down, liking, checking updates etc in social media. The only channel I feel alright about is twitter since you can learn a lot of interesting facts / read many news about politics and economy.
Unknown said…
A major downside to social media is that you find yourself always looking for attention and validation from others. You want people to like your status, your photo, your opinions and comments. Eventually, you find yourself posting things based on gaining others’ attention more than doing justice to your own thoughts and feelings. Unplugging can reconnect you with your individuality regardless of what anyone else’s opinion is.
Of course, when you spend less time and attention constantly checking updates and statuses, you suddenly have more time to actually do things – things that are more meaningful and contribute to your life experience. It could be spending time with loved ones, getting some work done or simply enjoying a favorite hobby or pastime. Either way, these are a better use of time than essentially doing ‘nothing’ online.
KamilG said…
I'm not into social media. I consider similarly to Cal, that Facebook and other apps aren't so neccessary as people think. But I use Facebook to talk with my colleagues, classmates whose don't have my private phone number. I treat Facebook more as the tool to communication than tracking other people's life. I consider that every one of us has own brain and can decide what is good for her/him. Sincerely I don't believe in these kinds of presentations, if someone wants quit Facebook, will do it, even without encouragement. Next, addicted to Facebook, will find many arguments to stay in. To make change, it's needed to find own arguments to do it.
Maciej Główka said…
I use facebook mostly to contact with my friends. I'm not a kind of person that checks its wall every 30 minutes. Besides friends, I use facebook to know about interesting events in warsaw. If I wanted to, I think it wouldn't be so hard for me to delete Facebook (I don't have twitter or instagram). However, it is much more comfortable to be on it. That's why in near future I don't plan to take a break from social media.
Unknown said…
Yeah it's true, social media have a power to spread information pretty fast, so like you said finding a pet is much easier.
Unknown said…
You are well organize, for me sometimes it's hard to focus on job, when someone text me or I hear notification sound. Curiosity sometimes win and I have to check who text me and I losing my time.
Unknown said…
Yes, it is a common problem in internet, that there are people who pretend to be someone else. It's good to have always a distance to others in internet and don't judge them by what they write or photos uploads.
Unknown said…
I am agree with you that social media are a good source of information especially in our generation, because we read less newspapers or watching TV. It's good to be aware what is happening around the world.
Unknown said…
Social media are huge time waster, because people upload or share with some stupid shit and you lose time by scrolling it.
I agree with you that most of us use social media to share information connected with study. It is easier to share some photos or text, then go to somebody and borrow some notes.
Unknown said…
I don't know how it's works on Facebook, but in my social media( the ability to be in touch with friends and to read some news or jokes is separated(wait, Facebook even has a separate messenger app for communication purposes!). So it's not necessary to read some additional stuff if you want just to stay in touch with your friends - for example, my news page is empty, because I disabled all sources that may publish some information on it.
Unknown said…
Yeah, I'm agree with you, social media is not real and we don't have to use it so frequently! The real world is waiting for us! Oh, I forgot to finish watching the 478 episode of 'Naruto Shippuden'.
Unknown said…
I liked the argument about inability to concentrate because of social media. Even without Facebook it's hard to finish all your plans on time. I have heard an interesting advice: "Don't plan to finish more then 2 or 3 things in one day". It makes sense, because most of things that we are doing requires some concentration and time. If I interrupt to respond somebody in a messenger, it would take time to remember what I wanted to do before I was interrupted. If my friend will reply - I would be interrupted again. So you have to minimize the number of those interruptions during your work, and the best way is just to disable your phone while you are working.
Wojtek Kania said…
In my opinion companies have to be in social media, because most customers want read opinion from other customers. And social media are one of the most important place to find new customers. I resigned from using social media one year ago. Now I have facebook account just for contact with colleagues and get informations about school. When I finish studying I'm going to delete FB. I really don't need twitter, facebook, instagram or snapchat. I don't understand when people are making photos of food in restaurant. I'm spending time in different way, than people which having social media. But this is only my choice. I don't blame person who like social media. This is personal choice. And nobody should tell what shall you want to do in your free time.
Unknown said…
When I was younger I thought that social media is one of the best inventions in the world. Now, that I am older i realise that it has more downs than ups. I wish I didn't put my data on facebook and nk and grono, and I just hope that when our government's new law will come to live, I will be able to remove my data from facebook and withdraw from it completely. Nowadays social media is nothing more than some news feeds about free iphones, tragic situation in world and cheap, sensational news.
Unknown said…
Of course, social media is very important nowadays, but it's not so important as many people think. We can gain a lot of information as well as a lot of news from them, but there are still google which helps as get the same information. Some people overrate social media thinks that high activity will make them popular and trendy. Unfortunately, having very active social media life easy to forget about real life and real experience. From the other side, social media is very important for companies. It's a great way to give an information about the company, advertise the company and attract new customers.
I'm not considering quitting social media. I don't think it takes more time that it should in my life. I feel comfortable using Facebook to communicate and to get some news or entertainment from time to time.
Undoubtedly, social networks are a great technological achievement, which promises many opportunities.
Social networks can bring many benefits: help find an old friend, learn about a new book or music album, organize a meeting and event. But the abuse of public networks can lead to dependence, loss of attention, waste of time, etc. Social networks are not a great evil, as many believe. That's both good and bad. Only in our power to take from them only the good and weed out the bad.
For me, social networks are just a small part of my daily life, I will not check updates every hour, but I always try to answer on messages from my friends, if I'm not busy, of course. I also use them to contact my colleagues when I work remotely.
And sometimes use as a music player:)
Magdalena Popek said…
I totally agree with those statements, that's how people are getting addicted to social media. "Have you seen this...? Have you seen that...?". And when your answer is "no" all the time, young generation may start thinking you're boring and not worth talking to.
I've tried to be offline for a while, normally I have no problem with it. I believe when something is important someone will call me or if they don't have my number they will ask someone else. The problem begins when we have tests, exams, projects. Then free communication social media provides is invaluable.
I will probably never consider quitting social media as I don't think it is necessary unless you're addicted to it. It is a part of our world now. Together with smartphones and being connected to the Internet all the time.
Unknown said…
Those who know me, know where or how to find or reach me so being offline is no big deal. Besides I use social media mostly for communication or to scramble my brain with funny memes or political content after a long, long day. Just a place, not addicted to it, not taking it seriously.
I agree with everything what is said in this Tedx speech. But honestly I think it would be really hard for me to quit all of the social media. I use to to communicate with all of my friends and it would be really hard to just quit. I totally agree that it is addictive and not healthy because you check it all the time. There is even something called FOMO(fear of missing out) and it is real problem among my peers. I'm glad that I use only facebook and hardly ever Instagram becasue it would be too much for me. Nowadays we have easy access to all social media thanks(or no) to our smartphones so it is really hard not to check anything. It is a part of our lifes now.
I only use facebook, because of my studies. Students have groups where they post important informations about our course. If you don't have an account, you can miss some information. After fishing my studies I will probably delete my account.
Vyvyan said…
1. These opinions are not necesarily accurate. Yes i agree with second sentence but rest of them is simply a bad joke.
2. Yes i tried and it was okay, but it's a good communication platform so i still use it.
3. Nope.
Unknown said…
I use Instagram because I like photography and that app. I use Facebook to keep in touch with my friends and family, to know what is going on around me, to read articles and get knew information. The purpose of using social media depends on person's intellectual level. If someone thinks that using some app is nesessery to be trendy, than I'm sorry, *facepalm*. Of course I have tried to be offline. But I am not a Facebook maniac, I could survive without it, but why should I quite it if I need it? Read interesting articles, communicate with smart people, analyze what you find and your brain won't be damaged. But in my opinion, if you miss a lot of information, you or your business will always be behind those who use social media to get the necessery information.
Adam Paśniczek said…

I think that there is some kind of pressure in our society when it comes to social media. Maybe it is temporary and maybe in the future it will look different. I have had deleted my facebook account once. It was few years ago but was hard for me at the beginning to find out in the reality without social media. For sure there is an option for people who want to be outside “this world” but you have to have a good will.
Unknown said…
Social media is important thing in this century because we can get know about something from our home and we can communicate with other people easier then without it. Social media is also good idea to say our statement about something and change it with other people and consider others opition in that case. I think in this century we cant be offline in social media because we waste something.
I am maybe old school but using Facebook only for communication with other people from school or few friends outside Poland where SMS and everything else would be too pricey. I am also using Google+ to keep my colleagues from work in one place, LinkedIn for job and that is all. No Instagram, Twiitter etc. and I am good with it. Could I switch to not using it ? Maybe yes - but emails where fun 20 years ago.. now they are just too slow and inefficient communication channel. Of course nothing gonna change real conversation and meeting for me but sometimes it is the only option to keep up with everything.
Bartosz Łyżwa said…
Everything is for us I think. If someone don't know how to use social media and what is the purpose of them then he shouldn't use them :). I used to use facebook only for easier contacting with my firends. Actually I have no account on Twitter, Snapchat, etc because those are useless for me.
I have some kind of love/hate relationship with social media. I can’t really imagine my life without it (how would I stay in touch with my friends?!) and on the other hand it really annoys me.
I have considered quitting social media maaaaany times, but every time it ended the same, I have never even tried to disable it.
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