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Week 9 [22.05-28.05.2017] – The Revolution in Genetic Engineering

Genetic engineering is a relatively new field of science that can change our lives forever. It experiences a rapid growth since the discovery of DNA, a molecule that stores genetic information of living creatures. Nowadays it’s used mainly for modifying plants in almost a random way, but recently there was a discovery that may allow for DNA  programming.

While it can resolve fundamental issues like ending genetic diseases, slowing down aging,  it still faces many ethical challenges. For example, it can be used for evil or controversial purposes, like creating genetically modified soldiers or “designing” babies, choosing the desired eye and hair color, facial features for a child. Nevertheless, a revolution in genetic engineering is happening right now and I suggest viewing this short animated video explaining the topic:


  1. Do you think it’s acceptable to use genetic engineering for curing plant diseases, expanding their expiration time and improving taste?
  2. Do you think it’s acceptable to use genetic engineering for humans, namely for resolving issues like curing genetic diseases and slowing down aging?
  3. What do you think about controversial uses of genetic engineering shown in this video, for example boosting or adding capabilities to humans?


Unknown said…
I think that we should modify our DNA to eliminate some illnesses. Of course some people make money when you are ill. People say that more people live from cancer than die because of it. Do you understand me? If we had said to people 30 years ago that in 2017 doctors still can't cure cancer, people wouldn't believe us.
We shoudn't modify too much because it has consequences. For example plants which we modify to make them better. Try tomato from shop and try tomato from garden. Of course tomato from shop you can keep longer but I think it is the only disadvantage.
Ihor Ahnianikov said…
Usage of GMO products is indeed has it's pros and cons - I agree that taste may be worse and if you can afford it you can buy fully natural products, but GMO resolved a lot of issues and its meant to save the world from hunger.
I’m not such a big fan of genetic modification, but I’m also not totally against it.
While I still prefer to eat healthy fruits and vegetables grown as naturally as possible, I’m not in favor of prohibition of GMO. I realise that it might offer significant advantages as well as could potentially end world hunger. I addition, I think this is everyone’s personal choice, I would just like the GMO food to be clearly labelled.
Things get complicated when it comes to use genetic engineering for humans. One may wonder if it is ethical, morally correct etc., but it could bring up more significant problems for us in the future. I mean, DNA programming is likely to be incredibly useful tool in efforts to stamp out various diseases, but there is very fine line between benefits and harms. Without a doubt, sooner or later, somebody would exploit it to reprehensible purposes, even much worse than “designing” children (sounds just terrible).
Magdalena Popek said…
If you wanted to have all GM food clearly labelled you would have to have it on potatoes, bananas and many more products. Genetic modification is not only scientists sitting in laboratories injecting some substances into food. Most of the time it's just choosing organisms with the best characteristics and mixing them. For example dogs are genetically modified as well.
Magdalena Popek said…
And what is more in European Union if a product is GM or one of its ingredients is (and this ingredient makes 1% or more of a product) it has to be labelled as Genetically Modified.
Additionally growing GM food for people in EU is forbidden by law and such plants is used only as a food for animals killed for meat.
Magdalena Popek said…
The problem is we don't know when to stop, humans want to play "God". I think using genetic engineering for curing genetic diseases is ment to increase person's standard of living. I believe slowing down aging or lengthening human's life is the very last thing we need, taking into account the Earth is overpopulated and the popululation is growing.
Unknown said…
I think that it may be a great opportunity, but it is very important to restrain it in specified area of changes. It would be great to cure most of the illnesses and disabilities of humans, animals and plants BUT it can't go too far. There can't be experiments trying to merge human with plant or to make flying dog. There are people, and there always will be, who will want to go one step further, actually too far and try to do changes only to satisfy curiosity or to torment others - unfortunately, there are psychos and it is a key to not to allow them to make bad things. But then, there is another question - what is good and what is bad? It is great ethical problem.
I think that using genetic engineering to help people is great thing. It could eliminate incurable diseases and saves a lot of pain to thousands of people. But this is the point when we should stop. Genetic improvements and lengthening people's lives is not necessarily.
Unknown said…
I'm not convinced to GMO food, I don't think we really need it. What's more, such vegetables e.g. are not so tasty as the real ones and we don't know effects of them on our organism after couple of years.
However, I don't see physical genetic changes on babies as a bad thing. It's not hurting anyone, on the contrary, it could make somebody's life better. Why not make people healthier and happier? I only have objections about modifing their mental features.
Very controversial for me is intelligence enhancing. I'd say that only when a child is going to be much below intelligence average, should he/she be permitted to have its DNA modified.
I'm aware of danger which could appear after modifing physicial genes, that's why I'm not for enhancing changes generally on every condition, but only for neccesary changes to able everybody live easiely, without body problems.
What about Korea, having genetic changes available or banned won't make difference. They would always find a way to threaten the world.
I think that in some cases this is acceptable , for example to improve the plants which can't grow with the climate.If it is not a must then I would used in food plants which grew naturally.I think that now there is a lot of not curable diseases including genetic which it is possible to solve it using genetic engineering. And I think it is very healthy because these diseases each year claim the lives of a large number of not only the elderly but also young people.
Andrzej Gulak said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said…
I think that modyfing genome in order to cure genetical disease and improving quality of our food is acceptable, but only if long-term tests are performed to confirm that genetically modified food does not have harmful influence on people. As to unethical use of genetic science, I think that my opinion does not matter anyway. I am quite sure that some militaries around the world will be trying to apply such "improvements" and we cannot do anything to stop it.
Ihor Ahnianikov said…
Fair point, proper research is important in all fields of science. The situation is pretty similar to the nuclear technologies that can be used as a weapon or an effective source of energy.
Unknown said…
In my opinion genetic engineering used to treat illness is fine, but too much genetic modification of food has undefined effects on our health, so i'm not sure about that. I think design children is too much, elimination of diseases is good but giving special qualities to children is really bad because they are deprived of natural diversity. Surely all parents would like their children to be the wisest but our weaknesses also determine our character. I think there are ethical boundaries that we shouldn't cross.
Unknown said…
In my point of view, using genetic engineering is great to cure people, or to improve the quality of the food, as far as it doesn't affect us too much. There is many different opinions about the GMO food, but actually speaking, I think that it doesn't make any harm to our body. In case of illnesses, I think it's a good way to reduce it generation after generation. But it needs to be safe. Speaking of "enhancing children"...that's too much. Maybe I think in some old fashioned way but...for me the person, his abilities and disabilities, that what makes him who he is, right? I think we shouldn't interfere in human nature. Special preparation or designing a kid it just seems like playing God.
Michał Pycek said…
I believe it is outstanding how far the technology and science can go in relation to human life support, cure and treatment, however in this matter it is a different story. I strongly agree that the main issue that may occur could be that we as human beings striving for reaching more and more, wouldn't really know the limits and when we should stop. I think the ethical side of such possibilities matter as well, since we would not only remove the illness factors but could therefore form and create a totally new life and human beings according to our will which is just not natural. It could start attempts of 'programming' new type of existance.
We should definitely use science and technology for making our lifes better, but there is a point when it goes too far and super-humans will actually start becoming a thing - I don't want to imagine what happens then...

Still, thanks to science we are where we are today, and I'm pretty sure that everybody can see how much we achieved in just 600-700 years when we were back in medieval ages. The life length increased dramatically, and that alone is a good thing.
Unknown said…
With the possibility of making disease a thing of the past, everyone has higher chances of living a longer, fuller and healthier life. In fact, studies in genetic engineering showed that it has the ability to increase the life span of human beings anywhere between 100 and150 years, and this only involves slowing down the aging process by changing a healthy individual’s genome. Combined with other engineering processes, this can be more than possible. These include treating infectious diseases by implanting genes with antigen and antiviral proteins. Genetic engineering also allows desirable traits of certain organisms to be pinpointed and then integrated to others’ DNA. It also acts as an aid for genetics, enabling pharmaceutical companies to produce highly graded products that can help fight illnesses.
Maciej Główka said…
I see nothing wrong with genetic engineering for curing plant diseases, expanding their expiration time or any other thing which might help our species. However, we should be really careful about it, because there is a thin line we should not cross which is creating some kind of "super" human. I think, that genetic engineering should be only allowed for health issues, we should not increase our physical abilities, for example we shouldn't be allowed to create people who run faster than cheetah. I'm 100% sure, that it would be used in military and I don't think it is a correct way for us.
Wojtek Kania said…
I think it is acceptable to use genetic engineering for curing plant diseases, expanding their expiration time and improving taste. It may be new experience. And for example restaurant's owners may add this drugs to startes :D If nootropics have no side effects it is good. I think this video is very childish. Genetic engineering may treat genetic diseases like Down syndrome.
Genetic engineering or modification is a very common procedure designed to improve our lives. From the vegetables we eat to the medications we're prescribed, many of them are genetically modified. The food we eat is tastier, longer-lasting and bacteria-free with genetic engineering. The quality of our food may have improved, but many still say it's unhealthy to eat unnaturally created food. But most people are supportive of genetically engineered medicines.
Genetic engineering can help save the lives of thousands of starving children around the world. Genetic engineering could allow us to eradicate hunger, or even disease. Perhaps I'm an optimist, but I believe that mankind can harness the powers of genetic engineering to create a better world for all of us.
Ihor Ahnianikov said…
Overpopulation is an issue, but if you ask anyone if they want to live longer the answer is obvious. And if there's a demand it's impossible to start the progress.
Ihor Ahnianikov said…
I agree that they are not so tasty or there may be insufficient research but we really need it, you can check GMO pros - illness, logistic and storing issues in case of fully natural products are insane, I guess there would be a hunger without GMO products considering the population growth.
Ihor Ahnianikov said…
Giving people a choice is a good thing, although sometimes labeling GMO products becomes ridiculous, I've seen bottled water with "No GMO!" label:)
Unknown said…
I think generic engineering should be used for good purposes. Of course, good is different for everyone, but for the beginning it should be used to cure as much diseases as possible. This is the main goal of the worldwide studies - to make life better. Modifying plants can save a lot of lives; on the other side, what will be the price of those modified plants? Who can afford them? I doubt that poor people who are looking for help and for cure will can do that. This is very controversial topic which should be considered by law.
Ihor Ahnianikov said…
Interesting point, basically the issue is the same as in the Matrix or Terminator movies, but in the biological scope. It sounds really dangerous, but nuclear technologies are more dangerous and the world is not destroyed so far.
Ihor Ahnianikov said…
I guess flying dogs would be awesome pets:) I agree that it shouldn't go too far, unfortunately it's impossible to control all governments and technology leaks.
Ihor Ahnianikov said…
That's interesting, I haven't thought about the affordability issue, I would be awful if people were divided in capabilities and as a result in rights. There are a few drama movies about this scenario.
In my opinion, it is acceptable to use genetic engineering in order to improve edible plants, but still, they might be problems in the future. For me, it's acceptable to use this kind of engineering for resolving aging and other diseases. On the other hand, when it comes to boosting or adding capabilites to human beings we should be careful as it can result in unwanted mutations or other unwanted effects in the futer of our kind.
Ihor Ahnianikov said…
I suggest checking their YouTube channel, it's pretty awesome - they explain complex issues and technologies via the simple animated videos. Otherwise videos would be boring and too complex for understanding for non-scientists.
Ihor Ahnianikov said…
I totally agree regarding the pre-birth changes, but at this point plastic surgeries are not natural too, although I don't mind if adult people making choices and changing something in themselves... It's really hard to decide if it's ok or not, there's no doubt that there will be a lot of strange things happening in the next 10-20 years.
Ihor Ahnianikov said…
I'm in the same boat, we already use genetic engineering in medicine and food and it seems to be ok to use it for good purposes. Although I'm against controversial uses like creating genetically modified soldiers that need no sleep of something similar.
Unknown said…
I have read some social forecast, and it was said that when the body modifications would be possible only rich people could afford it. So it will divide society in two parts. The same with health and kid design. Of course it will cause serious problems. Now it sounds so crazy - but hundred years ago people didn't use plastic surgery to make big lips and breasts:) maybe it is quite logical, that with the new technologies will come new crazy changes.
I hope that genetical engineering will solve the problem of deceases, but now unfortunately we see only the negative examples like genetically modified food.
Ihor Ahnianikov said…
Yes, plastic surgery is a pretty similar thing, although it's done by adults and it's their decision. I'm not advocating for things like these, but I guess we will have to deal with them anyway.
Ihor Ahnianikov said…
It's happening already and it's interesting that these plants are actually cheaper, I mean GMO products - they can be stored for a longer period of time, they are not a subject to common plant diseased etc. so the prices are lower.
Unknown said…
Not sure what to think about it. It sounds great to cure diseases but nature will find another way to balance out the cycle of life. Boosting capabilities? Great as well but more of a dangerous I think because of unpredictable impact on human overall behaviour and reasoning.
I have mixed feelings about it. I think it is the future for humans and I think this is great that we will be able to modify ourselfs. On the other hand thanks to improvement people will live longer and we forget that there is limited space on Earth where we can live so from demographic point of view this is not so great. Every day we deal with congestion and it gets worse every day. People spring from every day. And we simply just don't have space for more and more people. I don't know how I feel about genetic modified food. It's hard for me to answer that. When you choose to be modified it is up to you but when you don't and you eat modified fruits or vegetables you don't know what are the consequences of that. It is just hard. Genetic engineering is definitely our future but do we want that kind of future?
Vyvyan said…
1) Our resources are becoming scarce. Why souldn't we use our knowledge to make inedible plants edible? Of course i believe that it's a good idea.
2) Definitelly. Genetic diseases are a plauge in our society. We should have means to fight them, so that our children may grow healthy and strong.
3) I don't care really. Let people do to themselves what they wish is what i say.
Unknown said…
Genetic Engineering can be very important science in future because we can find some extra medicine which help us to heal people from incurable virus. Thats science also cant destroy our populate becase we can discover and create very death virus which kill a lot of people.
I think that either people like it or not, genetic engineering is our future. I feel that it will really help humanity to end many of its problems.
Genetic engineering is a really hard subject for philosophers to decide whether its ethical to use it on humans or not.
I think that in some cases it really is unethical not to use it when we can save lives of unborn children, and we decide not to just because we are confused.

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