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Week 5 (02.11 - 08.11) GMO Foods- Pros and Cons

GMO foods (also genetically engineered food) are genetically modified foods produced from organism whose genetic material (DNA) has been modified during the process of genetic engineering. The aim of that process is to give original organism special feature, such as increased resistance to diseases. Although genetically modified food can have some beneficial effects on human health, it may also be seriously dangerous. Here are some pros and cons of GM foods.

GMO food is considered to be highly profitable especially among governments and agribusiness. In their opinion genetically engineered foods increase food supply, prevent famines and significantly support farmers. They also claim that GMO foods are better food quality and taste. Moreover, thanks to crop disease resistance, plants are not only larger but also generate revenue. GMOs are beneficial to farmers, cause they do not have to use herbicides and pesticides, their crops are already resistant to diseases.

What’s more, according to The Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations some of GMO’s are more nutritious in a process of genetic engineering and may contain vitamins and minerals.

And finally, genetically modified foods can contribute towards greenhouse gas, soil erosion and environmental pollution, which result in health and beauty of the environment.

The biggest drawback of GMO foods may be not enough number of long term testing and insufficient knowledge of possible side effects.

Another reason for concern are allergic reactions. According to Brown University, GMO foods are likely to cause allergies to people.

Furthermore, the process of genetic engineering is considered to be very dangerous and unpredictable. If herbicide resistant genes get into wild weeds population, a newly created super weed can be resistant to destruction with herbicides.

And last but not least, some GMO foods contain antibiotic features preventing from various diseases and viruses. When genetically modified food is eaten by human being, the features of GMO antibiotic remain in our body and actual antibiotic treatment appears ineffective.



Highly processed foods is undoubtedly one of the leading causes of various diseases of civilization, probably mainly allergies. I expect that food from genetically modified organisms will act similarly. But quite another thing is that natural methods sooner or later will have to be replaced by engineering methods.

Part of the population remains skeptical about genetically modified food, while representatives of science and experts in this field are its supporters. In its opinions they emphasize that food has many positive aspects. Genetically modified food brings undeniable benefits to both the economic, environmental and biotechnological.

People are reluctant because they do not fully understand what is meant by GMO. They do not know how food is produced, or what are the consequences. Nowadays we can read on the label whether a product is genetically modified or not, and it depends on the customer which he will choose.
Unknown said…
A long time ago I watched a show called "Penn and Teller: Bullshit" and there was an interesting episode about organic foods and GMO. I wasn't able to find it on youtube but I checked and it was an episode 6 in season 7 so you can check it out for yourself (it's available on torrents ;) ). The show was pretty funny.

I'm not an expert on GMO foods but I assume that almost everything we eat now is partly a GMO food? I know that in United States more than 90% of crops (or at least corn) are GMOs. Even organic farmers have to somehow fight against insects so they won't lose their crops. The farmers use strong pesticides and I somehow feel that they can be more harmful. But maybe I'm wrong. Anyway regarding world hunger GMO food might be a good solution. People in III world countries could surely benefit from having more food.

Here is a video with some facts about GMOs but I'm pretty sure there are videos that say completely opposite stuff ;) :
Unknown said…
As you noticed there are good and bad things about GMO. For sure it helps us have more and better quality crops, but I still am not sure about how healthy it is..
Everything we eat is modified, and it scares me a lot. I wonder how long can humans live like that, and what would be consequences of our interference in nature...
Tomasz Wojda said…
In the world we have 7.5 billion people. That's a lot :) to feed their wee need ... food :) . Food production is a complex process that is dependent on weather conditions. GMO foods helps formed for a more productive and resistant to disease. Just look at rates of food that is thrown away just because he looks bad ! It is also difficult not to agree with the fact that today almost all vegetables and fruits have been affected by GMOs. By the way : i'am eating carrots from my own garden :)
Unknown said…
As long as the real tests, whether gmo food is harmful or not, are in course I cannot allow myself to state solid opinion on this topic. From my laic point of view GMO seems great solution for global problems like famine or climate change, but I don't know much. Obviously we are being bombarded with lots of myths about this invention, probably in most of them lobbying is involved. There is no doubt that GMO may affect many businesses, stakeholders will not gave up their profits so the only true pros and cons of this phenomenon are money earned and money lost.
Unknown said…
If I had time I would have make garden and plant everything myself and eat only this what I breed. ;D Only in this way I would ensure that it is healthy eating without pesticides and other inventions. In my opinion GMO is good way to reduce hunger in the world. I hope that this area will develop enough to overcome the dangerous effects beacuse it could this can save many people from hunger and death. Of course, if I have a choice I prefer to choose food without GMOs.
Unknown said…
I read about the pros and cons of GM food and I do not know what to think about this. I'm not convinced of that food. I think human intervention into nature isn't always good. The less processed food the better for us.
Of course it's can be great for global problems with hunger, that would be awesome but we must remember that we don't fully know what happened with food when it has been modified.
Unknown said…
I'm against GMO food because according to me everything which is produced non natural way destroy our health. As all we know health is the most important and unpaid aspect of our life. We should consider why natural food is more expensive than GMO food similarly as unhealthy fast food are cheaper than health food. It does not have a good effect on us I think. The most scary for me is fact that GMO food contain antibiotic feature preventing from various diseases and viruses and because of this fact actual antibiotic treatment appears ineffective. GMO disadvantages for me are stronger and invoke more damages. It looks like GMO tends to destruction civilization.
Yes, almost everything is genetically modified. The thing is that nowadays it is modified by humans, not naturally.
I have nothing against GMOs. Due to their increased disease resistance their production is far more efficient and may provide cheaper food for the ones in need. These products may also be cultivated on less fertile soil. If the main concern is that not enough tests are being conducted – then let it be funded more because world hunger is one of the most important issues of today’s society. On the other hand I think that there should be an access to non-GMOs for the ones with food allergies or simply different beliefs.
You know, butter or lard are natural products, but they will surely destroy our health if consumed excessively:)
I agree with Paulina. Besides, I've read a paper on the synthetic plant protection products, in which two research institutes independly stated that natural pesticides are as dangerous as synthetic ones or even more, because to achieve a similar effect with natural ones, you have to use about 10 times as much of them.
For me, it's crucial that scientists state that GMOs are safe. In fact, one of the "celebrities" in scientific world, Bill Nye, was against GMOs once - and, after researching more on that subject, he admitted he was wrong. I think people should depend more on the scientific research and stop spreading disinformation on various subjects. One time I overheard an elder woman on the bus who told her friend a story about a cottage in Russia when they grew GMO crops and all of the villagers mutated in some way - had extra arms or legs and stuff like that. It was so ridiculous!

It's obvious that GMOs may have some side effects like allergies, but it doesn't mean they're the root of all world problems.
Unknown said…
Until that moment I haven’t known that GMO has any advantages. It is a very controversial topic these days. People want to eat healthy and fit. GMO doesn't associate with health and fit lifestyle. In addition, it can be dangerous to our health. Nevertheless that media propagates healthy lifestyle I think that GMO is in 90% of our food. It is terrible for me. People don’t have choice. Everyone eats GMO. This is normal in these times but is it healthy? Natural certainly not
Unknown said…
An interesting article :-) Few days ago i read about KFC's main supplier, who was raising chickens with.. four legs. And my first reaction was like "wow, so now they can sell even more chicken legs" but then i realized that it might cause serious health issues (I do not mention about the ethical side of this procedure, because its not the subject) and it's better to avoid that kind of food until we have 100% sure that its healthy.
Unknown said…
To be honest we eat GMO food for ages. Since Charles Darwin to be exact.The current process of genes modification differs from Darwins experiments in only one way. It's quicker. Is it a danger? Of course it is because doing fast what takes years or ages for nature can (and will) have unexpected side effects. But doing it slowly have the some danger involved. For example bananas. Did you know that most bananas you eat are clones? Centuries ago people wanted bananas without seeds and unfortunately managed to breed it. If it doesn't have a seed how you can grow a new plant? I's quite simple. You take a fragment of a root, put it in perfect environment and it grows. And it is 100% identical, it is a clone. And because of that banana trees are extremely fragile and would die if enough of chem wouldn't be provided.
Unknown said…
Well, almost every seed nowadays is GMO. And it is the main point, so you do not have to use more and more pesticides to protect your garden.
Unknown said…
Of course now we don't know what the consequences will be modifying food. We can only hope that no one will be in a negative way to exploit the knowledge on GMOs.
Unknown said…
Thanks for Your comment. I also eat carrots and other vegetables from my own garden. But only for a short period vegetables from garden are fresh.
Unknown said…
Thanks for the interesting link.
Of course, all GMO products before placing on the market must be tested and healthy for people. Let's hope no one falsifies tests for their own benefit.
Unknown said…
Thanks for curiosity about bananas :) I had never heard of it.
Unknown said…
According to Polish law, all genetically modified products should be specially marked. However, we don't have 100% certainty that someone doesn't break the law.
Unknown said…
GMO is one of the most popular topic latest years. It is topic of very stormy debates. I’m not sure that is support farmers. In my opinion it may be the cause of the collapse of agriculture. In my opinion it is vicious circle. I almost believed pros which you quoted. For me it is too great unknown to use it. I’m glad that you mention about so many cons. I think that thanks to this most of us haven’t doubts that GMO isn’t good thing.
Unknown said…
I don’t know studies about health impact by eating GMO. What I know is that in US farmers can be sued by corporation, which have patent for a particular plant, for having patent-secured seeds on his field without a permission. Of course the suit can be justified, but it’s also very easy to have those seeds naturally form neighbour’s field. I think this is the most dangerous aspect in GMO.
Unknown said…
Nowadays, the issue about GMO Foods is quite controversial. There are some pros as well as plenty of cons. However, in my opinion genetically modified foods have more negative aspects if to take to the consideration the influence on our health. Allergy, overweight, antibiotic resistance, toxicity rise could be the result of the GMO products.
Usually GMO foods (especially fruits and vegetables) have very nice shiny perfect look and you will never find any little worm ( because they only may appear in the natural products) inside of the apple, for instance. However, when you have your own garden and do not use any GMO crops or something like that, your fruits may look not that attractive, but they would pretty attractive for different insects, who would not even touch unnatural/unhealthy stuff. That is why not always the perfect look outside can be that good inside.
Nonetheless,unfortunately it is extremely difficult to avoid genetically modified foods these days.
Michal Kulesza said…
Many popular vegetables are actually GMO: did you know that original carrots were deep purple?
When you realise that most of the food you eat evolved and their genes got modified it’s easier to look at GMO food modified in labs.

I’m actually big fan of GMO, I believe that if it will be supported by governments it will help feed people, even in African poor countries.
In my opinion GMO foods are not very healthy for human consumption. A lot GMO food comes from America because it’s cheaper to produce. The side effects are unknown and complex but recent research has showed worrying signs. The European Union has to take thought approach to adopting to many GMO substances in Europe. Future trends are pessimistic leading to new illnesses rising from GMO food in take. The world can be destroyed by at every level by GMO substances.
Julia Osiak said…
I have nothing against GMO food. It has a lot of positive aspects and as long as the modifications are creating 'better' plants. It all should be carefully controlled and tested of course. I wouldn't blame just the GMO food for higher allergy rates and new diseases There are many more contributing factors. .
Unknown said…
In my opinion people are a little misinformed about genetically modified organisms. Genetical engineering and modifications have been known to humans for centuries, what you may know as selective breeding is also a genetical modification.
And I don't think I would agree that we don't know how it could affect us because as I just said we've been doing it for a long time, only using different tools. Of course, sometimes something might not go as expected, but come on, an accident gave us penicillin.
Instead of panicking we should just focus on educating ourselves on that subject.
Unknown said…
While genetically modified food might be bigger, tastier, healthier and generally better, we probably never see even half of genetically modified plants, as most of them are used as animal feed. I think GMO hardly helps prevent famines - countries where hunger exists still remian hungry while richer countries use most of their agricultural land to grow fodder instead of actuall food.
As for feer of GMO causing sicness and alergies, those side effects were never proven. Genetically Modified Organisms seem like a more convinient scape goat than smog caused by industry sectors.
Basically everything we eat nowdays is modified in some way, including bread beer or wine (in some countries yeast is subject to genetical modification).
Wow it is really wonderful and awesome thus it is very much useful for me to understand many concepts and helped me a lot.

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