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Week 5 (02.11 - 08.11) Same sex marriage

It was not so long ago that the government of Ireland established throughout a popular vote the right to same sex marriage. More than 62.07% of voters approved that law and agreed to add to the Constitution the following statement: "marriage may be contracted in accordance with law by two persons without distinction as to their sex". However, it was not Ireland that first disposed favorably to same marriage couples, since it has its beginning in 2001. Below is the list where gay and lesbian marriage are already legal according to the International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association.

Denmark was the first country that offered civil unions for gay couples in 1989. Since 1 July 2010 gay and lesbian couples might apply jointly for adoption and in 2012 same sex people could legally get married.

When it comes do the Netherlands, gay marriage was legalized in 2001 and it was the first country to state that law. Soon after same sex couples were given an opportunity to adopt children, which was previously denied.

According to the International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association (ILGA), UK approved same sex marriage last year, as well as Luxembourg, Finland and Slovenia. However, same sex marriage in Finland will be in force in March 2017.

In US, right to marry the same sex was passed among 37 states, but the Supreme Court's decision  spread that law across US and it is guaranteed by Constitution.
Here’s the table of countries that have already legalized gay marriage:

Canada and Spain
South Africa
Sweden and Norway
Portugal, Iceland and Argentina
Uruguay, New Zealand and France
UK and Estonia

Slovenia, Finland and Luxembourg. Ireland



In our country, same-sex marriage is still a taboo subject. Although openness to issues of equality and wider tolerance are a measure of the progress of the country, the level of democracy in the ruling. In Poland homosexual marriages are still and probably will not be legal for a long time. It does not change that even the fact that the social and public debates, more and more people are in favor of supporting the possibility of concluding same-sex marriages.

This does not mean that in Poland vows of homosexual couples did not occured. Some same-sex couples enter into so-called 'weddings humanities'. These, however, are still not recognized by the Polish law (legislation accepts them in Norway, Scotland and the USA).

The vows of this kind are recognized humanist values such as individual freedom, equality, affirmation of tolerance and diversity, trust in people, cooperation, empathy, friendship. In Poland vows humanities are not relevant to the civil law, but a very high social significance.
Unknown said…
I'm personally all for same sex marriage and I’m also in favour of adoption by same sex couples. I'm happy that more countries are becoming more tolerant and give people the rights they deserve. I'm not sure what else I can say because you only presented some straight facts.

Have you heard about Kim Davis? She is a woman that denied marriage licenses to gay couples after the law in United States has changed. It's a pretty famous, recent case. She is a county clerk and it's her job to give out marriage licenses so she even ended up in jail for a little while because she refused to obey the law. What do you think about it? From what I've heard she still has her job and still won't give out licenses because of her faith. Do you think people should be able to refuse to do their job and fulfill their duties just because of personal convictions? In my opinion they should change professions if they are not able to do their jobs. In any job you would be fired if you refused to work - for example sell someone a product just because you don't like it for some reason. Imagine a doctor who would be a Jehovah's Witness and refused to give a blood transfusion to everybody just because he believes it's wrong or a pharmacist that won't sell specific meds. Having strong opinions/convictions is fine but you shouldn’t be able to make choices for other people.

If you haven't heard about it here are videos about Kim Davis:
First Link
Second Link
Unknown said…
I totally agree with you :)
Never have heard about Kim Davis, but this case is kinda weird. As you said, it is her job and I just don't understand why she is pushing her opinion above the law. This is not really professional and yeah, maybe it would be better if she just change her job? It's not good neither for her health nor other people (additional problems and intolerance)
Tomasz Wojda said…
In poland we are not gonna see any changes for next 4 years for sure in this subject :D
For now I would complain and point to you a huge lack of partnerships legal law it poland! This is something which we are all missing very much! Be adviced that partnerships legal laws are not only supporting same sex relationships but mainly men-woman once! Nowadays getting meriage is not a popular thing. What about those ppl staying in long term relationships and also having kids? They do not have any safe option when sth bad gonna happen. Visiting in hospital after accident, no rules about child protection and this is only a few!
Unknown said…
I think with current authority in Poland we won't soon live to see the legalization of homosexual marriage. I have nothing against marriage between people of the same sex, but I have mixed feelings about adoption. I don't mean that gays or lesbians are bad parents but I'm talking about the pressure of society. Most people aren't tolerant and they could destroy such children's lives.
Unknown said…
For me the most controversial aspect of same-sex marriage are children brought up by the pair of gay people. There must be something different, something that influences human being psyche when it has both parents of the same sex. No, I can't judge whether it's positive or not, but I'm concerned that in long term it may affect these children life and attitude to relationships. Probably the parents awareness is the most important factor in this case. The knowledge how to cope with children doubts and questions. But still, I think this kind of family always leaves some mental aberrations to children.
Unknown said…
The topic You choose causes a lot of controversy in our country, although we can not say that there is no talks about it. I think Poland is still country with too small tolerance. Same-sex couples will be waiting for a long time for legalization.

Personally I have nothing against marriage but I'm not for adoption. I know that so many children are waiting for this but couples mom-mom or dad-dad are so unnatural for me as a parents.
Unknown said…
I agree with Wojciech. I think that most controversial issue of this topic is upbringing children in same-sex marriage. Acording to me Poland conceived as a society is not ready for accept same-sex marriages. We are traditional country therefore if children bring up by two fathers or two mothers they will be harass in school or their surroundings.This fact can be affected to children psychical health.
Thanks for the interesting statistics I’m personally in favour of the same sex marriage. It is a very difficult subject in Poland and I am sure we won’t change our laws for the next four years. That is a huge defeat but people shouldn’t stop fighting for it – now it is more important than ever. Not granting homosexuals some legal possibilities (similar to heterosexual couples) won’t make them any less gay, you know? Even some basic laws determining civil unions would make homosexuals’ lives easier – they could claim health information regarding their partners, they could have some financial benefits etc.
On the other hand I am not so sure about adoptions by same sex couples. I don’t think it is a good idea to make marriages and adoptions legal in the same time. People need time to adapt to the new situation (which is same sex marriage) and teach their children to accept the fact that other children may have two moms or two dads. In my opinion it would be harmful for the adopted children to be the subject of discrimination – I am sure that some of them would blame their parents for such situation.
I strongly agree with both Paulinas :) Besides, I'm relieved that none of the commenters is strongly against same-sex couples.

I think Tomasz Wojda raised some important issues. A few days ago my mom told me a story of two women who raised a child together. One of the women, who was also a biological mother of the child, was more a businesswoman, so she took care of the money in their relationship, while the other one (who was not biologically related to the child) has taken care of their child since it was born - she stayed home, cooked, spent time with the child etc. Of course, both women were equally attached to the child. However, after 10-15 years or so, they decided they no longer want to be a couple. And now, the sad part - according to polish law, the woman who took care of the child, raised it etc. - is not related in any way to the child, she's treated like a stranger. She has no right to see their child, no right to know anything about its health, etc. I think it's definately not right.
Unknown said…
It's controversial subject.. Generally im against same sex marriage (it's not natural, all species were designed somehow to be able to produce offspirng, which two males/ two females cant do), but on the other hand everyone has the right to decide for yourself, so i wont forbid anyone to marry someone whom the person wants to.
As long as they wont force me to found this state of affairs as a completely normal (because it's againt nature for me), im OK with that.
Unknown said…
I am not really for to introduce same-sex marriage. You would say that I'm not tolerant but in some cases
If you introduce same-sex marriage it will cause many problems. They would want to be able to adopt children what is not acceptable for me.
I do not believe that this kind of relationship will not affect on a child. If a same-sex couple want to be together and live together I don't see a problem but the adoption of children is too much.
Unknown said…
It is a very controversial topic especially after the incident, which took place in the Vatican. I’m a traditionalist and I have a rather negative attitude to homosexual partnerships. It has a bad effect for „creating" real families. I think, that people of the same sex can not act as father and mother to the child. I think it is necessary bring child up. The child needs the example of mom and dad.
Unknown said…
Marriage lately has become a tool to lower your taxes, health care and to provide an inheritance. Many countries have less then 1% growth rate. Many of the European countries have less then 0% growth rate. It shows that it is not kids why people are getting married. I believe that everybody must have the same taxation and health care rights. And marriage is just little more then that, a taxation right.
Unknown said…
I’m opposed to gay marriages because I don’t want Poland to be as rotten as western countries. And I don’t think they need to have a right to adopt children. They can do them for their own. According to a leftist lawyer Monika Płatek people in single-sex relationships give birth more babies than in heterosexual ;] I’m not opposed to homosexual people in general as long as they keep their sexual preferences in their private zone. It only pisses me off when a bunch of morons, dressed with dildos force me to be tolerant for them. Hell no.
Unknown said…
I totally agree with you and I'm glad that people like us still exist :) But I'm afraid tha we are in the minority.
Unknown said…
I'm tradicionalist and I think that’s totally foolery. It isn’t contrary to human nature? I think that the answer is “YES”. Marriage the same sex is not normal.
Lesbian or gay marriage educate their child? It will be grow for? For this type child usual family will be two women or two man? It destroy our society. I hope that it never come to Poland and I hope that we never give consent for lesbian and gay marriage.
Michal Kulesza said…
I believe that partial answer to this difficult topic is partnership relation described by law. It would allow people to be represented by each other at government institutions and would prevent people of same sex to adopt kids. However it wouldn't forbid them to have their own (probably with other partners) so it's still open issue.

I believe that with our new government marriages of same sex won't be allowed so we still have at most 4 years to think about it.
In my opinion gay marriages increasing in Europe. It just a question of time before more countries in Europe became more tolerant towards gay and lesbian marriages. Time will tell if this will increase tolerance and acceptance by conservatives
society. In summery I’m completely convinced about gay marriages. But stronger case is to adopt the child by single sex family.
Unknown said…
I'm tolerant, but I agree with your opinion about showing sexuality in the street. I consider that private affairs should be dealt home.
Unknown said…
I don't think so that marriage has become a tool to lower taxes, health care and to provide an inheritance. Honestly, I don't know any person who got married because these aspects.
Unknown said…
It's not a matter of just four years. Legalize same-sex marriages require changes in the constitution of the Republic of Poland. And as you know to change the constitution is required 2/3 of all votes in parliament.
Julia Osiak said…
This subject is still difficult in Poland. I'm glad that other countries and more people are being so tolerant about this and i hope that with time, we will also be more understanding. I also slightly agree with Oskar, marriage is no longer only about love and forming a family. It has become an alternative solution to many problems, and I don't see why gay people should not be able to declare their love for each other and get the same benefits through marriage as straight couples.
Unknown said…
I don't see why homosexual people couldn't be allowed to get married. If they love each other it's not up to me to decide for them. The biggest benefit of enabling them to legally get married is that spouses could inherit the other's wealth and there would be no problems with hospital visits and deciding about some kind of surgeries, things like that.
Of course there are always people babblng about sanctity of marriage, but honestly, with the current divorce rate their argument is invalid.
The other problem is adoption and here I can't say I have any strong opinion, I see both some pros and some cons, but I'm aware that our society is definitely not ready fo gay people adopting children.
Also there's one thing that people before me mention that I'd like to agree with. People dressing up, waving sex toys and such just to manifest their sexuality... It's a big step back for homosexuals and they shouldn't do such ridiculous things if they want to be taken seriously.
Unknown said…
What are we supposed to discuss exactly? This is just bare data.
If we're discussing "if gay marriages should be legal" then the obvious answer is yes. If we're discussing "if gay marriages should be legal in poland" then again, the answer would be yes, however in the current political environment it doesn't seem likely that we'll even see legal partnerships, not even mentioning gay marriages.

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