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Week 7 (04.05-10.05) Yerba mate

An article about coffee encouraged me to write something about yerba mate. It’s a drink which is getting more popular in Poland. I guess It is mainly thanks to Wojciech Cejrowski who is our most famous yerba mate drinker.

yerba mate trees

Yerba mate is prepared from Ilex paraguariensis’ dried leaves and twigs. The tree can grow up to 15 meters and has evergreen leaves.  It was first consumed by members of Guarani tribe from South America. Nowadays the largest producers of yerba mate in the world are: Brazil, Argentina and Paraguay. And in those countries yerba mate became a national drink.

sin palo & con palo

There are two main types of yerba mate. Con palo is a classical yerba mate which consists of leaves and twigs. Sin palo does not have twigs and is significantly stronger in comparison to con palo. There is also a bunch of flavours. Some of them are mixed with green tea, dried fruits(e.g. orange) or herbs. Personally, I like the mix of yerba and herbs the most.

You can prepare yerba mate beverage in the same way as tea but there are some directions worth following. First of all, we have to fill a mug, a glass or something more traditional (which I will mention later) with enough amount of yerba mate. It’s commonly said that it should be filled from half to three quarters of its volume. Next we have to prepare water. The best temperature for brewing is between 70 and 85 degrees. And then you repeatedly pour the water and drink a brew until all of leaves go under water. You can also add ice cubes and pour yerba mate with cold water. This way of drinking is called terere. 

There are several items that are helpful and widely used while drinking mate. I started drinking yerba mate with calabash gourd five years ago. It’s commonly used because it’s cheap, lightweight and available in huge variety of volumes.  It has two disadvantages for me. First of all, before using the calabash gourd you have to conduct a curado. It’s a process in which the rest of a pulp has to be removed. It lasts for about 2 days and it’s necessary to get rid of unwanted taste. The second disadvantage is “sweating”. The bottom of a gourd is spongy which makes it wet a little bit. To eliminate those annoying disadvantages you can simply use ceramic gourds. They are more durable and easier to clean but we deprive ourselves of some kind of “magic”. Another necessary attribute during drinking yerba mate is bombilla. It’s a straw made from bamboo, steel or silver ended with a sieve. Because leaves and twigs are crushed into small pieces bombilla prevents them to get into the straw.

Yerba mate doesn’t taste very well, but gives us a better stimulation effect in comparison to coffee. Coffee gives us a quick kick of caffeine but the effect lasts for a relatively short period of time. Yerba mate works differently. Caffeine rises in our blood smoothly and lasts longer.

When it comes to health benefits yerba mate contains vitamins: A, C, E , B(1,2,3,5), minerals such as: calcium, manganese, iron, zinc and huge amount of antioxidants. It also decreases the level of cholesterol and prevents from obesity caused by a high-fat diet.


sin palo & con palo


I've never tasted yerba mate, even though I've heard of it multiple times. Can you recommend any place in Warsaw where you can try it? I don't think I'm skilled enough to try to make it on my own :)

As I mentioned in the article about coffee, I'm really resistant to the stimulating effect of caffeine, therefore I drink coffee and tea only for its taste. I'm a bit worried that it doesn't taste so well according to many people :) However, every man to his taste - I'll have to check it myself :)
Unknown said…
I've never tasted yerba mate as well and I've never tried to make it by myself, cause I am afraid of making it wrong. So, I'd really like to try it one day at some specialized tea-bar or something like that. :)
Unknown said…
You reminded me that I used to drink yerba mate and I just took it out of the cupboard and I'm drinking it now :) Drinking coffee isn't very good for me (magnesium shortage)so a few years ago I tried to replace it with yerba mate but nowadays I mostly drink regular (actually raspberry) tea. I think I also liked the "ritual" of drinking it when I was younger. I've got a calabash gourd and a bombilla but I started to prefer drinking from a cup because it seems cleaner to me.

I didn't really know about its health benefits so maybe I will start drinking it again :) I highly recommend yerba mate with a cornflower, it's my favorite kind and I find it sweater then the regular yerba mate. But I actually don't add sugar to anything so the regular one isn't bad for me either.
Unknown said…
I have tasted yerba mate, but I don’t know what was the kind of my yerba. It haven’t tasted me. It was bad taste. On the other hand it is very interesting. I didn't know that it has more caffeine. I didn't know that caffeine from yerba mate lasts longer than caffeine from coffee in our organism. I think that I should try it once again. It would be good experience because now I know its properties.
I have never interested in yerba and its kind, but it is very interesting.
I wonder if yerba like coffee leaches iron from my organism. Do you know?
I heard very often about yerba mate, from TV, newspaper and Internet. So I think that’s more and more popular. Personally I never drink this “tea”, but I think that I try in close future. I drink too much coffee every day, like 4-5 cup of strong coffee, so in my opinion yerba mate will be my good substitute.
Unknown said…
Unfortunately I can’t recommend you any place in Warsaw which serves yerba mate because I’ve never drink it in such places. I always prepare yerba mate at home.

I think your worries about its taste are justified. It tastes awful when you try it for the first time :)
Unknown said…
I’ve tried tens of types of yerba mate but never heard about yerba mate and cornflower combination. I need to try it!
Unknown said…
I used to drink yerba mate every day and I’ve always had a high level of haemoglobin. Yerba mate contains iron so I don’t think it gets rid of more iron from your body than you can get from it.
Unknown said…
4 – 5 cups a day of coffee is a lot. You have to be seriously addicted to it. I’m not sure if yerba mate works in the same way for everybody but I don’t find it addictive at all. You have to check it out. Maybe it will help you in reducing coffee.
Unknown said…
Thanks for the information. In this situation I should try it once again. Unfortunatelly I have always a lower level of haemoglobin.
Unknown said…
I have never try yerba matte but I want to try it one day. I heard that yerba doesn’t taste very well but there are some methods to improve the taste. There is shop near our school with different kinds of yerba. I also heard about yerba from Wojcich Cejrowski.
I have never tired it either, I've only drunk some soda with taste of yerba and it was quite good...
Does this shop sells yerba to prepare at home, or already made to drink?
MartaSB said…
I tried yerba mate once. It wasn't special, but maybe only because it was my first try and I don't have all this fancy equippment :D I still have it at home, so maybe I will try to prepare it once more after reading your article. I heard about the flavoured ones or with spices and I would like to try them sometimes.
Unknown said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said…
Your topic of article was very interesting for me. Often I see in my work people who drink a yerba mate and they really like a lot taste of this beverage. I have never drunk before yerba mate but after read information about a positive aspects which yerba gives me I would like to try. I did not know about ingredient caffeine in yerba and differences between the stimulation effect in comparison to coffee. For example coffee do not influence strong for my organism therefore I do not feel stimulation effect after drinking in opposition to other people. I really interested in how strong will be yerba mate influence for me? Instead of all, I heard about bombillas, gourds made from wood, straw and tradicional preparing which orgins from South America. So, if you drink yerba mate from 5 years could you recommend me place where can I buy accessorize to preparing yerba?
Unknown said…
I removed because it was no reply :)
Anonymous said…
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Anonymous said…
When I first tried yerba mate I thought I drink some kind of cigarette-based drink. The smell is definitely “different” than the one of green tea or coffee but easy to get used to it. I believe yerba is better mainly because of two reasons. Firstly, unlike coffee, it does not leave sour taste and unpleasant breath and secondly, if someone has stomach problems as e - yerba is the best solution – having the same effects as coffee, it is definitely milder and‘stomach-friendly.
Like most of you, I also drink yerba at home. Yet for those who would like to try the Paraguay tea without buying the whole package, I’ve heard that Yerbaciarnia Terere is the place worth visiting.
Unknown said…
I once had a really good yerba mate at a cafe called "Mesita", it's on Sienna street. I remember it was a pretty cool place (also a secondhand bookshop) but I can't be sure that they still serve yerba mate there. Anyway it might be worth checking out ;)
rf. said…
Yerba tastes quite good I believe, at least to me it's not a 'bad' taste, more like 'particular' one. I usually drink it with friends who really love Yerba, I've never brew it on my own as I don't really need the extra energy kick ;)
Unknown said…
I'm not a fan of yerba mate. I don't mind the taste, but it definitelly don't have any energetic effect on me. Many people say that it gives a great boost of energy, but to be honest, it always makes me really sleepy, just like a green tea.
Unknown said…
I'm glad to hear that my presentation inspired you! It was interesting to read yours because I knew very little about yerba mate (now I know a bit more!). :) I neither like or hate the taste of yerba mate, I drank it once I believe and I don't have any special memories of that. I like the whole ceremony around drinking it. The gourds are kind of cute and often have some interesting patterns painted on them. Because of this yerba has some „magical” atmosphere around itself.
Unknown said…
I always buy yerba mate and accessories from I highly recommend you to buy a set of different types of yerba mate(in 50g bags). It’s really good option for beginners, because it’s the cheapest way to find your favourite flavour.
Unknown said…
Exactly. I have a stomach ache after drinking huge amount of coffee. I can drink yerba mate all day and don’t have such unpleasant effect.
Unknown said…
You are lucky =] I always need an additional source of energy.
Unknown said…
I agree, some calabashes are really pieces of art :-]
Marcin Lyzwa said…
I find your article very interesting. Now my knowlage about Yerba mate is a bit bigger than before.
I have to try Yerba mate, especially that the way of preparing is very interesting. I'm a coffee person, I drink a lot of coffee, better and unfortunately, worse. I love whole process, 'ritual', of preparing chemex or dripp, the smell and the taste of coffee in the morning. Also I like south European culture of drinking coffee.
I've tried yerba mate and I didn't like it the taste. Later I've learned that I'd been doing it wrong - you should pour the water and drink it shortly after that, so the water can't be too hot for you. If you leave the water for too long then the taste gets nasty. I'm planning to give it a second try in the future. There is a nice polish youtube channel about tea, yerba matte and other similar things. It has a whole series about yerba mate.
Julia Osiak said…
I haven't tried yerba mate so far. In my office there is a lot of people who drink it instead of coffee and we have a constant supply of yerba in the kitchen. I'll give it a try someday if I find a place where I could get it served and prepared properly. I'm not in a hurry though because I never really understood yerba's phenomenon, although sitting back and sipping on it looks quite relaxing.
Unknown said…
I learned from your article many interesting things. Personally I have tried drink yerba mate. I really like its effects but taste is horrible. I have it at home a lot but i drink it only when i have a lot things to do. I never found the pleasure in drinking yerba mate.
Perfect! I've been drinking mate for 2 years and it's still enjoyable! It's better than coffee and works even better! Unfortunately I drink both of the beverages but yerba got some special magic in the way it's prepared and consumed! :) it's probably cheaper than coffee (obviously depending on amount u use to prepare one portion) and 1 big pack (1 kilogram) lasts for 3 months at least! One tip for beginners is not to put too much at the beginning of mate journey in order not to get disgusted by it's intensive taste. Enjoy! ; )
Unknown said…
I had heard about yerba mate, but my knowledge about it was negligible. This article gave me a lot of new information. Particularly interesting is the way to prepare yerba mate.
Personally I don't drink coffee so yerba mate can be a good replacement for it. At the next opportunity certainly I will try yerba mate :)
Unknown said…
Many of my coworkers drink yerba mate, but i never had an opportunity to find something more about it. But for me drinkking it does not make any sense - not tasty, difficult to prepare, u need some weird stuff to drink it (specialized straw).. Only pros i can see is that yerba mate looks better than generic cup of coffee :)
Unknown said…
Thanks for your interesting article. I have tried yerba mate a couple of times and I didn't enjoy it. The closest I can get to yerba is drinking Bombilla - a drink based on yerba - and a very weak ifusion served as an ice tea with honey and some other ingredients (yes, they kill the subtle aroma of yerba mate). My friends recommended me yerba as an enerdy drink. It was an awful experience - they told me to put A LOT of yerba in a cup, so the infusion was killing. I drank it because thay said that one day the taste would come to me and make me enjoy it, but since then I've never drank it.
Unknown said…
I love yerba mate! I started drinking it when I quit coffee. It's a great alternative as coffee stimulates you only for a short period of time and then your blood pressure falls down and you're drowsy again. I found that yerba mate helps me to feel energetics for a longer period of time.
Unknown said…
Yerba mate is becoming a globally known trademare. We can observe big corporations making their moves, capitalising on the trend. Nowadays it is not unusual to see Yerba mate as most advertised ingredient in new energy drinks and soft drink substitutes. The article made me realise that Yerba mate has rich tradition and history, in contrast to being an advertising slogan on soft drinks. I have never tried its original form but I think that the energizing effect and nutritional values make it worth trying. My favorite Yerba mate drink is Club Mate.
Unknown said…
I still put a little yerba mate in a portion =]. 12 grams are the best dose for me.
Unknown said…
I have never drunk yerba, but this article encouraged me to try it someday. I heard about stimulating properties of this drink and I really like untypical, new tastes.
Unknown said…
Straw is rather mandatory while drinking yerba mate, but that’s it. You don’t need a calabash. Regular mug is also ok.
Unknown said…
You’re right. It’s very relaxing, especially when you are sipping it during a lazy day =]
Unknown said…
I never had an occasion to drink classic yerba mate. Sometimes I drink Club-Mate, popular soft drink available in some restaurants and shops and I really like it. It gives you energy in a better way then most energy drinks like Red Bull. For sure I'll try yerba mate in near future. I only wish it would be a bit more popular so I could taste it in restaurants and not necessary buy whole equipment upfront.
Unknown said…
Patrycia Marciniak – This shop was all about Yerba Matte so I think they should have all kinds of yerba. You can prepare it as well as pre-made one in bottles.

Izabela Litwin – I tried something that had in name Yerba and was in a can but I don’t think It was really something connected with true Yerba. Only the name was :D
Mateusz Frycie said…
For me the same. I like the tast of Club-Mate and other Eco drinks. Never tried yerba mate before and franckly speaking I'd prefer to try it in some place (bar or sth like that), made by a pro rather than a newbee like me;)
Unknown said…
Yerba mate was always a unknown thing to me, than you for your article! Do you have any idea how much caffeine does one cup of yerba mate contain? I always thought it is super "strong", but as you mention is it a time of releasing the power?

and yeah didn you say u dont like it? So why are you drinking it for 5 years?! I love coffee, I love the taste, so it's rather not for being energized (but also) but mostly it's for having this super tasty cup of my fav drink!:D
I rarely drink tea, or any hot beverage in fact. But your article did peek my interest and I might give yerba a try!
Also, when I do drink tea I sometimes like to drop few drops of milk into it, tastes interesting to say the least.

When it comes to exotic teas there are many interesting positions, here is a cool list of exotic teas that might interest you:

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