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Week 7 (04.05-10.05) Polish emigration

As you know we are struggling with emigration. According to the statistics prepared by the Central Statistical Office there were 2,19 million Poles living abroad at the end of 2013. Most of emigrants decided to stay at the Continent and moved to western countries. Only 300 thousand of them left Europe. The most popular countries were the United Kingdom and Germany which were populated by more than a half of all Polish emigrants. When it comes to non-European countries most of us chose United States as a new home.

Number of Polish emigrants

72% of respondents said that they had decided to leave Poland because of weak job prospects. The second reason was family affairs(15%).

When we take a look at the most depopulated regions in Poland due to emigration we can see that Opolskie lost 10% of its population.

According to a report prepared by Work Service we are expecting to have a big wave of immigration this year. If the report says the truth we will have 1,275 million new Polish emigrants by the end of 2015. It mainly pertains to young people. 75% of them will be under 35 and 40% between 18 and 24. The most common destinations are the same, both Germany and the United Kingdom.

I also want to leave this country. My destination is New Zealand. It’s not a very popular country for Polish citizens because only 4000 Poles live there. It’s 17 thousand kilometres away from Poland, so it should not be a surprise. I have two reasons why I want to emigrate. First is obvious – I can earn more money. The second is weather. Auckland has really moderate climate. Around 15 degrees during winter and 24 in summer.

You can watch a short video about Polish emigration here :




New Zealand seems like a perfect location for me - I hate cold winters, but I also don't like extremely hot summers. Plus, it's the homeland of LOTR movies! :)

However, I don't think I will emigrate. I wouldn't be able to leave all my loved ones, and I don't think I could convince them to come with me :) If I could somehow magically move myself, my boyfriend, the closest family and friends to any location on the planet, I would gladly settle in Australia, New Zealand or USA. I'm not fond of polish climate and our society. I think I would belong more to the western culture (although I know Australia and New Zealand are far on the east).
Unknown said…
I've already emigrated from Ukraine to Poland and I think it is not the end. I don't see anything wrong with emigration at all, some people feel themselves good at their home country with all its aspects, but other people cannot find themselves there. So, I think it is good, when person is always looking for something better than he has at the moment.
Unknown said…
I think that people should be able to live wherever they choose to. I would love to one day move to a warmer country or/and to one that is less religious and conservative and has got more open and tolerant policies. My family and friends are spread all around the world (France, USA, Canada, Australia) and I don't think there is anything wrong with people migrating as long as they are ok with doing it. I guess it isn't good when only one family member goes to work in a different country and leaves his or hers family, but it would be better if the whole family would just move. I'm actively thinking about moving after graduation.

As I mentioned I have family in different countries and when I compare the life of my grandparents here and the life of my grandparents in Canada is truly 100% better there. I watched the video you put in your article and I don't agree that people migrate only because of money and are always so attached to the place they grown up at. I'm personally attached to my family and friends and I think that Warsaw could be a nostalgic place for me. But I've been and even lived for a couple of months in different places and I would be totally fine living somewhere else. Nowadays flights are pretty cheap and we've got phones and skype so we can communicate easily.

I think moving to New Zealand is a great idea! It's such a beautiful country.
We live in 21 century and world is globalized , we can live everywhere we want. I think that is no problem, we are free people. Personally I love my country and I live here to end of my life. To another country I can go only for holiday and for curiosity. It’s better for me when people were leaving my country, than they’re living here and grumbling for everything.
We live in 21 century and world is globalized , we can live everywhere we want. I think that is no problem, we are free people. Personally I love my country and I live here to end of my life. To another country I can go only for holiday and for curiosity. It’s better for me when people were leaving my country, than they’re living here and grumbling for everything.
Unknown said…
I think Auckland is perfect for you, not New Zealand in general. It's 1600 km long so it has a wide range of temperatures.
Unknown said…
I’m curious, what was the reason of your emigration? Because of money, hot situation in the Eastern Ukraine or something else? There are many of you in Poland these days. We’re joking that our Academy is becoming more Polish – Ukrainian rather than Polish – Japanese ;]
Unknown said…
Of course job emigration does not pertain to every Polish emigrant. But most of them decided to leave our country because of that and I think it is a serious problem. It would be better if people decided to emigrate because of their curiosity of other countries instead of financial problems.
Unknown said…
Not long time ago my friend left for United Kingdom to look for a job. If I was in his shoes I would definitely do the same. My aunt also lives in United Kingdom and she really misses Poland but she has well paid job, traveled around the world and she said that everywhere is cheaper then in Poland. Right now in United kingdom there are so many emigrants and it is really hard to find a job.
Unknown said…
New Zealand seems to be a nice place. But I don’t want to live there and somewhere without Poland.
I can go abroad for a few days but not for all my life. I don’t think that I will emigrate someday. Even than I really love Poland. Ok, polish system is not perfect, it is perhaps even totally bad system. For me money aren’t the most important thing. I think in Poland we can to earn enough money to live and function.
In my opinion emigration is the easiest solution-escap.
I cannot imagine myslef living in other country, I think Poland is the best. I've visited so many places and after around 10 days I just want to came back home. I like polish see, polish mountains. The are so many beautiful places all around our country but they are not popular among the crowds. Maybe because so little people knows about them...I don't know. It is great to see something different, but there is no better place like home. And home is here for me. I can imagine that some people emigrate to look for a better job and for oppourtinities. Or just to see the world...
Unknown said…
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Unknown said…
It's bad that so many people emigrate outside Poland. I am also thinking about going abroad to get a better pay and be able to save much more. But I also do think about the return. I would like to make this country a better place for everyone, but one person cannot do that - we all have to work for it. I believe Poland one day will provide a better working and living conditions for everyone living here.
Mateusz Frycie said…
I've been doing my Erasmus programme in Ireland, near Dublin. I've been leaving there with 3 emigrants from Poland. They came there 5years before "just to earn some money and come back". I talk to them on Facebook, Skype. Still living there.

Maybe the government should focus on helping people in OUR country rather that outside of it?
MartaSB said…
The world is open and if some person is open enough to consider the whole world his/her home, the opoortunies are immesurable.

One thing is moving out just to earn some money and come back. The reason for that is only one - chance to earn more in wealthier country and go to cheaper country to spend the money.

The second thing is moving with the whole family to live in a different country. Taking the chance and consciously choosing what is better for us (in which place we feel more compatible with the society), for our children (education) and for the whole family (living conditions, health service). The difference between Dutch and Polish education systems or the situations where you get heavily sick in Poland and the whole family has to sell houses and ask for more donations while in Germany you just get the treatment right away(from public health service)... it just speaks for itself.

Forcing people to live in a country only because they were born there is crazy.
Borders changed in the history and they can change in the future. Demoghaphics of a country change. Everything changes and we cannot assume that one place is best for all. Fortunately in this point of history we are able to choose where we live :)

If someone want's to stay in his/her homeland, good. But if someone want's to leave and take the challenge of searching for a better place, I fully support that approach. Sometimes it turns out that people move more times... 10 years in Australia and after that 15 years in Sweden? Why not! Change of scenery, job, culture, maybe learning a new language and even more stories to tell to your grandchildren.
MartaSB said…
I totally agree with you Paulina :) people do not leave only because they _have to_ (for money), they leave because they _want to_! And it's very important that the move to another country is a deliberate decision.

I lived in Mazury, then 3 years in Tricity and now 5 years in Warsaw. All places where I lived are nostalgic for me, I have friends, family there and all local favourite places that bring back memories, but I didn't find 'my place to live' yet.

I have family in different countries too and I can compare how my parent's generation live here and in Australia...
Well... it's cruel sometimes... :D
Unknown said…
I am not very suprised of the main reasons why polish people emigrate from our country but I am anxiety a count of emigrants and a age of people who decide to leave country. Personally I consider emigrate to Switzerland but not because of money or better job. I fall in love with this country and views which I saw there during my first visit (Chámpery, Neuchatel, Beveix). I am rather patriot but I do not like a lot of law regulations in Poland or things which happen here - in government or e.g. polish hospital services, judgements. I do not like a mental polish people also because we are so closed and conservative country. Polen are not treat very well abroad (in Germany or in UK) but we prefer to live in foreign country with good regulations and dignified level of live.
Anonymous said…
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Unknown said…
I decided to emigrate to another country few years ago, but I was thinking about it during last 7 years. The most important reasons were better education, less corruption, more abilities to express yourself and a good base to go on. Poland was the most real for me, because of ease of learning language(about 6 months), it is a part of EU and has not really expensive education comparing to the US. So, Poland may be a good start :)

What about Ukrainians in Poland...I am not really happy about it, actually sometimes I am ashamed of some of them. Because not everyone understands, that he is not in Ukraine and he cannot behave like an idiot...that can create not very good stereotypes about us. But no matter what, there are a lot of intelligent, interesting and good people among us :)
Anonymous said…
There are about 20 million Polish people living outside homeland. Ten years ago I was one step from staying in the US, I am not sure whether it was right or wrong decision to fly back here. From economic standpoint alone it was awful choice. In at least 90% of cases, you have to be total moron to be poor in the US. I bet it's not the easiest country to make money but it's pretty simple out there. On the other hand I don't like their climate. It's nice to visit but not stay. Americans are obese(I know it's stereotype, but totally true) and Polish women are much prettier ; ).

If I were going to emigrate in near future I would probably choose Norway or Switzerland.
rf. said…
Due to globalization many people became citizens of the world rather than a specific country. I like this phenomena. :)
Unknown said…
Looking at our current situation, it is not a surprise that a lot of Poles decide to emigrate. Eastern countries gives you possibility of better jobs and more decent live. If I will ever have any problems with finding job in this country, I will definitely think about emigration.
Unknown said…
Thank you for your reply because I don’t have a good opinion about Ukrainians. Most of those whom I met were thieves(my grandfather had been robbed by them) or completely assholes (my friend got pregnant with Ukrainian and he fled back to Ukraine leaving her alone)

You seem to be a normal one =]
Unknown said…
Unfortunately government doesn’t care about us and would rather get some immigrants from Africa rather than do something with depopulation.
Marcin Lyzwa said…
I also consider New Zealand as one of possible destination of my moving. The possibility to earn more money is not on a first place but curiosity of another country.
Back to the topic, my attitude to emigration is a bit ambivalent. Of course, on one hand it is a big problem when many of those who leave Poland are well educated and young, in this field of emigration something should be done.
I think in next few years immigration would be a bigger problem.
Unknown said…
I think it’s harder to find a job in UK now, but it’s still easier to find well paid job without qualification in comparison to Poland. My friend left Poland after Matura. He has been working in McDonald’s since his emigration to UK and earns enough money to afford more than friend who graduated in Poland.
Unknown said…
You’re right. That’s why I mentioned about another wave of emigration. Poland is going to be a land of pensioners.
Unknown said…
You are absolutely right. Polish and other Eastern women are the prettiest.
Despite low temperatures in Norway and some type of emigrants who live there it’s great country to live.
Unknown said…
“Polen are not treat very well abroad (in Germany or in UK) but we prefer to live in foreign country with good regulations and dignified level of live.”

Exactly. And this is really sad.
Unknown said…
It is escape, but what to do? Single person cannot do anything to improve standard of living in all country. He or she is not able to get rid of polish bureaucratic cancer.
I think that it's ok for people to emigrate from country. Especially one which has so little to offer to the citizens and treats them as "slave tax payers". I've also heard that New Zealand is a good place to emigrate to, especially for IT specialists. I'm still not sure what I'm going to do.
I think that emigration is ok, just make sure you will like the new country of residence better. I've heard that there is a lot of nasty spiders and other things in New Zealand - some people might not find the extra money worth it.
Unknown said…
Poles want to leave Poland not only because of money, but because of the overall atmosphere around them which is not the best. We often get to see only the negative aspects of our country so I'm not surprised people want to escape that. That's my guess only, but I believe there's some truth in that. I also consider moving out from Poland, but like Patrycja mentioned, I would have to find a way to somehow teleport my family and close friends with me.

New Zealand sounds like a great destination!
Julia Osiak said…
New Zealand has been crossing my mind for some time now. I heard many positive words about it at a destination for possible emigration. I don't see anything wrong with living abroad, it is a personal decision and everyone has their own reasons for leaving their country. We are living in a world that is so open and everyone can find a place for living that suits them the best. It's sad that many Poles are leaving because they cannot stand the political and economical situation in Poland.
Unknown said…
I can not imagine moving for a long time to another country. For me it would be a very difficult decision. I like Polish I've got here friends, family. I do not know Could I find my "home" in another country with a different culture and language. In my opinion it is wary personal decision. From my perspective, very difficult.
Unknown said…
One of my priorities is to move out from POland and live somewhere else - not because im not patriotic but because nothing holds me here.. And perfect please for me is far on north - Norway, Sweden or - best option - Finland or South America/New Zealand. I like adventures and that would be one of many :-)
Unknown said…
The emigration of young Poles is a very big problem today. Personally, I can not imagine that I permanently left the country. The main reason why I want to stay in Poland is family, friends and patriotism. Although there are many things that I would change in Poland that I never even thought about emigration.

New Zealand is a beautiful country with a climate that definitely suits me. It is a place where I could live if I would go for emigration.
Unknown said…
I know a lot of people who emigrated from Poland. Among a lot of destinations there are: UK, Norway, France, Spain, Denmark, Australia, USA. They emigrated mosty for educational reasons but some of them went in pursuit of job or love. The weirdest example of emigrants is an elderly couple, my grandparents' friends. They live in Poland during summer and go back to Spain during winter. They say it is good for them because of the climate. However in 20 years of this situation they've never learned spanish, so they are not even able to make shopping alone. The other thing is that they have somewhat lost their sense of "being Polish" and all they do is critisize.
There is a thing that I often wonder about: we have a lot of emirants in Poland and it intrigues me what made them choose this country. Two years ago I met a nice polish lady who was working in a hotel's kitchen in Norway. She told me that the money that she has been earning in Norway allowed her to buy herself a nice house and support her two grown up children back in Poland. It is unbelievable that a person can make so much money for just washing out plates in a kitchen.
Unknown said…
I am very sorry about all these stories that happened to you, your friends and relatives and I can only apologize for that from all Ukrainians. I hope you will never have such bad experience that somehow is connected with Ukraine :)
Unknown said…
I don't want to emigrate from Poland. I'm a patriot and although I know that life abraod can be easier, I just feel at home here. Moreover, I believe this country needs young and creative people in order to succeed in different areas in the future and I hope to become ne of the people that will help to build a better Poland.
Unknown said…
I understand people, who decided to leave our country, but, I hope so, I will never be one of them. I thought about move to another city, but only in Poland - this is my place for living. Some time ago I was visiting Ukraine. Speaking with mates, I heard about low salaries, bad perspectives and difficulties around work. I appreciated our, Polish conditions.
Unknown said…
Nah, as I know there are only two species of spiders in New Zealand which can be harmful. Other are not poisonous. And it’s more likely to be stung by a bee rather than bitten by a spider. And what is more, apart from those two types of spiders there are no other dangerous animals in New Zealand. Australia has huge amount of venomous animals, but it’s 2000 km away from New Zealand.
Unknown said…
South America is also great. If I spoke Spanish I would consider emigration to Santiago, Chile.
Unknown said…
New Zealand is good place for IT specialist because we can get „skilled migrant visa” more easily. It gives us almost the same privileges as citizens have. But unfortunately real estate prices are puffed up enormously in New Zealand.
Unknown said…
From time to time I think about emigration. Right now I'm in a good situation here, in Poland but if I ever loose my job or I would need to change something in my life I probably would emigrate to some nice country. Some people mentioned here New Zeland as they goto destination. I couldn't agree more especially as this country is home for some of the biggest visual effects houses like WETA Digital, a company where I would love to work.
Unknown said…
That's what I said. For many of immigrants it is hard to find a job. With Great Britan is like the U.S.A. It is seen as the country to make your dreams become reality like "American Dream".
I also plan to leave our country eventually. Mainly because of work/career related reasons.

It's disheartening to say the least when abroad, you are able to earn often 3 times more money for the same job with the same or even lesser qualifications.

The other thing is the atmosphere, practices and general state of mind in polish business.
Having experienced working with polish and foreign companies, I must admit that working with the foreign ones is often much more professional and enjoyable.

I would love to move to Canada, UK or as mentioned in the article New Zealand.
If I had a clear job opportunity I wouldn't hesitate a second.
Unknown said…
in my opinion emigration results from the political situation and the quality of people life. People want to earn more and more money. Personally I don't imagine how can I leave my country where is everything important for me- family, friends, culture, language. I am attached to my country.
Unknown said…
Have you ever lived abroad? I also always thought that I am going to leave when I get older, that was my dream when I was a child.
But I have been to erasmus exchange and I am not that sure anymore if I would ever leave again for longer period of time. When you're abroad you are always the one who is foreign, and I guess even when you somehow know the language. Even when you know English, getting to other english-speaking country is not that easy to get understood, I heard that Australian english is crazy ;) But after sometime you will get it. But hmmm, living as a Pole in a foreign country,not knowing anyone, leaving all you collected in Poland during this 24 years - family, friends, places and everything doesn't seem to be that cool anymore. But it depends what kind of person you are - do you like changes, are you a person who misses things (how to say that better in english? :P ) .
Monica armando said…
After being in relationship with him for seven years,he broke up with me, I did everything possible to bring him back but all was in vain, I wanted him back so much because of the love I have for him, I begged him with everything, I made promises but he refused. I explained my problem to someone online and she suggested that I should rather contact a spell caster that could help me cast a spell to bring him back but I am the type that never believed in spell, I had no choice than to try it, I mailed the spell caster, and he told me there was no problem that everything will be okay before three days, that my ex will return to me before three days, he cast the spell and surprisingly in the second day, it was around 4pm. My ex called me, I was so surprised, I answered the call and all he said was that he was so sorry for everything that happened, that he wanted me to return to him, that he loves me so much. I was so happy and went to him, that was how we started living together happily again. Since then, I have made promise that anybody I know that have a relationship problem, I would be of help to such person by referring him or her to the only real and powerful spell caster who helped me with my own problem and who is different from all the fake ones out there. Anybody could need the help of the spell caster, his email: you can email him if you need his assistance in your relationship or anything. CAN NEVER STOP TALKING ABOUT YOU SIR HIS EMAIL ADDRESS CONTACT HIM NOW FOR SOLUTION TO ALL YOUR PROBLEM
Unknown said…
Hello to the general public i want to testify of a good love spell caster called Prophet peter popularly known as doctor noble he brought back my ex who have left me for 3 months now after we had a little fight she told me she doesn't want to be with me anymore because she found someone else i was so sad because i love her so much, i told my friend about it and he gave me Prophet peter email ID and i contacted him he told me everything will be fine i did everything he asked me to do and he told me after 24 hours my girlfriend will come back to me and the next day to my greatest surprise it was my girlfriend knocking at my door he kneel down begging me to forgive and accept her back now we are happy together all thanks to Prophet Peter contact him for ex back spell , love spell. spell to cancel a divorce or to cause a divorce and death spell to silence your enemies call or chat him up on whatsapp via + 2349059610643 or noblespellhome@ gmail. com    

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