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Week 7 (04.05-10.05) Weird political/bureaucratic situation in Poland

I would like to present peculiar situations in Poland. Firstly, I’ll show a short movie from a visit of our President Bronisław Komorowski at the building site of a bypass of Innowrocał city. Below you can watch a movie:

As you may see in the presented video, machines were moving without  any purpose just  to create good background for this public event for president Komorowski. The next day after the event there was only 1 working machine. 

I want you show another video from Bronislaw Komorowski’s visit in Japan:
You can find many more similar events at polskie piekiełko. I don't have a possibility  to talk about all the situations from this site and that is why I have selected  the most interesting.

Probably you have heard about blablacar or some other type of communities from Facebook, Twitter, Google+ etc. which associate people who travel by car and want to decrease the cost of travel by traveling together. Our government is against such communities, because the income generated from such travels should be taxed. Here you can read something more about this situation.

Another situation concerns working pensioners who have to pay DLA(Disability Living Allowance) even though they will never get anything from that money because they are already retired. Here you can read something more about it.

Another great idea of our government is to prohibit cars with high emission of CO2  entering city centers or some other areas, what basically means that a lot people will not be able to enter some part of a city because those cars are not adjusted to the CO2 emission norm. Here you can read more about it.

Here you can read a story about Aleksander Kowalczyk who went bankrupt when a tax office informed him that his company didn’t produce ice lollies but fruit juice and he had to pay the difference between taxes on ice loliles(7%) and fruit juice(23%).



Unknown said…
Your videos are very very funny, but I think that we should cry. It unfortunatelly evidence about our politicians really bad. Komorowski creates his own show, but people are smart and they don’t allow to be cheated. I think that Komorowski will feel it in upcoming elections. I think that we, as nation, don’t have a luck towards politicians.
Our government have many stupid ideas and this with blabla, etc. is stupid as well
It is interesting who will be our new president. I’m not in politics very well but I think that candidates are a mockery. It so sad as well.
I still think over if I should go for elections and I still don’t know. In my opinion whole elections are the very big mockery.
I think that the first situation, even if funny, isn't something serious to worry about. It's natural that famous people want to build positive image and therefore pose in front of spectacular or good-working things. It's not only the matter of Bronisław Komorowski, or Polish politicians, or politicians alone. Actors, singers, entrepreneurs, artists, presenters... we all want to show our good site, even if it's not entirely true.

I never understood people making big fuss about such uniportant situations like politician making an ortographic mistake, or not knowing where to stand (like in the second video you posted). Politicians are just people, and people make mistakes. There are loads of more important problems of politics, economy or environment to worry about. Topics like that remind me of sites like pudelek, where all people focus on is how tasteless someone's dress was, or that a film star wore the same outfit as the previous year. What a blooper indeed...

I definitely prefer to read articles like the next ones you posted, because they really show some absurd situations instead of focusing unimportant details of someone's public image. Unfortunately, bureaucracy often affects people lives in bad, twisted ways. It's good to publicise such cases, because it gives people the opportunity to react.
Unknown said…
As usual I agree with Patrycja ;)I know that there is a lot of stupid bureaucratic stuff in Poland. I'm not a fan of Komorowski but the first video seems to be just a simple campaign stunt which are common all over the world in every presidential campaign (but they do it better abroad), and as they've said in the video the construction has just started so no wonder they didn't have anything to show (I assume it started because of an upcoming election). And as Patrycja said it’s common in different domains. It's the first time I've seen both videos (I'm not really into politics and I don't own a tv) but in the second one it seems that he just wanted to stand for a photo or something? It seems like a simple misunderstanding not a bureaucratic situation.

Further examples are more interesting for me but also not that uncommon. I've heard that Uber driving (something like blablacar) actually became illegal in few countries (I'm pretty sure Germany is one of them) because of taxi drivers lobbies and that's really unfortunate and terrible! Anyway at least it's still legal at Poland and I don't think anyone will really tax it. I guess our law stated that every income should be taxed but I think that people would work their way around (like with everything) call the service differently or whatever ;)

ZUS is the worst and I think everybody knows how ineffective this institution is ;)

A great idea to prohibit cars with high CO2 emission also isn't the idea of Polish government but it's common in many cities all over Europe and United States or Canada. In Berlin you have to pay to drive into the city centre and of course have a proper car. In Los Angeles your car has to meet up certain standards to even be LEGAL to drive and I don't find it to be that bad of a thing. They only allow cars that are truly safe to drive. Moreover we should care more about the environment and CO2 emission so bringing in new standards for cars was just a matter of time. I'm sure it will take years before this will come into effect.
Oh, I forgot to comment on the cars and CO2 emission... I agree that it shouldn't be such an unpleasant surprise to people. Global warming is a burning issue, and I totally mean it - it's not just a fashionable fad, it's a real problem affecting our lives every day. If people don't realize their actions lead directly into living on a toxic planet, they may be unpleasantly surprised in a few decades.

Plus, it's not like people won't be physically able to enter the city center - we have public transport and I'm sure that it will work much more efficiently without car traffics in the city center.
Unknown said…

Definitely, this solution also really cuts down the traffic. In European capitals it became a huge problem and fees for driving into the city centers really helped. And as I’ve said it will take years before it will be introduced in Poland. But I’m pretty sure that in a few years cars with high CO2 emission won’t be produced so they will “die” naturally.
OMG, I'm unpolitical person, so it's difficult to create some opinion. Generally, I'm tired from time when president campaing started. Maybe do you how can I turn off politics from facebook, tv and my life :)
Unknown said…
When I read your article I thought that you are telling everyone: “Hey don’t vote for Bronislaw Komorowski” :D . Anyway Everybody makes mistakes. I feel really bad about our president to make a lot of them. I understand that he can’t remember some dates or names because we are all people. I feel angry and really can’t believe that Komorowski was opening not existing road. I felt like I was watching a popular videos about Russian and the absurd in their country. It is so frustrating that in Poland someone really has an idea like this!!! I don’t like our Polish politicians because I think that they completely can’t do anything in our country and they only take a lot of money for doing nothing. In the future president voting I don’t see anybody who is really impressive with their own ideas to make living in Poland better but I don’t think that avoiding voting is good.
I agree that high emission of CO2 is really big problem and that it should be decreased but in Poland there is one particular problem around 90% of cars are older than 6 years .... which basically mean that around 90% of cars will not be able to enter the city centers or other areas. This limitation can be good for countries like Germany or England or other rich countries but not for Poland at least not now. Here you can read more about it. I know that those data are from 2010 but still there is huge % of old cars.
I agree with you and the good example of mockery were previous elections in November 2014 when the source code of election system was available to download from the Internet. Here you can read my friend article about this topic.
I also don't care about making small mistakes like orthographic mistakes or not knowing something, but I can stand when someone is wasting public money only to create better image of his person.

I agree with you that others topic mentioned in my article are more important and in news should be more topic like this.
Unknown said…
Thanks for the link. It's all pathetic :/
Unknown said…
I try to stay neutral about the political situation in Poland. The problem is there are no good candidates to select from. It's a choice between the smaller evil. I doubt anything will change in the next years but I do believe that one day Poland will get over this sickness.
Mateusz Frycie said…
I agree with Piotr. There are no good candidates. Nothing gonna change. I've read somewhere that "if a company generates financial losses you change the strategy/employees. Not only the door/name". Sounds good to me:)
MartaSB said…
Political situation in Poland is basically chaos. Money is spent on things that are completely unnecessary, while they ignore areas that should be top priorities (hospitals, education, jobs). In fact, they are not ignoring them, they are making the situation worse. I'm really disappointed with government in Poland because I know how it works in small/medium towns and I can just imagine how the decisions are made in big cities or for the whole country. When it comes to this campaign there are no good candidates. I wish the situation will considerably change in the future. I actually believe the positive change is happening, but not fast enough to make a real difference.
Unknown said…
Poland is specific country and according to me it is the country with not friendly regulations to people who live here. I think that I am a patriot but sometimes because of the law or situations which happens in our country I intensely and often think about the emigration. I knew earlier movies presented by you and I heard about the blabla car or high emission of CO2. Firstly, I agree with your opinion and I think about the issue referencing to taxing communities travels that it is stupid and demotivating to travel idea. Referencing to second issue I think that it is not bad idea and it should be a motivation for people to tend our environment.
Anonymous said…
I don't want to express what I think about political situation in Poland, but because I have to: Polish is a socialist country which is unfriendly to the citizens, taxes are robbery, president is a moron, both prime ministers should be in prison(one for life), nepotism is common, education system is obsolete etc. I don't want to say more because of election silence.
It's quite easy just turn of TV and ignore all politic information on facebook etc..
If you search something more about current candidates you will find out that not all of them are spoiled and evil. They is a few good people amongst them, but they are hidden in mainstream media, because they are just a threat for the system.
I strongly agree with your opinion. Don't bother with election silence, we should express our ideas freely. We should do something about current situation in Poland. We can't stay away of it. The only way to change the situation is to start fighting for our rights.
Moving abroad is very good idea. Especially during studing period we have tens of opportunities in different countries. Not only very interesting universities offers free courses but also they provides wide range of sholarships.
This quote seems to be right. We should change whole system and politicians.
I see that everyone has similiar opinion. I also hope for change in situation in the future. Nevertheless I don't see any upcoming changes. In our country we need revolution.
That is hidden message :P I am kidding of course. I see more and more absurd in our country. We laugh about russia's absurdity but sometimes we are way worst than they are.That is true that they earn so much money for doing absolutely nothing. We heard so many times that they invite their friends to the political parties and those people have absolutely no knowledge about anything.
Unknown said…
We live in a country full of political and bureaucratic nonsenses. In my opinion, the main reason for this situation is, that democracy in our country is very young. I'm a total pessimist in this area and I don't think the situation will change if we would have different president or government. The only thing that can heal our situation is time.
rf. said…
I've been to cities where such laws exist (e.g. Berlin) and it's really something. City center is dominated by pedestrians, noticeably quieter, really nice to live in. I'm totally supporting such ideas :)
Marcin Lyzwa said…
I have to agree with most of you. We live in country of absurdities, complicated law and many tragicomic ideas of government. When you read about financing for 'milk bars' and
restrictions about using spices, I don't now what to do, should I laugh or cry. Most of our laws has holes as a Swiss cheese. Perhaps this is so because, in Poland, everything is done quickly,
without longer thought process and debate. I have no idea what should be done to change this state.
Your videos are even quite funny, bloomer can happen to anyone. Other thing is diplomatic behaviour protocol. I agree, think this video from construction site is a bit strange, but I understand motivation
of those films, everyone wants to be shown in positive lights, but there is thin border between typical, bad propaganda and situations like that. We should focus on more important topics like economy, law, environment.
I could write a very long comment about what I think about the situation in Poland, but I think there is no point. I see that we all agree that the law in Poland is far from good. Only think I could add is that many of the recent nonsense laws come straight from UE.
There are so many hoaxes in the government that we are not aware of, that I would sit a whole weekend writing about them and I am not sure if it would be fair enough. Average citizen has to struggle to earn a living, whereas people who know some high situated officials do nothing and get loads of money, however every stick has two ends. Those people who get let's say easy money are smart in some way. They can use some shortcomings of law and keep good relations with certain people who are helpful for their advantages. The problem is polish people are selfish and helpless, what's more, they're envious towards other pols, what mainly spoils this country as a whole.
Julia Osiak said…
All I see here is negativity and grumbling and repeating over and over again how terrible our government is. It seems to me that this is all that an average Pole can do when he/she is unhappy. I'm not saying that everything is peachy but if there are so many things in our country that bug you, maybe you should consider speaking up and doing something about it?
Unfortunatelly you are right. The short time of democracy is an important factor, but we can observe among other countries that they can somehow deal with that.
Unknown said…
Julia, I absolutely agree with you! Honestly, I do not understand all of this negativity. In my opinion our country really develops! Maybe our political situation is not perfect, but well where is? Would you prefer to live in Ukraine or Syria? Or maybe Putin would be better prime minister? I hope that all of you went to vote today to change this “horrible moron” who is our president…
Unknown said…
I see most of us have similar opinion about our government. At first sight, I thought that video on a construction site is fake, but unfortunately our president has exceeded all limits of decency... It's not single event, I hope citizens can draw conclusions from these strange situations and think straight going to the ballot boxes.
Unknown said…
Speaking of weird situations - I strongly reccomend you all reading this article. Just for fun. Reading it in english makes it all sound like a really stupid sitcom overview;)
That is true that government is not focused on the most important things. All subjects that really matter for society are delayed or completely ignored. Even if somehow the subject is considered nothing really constructive happens. I wish that one day this will change finally...
Well in general I think that UE restrictions are in great majority improving what is going on in our country. Of course not everything, but I see that it is the only way to have similar law that is in other countries.
And the worst thing is that such people who have absolutely no knowledge about leading country are candidate for president. Poles are very self centered which in some way is good but in general it became a problem. But when we are so focused on earning money and making living how we can take care of everything.
Sure you are right. Unfortunately today's voting is only about change in one area and our country need way more to became normal. We know our political situation, there will always be better and worse situation in other countries.
I would say that those who consider truly what is going on are in minority. The most people either ignores or conceals situations that are taking place around them.
Thanks for the article it is very interesting :)
Unknown said…
Polish politics is weird for me - moving machines without purpose just to make a background for President's speech about "how well our economy is growing", silly law... not to mention about the behavior of our representatives abroad.. Its nothing more than an absurd and sad reality.
Unknown said…
I've never been interested in politics so I prefer to stay neutral. The situations described in the article do seem ridiculous, however, I think that similar absurdities happen in different countries but not every nation is likely to complain as much as Poles are. We tend to exaggarate and complain but we rarely do anything to solve the problem.
The other interesting movie is:
where our previous prime minister is wonderfully presented :)
I think in other countries citizens also complain, why whey would not? That is good to speak out and say what do we think. We have chosen such form of administration and now we have to deal with it.
Unknown said…
This video is really funny but not as funny as Political debate on TVP1. We should say loud that our politicians talk nonsense or they criticize each other. They can do everything that bring them closer to power. example of this could be this video. Politicians don't care about their country and people, they care about their interests, money.
Unknown said…
The movies are fun and mildly little compromise the current president. At every step where it only appears Polish nation has to be ashamed for him.

Just finished the first round of presidential elections and unofficial results shows taht Poles want political changes. I am very pleased with the results of anti-system candidates, and I hope that these changes will finally occur.
Unknown said…
When I saw the first videos I started to laugh. And then I remembered that these people represent our country. It is natural that famous people build around themselves image and they want to be noticed. But I'm not a follower of building a circus.
Unknown said…
It is really sad that in our country we have a lot of absurds. On our president election day there is no one that I would like to vote for because I don’t think that none of the candidates are the right people for president. I also heard that no matter who you vote for, ex-president Komorowski will have special votes even when you not vote for him. I don’t know what will happened. We shall see.
Unknown said…
I would really prefer not to discuss politics in public with people who I don't know. The only thing I would say is that your post looks like advertisement of this website you keep linking - Polskie Piekiełko. Not to mention that you say about those problem like they were real problems whereas some of them are just ideas. Better or worse ideas at the moment but for sure they will go a long route before they become law. Personally I would really like if somebody forced more restrictive regulations for carbon dioxide emission. Probably it won't happen in next 5 or 15 years but anyway.
Unknown said…
Situations you mentioned are quite peculiar - that's true for sure. But I think that in every country we can find weird things like this :D
According to the prohibition for older cars to get into the city centre - I personally think it is not that bad idea. We still have public commute, but number of cars in the centre is just crazy. On the other hand our buses, trains, trams are full of people, so I can't event imagine an option of seeing any more of them in the public transportation, but still, this might be good solution for reducing car number in the city.
In my opinion Poland isn't alone when it comes to political peculiarities.
I think every country has its problems and weird political situations that might be more evident from others.

Take for example USA and their horrible health care system.

Here is an interesting article on that topic:

There are also plenty of ridiculous laws all around the world, there is even a dedicated website where you can browse almost all of them (not all are verified as actual law that can be enforced).

Give it a go, many of them are just hilarious:
Sure Poland is not alone. We don't focus on other countries, but certainly each of them have different problems. Thank you for additional material it is amusing :)
Of course we can. But we can not lower our standards just because everywhere it is like that. Small mishaps happen anywhere and to anyone, but they happen to us very often. It would be hard to deal with public transport this way, maybe some changes would help.
Why not? It is good to share you point of view. It is not an advertisement it is just the page that shows mainly how it looks like in reality. That would be hard to make some real changes, but definitely we should push changes as fast as it is possible.
Unfortunately they are. The national team should look like a bit differently.
I wait and hope for this change as well. Shortly we will see final results. And then maybe something good will finally happen to all of us.
The debate on TVP1 was extremely funny. I agree with your opinion. As I mentioned earlier their earnings are absolutely inadequate to the work that is done by them.

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