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Week 13(15.06-21.06) Colours

Have you ever thought about the meaning of color?
Color has had its meaning for  a long time. Every color matches  a concrete behavior, thing or situation. A color’s characteristic is very important in design.
Colors influence our comfort, mood and behavior.
Colors provoke behavior like buying, eating, etc.
Why is soup on a red plate more tasty than on a green plate? Why is green in our opinion healthy, red- spicy, blue- peaceful?
Each of us has a favorite color or range of colors, but we don’t think about the meaning of them.
What is your favorite color/ range of colors? Why?
Bright and warm colors have friendly and active characteristics. We see them in the first place- they are eye-catching. They can add energy and bravery. This range of colors is used in the car industry, marketing, entertainment, sports, clothes, cosmetics and food.      
Dark and warm colors are associated with classic and tradition, luxury and relaxation. These colors with neutral colors create classic, elegant and luxurious products. When we use them with cold colors, we can gain original and modern effects. This range of colors should be used in financial, craft, agricultural, architectural, banking and consulting industries.

Bright and cold colors are associated with freshness and aesthetics. When we combine them with bright and warm colors and a large amount of white it will be a great combination for young and active women. When we combine it with grey we will have professional and modern products. This range of colors should be used in the cosmetology, sport, medicine, entertainment and health industry.

Dark and cold colors represent value and stability. This range of colors is great for ambitious and hardworking entrepreneurs. They should be used in IT industry ,  by the government, trade people, in science, the car industry, medicine and management.

Neutral colors are responsible for mollification and toning of other colors. Darker should be used business, consulting, marketing and engineering projects. Brighter colors should be used health, cosmetology, food industry and scientific projects.


Unknown said…
It's a very interesting topic. I've heard about the way that colors affect people (the feelings of hunger, calmness, anger) and it's also interesting that there is so much cultural influence that makes us perceive colors in a certain way. Here is an interesting article about pink being a girls' color and why it's so.

I've seen a cool video about that, but I can't find it right now. Anyway check out the history of pink and blue.
Unknown said…
Colors are really important in design and other aspect of our life. They can have huge influence on our emotions. In PR color has a huge impact on customers and branding. I heard a myth about treating people with colors and it had a good results on patient psychic.
MartaSB said…
I like colorful environment and that's why I'm really fond of colorful gadgets for the house. The best are natural colors, they can surely have a good impact on the mood :)
I know that colours are very important in the area of business. That is why companies needs designers in both interior design and logo prototype. Some colors can have good influence on opinions about the brand and some in contrary. Always black or gold color make me think of a luxurious and expensive brand of good quality.

Colors are also important in terms of clothing. Especially if talking about a business outfit, the colors are able to completely change the perception of us. If we are young and we want to look more serious and dignified we should wear clothes in gray. If the person is older he or she looks younger in lighter-colored.

Just as has been mentioned in the article, the colors can affect our emotions and well-being. We should ensure that such a small factor acted in your favor rather than detriment.
Unknown said…
Maybe it might seem childish but I love colours :) Seriously, I cannot imagine world without colours. When I design - colours are my greatest inspiration. You asked about favourite colours - for me these are pink and purple ;) Quite girlish, what about you?
Unknown said…
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Unknown said…
Our everyday life is totally surrounded by colors. Media makes use of our perception and preferences, for example some brands choose special combination of colors to create the specifity of corporate identity. Special colors are intended to make brand recognizable to potential customer. In this regard, the most successful brand is Milka, I think. Lilac color isn't "toothsome", but in our minds is close connected with chocolate... that's incredible. By the way, just look at this game, this one rates your eyesight :D
Unknown said…
Thanks for your comment and your link. It is very interesting. I have never before thought about " girl's and boy's" colors. It was simply in my life.
In the margin it is interesting that colors have other meaning in the other culture. White and black are the colors of mourning but in the different part of the world.
Unknown said…
Thanks for your comment. You're completely right. Regarding with treatment using colors, I have never before heard about it. It is very interesting. Do you have some article or other document about it? I'm interested in it.
Unknown said…
Me too like calm colors. But I also really like detal in the contrast color, I like for example grey walls and turquoise accesories like mirror frame or pillow, blanket, etc. I couldn't sleep in the room with the red wall, ughh.
Unknown said…
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Unknown said…
Thanks for precious comment. You're completely right when you talk about our outfit. It is true.
Unknown said…
Hah, great! I also cannot imagine world without colours. It would be very sad and depressing. My favourite colours? These are sapphire and other shades of blue in particular, but I realy love many colours :)
Unknown said…
I also don't know why lilac colour affect at us in this case so good.
I have known this game. It is great. I'm a robot, what about you? :)
Unknown said…
Pleasant and interesting topic. As for me, I don't have a favorite color in general. My color choice depends on the situation, for example I like neutral and muffled colors in interior design, but like bright colors when it comes to gadgets. I'm more interested in certain color combinations rather that colors themselves. :)

I agree that the meaning behind the color and values we associate with it are important for the looks of the company. It's like with the first impression. I once had a commission to design a logo for an IT company and I think my customer would learn a lot from reading your article.
Unknown said…
Haha we both love colours and that's why we almost always dress black/white/grey :D high five haha :D But noo I often wear some colour accent as well :D hehe
Unknown said…
Haha, you're right! :D I have colours in my heart not outside :P
Unknown said…
Haha, it is sad but it is truly that our customer have no idea about thing like colours but still they think that they know the best. Ughh
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Colours are very important in every design, doesn't matter if it is your website or toothbrush, they sell the product and attract attention of the customers. Personally I am fan of the first setup of colors in this article. I like pastel colours of the walls, beige car interiors, I also like black paint. Second and third sets don't appeal to me.
Unknown said…
Thanks for your article. I was using these colour families intuitively, now I have a guide ready to use:) Colours have a lot of meaning, of course, and have to be used very carefully. For example if our house is painted with "unfriendly" colours, we won't like being there, it may affect our state of mind, mood and even health. The same thing goes for clothing - if we wear something and we don't like its colour, we won't feel good in it.
The other thing that I would like to bring up is colourtherapy. I don't know if you've ever heard about this, but I think it's really cool. You take a light source and an appropriate colour filter and you apply the light to certain areas, like blocked sinuses, aching head or knee and it is supposed to help. A few months ago my grandma experimented on me and treated my running nose with one of these lapms - she was irradiating my face with yellow light. I don't think it worked on me, but maybe flu is something incurable and just has to go on its own. But speaking of healthy colours - it is known for a fact that green colour helps you relax and is good for your eyes. It is a good fun fact for all of you who spend most of your days in front of a computer! Just go and look at a lawn or a tree every half an hour. It really helps your eyes and they're not that tired after the whole day of working.
Unknown said…
Colors are important for every person because we translate color in our brain on emotions. This is one of the most important and basic stimulus. A lot of people are visualisers, it does mean we see and remember colors often that e.g. sounds or emotions. For me colors play major role in my life. I remember emotions, smells and colors. It is interesting that I can attribute color to song :) Have you ever try to do it?

John Dabrowski said…
It` very interesting but everybody knows that man have a lot of problems to see a difference between colors. In my bedroom I have lilac color on the walls and I must to confess this brings nice calmly flavour. I agree with other colleague’s comments – colors are very important part of our life. Colors have an influence on our perception and I think our mood depends on colorful surroundings. Now when we have a spring everything flourish and people have more power and motivation to work. We have to say that colors make an impact for our life and activities. Congrats for nice article.
Unknown said…
Thanks for your opinion. These sets are only examples :)
Unknown said…
I'm glad that my article will be your guide :) You're completely right recording with colours which are in our house and on our clothes. Colours have a huge impact for us and our emotions.
Yes, I have heard about colourtherapy, from you :) I remember your story with your runny nose :) It is interesting but such a little funny :)
Unknown said…
Oooo, It is very interesting. I have never try to do it, but in the future I will try :)
Unknown said…
Thanks, I'm glad that your opinion is positive. Oooh yes, man have a huge problem with differentiation of colours :P What about you? You also have a problem with it? :)
Marcin Lyzwa said…
I agree with you, colours are very important in our whole life. There is whole branch of science about colours.
Colourimetry includes research into the perceptions of color by the human eye and brain, colour theory in art and physics aspects of colours.
It is very interesting how our brain interpret electromagnetic radiation as colours and how does it affect us. When I was a teenager I wore very colourful clothes, green, red, yellow t-shirt were the norm.
Nowadays most of my clothes are in the last colour setup including blue and navy blue.
It's really interesting and I wish we had more about this subject at our univeristy.....Colours are really important for me, there are some that I like and I feel good in/around them, some other I aslo like but I cannot have them around for a very long time...I love ashy pink and deep blue...I always try to buy some crazy color outfits but I always end up buying the same colours over and over
Unknown said…
Great presentation. I agree, that colors have a big influence on our mood and behaviour. I think my favourite color group is bright and warm. I really like to have this pallete of colors next to me. I also try to use them in my projects as often as I can.
Unknown said…
There is a lot of information about that in the internet.
Mateusz Frycie said…
Actually I prefere neutral colors - white, black, etc. I also like royal violet. But if we're talkig about certain emotions... hmm. It's hard for me to connetct both ot them.
Thank you for this very interesting presentation. I've studied this topic when I was preparing for my high school graduation exam presentation. It was about advertisement and influencing customers. It's actually more complicated than what was said here, but I understand that it's a blog presentation, not an academic lecture.
Colours are one of many things that influence our behaviour without us even knowing it. I think it's important to know at least the basics about those things.
Unknown said…
Colours are very important things in my life. I love colourfull things. The world is better, more beautiful with it. Colours influence on our mood, emotion. Sometimes we decided buy something or don’t because of colour.
It is really interestiong that individual colors are used for specific things.
Unknown said…
Colors are very important part of my life, because I am a designer. In my job choosing the suitable colors for a project is essential. Because of it, I collet interesting colors pallets on my Pinterest. You can check it here:
My beloved color is blue, especially light shades of it. I am a little bit obsessed with it and most of the stuff I buy is this color. I also like all the pastels.
Thank you for your article it was nice to read such interesting things. I prefer bright and warm colors. That is why walls in my room are painted yellow and orange. Somebody may say that those colours are too aggresive for the bedroom but they give me extra energy each time I come back home from work. I believe colours can influence on our emotions and behaviour. What about you guys?
Thank you for your article it was nice to read such interesting things. I prefer bright and warm colors. That is why walls in my room are painted yellow and orange. Somebody may say that those colours are too aggresive for the bedroom but they give me extra energy each time I come back home from work. I believe colours can influence on our emotions and behaviour. What about you guys?
Thank you for your article it was nice to read such interesting things. I prefer bright and warm colors. That is why walls in my room are painted yellow and orange. Somebody may say that those colours are too aggresive for the bedroom but they give me extra energy each time I come back home from work. I believe colours can influence on our emotions and behaviour. What about you guys?
Unknown said…
If It's Purple, Someone's Gonna Die. Ugh... Did I just spoiled you how to read movies and predict what's gonna happen? Yup. Sorry. My fault. Colors are heavily used in cinematography not only because of artistic means but also to create mood and feel. During last decades iconography of colors (...colorography?) has been unified and standardized. If you watch movie from 80's or 90's you can predict what's gonna happen in few minutes just by colors. These days it's a bit harder but often also possible. If you're interested in this topic take a look at a book by Patti Bellantoni titled "If It's Purple, Someone's Gonna Die: The Power of Color in Visual Storytelling".
IzabelaSzumen said…
Thanks for your article. Last year I was really interested in this subject. Colors are for sure important aspect of our life. The most interesting thing is that people often choose their outfits colors that define their personality or mood. And when we have the knowledge about colors meaning we can recognize the nature of our interlocutor before we start the conversation.
Unknown said…
There is no denying that colours play an imporant role in our life. They can cheer us up or put us down so we should be careful in choosing the colours for our clothes or the design of our space.
I think that the topic of colors is really interesting. It's funny how different cultures have totally different meanings of some colors (for example, I've heard that black is the bride's color in Japan). It's also interesting how we managed to associate some colors with a specific branch of products. If you haven't seen it yet, I recommend an interesting infographics on this site.

However, I find it really ridiculous how some people overstate the role or the origin of color association. For example, the chakras on the infographics I've posted... Nothing to do with real life, possibly. I've even heard a theory by some anthropologist that women are associated with red, because they had to gather red, ripe fruits from the trees, and the men are associated with blue because they had to look for birds to hunt on the blue sky. I'm totally astonished, this sounds totally ridiculous. Besides, I've heard that earlier in history blue was the girly color, and red/pink was the boy's - so that theory was really weird, really :D
Interesting presentation, my favourite (for the most part) range of colours is the Dark and Cold range. I've never really thought why I gravitate towards colours from that range but maybe it's because as you described - they are used in IT, science and relate to hard work and ambition. Those are the realms I currently dwell in so maybe that's why I'm fond of this range.
I must say I do not really think much about colours and if they have any meaning. I just divded them in two groups : colours I like and colours I do not like. But after reading this article I started to think about it. And now I do think that colours have meaning. For example all of us have theirs favourites colour and when we see it or wear it we feel more happy than when we do not. But it is so small (but possitive) change that we do not even realise how important colours are in our lifes. The same thing with design our workspace or flat. We want to feel comfortable in those places and we choose colours which affect us somehow and we paint walls in them to feel that way all the time. Also we look good in some colours and in some not so well and that also shows how important colours are for us and how big is theirs influence on our every day life. It is truly amazing. I do not think I have one favourite colour but I like all dark colours.

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