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[Week 13: 15-21.06.2015] Best presentation

Dear Students,
Vote for the best presentation made this term.
Justify your choice.


Michal Kulesza said…
My favourite is HOW TO PRODUCE AN IDEA
It is well-written, about topic that anyone will be interested in (not technical and not about art), and has great motivational sentences in Step 5.

Another cool presentation was about Coffee:
Unknown said…
My favorite article is "Vegan Restaurants in Warsaw" written by Dominik Surowiecki. Mainly because I actually went to the places he recommended and I got a chance to get to know some new good restaurants. Furthermore I think it was a well written article and Dominik answered to most comments (if not all) which I also find to be quite important.
Unknown said…
I would like to wote for Patrycia Marciniak presentation because I found it really interesting and you can learn a little bit more about interavcitve music videos :)

The tittle of her presentation was "Interactive music videos"
Unknown said…
My favourites are "Freelancing" written by Natalia Smoczyńska and "Life outside of society" written by Aneta Majewska. The first showed me the new possibility of the time management. I checked it( pomodoro) and it is very good idea. The second broaches really interesting topic. It impressed me and gave me a chance to reflexion.
MartaSB said…
My favorite article is "Vegan Restaurants in Warsaw" (Dominik Surowiecki). It motivated me to try the "burgers" and they are awesooome. Now I'm going regularly to a vegan "burger" bar and eat these fake "burgers" like crazy :D
Unknown said…
I'd like to vote for "Forbidden Texts" by Mateusz Frycie. The topic was interesting, well scripted and it disposed me to drill into this stuff.
My favourite presentation which I remember is Week 11th (01.06-07.06) Imigrants from Marcin Konarski. I like the video he embedded in the article, which provided fresh look at the wars in the World. No other article stuck in my memory till now.
Unknown said…
Thank you for your vote!
Unknown said…
Thank you for your vote!
I would like to vote for Immigrants by Marcin Konarski, because it's really important topic in our times.
Unknown said…
I would like to vote for Stereotypes by Tomasz Gelo and Emotions by Cezary Góralski. I like this kind of topics and presentations was very interesting and creative.
Unknown said…
I liked the article about how to produce an idea and also the one about vegan places in Warsaw.
Marcin Lyzwa said…
I like the article about Vegan Restaurants in Warsaw. It gave me possibility to visit new vegan places other than Krowarzywa.
Mateusz Frycie said…
The article how to produce an idea was the best one in my opinion. Gave me a lot of thoughts while reading.
Unknown said…
Thank you :)
Unknown said…
Thank you :)
Unknown said…
Thank you :)
All of the presentations were very good, it's hard to pick one. My vote goes to Immigrants by Marcin Konarski because it is about a very important thing which will probably affect our future.
IzabelaSzumen said…
about Stereotypes, 4 week ago I suppose.
It's really hard to pick, but I have my own 'Top 3':

1. Would you appreciate being fooled, offended or scared so that other people can laugh? by Robert Bartoszewski-Kujawa, because it spotlighted a current problem that not many people think about. I hope that someone who hasn't thought about that aspect of pranks may notice it after reading this article :)

2. Hubble Space Telescope by Lukasz Czernicki, because it showed quite unusual, scientific topic in a very interesting, beautiful way. I still have an image from that presentation as my wallpaper :)

3. Art in the city by Paulina Stanek, because it showed really interesting ideas and photos - a compilation I haven't stumbled upon on the Internet. I think it can be especially interesting for SNM students.
Unknown said…
Week 2 - Body language
My favourite was "Week 5 - Art In The City". It was about a really interesting and different topic that compared to others is rarely mentioned (be it on a day to day basis or media coverage). I really enjoyed the compilation of unusual art in usual places, as I'm a big fan of art myself :)