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New Toyota Mirai 2021 |
Toyota release Mirai model in 2014 but
first concept was developed from 1992. This car uses electric motors to drive
but energy for it take from hydrogen cells. This is much more better solution
than electric cars. Filling the cells with hydrogen takes only 3 minutes, for comparison
Tesla with supercharger needs 75 minutes for 100% battery level.
New generation of Mirai cost less than
first edition looks less controversial (in my opinion new model looks familiar
to Lexus car). In USA prices starts from $50,455 and you get $15,000 fuel
credit, maximum range is up to 403 miles. Tesla model 3 which is the cheapest
model cost $35,000 but have only 263 miles of range, 353 miles in Long Range
version. In this case scenario with Mirai, you can drive across city with zero
emission car or go for a weekend trip and don’t afraid about stops for long
charging. But at this moment hydrogen fuel station is not popular as electric
charger around the world, so if you want buy one of hydrogen car you should
wait and don’t think about electric car. They are only “bridge” between cars
with classic engines and cars with fuel cells. For electric cars is only one
option for win this battle – make battery more efficient and faster but at this
moment we don’t know how to do this.
Toyota is one of the best motor companies who can make hydrogen cars popular. One of the first hybrid models was made by Toyota, nowadays they perfected engines, CVT gearbox and sold most of all producers. I think they are the best option for make hydrogen cars available for average consumer. When Hydrogen technology became more popular and we have more fuel station people want to use this type of car, not electric ones. The idea of zero emission electric car is great but using this car is uncomfortable for most of the users. Hydrogen cars are like our cars but don’t make any noise, pollute environment and when the tank with hydrogen is empty you need only a moment for continue your drive. It’s more pros than electric cars.
At this moment Mirai is not available in
Poland due no hydrogen infrastructure but there is a rumor that in 2021 you
could buy one. Now if you want to see how future of automotive look like go do
Hamburg where Mirai is used by ride-sharing company CleverShuttle.
What do you think about
hydrogen cars? Will they beat electric ones in future?
Do you ever ride hydrogen car
or see anyone? Do you want to try it?
What do you think about zero
emission vehicles? They are better than conventional cars? Why?
6.. https://www.motortrend.com/cars/toyota/mirai/2021/2021-toyota-mirai-first-drive-review/?galleryimageid=2495078
7. https://www.toyotapl.com/articles/2019/toyota-mirai-w-systemie-ride-sharingowym-clevershuttle
2. No. Maybe, why not?
3. They are definitely better for the. surrounding. But current technology is not enough to make a complete transfer to eco cars.
From my point of view, the nearest future is already occupied by electric vehicles, but in a long race hydrogen technologies have a potential to win.
2. Do you ever ride hydrogen car or see anyone? Do you want to try it?
I haven't and surely want to try it.
3. What do you think about zero emission vehicles? They are better than conventional cars? Why?
Surely, they are better because they don't cause any harm to the environment. Someday they will replace the fuel technologies.
It is hard to say in my opinion. I don't know if they are able to beat electric cars. The hype of electric cars are really huge last years and they are way more popular than hydrogen cars. As we can see in Poland there is no way to use this cars here, because we can't fuel them. In my opinion there is potential to beat them but not in the nearest future.
2. Do you ever ride hydrogen car or see anyone? Do you want to try it?
I have never ride hydrogen car or even see anyone. I would like to try it, but I don't know when I will have opportunity to do it. I like electric vehicles. I have ride many of electric cars and I am in love with acceleration of this machines. I like the idea of zero carbon cars and hydrogen one looks like a good alternative to electric cars.
3. What do you think about zero emission vehicles? They are better than conventional cars? Why?
I think they are not better than conventional cars. I like the sound of engine and it is something great to hear car not from them speakers inside cars but outside. I like zero emission vehicles because they don't cause harm to our environment which we should care of. I hope we don't replace conventional cars to zero emission one because it would be sad for car enthusiasts.
To be quite honest, I did not know that hydrogen cars even exist until one of my friends told me about them around two years ago. I was actually shocked, because the idea of these cars was found more than 30 years ago. Furthermore, a friend of mine told me that in his university they designed a project which was bolide that was powered by hydrogen (he studied aerospace engineering). We have had many discussions, about why hydrogen cars are not popular and to be quite honest I do not think that if they will ever be as popular as electric vehicles and the main reason is that the hydrogen vehicles are just not as profitable as for the companies and corporation as the vehicles powered by fuel and electricity
2. Do you ever ride hydrogen car or see anyone? Do you want to try it?
I have never driven a hydrogen car and actually I might have never seen it. I was researching these cars and I saw a lot of prototypes, which gave a small overview about the topic of hydrogen cars. However, I would love to have it for a couple of hours or a day, just to have this new experience.
3. What do you think about zero emission vehicles? They are better than conventional cars? Why?
I really think that zero emission vehicles are better overall. I have read articles that stated that electric cars are not as good for the environment as they are advertised to be, because of the negative impact while producing the battery. However, I still believe that electric cars will be the future of this world and are better for the environment. Moreover, there are also going to be some regulations, regarding the type of vehicles as for example the State of California plans to limit fueled vehicles by the end of 2050.
Unfortunately I have never ridden such a car. I've read a lot about them, they are very interesting, but not so popular in our country. If there would be such a possiblity I'm sure that I gave it a try.
According to your last question - I think it is too general. Of course in terms of being eco-friendly they are so much better, but if we take into account some performance statistics, or for example the cost of buying it would not be so good. In most cases, and most countries buying such a car (electric or hydrogen) brings some problems - the price is usually high, despite the fact that the electricity or hydrogen is much cheaper than the gasoline/diesel but the infrastructure (charging stations/hydrogen stations) in most countries are not ready for it. As a result mos people still decide to buy a much cheaper conventional car, and spent more money later on gasoline/diesel.
I think this is a very interesting solution. However, I think that they will not beat the popularity of electric cars. They will definitely gain a lot of popularity
2. Do you ever ride hydrogen car or see anyone? Do you want to try it?
I had never heard of hydrogen cars before. This article was the first I read about this type of car. I have never driven this kind of car before.
3. What do you think about zero emission vehicles? They are better than conventional cars? Why?
In my opinion, if a car pollutes the air less it is better.
I think they are a great alternative to conventional fuel ones. There is plenty of undrinkable water on earth and all of it could be potentially used to provide hydrogen to power cars running on it. It's hard to tell whether they'll beat electric ones or will any of them succeed in the long run, albeit electric cars are certainly well-developed as of now. Both of them still need a lot of work in order to be a widespread and easily available alternative to petrol and diesel. I hope that they'll be the cars of the future since climate change is a real and imminent danger and every piece fighting it would help.
2. Do you ever ride hydrogen car or see anyone? Do you want to try it?
Not to my knowledge, no. As far as i know however, in Warsaw some of the public transport buses use different types of more ecological types of fuel. I think I've seen a few one hundred percent electric ones, a few running on LPG/CNG (gas) and I'm not sure but I think i saw one running on hydrogen with tanks on top. I don't know if i recall correctly, but i'd very gladly like to try one of such vehicles one day. If it's done correctly however, i think it should be pretty simillar to conventional buses or cars.
3. What do you think about zero emission vehicles? They are better than conventional cars? Why?
That depends on what do you mean by "better". Both have their pros and cons. The conventional cars are more widespread and therefore almost everywhere you can find a gas station if you need one. There is also a multitude of replacement parts and although not all of them are intercompatible, a combustion engine is still a combustion engine, no matter the brand or capacity. Electric cars on the other hand are cheaper to run, because theoretically you only pay for the cost of electricity/ They are also extremely silent in comparison to combustion engines and achieve their maximum acceleration from 0 kph. However, they have their flaws. Right now they are on average more expensive and their range can be good, but still worse than in a comparable petrol vehicle. Furthermore, the batteries in electric cars wear off in time, limiting their maximum capacity as years come. Apart from all of that, I hope that in the future I'll be able to buy an electric car with good price to quality ratio and use it to my everyday commute.
I have never driven such a car. I would love to see what kind of acceleration it has and what it feels like to drive such a car.
For the last few years I have been driving a hybrid car, which combines combustion engine and electric motor. I am very satisfied with this solution, so I guess that hydrogen cars can be even better.
I think there is no space for any views or thoughts here. We should strive for total elimination of exhaust emissions to take care of our environment.
I think that this bus with tanks on top will used LPG/CNG to move. At this moment MZA don't have any plans to buy hydrogen buses because they are too expensive. But in Germany and Netherlands our Polish bus producer Solaris sell hydrogen buses.
I think producers in future will provide electric vehicles with sound like V8 or something like that. I know it will be only some speaker but manufacturer won't have choice and even Lamborghini need to have electric car when all countries will ban conventional cars.
I think that manufacturer don't want to make hydrogen cars because invent something new is expensive. Electric cars exist from many years too but when Tesla became to market and traditional cars manufacture saw that people want to have those cars they start to make them. Maybe when somebody start to create new brand of cars like Tesla with only hydrogen cars and make them fashionable, it will be a chance that everyone starts to follow this trend.
Hydrogen cars are definitely the future of the automotive industry. Unfortunately, this is a very distant future due to slow research and non-existent infrastructure. Hydrogen cars are definitely more attractive than electric cars in terms of carbon footprint, which in electric cars is quite low but still exists. In addition, you still have to find out how efficient engines manufacturers are able to produce. Electric cars have already established themselves in the car market and offer astronomical performance. The range on one charge is also comparable to internal combustion cars in some cars, which is a brilliant result.
2. Do you ever ride hydrogen car or see anyone? Do you want to try it?
I have never driven a hydrogen car because there are not so many opportunities for that. Personally, I didn't even drive an electric car. Because I am curious about the world and interested in the automotive industry, I would like to test such a car. I would test both the hydrogen car's performance and the range.
3. What do you think about zero emission vehicles? They are better than conventional cars? Why?
I am not sure whether hydrogen or electric cars are better than combustion cars. However, I think that in the near future combustion cars will be replaced by electric cars, and in the far future by hydrogen cars. Electric cars are better because of the immediately available rotating torque. This means great acceleration and immediate response to pressing the gas pedal. Contrary to appearances, it is very important and can improve driving safety, for example when overtaking.
2. No, I haven't driven and haven't seen anyone driving it. I would like to try it.
3. They are better in theory. The problem with electric cars is energy production. In Poland, the main power plants use coal only. If there were many electric vehicles it would probably create a very high demand for energy consumption. I think that if we would like to fully go zero-emission we have to take other, more important actions before. And when it comes to hydrogen cars - there's no infrastructure at all.
I don't know anything about hydrogen cars other than the fact that they exist, so unfortunately I don't have much to say about them. It's nice that you wrote an article on this topic, I'll read more about it now. As for the hydrogen-powered cars surpassing electric cars, If the former will have better performance, be easier to maintain, cheaper to use, more economical, and produce less pollution, then they would definitely replace electric vehicles. If only some of those conditions would apply, then that would be an interesting competition that would definitely push the technology forward.
I've never driven a hydrogen car, nor do I know anyone that did. If I got the chance to drive one, I would surely do it. I wouldn't expect the experience to be any different than driving an electric car, but I like to test new cars anyway, so that's an easy choice for me.
Well, if the source of power used to charge those vehicles comes from a low-emission source, then they are better. Also, there's the factor of the waste produced in the manufacturing process and the recycling process of destroyed cars or their used-up batteries. It's hard to tell which is better. To make an objective answer, you'd have to compare the emissions and waste produced by each car's manufacturing process, their usage, and so on.
It is hard to predict future trends but looking on the growing sales of electric cars it is even harder to imagine hydrogen cars beating electric ones. The biggest problem with hydrogen cars becoming popular is infrastructure. Fuel companies do not want to invest in hydrogen fuel stations because there are not enough hydrogen cars for it to be viable and car makers do not mass produce cars because they know that there is no infrastructure. Such problem does not exist for electric cars – electricity is available everywhere.
There is no doubt that zero emission vehicles are better that conventional cars. They are better for the environment, and they are only sustainable option for the future right know. We will run out of fossil fuels eventually.
Possibly, I think it's all in hands of politics and how they gonna regulate the car market in the upcoming years. There are rumors (or some cities even already applied it) to ban all non-electric cars from the cities. I think some countries offer financial aid for people buying new electric cars. I think that's a smart move from them
Do you ever ride a hydrogen car or see anyone? Do you want to try it?
I haven't ridden a car in my life :) There city cars, on-demand, similar to next-bike, but as a car. These are hybrid, aren't they? Also, I think most (all?) of public busses in warsaw are also hybrid. So if it counts, then at least I was a passenger in a hydrogen vehicle :)
What do you think about zero-emission vehicles? They are better than conventional cars? Why?
I believe carbon footprint is a real thing and whatever new invention can reduce it then I'm supporting it :) I hope we will switch to them as soon as possible. I'm wondering how a low-earning country (not sure if you can Poland a low earning country, but we still buy a lot of old vehicles, imported from the west) will catch up with that. Hopefully, in 5 years those electric cars will be available at an affordabale price here in the east.
I think it is pretty interesting technology that might come very useful in the future once they will be available for large group of people, just like cars we use today. I am not an expert when it comes to cars so I can't really say if they are better than electric cars.
2. Do you ever ride hydrogen car or see anyone? Do you want to try it?
No, I have never done that and I have never seen anyone driving this type of a car. I think that might be cool to try this, to be honest, why not. Every new technology, not only car technology, is very interesting to test. If topic of cars is interesting to you, it would propably be amazing experience.
3. What do you think about zero emission vehicles? They are better than conventional cars? Why?
I think they are very cool and that these vehicles are the future. Especially seeing how much European Union is trying to lower emmision. To be honest if I had to buy a car today I would think about buying electrical one because not only it is zero emission but there are some privilges for owning one like free parking in Warsaw.
I guess they might be a good option. Im not an expert in that field but if there would be created an infrastracture of hydrogen stations to refill the tank in hydrogen cars would become more popular because of easyer usage than electric cars (there is no need to charge them for a long time). I would like to see the battle between hydrogen and electric cars in the future.
2. Do you ever ride hydrogen car or see anyone? Do you want to try it?
I dont think that i saw any hydrogen in my life but for sure would like to drive one.
3. What do you think about zero emission vehicles? They are better than conventional cars? Why?
I do like regular cars but electric cars, or hydrogen, with zero emisions are something that i really would like to use on day to day bases. I could have gasoline car for fun but for every day usage something like that is amazing. They have theirs pros and cons. Electric cars have short range and "fill the tanks" for much longer but are more eco friendly. For the time there are less practical in my opinion, especially when someone drives a lot and long distances but for city use its greate, but when you run out of battery during your trip that might be problematic.
I don't know too much about hydrogen cars but from this article, I think they better cars than electric ones because it just takes 3 minutes to fill the cells with hydrogen against 75 minutes to charge the electrics ones like Telsa which the popular right now. I will say that it might beat electric cars in the future but only if the cost of hydrogen is affordable and available before the electric cars company finds a way to charge faster their cars.
2. Do you ever ride a hydrogen car or see anyone? Do you want to try it?
This is my first time hearing about this type of car so I've never ridden one or see someone driving one but I would definitely like to try it.
3. What do you think about zero-emission vehicles? They are better than conventional cars? Why?
Zero-emission vehicles are the best option because they are environmentally friendly and that only makes them the best option but for the experience of driving a car, I will choose the conventional ones because the conventional ones are more fun to drive.