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Week 8 [03.12-09.12.18] Let's talk about dying

Thought about death usually brings to our mind sadness and mourning. We can't control if we'll die. Generally, we don't like to talk about it but because of its inevitability, maybe we should? Maybe we should change the way we think about death. Start to talk about what may happen to us or how we want to be treated like in the end of our life because every person should have the possibility of choices but not everyone will have it when necessary.

1. Does thinking about death makes you upset?
2. Have you ever talked with somebody about the way you may die?
3. Is there anything you want to happen after your death?


Bartosz Barnat said…
To be honest when I think about death I'm not upset or starting to get depressed but the feeling that there is nothing after death might cause something like that.

I have talked with many people about dying and the ways that I would never wan't to die. It's Interesting what other people think about that.

What I want to happend after my death? well I never thought about that but I guess I would never want to experience nothingness after death and I wouldn't want anyone to be upset for a long time after my death
In my religion death is a logical end to a human's life, which was designed to end at the first place. We are perpetually trapped in a never-ending spiral of life and death. Will we ever have a chance to break it? Would not that mean that we are violating the very idea and purpose of a human being? What would immortality do to a humble man? Some deep philosophy going on here. An end is a parameter of a line. A circle does not have one. Removing such parameter as death would mean changing the whole concept of a human.
Nataliya Tkach said…
1. Does thinking about death makes you upset?
Thinking about death doesn't upset me. Because I understand it's inevitable.

2. Have you ever talked with somebody about the way you may die?
With my family. I told my parents that if anything happens to me, I want to be cremated,I don't want to be eaten by worms. I feel like I'm gonna crash or get hit by a car.

3. Is there anything you want to happen after your death?
I'd like to be reincarnated. But I think that after death nothing there.
Unknown said…
You can not avoid death. Death will come for everyone. I consider we can extend our life for instance eat healthy.I think that thinking about death doesn’t makes me upset, why? I try live like there was tommorow. I don’t thinking about my death and how i could die. I decided my organ can be removed from my body and I want to be burn.
Unknown said…
The fundamental problem is that people preserve dying like a law of nature. Our culture as a species decided that it's okay to die but in fact it's not. It's a disease that can be treated if enough development will be done. Sooner or later humanity will reach the level of progress where functions of our body can be substituted for machines. There is no physical law that said that we can't live forever. There are some creatures on our planet that can live forever like hidras. In the end one way or another humanity will choose path of never ending life.
Cezary Róg said…
There was a time in my life when I was worrying that I can die for some stupid reason. That was really upsetting me and made me feel bad. I have talked to my closest friends about it a few times but it's a really hard topic. Sometimes it's a really good thing to listen to others' opinion about it and take a look at it from their perspective. I think there's nothing special that I'd like to happen after my death. I'm trying not to think about it, because you can never expect when the time will come and analyzing it can make you go crazy.
I can say for sure that when I know that I'm fine, I think that: 'I don't care about dying because it's inevitable and bla-bla-bla'. But when there is a situation when something threatening my life I have completely opposite thoughts. I guess it concerns almost everyone.

No. I haven't.

There is one wish, I want to be cremated.

Death is a completely natural part of our life, I don't know what may happen later. For me, death is not a taboo subject, it doesn't cause top-down sadness for me. It isn't pleasant when you look at the deaths of others, but you also have to accept it.
I would like to interpret death as the beginning of another, perhaps a happy stage. The beginning of something good.
Unknown said…
1. Not really.

2. Yes, me and my friends discussed the way each of us would like to die. We also talked about the most painful ways to die and also the dumbest ways to die and many others ways to die.

3. I don't know what happens after death, but since the body is not going anywhere and is probably useless for me at that point, I would like for my organs to be donated to people who need them the most.
Unknown said…
1) Only thoughts about sudden death of my closest people.

2) No. No, I have not.

3) Not really.
Anna Moskalenko said…
Thoughts about my death does not upset me at all. We're all gonna die, sooner or later. But thinking about death of my closest people does upsets me a lot, I cannot imagine my life without some people and it will be really hard for me.
I don't want to think about the way I'll die. I don't really care though, I just hope that it won't be something very painful or stupid. The best way, in my opinion, is live a long happy life and die in sleep in age of 90 or something like this.
I would love to be remembered as a good person after my death, that's really all that matters. And if my organs will be used to help somebody live their long happy life I'm ok with it, anyway it's better than rotting in the ground.
Thinking about death makes me a bit upset, but not because i am afraid of dying, it is because i do not want anyone to be upset about my death=3. I like such talks, because i think that for some reason a subject of death is some kind of taboo in our society and it is bad. If it is exciting, sad or has a huge influence over peoples life, and subject of death does it, it should be discussed and everyone should be able to express their opinion. I cherish the budhist theory about afterlife, so i try to do as much good in my life so that when i come back i would be born anew it would be a better world, with more good part of which is my own doing.
Kristina Moroz said…
When I was little I was so afraid of the death. It scared me a lot. Psychologists says that there are few breakpoints during our lives when we truly realises what death is and even asks ourselves "what is going to happen after?". Well, I remember that first time when I was bothered about it. It heats me so hard. But now, when I get older and wiser I am not scared, I am just upset about losing people who I love. Death is one of the natural processes, this is one of things which will happen to all of us. And I think the earlier human fight with this fear and accepting this fact the earlier he/she starts live like a real personality.
I have talked about it with my dad. But I think there is no matter in what people believe. As for me if someone mentioning your name with good intensions it means that one thing you made right.
Unknown said…
The death itself doesn't make me upset. Those years of weakness and slow lose of control over my body do. I don't want to become old, weak and sick.

There are a lot of jokes about death between me and my colleagues, so, basically, yes, I talk about death everyday.

I want to be cremated. And I want my ash to be put in the soil where a tree will be planted soon after. I don't wont to be buried in the box.
Unknown said…
1. Does thinking about death makes you upset?
Of death of my friends and family? YES. I mean... It is terrifying to me.
My death? It makes me fell... curious. I want to know what is next. Nothingness i guess. But you can't be sad in nothingness so why bother with sadness?

2. Have you ever talked with somebody about the way you may die?

3. Is there anything you want to happen after your death?
I don't know. I am open to new experience so to say.
Marcin Mróz said…
The fact that at some point our life has to end is a bit upsetting, especially if there is nothing after death. But more depressing for me is thinking about being old and infirm.

Not really, I've only told my friend about the dream that I had in which I died and it was realy terryfing for me. But it was just a dream.

I have never thought about it and nothing comes to my mind now.
Mykhailo Reznyk said…
I realized the concept of death in quite early age. Not because I’ve witnessed it due to the death of my relatives, just one day I’ve realized that everything and everyone has an end. Everyone will eventually die, and I am not an exception. That bothered me so much, that I couldn’t sleep at nights. Of course, as a kid, I was scared and terrified, since I understood that death is inevitable. It felt like flying on a spaceship towards the sun. The outcome is understandable, but you can’t do anything, since you can’t control the spacecraft. There is also no escape, because dead space is only thing around you. That’s why, as a kid, I wanted to believe, that there is life after death. There is heaven, hell, souls and God. You don’t have to be scared, since eternal life awaits you when you pass away. Of course, now I think about it more practically. It still makes me depressed, when thoughts about it come to my head, but I’ve adopted a philosophy, which gives me hope. I believe in science. Death is not something that will definitely happen. There are a lot of creatures proving that inevitability of death is just an artificial construct created by humans. Study it and maybe one day you will overcome it.
Unknown said…
No, I would even say that thinking about death makes me more creative. In fact it makes me push my boundaries and explore something new. I was always wondering what is going to be next, what happens then?
Yes, I once had a fascinating conversation with my girl. We talked about it for few hours and we learned a lot of new about each other but didn’t come up with common view in the end.
Yes, I would like to see an overall statistics of my life, the best moments, number of completely wasted hours, an alternative scenarios, what if I did this and that and so on.
Ahmed Elsawi said…
Absolutely no, I hope to die in right way without sickness and some simple introductions that feel me it is time to die.

Buried underground, but I hope my tomb be in a public square if my deeds in life worth to be my tomb in a public square.

I just hope people remember my good deeds in general and they say good luck. :)
I guess talking about immortality can be interesting and all the possibilities that we could have are limitless. But I think we will have to wait some time before immortality will be invented.
Maciej Nowak said…
Thinking about death in itself does not make me upset as it is natural part of living. However, possibility of dying before experiencing everything that I want to and leaving somebody behind makes me uneasy. I haven't talked with anybody about the way I may die as it is rather strange topic to mention. In Christianity it is said that if you go to heaven you will be always happy. I wonder how it could be achieved, as it is impossible in real life and I would like to experience it myself.
1.For now death is for me a distant topic despite the fact that I can die any time (you know- car accident, cancer, falling piano etc.) so it's ok for me- it doesn't make me upset.
2. I think so. And when I think about all the ways I can die it makes me feel uncomfortable.
3. I have no idea, really. The Andrew's idea about statistics of life is great.
You have a very interesting point of view. And what do you think what will happen if or when humanity will develop technic to make people immortal? And when do you think it will happen?
I am very upset about the talk of death. But this is talk about the death of my loved ones, not mine. Yes, it would be scary to experience pain and anguish before death, but you still know that after will come relief and peace. We all die sooner or later, so this should not be feared. That is life. It would be a shame to die before the opportunity to implement all the items from the wish list. But I would not want to know in advance the day of my death, then my whole life will be devoted to waiting for the end.
1. Does thinking about death makes you upset?
Not really. I have to admit that I haven't spent much time on thinking about dying yet. Hopefuly I will have time for it in the future. Dying is natural, everyone will die eventually. I prefer to think and talk about living.
2. Have you ever talked with somebody about the way you may die?
No I didn't. At least I can't recall it in my memory right now.
3. Is there anything you want to happen after your death?
It is a bit too early for me to think about it.
1. Does thinking about death makes you upset?
No, not really.
‘For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain.’ Philippians 1:21
As a Christian I’m not afraid of death, because I know what awaits me after.

2. Have you ever talked with somebody about the way you may die?
Especially me - not. But I heard such ‘stories’ from my classmates at school.

3. Is there anything you want to happen after your death?
I don't know. I have never thought about this.
Foodocado said…
To be honest I was never thinking about death. I don't think I would be upset when doing it. Dying is something natural, each of us will die eventually. We should be focused on 'living'.

No, I didn't.

For sure I do not want to be buried. The only alternative that I know is cremation.
Unknown said…
Sometimes I really fear death and the endless void after death, sometimes I know that it will happen to all of us. I think that this depends on my mood.
Death is popular subject among my friends so I talked about this many times. I think talking about it tames us with concept of death. We should not deny death, but it happens often in our west culture right now.
I didn't think about it right know, it is too early for me to write my testament.
Unknown said…
Thinking about death doesn't make me upset.
I've probably talked with few people about the way I may die but I can't remember with whom I may have talked.
There is nothing I want to happen after my death.
Marcin Zając said…
1. Does thinking about death makes you upset?

No, becouse I know that everyone will die one day. Thinking about death makes me stop and think about many things which I'd like to do in my life, before die.

2. Have you ever talked with somebody about the way you may die?

Not yet. I think I'm young and I have a lot of time before death, but I definitely agree for use my organs for transplant.

3. Is there anything you want to happen after your death?

I have not think about it yet. I would like my loved ones to accept it.
1. No it doesn't, but i rather don't think about dying now, because I am too young for die.

2. Of course I talk about it, it was a casual conversation and I think I'd rather not be aware that I'm dying. For me, the worst is slow deaths like burning alive, strangling, dying of hunger.

3. I want go to heaven of course
Unknown said…
Not if it does not concern my relatives or close friends. Unfortunately I can just close my feeling from world and be very quiet if someone die or something bad happened. I think yes, the conclusion of this talk was “the best way to die is die in about 90 years old and during sleep”. I don’t know I don’t really thing about it. Maybe I will send some packages to the closest people with things that will help them on its bad days.
Unknown said…

It reminds me that our time is limited. An excellent phrase I read this week was something like that life is long, but 24 hours are always not enough. We should value our time and use it as much as we can. You live only once.

I had this discussion about the way I may die several times in my life. Every time we concluded that we can die even because of some foolish mistake like the wrong step and falling down on cracking our head on the pavement. That's why once more, we should be happy, take from life and help others.

I'm completely fine with disappearing. Let's say I reconciled with this. This approach allows me to be surprised only in a positive way, so I think it's a wort following idea.
Patryk Górski said…
1. Does thinking about death makes you upset?

Yes, especially when I'm thinking about my family or from my environment. It's very sad to even think about it, but you have to face the truth that it will happen one day :(

2. Have you ever talked with somebody about the way you may die?

No, why would I talk about things like that?

3. Is there anything you want to happen after your death?

I don't know what to expect, so it's hard to answer that kind of questions.
Unknown said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said…
For me this video is deadly sad and boring. I'm 29 years old and I definitely think about dead because every day she's going closer to me. I've reserved a place at the cemetery and sitting at home and just waiting.

I've never talked with someone about the way I may die but I've talked about what to do with my corpse after my death and how funeral ceremony should look to. I want to be burned and I want a big party after where people should lathing, drink and listen to good music.
Unfortunately, I try not to think of it. Because really thoughts of death - upset. I never with anybody spoke about it and I do not want to speak. Possibly, I try not to think of things which are not pleasant to me. And yes, there is one thing. I want that it happened after my death. I want that remembered me only from the good party.
Unknown said…
1. I have time in my life when it was a hard topic for me. It is still hard for me to think about a possibility that someone from my family can die. I'm not afraid much about my on death but I know that it would be extremely hard outliving e.g. for my parents or for my girlfriend that I'm afraid about such possibility. To sum up...maybe it makes me a bit upset :D
2. Probably yes but I don't remember any details.
3. After my death I want to donate my organs and that's all.
Unknown said…
1. Does thinking about death makes you upset?

I don't think so. It's known, that one day we're all gonna die.
"Everybody gonna die, gonna go one day, maybe it'll happen on a Monday" as Logic said ;).
I'm not scared about dying. I'm scared about getting old and being a dotard.

2. Have you ever talked with somebody about the way you may die?

No, because I'm focused on living. It's such a blessing to be alive and I'm trying to live the best I can.

3. Is there anything you want to happen after your death?

I don't know... I just want to be remembered.
And I know one thing - I don't want to be buried.
Thoughts about death do not make me sad as it is inevitable and I cannot do anything about it, so I try to not even think about it as it is counterproductive.
I have never talked about death with anyone as I have more interesting stuff to chat about and I frankly can’t think of something to discuss about it. Also I prefer to think about it as about something that is just will happen and that’s it.
I am not really concerned about what is going to happen after my death as I obviously will be dead. Also I don’t really think 20 is the age when you seriously think about yourself passing away, so the answer might change if I’ll be asked this question in forty years.
Not really, I am aware that everyone dies eventually, this is simple circle of life we shouldn't think about death all the time.
Yes, I remember in primary school old friend of mine said that if he doesn't die till 90 , he would do something crazy like jumping from the plan without parchute or something like that.
Not really, I just hope there is some place when we would go after.

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