Climate is changing, and humans are responsible for it. And this is the fact, but what can we do with it?
Below video presents what in professor Katharine Hayhoe opinion is the most important thing you can
do to fight climate change.
Below video presents what in professor Katharine Hayhoe opinion is the most important thing you can
do to fight climate change.
Do you aware of climate changes? or heard about it before?
Do you know how climate changes can impact your everyday life?
Are you doing anything to stop global warming? If yes, than what?
I’m fully aware of climate changes, it’s good that we finally started talking about it on such a large scale. However it’s not enough, we have to take some considerable actions if we want to solve this issue. Climate change doesn’t impact my life directly, but surely does indirectly and will impact more drastically in the future. Consider prices of energy, food, water they are all strongly corelated with the climate, the worse it gets the more money we have to spend. As a human mortal that has little influence on a climate I try to recycle waste, spare water and money, criticize companies that are harmful to ecosystem solely for economic benefit.
Yes, I know that climate change can have a negative impact on my daily life.
Yes, I'm trying to save electricity, put out the engine at a standstill, but I think that we don't have much influence to stop global warming.