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Week 10 [17.12-23.12.18] - Is Anything Real?

A silly question for people who do not believe in the theory of simulation (matrix). But what is “reality”? How can you know for sure that what you feel is real? What is behind the "self"? How much information can we store? Where are our memories stored? What is memory? Where is the truth, and where is the lie? All this in the video on the channel "Vsauce". Enjoy viewing.


  1. Is anything real and how do you know? :) Explain your point of view 
  2. Have you heard about the study of philosophy - epistemology ("Theory of Knowledge") before? 
  3. Do you believe in the idea of ​​Solipsism or Realism? Why? 
  4. Did you like the cat example? :)


There is no evidence proving that our reality is not a simulation. As well as there are no proofs of it being a simulation. This is one of the major existential questions, alongside with religion and the meaning of life. In fact, what would it change if we find out that we live in agumented reality all of a sudden? Well, it is a well known fact that there are no colours. It s just the human eye that percieves lightwawes of a certain length in a certain way. And all objects being of some colour is a mere illusion. Weehey, matrix! Did that fact change anything in the way you live? Probably not. So, why care?
Maybe soon we will start going to work with the help of virtual reality, then we will not need proof, we will be transferred to the matrix of our own will :)
Unknown said…

Is anything real and how do you know? :) Explain your point of view

For me, for my brain it is real. Thinking that everything near me, next to me, in this world is real has been working out for me for more than 20 years. So I will stick to "knowing" that it is real. What is "being real" is another topic.

Have you heard about the study of philosophy - epistemology ("Theory of Knowledge") before?
Heard, yes. Some time ago in high school I think.

Do you believe in the idea of ​​Solipsism or Realism? Why?

I believe in realism. For the solipsism... that would mean that everyone, except of me, is just made up by my mind.
So how do you feel, not existing?

Did you like the cat example? :)
No. I don't agree with his opinion. Keyboard would exist without a cat. Question won't exist without someone to ask it.
Denys Pogurskyi said…
Well, to prove whether you live in reality or not, you can not. It's like in the cartoon Rick and Morty, when Rick put on a virtual reality helmet and he lived 50 or 60 years in 10 minutes then died. And he did not know what was in the game. Also, we can not prove this reality, or some kind of game. And as for me it is possible in dreams we can see echoes from the "reality".
Unknown said…
1. Is anything real and how do you know? :) Explain your point of view?
I think that not everything can be real. For example paradoxes, god, devil, abstract thinking objects cannot be real. They are just in head and cannot materialize, are just thinking. So if those things cannot be real then not everything can be real :)

2. Have you heard about the study of philosophy - epistemology ("Theory of Knowledge") before?
Never heard about it before :/

3. Do you believe in the idea of ​​Solipsism or Realism? Why?
Nope. I nether belive in Solipism nor Realism.

4. Did you like the cat example? :)
Unfortunately I didn't like it :/ It totally disagree with this example, that's why :)
Mykhailo Reznyk said…
It is an interesting concept, because most of the time we don’t ask ourselves such questions. We take a lot of things for granted, and that is why we don’t think about how real our experience and feelings are. But for me it looks more like a philosophical question rather than a scientific one, since you can’t really study it, because this whole concept entirely tied to the idea of personal perception. But if I had to choose between solipsism and realism, I would choose realism. It just more practical. And since we already established that you can’t examine a world if it exists in solipsism, in my opinion, there is no need to even try it. Regarding epistemology. I didn’t hear the name, but I thought and read about it. Theory of knowledge. Study which tries to understand how our memory works. I believe it’s known for quite a time, that our memory, just as our consciousness, consists of connections between neurons and not from neurons themselves. So that is the place where our knowledge is stored. And finally cat example. It is a funny comparison. I partially agree with it. I think that right now we are unaware cats who just walk around mysteries of the universe, trying in vain to solve them. But I don’t think that we won’t be able to ever understand them, at least I hope so.
Thank you for your opinion. Why didn't you like the cat example? It shows that we can be "cats", without the ability to understand the whole world.
What if there is an exact replica of our Earth trillions of light years away with Humans just like us but way more advanced? And all these questions are automatically known because they have accessed over 75% of their brain. They have no diseases, they live forever, they have no need for guns or military because they practice love and acceptance regardless of race, color or creed. They don't ruin their planet, they sustain it. There are no rich or poor because everyone is the same and everyone contributes. Imagine that?
Thank you for your opinion :) I believe in solipsism, I feel good with you in my mind :)

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