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Week 10 [17.12-23.12.18] How to Fix the Patent System

The world of patents is complicated, everyone knows about it. We can often hear that one company is suing the other for violating them. But did you know that the software also has those problems? And probably even more than classical. In the following video, this is a well-explained and proposed solution how to get rid of those problem and push our world of IT forward.

  • Have you tried or any of your friends tried to obtain a patent?
  • Do you agree with the solution proposed by the film's creator?
  • Do you have any other ideas on how to solve the problem of patents in software?


A lot of things in this world are messed up. All those copyrights, article 13, patents, and stuff. Did phone companies sue each other already for having the notch, and who invented it first? No? Strange.
Unknown said…
This is a good question, do you know why they did not sued each other? Apple did not have a patent or maybe such basic things can not be patented?
I have no tried to obtain a patent but this system has been created to solve few problems and in some way it get succeed in this but there happen another problem called patent wars and companies tried to get huge compensations from other companies that use their technology.
Filip Sawicki said…
Personally I haven’t tried to obtain a patent. It’s very difficult to successfully patent something even for corporations, however they have much more resources and thus the edge over individuals or smaller companies. I don’t agree with the solution proposed by the film’s creator, I don’t think that giving paycheck incentive would solve that problem. It’s generally quite disturbing how monopolistic the patent system has become, but right now no one knows how to fix it nor do I.
Piotr Ciesla said…
No I’ve never applied for patent, one of my friends though of it but as far as I know he never applied.
It really depends on which side of the fence you are. If you create or invent something, you would probably would want to take advantage of it as long as possible. On the other hand the complexity of todays patents is too big for small companies to overcome.
Unknown said…
No, I have not but even if I would like to, it would require a lot of financial resources and legal work to officially register some invention.
I do not entirely agree with the author of the video regarding the pricing system, but I think it's a pretty good idea at first glance, but I don't think it would be very applicable considering how far industry is gone. I think many legal standards would have to be rewritten which is obviously not a very cheap and fast process.
I don't know how this problem can be solved in an easy way. As it was mentioned in the video, not every new patent can be treated equally and that creates an additional obstacle.
Unknown said…
I have never tried to obtain a patent because I have never invented anything. I think that patents system in software is restricting developers. We have to have power to write better software because it gives better and better solutions. When we ban every similarity among products it makes few companies a monopolists on IT market.
Illia Lukisha said…
Have you tried or any of your friends tried to obtain a patent?

No I didn't.

Do you agree with the solution proposed by the film's creator?

I'm agree, but author really din't proposed a solution, I think we need to eliminate software patents that are too high level, like buy now button, but we can patent complicated solutions that can be even more expensive to develop then medicines.
In this way we can push development forward and prevent steals, and also will not charge for "tapping an icon by finger".

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